Team Fortress 2 toon shading in Season 2?



  • edited October 2007
    All the way back on topic: :cool:

    The "cel shading" of TF2 does make it look nice and cartoony but it's not that much different from Sam N Max. The only difference is the actual art style. TF2 has more of a Looney Tunes style to it whereas Sam N Max is very true to Steve Purcell's style of drawing but both are just extrapolated into 3D models, the N64 South Park FPS is the same way.

    If you want to see some truly faithful cel shading graphics play XIII. It's got an amazing comic book look that gives a feeling of flat illustrations but still carries the depth of a 3D engine. Now THAT style would be interesting to see in a Sam N Max game, particularly with the flashes of comic book frames when something special happens.
  • edited October 2007
    I'm actually in the game XIII :)
    (choose John in multiplayer, it's me, i won it in a contest!)

    But I wouldn't like to see the cell shading in Sam and Max, it doesn't have enough details to look like an actual S&M comic.

  • edited October 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I think its just part of the orange box offer, but I'm not sure.

    Hmm yeah, that's what I expected. I'm probably going for the box anyway, even though I don't have time to play all these awesome games (Portal!!!) anyway. I'm already going to be happy when I can end a day with a relaxing hour of TF2 awesomeness.

  • edited October 2007
    *very offtopic*

    I just completed Portal.. really worth it... I did it in 1,5 hours or something.
    But there's still a lot of bonus maps to do.

    Portal is actually very funny. I don't want to give spoilers but the ending ROCKS!
  • edited October 2007

    I haven't played Portal yet, but I am very intrigued. This was fun, however :)
  • edited October 2007
    fhqwhgads wrote: »

    I haven't played Portal yet, but I am very intrigued. This was fun, however :)

    The real portal is much better!
  • edited October 2007
    I have to say, playing the flash one was enough to get me thinking about the real one. We'll see.
  • edited October 2007
    If you're looking for a beautiful cel shaded game, play Legend of Zelda: The wind waker. I know, it's one of these games you just have to hate or love. I did the later, and I'm sure you will too if you just give it a second try.

    But, I don't think Sam and Max would look better with a cel shaded style. I'm comfort with the present one =P
  • edited October 2007
    The Wind Waker is one of my all time favorite games, gameplay and graphics.
    I have to play phantom hourglass now, but i'm addicted to Team Fortress :(
  • edited October 2007
    I have a mate who thinks Team Fortress 2 looked better when it was going to be gritty and realistic. He also thinks there needs to be more games which consist soley of the colours grey and brown.
    I can't understand some people at all, but each to their own.

    That said, I'm joining the anti-cel-shading camp for Sam and Max (I do think cel-shading does look good on some games though).
    The comics themselves aren't the flat two-tone style cel-shading gives, so I don't think it'd suit the games either.
  • edited October 2007
    hmm, maybe someone should invent a shading mechanism that creates a flat look, but with aquarelle-like surfaces...they should call it pur-cell shading..:cool:
  • edited October 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    hmm, maybe someone should invent a shading mechanism that creates a flat look, but with aquarelle-like surfaces...they should call it pur-cell shading..:cool:

    I believe I've seen attempts at creating watercolor effects in 3D, but nothing comes to mind as having succeeded memorably... so you'd probably have a good property on your hands if you came up with a good method of doing that.
  • edited October 2007
    Cel-shading wouldn't look good for Sam & Max... except, perhaps, for a remake of Hit the Road.
  • edited October 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I believe I've seen attempts at creating watercolor effects in 3D, but nothing comes to mind as having succeeded memorably... so you'd probably have a good property on your hands if you came up with a good method of doing that.

    Okami has it:

    It's a PS2 game so it's lowres, but i think it will look great in hi-def!
  • edited October 2007
    Cel Shading is not appropriated for Sam&Max. Cel Shading is ugly for already existing character designs. It needs the design to be thinked again... look at all cel shaded games, they have very special characters, look at link... if you want to see how ugly can be a game with cel-shading, based on a drawing, just take a look at the new The Simpsons game. And I bet they have more money than telltale ^^

    Cel Shading is too complex for now because of optimisation, it shows too easily model edges, cannot be as detailed as 3D traditionnal render, and is too capricious regarding to lighting.

    In fact, for me, the best thing about graphic that can happen to Telltale's Sam&Max is a better lightning, smoother models and sharper textures. Not another style, just a step ahead ^^
  • edited October 2007
    Yohmi wrote: »
    Cel Shading is not appropriated for Sam&Max. Cel Shading is ugly for already existing character designs. It needs the design to be thinked again... look at all cel shaded games, they have very special characters, look at link... if you want to see how ugly can be a game with cel-shading, based on a drawing, just take a look at the new The Simpsons game. And I bet they have more money than telltale ^^

    Are you kidding? The new Simpsons game is, in my opinion, very well designed.
  • edited October 2007
    OK, that screenshot doesn't really do it justice, but I thought the Simpsons game looked pretty good (this coming from someone who detests the show).

    Apparently (I use this word too much, apparently), they're using a technique which renders the image in 3D and then crushes it into 2D or something. So the Simpsons game is either technically a 2D game, or we've got Blast Processing syndrome.

    EDIT: Gameplay video here. It looks much better like this rather than a still:
  • edited October 2007
    It's only 3D with Cel-Shading render and simple textures. I have the demo at home, it's just a bad cel-shading, with huge pixelisation and approximate contours. Even if the game is great (can't say, I just played a demo, it was'nt funny at all, empty and slackness, but it's just a demo), you can't say rendering is great... it reminds me oooold screenshots of the first beta of Earthworm Jim 64... but it was in 1998, when Ocarina of Time's link's face seems so detailed (but it was just a cube with a nose) and Goldeneye photorealistic.

    When you see the Simpsons Game, you really want to see Sam&Max turned into that rendering ? losing every details, having a 2-tone lighting and an approximate black line revealing edges ? Wow...
  • edited October 2007
    Yohmi wrote: »
    When you see the Simpsons Game, you really want to see Sam&Max turned into that rendering ?

    No, because Sam and Max is a completely different beast. Like I said earlier "The comics themselves aren't the flat two-tone style cel-shading gives", but the Simpsons is.
  • edited October 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I don't quite know what Valve is going for with this box, but...


    At least it doesn't have an EA logo splattered across the front. :)

    umm...did my posts get reset or what? I haven't posted in awhile.
  • edited October 2007
    I think I'm the only person who doesn't mind the box. It tells you all you need to know, and it'll stand out a mile off so you'll spot it through everything else on the shelves.
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