[MAJOR EPISODE 4 SPOILERS] Does Lee have a ...

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
chance of survival? I mean he has gotten bitten and there doesn't seem to be much hope for him. Is there anyway that Lee can somehow survive... It really makes me sad thinking about it, but I just want to believe he'll live.

I loved this episode, a lot more action packed than the last episodes and very interesting. Sucks that Chuck died, I was really starting to like him after he saved Clementine. This game got my heart beating like crazy, holy shit.

Good job Telltale.


  • edited October 2012
    1 way is to amputate the arm
  • edited October 2012

    Amputation might have worked if he had applied a tourniquet and they had lobbed his arm off right away, but they didn't. It's already had plenty of time to pump through his bloodstream.

    Lee's a goner. :( Now the question is, who's going to be the one to put him down?
  • edited October 2012
    no, when Lee was bitten, I tried like a desperate find a way to amputate his arm, but did not, I think this is the only way but time ended to amputate
  • edited October 2012

    Amputation might have worked if he had applied a tourniquet and they had lobbed his arm off right away, but they didn't. It's already had plenty of time to pump through his bloodstream.

    Lee's a goner. :( Now the question is, who's going to be the one to put him down?

  • edited October 2012

    Seconding this. Never going to be emotionally prepared for the last episode, tbh.
  • edited October 2012
    I stand by my prediction from a while back. I think Lee will have a chance to do it himself. That'll be the last decision we make in the game. (Shudder)
  • edited October 2012
    That ending truly sucked , just when i was thinking about hooking up with that new girl Molly she leaves and then now Lee is going to die for sure .

    I know that this is the cool thing to do these days but im never a fan of the hero dying.
  • edited October 2012
    I can imagine it now. Lee collapses on the ground and Clementine and whoever else is with you is around him. Clementine picks up the gun and aims it at Lee. A choice of options comes on the screen, but before you can even pick anything, Clementine shoots Lee and the screen goes black and the credits roll.
  • edited October 2012
    At the end, Lee will be about to turn and he will say to Clem "do it, never give up, and remember what I tought you"

    Clem will say "I love you"

    Lee says "love you to"

  • edited October 2012
    I kinda desperately hope they do what they did with Omid. Have his chances looking slim at the end of the episode but he survives somehow. But that's just all wishful thinking.
  • edited October 2012
    The bite doesn't pump the infection, everyone is already infected.

    The bite kills you because of bloodloss and infection, so Lee still has a chance.

    A slim chance sure, but a chance.
  • edited October 2012
    Is there a Doctor in the House (group) with a vac. or cure? hmmm. could find out in ep.5
  • edited October 2012
    No way! Lee is one of my favorite characters! He can't die!
  • edited October 2012
    fred10359 wrote: »
    No way! Lee is one of my favorite characters! He can't die!

    Ep 5 will be the end of the season, high chances he'll die.
  • edited October 2012
    Unless amputating his arm is the first thing he does next episode, he won't make it since the bite has always been fatal without amputation.
  • edited October 2012
    Lee is a gonner and I'm pissed! We will prob have a choice to do it ourselves or ask Clem to do it.
  • edited October 2012
    Or it could end with Clem being killed either by Lee who was overcome by the infection or by the man on the other side of the radio.
  • edited October 2012
    Looks like season 2 wont have lee in it :'( Unless they somehow find a cure for a bite which I highly dought.
    but to be honest I cant predict the ending for episode 5, Telltale throw so much unexpected shit at us so who knows what could happen.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm still pissed there's no idea to suggest amputation of the arm, it's better to have a chance than to have none at all.
  • edited October 2012
    I don't even think amputation would help. Remember how you could amputate the teachers leg in ep 2 and he died anyway? that was with Katjaa who had atleast veterinary training. The only person who could do it properly and have any hope of keeping Lee alive afterwards is Vernon and he had left by that point.

    Unlike monty python, you don't just amputate a limb and shrug it off.
  • edited October 2012
    Dammit lee, I tried to warn him there's something behind that board. Damn game, I was really hoping he would be the protagonist in season 2. Sorry to say I think Clem's is screwed now.
  • edited October 2012
    The best for season 2 would be the opportunity to play lee as a zombie...

    Omg telltale give us that!!!
  • edited October 2012
    Looks like season 2 wont have lee in it :'( Unless they somehow find a cure for a bite which I highly dought.
    but to be honest I cant predict the ending for episode 5, Telltale throw so much unexpected shit at us so who knows what could happen.

