Voice Actors

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
What voice actors have there been in the series and have you ever considered using Bill Farmer as Sam and Nick Jameson as Max?


  • edited September 2007
    I think we're quite happy with David Nowlin as Sam and William Kasten as Max right now :)
  • edited September 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I think we're quite happy with David Nowlin as Sam and William Kasten as Max right now :)

    You MUST be happy with them, I think they did a great job!
  • edited September 2007
    I'm quite happy with them too! :D
  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited September 2007
    After playing through Season One, I went back and played a bit of HTR and now those original voices sound really off! It was actually kinda weird. I had always thought those original voices were perfect, and although the new guys were good, it just wasn't the same. But now it seems my mind has played a switch-a-roo on me! I guess having played though six episodes, watching all the shorts, and listening to the blooper reel (And I guess there are all those hours of listening to the lines while working on the games) those voices are now burned into my head and the HTR voices just sound wrong. Any one else have this experience?
  • edited September 2007
    Me :)
  • edited September 2007
    Since I'd never played Hit the Road before, when I first played it I thought Sam's voice was really good, but I don't really prefer either - they're both great.
  • edited September 2007
    I think the ones who do Sam and Max currently are great, but I agree with you on those two. What happened to the Brooklyn accents? I always feel like something is slightly missing without the accents. I mean...Sam and Max are from New York.
  • edited September 2007
    MarkDarin wrote: »
    After playing through Season One, I went back and played a bit of HTR and now those original voices sound really off! It was actually kinda weird. I had always thought those original voices were perfect, and although the new guys were good, it just wasn't the same. But now it seems my mind has played a switch-a-roo on me! I guess having played though six episodes, watching all the shorts, and listening to the blooper reel (And I guess there are all those hours of listening to the lines while working on the games) those voices are now burned into my head and the HTR voices just sound wrong. Any one else have this experience?

    I totally agree...although there is still a bit of charm in the brooklyn accents...but I think the current voice actors are great and should stay! What Im really impressed with is how close they actually are though...I mean, aside from the accents the voices are pretty close...
  • edited November 2007
    mish wrote: »
    What voice actors have there been in the series

    Sam & Max Hit the Road
    Bill Farmer (Sam)
    Nick Jameson (Max)

    The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police (TV Series)
    Harvey Atkin (Sam)
    Robert Tinkler (Max)

    Sam & Max: Season One
    David Nowlin (Sam)
    Andrew Chaikin (Max in Episode 1)
    William Kasten (Max in all subsequent episodes)

    Just because I was bored :rolleyes:
    None of them sound "wrong" to me.

    Edit: Wait, how did this get bumped up? It was on the top of the page before I posted, I swear... :eek:
  • edited November 2007
    I dunno, but the "Where are we going, Sam?" that William Kasten says just sounds really.... "off" to me.

    I think it's because it's the most noticably different from episode 1.
  • edited May 2008
    Any chance you could get Bill Farmer, Nick Jameson, Harvey Atkin, or Robert Tinkler (who ironically and unfortunately has a last name that would probably give Max a case of the giggles) to do some guest voices in future seasons? I know you got Terrence McGovern for Ice Station Santa and What's New Beelzebub, but any chance of getting some more old Lucasarts regulars in future Sam & Max installments? Like Denny Delk, for instance, or Dominic Armato?
  • edited May 2008
    Any vids of the actors doing the voices?
  • edited May 2008
    There's a clip in one of the extras on the Season 1 DVD featuring Nowlin in the recording booth recording one of Sam's lines, something about encyclopedias. It's interesting to see.
  • edited May 2008
    Awesome, I must remember to rewatch that. Is the guy who plays Max short? I think cos Max is, I imagine the actor to be!
  • edited May 2008
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    There's a clip in one of the extras on the Season 1 DVD featuring Nowlin in the recording booth recording one of Sam's lines, something about encyclopedias. It's interesting to see.

    Here it is
  • edited May 2008
    William Kasten & David Nowlen are too me the best voices for Sam & Max ever...
    i think some of Andrew Chaikin's lines sounded a bit better then Kasten's, after Telltale changed some of lines in the office and the rest of the world i got used to Kasten but still thought he was better
  • edited May 2008
    Seriously, I think Bill Farmer and Nick Jameson should voice Sam and Max again, or at least voice characters in one of the upcoming episodes. That way, their voices can actually be heard in Sam and Max games that are legally allowed in the United States!

