I would have preferred a scenario in which Omid & Christa refuse to join you even if you show the bite due you heavily opposing them throughout the episodes. I wanted Kenny to saw off Lee's arm but Christa does it every time if she goes with you so i had to hide the bite, and that's somewhat disappointing.
I'm disappointed too. I wanted to show Kenny my bite and have only him come with me on my Pro-Kenny run, but I had to hide it from him to get him alone. And on any playthrough where I want it to be just Ben and/or Kenny coming with me I always have to hide it which I consider lying to them.
Thanks for the tip but what other factors? Would I have to be completely anti-Omid to go without them? Cause I don't think I can do that.. Omid's to awesome..
It's possible to think Omid is awesome? Haha.
Interesting how people can have such different perspective on things. I found him extremely obnoxious.
I was shocked when i saw someone in a let's play immediately hide the bite without any hesitation. These people are what passes for friends now, you fight alongside them and save each others lives every day, yet you still distrust them? I suppose it can be an easy choice if you're against Kenny and not too comfortable with Omid & Christa, but some people are as good as good can be to everyone yet still hide the bite.
"Important to stay honest with each other." -Kenny
I was in this camp at first, although it really made me pause and think about it.
My reasoning was this: Saving Clementine was the only thing that mattered to me at this point.
We've already seen Kenny kill a guy because he was likely to turn soon. I couldn't risk showing the bite to the group and having them turn on me. If Clementine was still with the group then I'd show the bite to them without a problem, because it's the right thing to do. But right now I had something to do first. I had to get Clem back.
I also couldn't risk the group's safety by not telling them about the bite and then possibly turning and killing them.
Therefore it made the most sense to me to hide the bite and go alone. That way I'm only risking my life and not theirs. And probably because it's a video game I figured that I should be able to save Clementine even if I'm by myself, so that didn't really factor into the decision.
Once I saw that I was in the extreme minority of people that went alone I went back and tried showing the bite. Happy with their reaction I stuck with that choice and brought everyone along. But I can totally understand the decision to hide the bite as that's the one I made originally.
I was in this camp at first, although it really made me pause and think about it.
My reasoning was this: Saving Clementine was the only thing that mattered to me at this point.
We've already seen Kenny kill a guy because he was likely to turn soon. I couldn't risk showing the bite to the group and having them turn on me. If Clementine was still with the group then I'd show the bite to them without a problem, because it's the right thing to do. But right now I had something to do first. I had to get Clem back.
The sole deciding factor for Kenny killing Larry was because of his family. He puts anything and everything below Katjaa and Duck, no exceptions. After their death, he no longer has a sound reason to drive him to do these types of things. Plus, they're not trapped. Kenny could easily just refuse to let Lee on the boat and then sail away, no killing necessary.
He only did it before because the options were limited and he had a family to look out for. Turn both of those around and it's not really something you should be afraid of.
It could also possibly risk the groups lives by not telling them. If they believe Lee is in good health as he was before the bite, they could become worried if he doesn't show up after nightfall or more, and then go out searching the city for him and Clem(because they know he won't come back without her). Although they would probably look for him even sooner if he was bit, at least in that scenario they know that if he's not back by nightfall, he's dead. By not telling them, they wouldn't know whether to wait in case Lee shows up or take off with the boat.
The sole deciding factor for Kenny killing Larry was because of his family. He puts anything and everything below Katjaa and Duck, no exceptions. After their death, he no longer has a sound reason to drive him to do these types of things. Plus, they're not trapped. Kenny could easily just refuse to let Lee on the boat and then sail away, no killing necessary.
He only did it before because the options were limited and he had a family to look out for. Turn both of those around and it's not really something you should be afraid of.
It could also possibly risk the groups lives by not telling them. If they believe Lee is in good health as he was before the bite, they could become worried if he doesn't show up after nightfall or more, and then go out searching the city for him and Clem(because they know he won't come back without her). Although they would probably look for him even sooner if he was bit, at least in that scenario they know that if he's not back by nightfall, he's dead. By not telling them, they wouldn't know whether to wait in case Lee shows up or take off with the boat.
Well, for one, I totally thought killing Larry was the wrong thing to do. In that situation I'd wait until he was 100% dead before I think it's okay to smash his head in like that.
But yeah, the thing is I just thought their range of possible reactions was just too unpredictable, and I couldn't let them prevent me from going to find Clementine. If there's any chance that they'd try to kill me, or lock me up, or anything like that, I couldn't risk it. My only goal was to find Clementine before the bite took effect.
The latter I didn't really consider a big risk. If they were with me it'd be a major risk, but if they separate and come looking for me a Zombie Lee wouldn't surprise them the way it would if I were a member of their group. And just in case I didn't make it, them going and looking for Clem would be a good thing.
