do you want the soda poppers in season 2?



  • edited October 2007
    I'm a little late to give my opinion on this one but I didn't really like these characters. Sam, Max and Bosco. Kill the rest off.
  • edited October 2007
    Alucard wrote: »
    I'm a little late to give my opinion on this one but I didn't really like these characters. Sam, Max and Bosco. Kill the rest off.

    Don't say that! That's what happens in the last episode after Sybil has a meltdown, turns half the city upside down, and then Bosco and Sam run away together in secret matrimony.

    ...oh, and everyone else dies.
  • edited October 2007
    I feel like if they're really relevant to the episode's storyline then fine bring em back.

    For instace: In 101 they were integral to the trail of Brady Culture and his motivations for his plan. In 102, though, they could have dropped one or two or all of them in favor of some more appropriate celebrity parodies, 104 had the best post Culture use but it was little more than a cameo for them.

    So if you want to resolve a story dealing with the Dakotas conflict they would be perfect, beyond that they can tend to be a little annoying and pointless.
  • edited October 2007
    Why not writing a story without them?
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