    You know, because both of the games in which they voice Sam and Max still aren't allowed here, if you get what I'm saying...
  • edited May 2008
    there are forbidden sam & max games? cool...what are they called?
  • edited May 2008
    Somebody found a torrent apparently.
  • edited May 2008
    I think Waitohooru's just being a nut again.

    But yes! David Nowlin and William Kasten are awesome! :D
  • edited May 2008
    Though I do think the accents added a nice edge, I love the current VAs, (though, I'm glad you changed form the guy in epp 1 for max, that deep voice just didn't suit him, imo)

    Idly curious what S+M would sound like with brittish VAs... lol
  • edited May 2008
    I think Waitohooru's just being a nut again.

    But yes! David Nowlin and William Kasten are awesome! :D

    Oh yeah...it is Waitohooru...*not even paying attention to who posts what*

    As far as I can tell, Kasten is pretty much perfectly suited for Telltale's Max and I'm happy that he's starting to get some more variety injected into the delivery (though I dunno whether this is the writing, which has certainly gotten better, or if its just the greater experience). As for Nowlin, I like him for the most part, the deadpan suits Sam in some regards, but I like him better when it really feels like he's putting some emotion into it.

    Though, if they ever get inside the lagomorph's skull, I'm hoping they dredge up some of the former VO's for the 'voices.'
  • edited May 2008
    I think Waitohooru's just being a nut again.

    Don't hate! Appreciate!

    And by the way, I was telling the truth when I said those games weren't legally allowed in the United States. Do you see Sam and Max Hit The Road on American store shelves?
  • edited May 2008
    Err, I don't know where you get that they're not "legally allowed," but you're correct in that LucasArts has sadly never sold one of their adventure games in many years.
  • edited May 2008
    Out of Print != Not Legally Allowed.

    I'm sure if you already own "Hit the Road" the police aren't going to bust down your door and claim you've done something illegal. It's just not readily available any more, not even as a budget disc. Probably around second-hand on eBay if you look...
  • edited May 2008
    Lots of them on ebay. Somone shoudl contact LA and ask if they'll release it into public domain (atleast allow downloads of it) but acctually after 60 years it enters public domain anyway (atleast that's how I understand it), so it's on it's way... but a long way off...
  • edited May 2008
    I believe that it would be (in the United States) 70 years after the author's death, at least as far as books are concerned, newer media are a whole different story. Though I'm sure a similar statute exists.

    Edit: Nintendo's Corporate take: "U.S. copyright laws state that copyrights owned by corporations are valid for 75 years from the date of first publication. Because video games have been around for less than three decades, the copyrights of all video games will not expire for many decades to come."
  • edited May 2008
    There are gray areas thugh that companies stop worring about. An intersting point being nintendo's NES and SNES Rom images - I know of 3 ROM sites that Nintendo contacted --- they were asked to remove, I beleive 3 roms, and that was all. nothing more.

    You ahve to remember that logos build brand recognition and if the games are good enough to attract players, tehn the palyers will say "hey this is a good game, I bet the new games are good too!" and then go buy new ones.

    Also taking into account that the games are nolonger turning a profit, there is no loss releasing them to the public, only gain, (see above)

    I'm sure LA doesnt care much about their old games or they woudl fight releases of SCUMM VM which allows you not only to play the old games, but bypass copy-protection.

    At the same time though, if they make a stance they cant openly allow ANY games to be downloaded or suddenly people will take that as a lisence to pirate EVERYTHING. ("give people an inch and they'll take a mile") Hense why any company rarely takes a stance at all on piracy of old games (aka "Abandonware" because they're not marketable and have been "abandoned" by the company and piracy is swept under the table because of the above benefiets of allowing the games to roam around for free)

    Atleast that's what I've collected from around thenet over the years...
  • edited May 2008
    There are problems with copyright law, too. The owners of old copyrights keep getting them extended even though the constitution clearly says that indefinite copyrights aren't allowed...
    And it hasn't been updated in a long time to deal with newer media.
  • edited May 2008
    they were asked to remove, I beleive 3 roms, and that was all. nothing more.