Cuando una persona oculta algo es por un motivo, imagínate la mentalidad de los personajes, secuestran a la niña, los personajes dicen no me importa ya se fue una carga menos, otro dice mi vida vale más, otro dice me da igual de todos modos todos vamos a morir y por ultimo vamos y ella contesta si vas ya no somos pareja, que mentalidad tan enferma, y uno muriéndose de la angustia y de la infección, que amigos, si estuviera en el caso de Lee me hubiera separado del grupo desde antes del episodio 2 y si fuera el caso del quinto episodio yo hubiera acompañado a Lee al hotel tal vez buscaría otra ruta y los esperaría afuera nunca dejaría a una niña a su suerte i para empezar nunca le quitaría la vista sabiendo de un loco asechando y un grupo que asesina niños, si buscaste un mapa de la zona no estaban lejos del hotel llegas y buscas en el recibidor el libro de registro si firmaron sus Padres la salida está por demás seguir buscando y me alegaría del lugar lo más rápido posible, Telltale solo juega con los sentimientos de las personas pero realmente no creo que ellos estuvieran en una situación similar.
Lee conseguía los alimentos no crees que pudo haber hecho más por la niña estando solamente ellos dos.
I watched my father during his playthrough. He neglected them for a lot of the time. Didn't converse with them any more than he needed to in Ep3.
Similar again but very little negativity seemed to flow between Lee and Christa or Omid.
Although Lee was dishonest. He lied to Vernon about having meds, which I'm sure is an action someone like Christa wouldn't agree with. He also hid his bite.
He declared ASAP that he would go alone and had no objections.
I'm disappointed too. I wanted to show Kenny my bite and have only him come with me on my Pro-Kenny run, but I had to hide it from him to get him alone. And on any playthrough where I want it to be just Ben and/or Kenny coming with me I always have to hide it which I consider lying to them.
It's possible to think Omid is awesome? Haha.
Interesting how people can have such different perspective on things. I found him extremely obnoxious.
I was in this camp at first, although it really made me pause and think about it.
My reasoning was this: Saving Clementine was the only thing that mattered to me at this point.
We've already seen Kenny kill a guy because he was likely to turn soon. I couldn't risk showing the bite to the group and having them turn on me. If Clementine was still with the group then I'd show the bite to them without a problem, because it's the right thing to do. But right now I had something to do first. I had to get Clem back.
I also couldn't risk the group's safety by not telling them about the bite and then possibly turning and killing them.
Therefore it made the most sense to me to hide the bite and go alone. That way I'm only risking my life and not theirs. And probably because it's a video game I figured that I should be able to save Clementine even if I'm by myself, so that didn't really factor into the decision.
Once I saw that I was in the extreme minority of people that went alone I went back and tried showing the bite. Happy with their reaction I stuck with that choice and brought everyone along. But I can totally understand the decision to hide the bite as that's the one I made originally.
The sole deciding factor for Kenny killing Larry was because of his family. He puts anything and everything below Katjaa and Duck, no exceptions. After their death, he no longer has a sound reason to drive him to do these types of things. Plus, they're not trapped. Kenny could easily just refuse to let Lee on the boat and then sail away, no killing necessary.
He only did it before because the options were limited and he had a family to look out for. Turn both of those around and it's not really something you should be afraid of.
It could also possibly risk the groups lives by not telling them. If they believe Lee is in good health as he was before the bite, they could become worried if he doesn't show up after nightfall or more, and then go out searching the city for him and Clem(because they know he won't come back without her). Although they would probably look for him even sooner if he was bit, at least in that scenario they know that if he's not back by nightfall, he's dead. By not telling them, they wouldn't know whether to wait in case Lee shows up or take off with the boat.
Well, for one, I totally thought killing Larry was the wrong thing to do. In that situation I'd wait until he was 100% dead before I think it's okay to smash his head in like that.
But yeah, the thing is I just thought their range of possible reactions was just too unpredictable, and I couldn't let them prevent me from going to find Clementine. If there's any chance that they'd try to kill me, or lock me up, or anything like that, I couldn't risk it. My only goal was to find Clementine before the bite took effect.
The latter I didn't really consider a big risk. If they were with me it'd be a major risk, but if they separate and come looking for me a Zombie Lee wouldn't surprise them the way it would if I were a member of their group. And just in case I didn't make it, them going and looking for Clem would be a good thing.
Lee conseguía los alimentos no crees que pudo haber hecho más por la niña estando solamente ellos dos.
Similar again but very little negativity seemed to flow between Lee and Christa or Omid.
Although Lee was dishonest. He lied to Vernon about having meds, which I'm sure is an action someone like Christa wouldn't agree with. He also hid his bite.
He declared ASAP that he would go alone and had no objections.