    True dat.:)
  • edited October 2012
    The only way Lee isn't a dead man walking is if everything that happened after he woke up is a dream sequence. Unlikely in my opinion.
  • edited October 2012
    I think he may be able to save himself in the end, I like to be an optimist. But in case he does die, I am gonna go full out in Episode 5, no more holding back.
  • edited October 2012
    Well he didnt lost that much blood just a little and since everyone is infected i think he could live...

  • edited October 2012
    A bite doesn't care about the blood, it cares about infection which is always fatal unless amputated quickly. By the end of EP4, amputation might already be too late.
  • edited October 2012
    If Lee amputated his arm right there and then, he would be to incapacitated to save Clem. Thats why theres no option
  • edited October 2012
    If they managed to do a amputation in the comics then why not in the game. Remember, it's not the bite that kills you or turns you into a zombie. It's the infection caused by the bite and the virus that everyone's already got.

    Right now that bite doesn't even look that dangerous. And we also got Vernon!
  • edited October 2012
    swebonny wrote: »
    If they managed to do a amputation in the comics then why not in the game. Remember, it's not the bite that kills you or turns you into a zombie. It's the infection caused by the bite and the virus that everyone's already got.

    Right now that bite doesn't even look that dangerous. And we also got Vernon!

    Vernon has dissapeared by the time Lee gets bitten and the last time they tried an amputation, even with Katjaa's veterinary experience, the guy died.
  • edited October 2012
    But that guy had his leg chopped off with an axe by Lee.

    Now we just have to find Vernon, we got all the medicine, they even mentioned antibiotics and morphine.

    Wishful thinking :P
  • edited October 2012
    I just want Lee to live... seriosully, he's probally one of the most attachable character in a video game.
  • edited October 2012
    YuDeR wrote: »

    Then TWD is not for you anyway.

    There can be no cure, this series is full despair and is about clinging to the little hope and humanity there is left, but in the end it's always despair that wins.

    Episode 5 is going to be all about Lee's last stand, a final attempt to save Clementine and probably finish himself off.
  • edited October 2012
    cormoran wrote: »
    Vernon has dissapeared by the time Lee gets bitten and the last time they tried an amputation, even with Katjaa's veterinary experience, the guy died.

    Of course, the teacher was also after he was stuck in a bear trap for a while. Plus, Lee's Axe was apparently pretty dull... :p

    Guys survived the loss of limbs prior to modern medicine and were even able to keep fighting with the handicap (the most notable examples being Marcus Sergius and Gotz of the Iron Hand).

    Of course, I kinda had a feeling Lee was gonna get bit the instant I saw that board, I was hoping for something a little more original than the death of the protagonist, especially since I thinking "Really? They're not going to let me look and make sure there isn't a zombie waiting behind that thing?".
  • edited October 2012
    I wouldn't want Clem to go through that, I'd say let Kenny do it since they've always had a rocky relationship so it wouldn't be as hard. If not him then I want Lee to do it himself after he saves Clem. Not in front of her though.
  • edited October 2012
    Amputation won't save Lee. To much time has passed from the moment he gets bitten to the end of episode 4
  • edited October 2012
    Episode 4 had a lot of twist situations, so I'll be surprised if Episode 5 will have one too. :D
  • edited October 2012
    It makes sense actually. How can happily ever after exist, when we know everyone turns to a zombie on death, bitten or not? A group of ragtag survivors wandering from place to place have no means of developing a cure. The best that could have ever happened is them finding a plot of land in some remote wilderness and living to old age... and then dying, and turning into zombies.

    At least this way, Lee goes out with high drama. The next series will have a different main character in a different setting.
  • edited October 2012
    Matt7895 wrote: »
    It makes sense actually. How can happily ever after exist, when we know everyone turns to a zombie on death, bitten or not? A group of ragtag survivors wandering from place to place have no means of developing a cure. The best that could have ever happened is them finding a plot of land in some remote wilderness and living to old age... and then dying, and turning into zombies.

    At least this way, Lee goes out with high drama. The next series will have a different main character in a different setting.

    It actually wouldn't be that hard to mitigate the threat from rising dead people, atleast in small numbers. Just keeping watch over people at risk of death would go a pretty long way, then when they croak, break their pinata.

    You could also just make the extraction of all of everybody's teeth mandatory while they're alive, but that'd suck. Yeah, there'd still be zombies, but they'd have to try and gum you to death. :p
  • edited October 2012
    they got loads of antibiotics now so i wouldnt be surprised that helps enough to get everyone to safety. i have no idea how its gonna end. great episode.
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