    Did those show up on Nintendo's virtual console? If so, there's the reason (and perhaps those were the only one's that they were the sole owner of).
    Also taking into account that the games are nolonger turning a profit, there is no loss releasing them to the public, only gain.

    Not wholly true, given digital distribution, there's still the possibility that older games can be released given the right circumstance. (see: Gametap, Nintendo's Virtual Console, etc) Unfortunately, the need for an emulator probably kills a bit of the chance.

    See, now I'm curious, could LucasArts even release the old Hit the Road ROM, or would Steve have to sign off as well since he own's the original property which it is based on?

    The owners of old copyrights keep getting them extended even though the constitution clearly says that indefinite copyrights aren't allowed.

    Article 1, Section 8 U.S. Constitution

    To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

    True dat. Although in all honesty, "limited time" is a rather interpretable term.
  • edited May 2008
    I am unfamiliar with the "virtual console" I'm asuming that's the feature of the wii I heard about where you can play older games on it that you downlaod from nintendo's "wii website"? (and acctually I hadn't even considered that because I've only heard about it once or twice, dont have a wii so I dont know much about it...)

    This was acctually long ago, like back in the n64 days... I've kinda dropepd out of the emulation field the last few years, not having the time to play many old games since I'm doing more online now, but, I digress, one was EARTHBOUND, one was Super Mario RPG, and I *think* one was Yoshi's Island... though it might have been Secret of Mana... it was one of those two...

    Amusingly enough, if you visit, I believe the site is "abandonia" they have a lot of the old DOS adventure games, and a few acctually have copy-protection material and/or lisence keys given to the site BY THE COMPANY THAT MADE THEM (though I dont think these are major companies, I dont recall Siera, for instance, ever doing this, though I may be wrong)

    And as for Steve signing off on HtR, it depends on the lisence agreement, it COULD give them rights to do ANYTHING with S+M and HtR, or on the other end it coudl say he has to approve ALL major changes including in marketing. All depends on what hte suits set up.
  • edited May 2008
    ....look what happened to the nice thread about voice actors! Heh.

    I have to say my favourite Max voice has to be Nick Jameson, but David Nowlin is my favourite Sam. I guess with Max I just liked the accent in Hit the Road. William Kasten is definitely a close second though. Wasn't too fond of Andrew Chaikin for some reason.
  • edited September 2008
    Any chance you could get Bill Farmer, Nick Jameson, Harvey Atkin, or Robert Tinkler (who ironically and unfortunately has a last name that would probably give Max a case of the giggles) to do some guest voices in future seasons? I know you got Terrence McGovern for Ice Station Santa and What's New Beelzebub, but any chance of getting some more old Lucasarts regulars in future Sam & Max installments? Like Denny Delk, for instance, or Dominic Armato?

  • edited September 2008
    Adam West!
    I need more Adam West in my daily life.

    He should have a character in an upcoming episode
  • edited September 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Idly curious what S+M would sound like with brittish VAs... lol

    Norman Lovett as Sam and Marc Warren as Max? :p
  • edited October 2008
    Okay, I'll try again: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

    What is wrong with the original voices that no Sam and Max fan should be allowed to hear them anymore? :mad: This is making me angry!
  • edited October 2008
    Bad Asp wrote: »
    What is wrong with the original voices that no Sam and Max fan should be allowed to hear them anymore?

    I didn't realise there was a ban on playing Hit the Road now?
  • edited October 2008
    Wha-? There is a ban in S&M videogame debut? It is just not right. Of course I sign
  • edited October 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I didn't realise there was a ban on playing Hit the Road now?

    Apparently, to Lucasarts, there is. In the United States.

    In other countries, that game is still being sold. It's just not being sold in the very country where those two were born and raised.
  • edited October 2008
    Bad Asp wrote: »
    In other countries, that game is still being sold.
    Yup, picked it up in the supermarket the other day for a fiver. And The Dig. Might pick up some more and sell them for extortionate prices on ebay if you're interested?

    But about the voice actors, I don't doubt for a second that if Nowlin and Kasten were the original VOs, that there'd be people would be complaining if they weren't doing the new games.

    I think for the most part, it's just nostalgia kicking in.
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