Question regarding release date

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
I have read on many different sites that the release date is tomorrow . Some are saying today. Can someone confirm the time please PC....



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    This from a PM I wrote this morning...

    The Steam PC version as well as the Telltale version will be roughly available at the same time tomorrow - internationally.

    (PC and Xbox versions tomorrow/ PSN North America today)

    The only thing that you will need to consider is that the episode will release during Telltale's business hours, that's in California (PST). You are in the UK - that means Telltale is 8 hours behind you and this game could technically release on Thursday morning in your country and still be "on time". In any case, it will be rather laste for you tomorrow - when noon starts in your country, the Telltale guys are not even up...

    ...any release date discussion, please post in the release date thread! ;)
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