Anyone else feel cheapened?
Wondering what you guys think of this; the more I think about the last 5 minutes of the game, the more I get a little pissed off at it.
At first, I thought the twist with Lee getting bitten was well done and fitting, being that the next episode is called No Time Left. However, how he came to get bitten is what's getting me worked up. It feels way too plot-convenient.
I mean, Clem loses the Walkie Talkie when she's abducted - okay. But right next to a trash bin? That casually happens to contain a zombie? And the zombie doesn't wake up from the constant static, but when it's silently picked up? Come on. There would've been better times for Lee to get bitten than something as plot-conveniently random as this.
At first, I thought the twist with Lee getting bitten was well done and fitting, being that the next episode is called No Time Left. However, how he came to get bitten is what's getting me worked up. It feels way too plot-convenient.
I mean, Clem loses the Walkie Talkie when she's abducted - okay. But right next to a trash bin? That casually happens to contain a zombie? And the zombie doesn't wake up from the constant static, but when it's silently picked up? Come on. There would've been better times for Lee to get bitten than something as plot-conveniently random as this.
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It seemed to fit for me, at that moment Lee's guard was down somewhat.
Lee weakens himself through the bond with Clementine, whether you think it's worth it or not. When something involves Clementine he usually lowers his guard (for example, falling asleep without handing the walky talky to say Kenny)
It's only fitting that this weakness in the Walking Dead universe proves to be his downfall. He should have known to check that spot but didn't.
Also, the hat and the walkie talkie are two things that mean the world to Clem. To me these were signs that Clem didn't leave voluntary. She didn't happen to loose it, it was taken from her for Lee to find it.
A bit of static from a walkie talkie isnt good enough.
Actually they did take notice and gathered around it. They just didn't stick around. Plus, the Walkie Talkie was lying only 3 feet away from him.
That's a very good point. I wagered this too, but what would the Radio Guy gain from having Lee bitten?
Actually, they were; that's how you clear the street to get the pharmacy keys, by breaking the store window so the walkers can hear the TVs behind the glass.
I've also said the same thing about the bite being awfully contrived. Plot-induced stupidity is one of my pet peeves, and dammit I saw it coming. "Oh, I'm just going to shove my unprotected arm right here where I can't see". As I've said elsewhere, people that live in scorpion country look inside their shoes and shake them out for a reason. You become hyper-vigilant with that kind of stuff.
Hell, it was even said in the previous episode that they're "always worrying about the ones they can't see".
I didn't think Clem was hiding, but I did think it was odd that it was clickable... So I checked it out and was not surprised when a walker appeared.
I was, however, extremely upset at how well Lee fights off the walker and STILL gets bit.
He gets bitten immdiately, right when the walker jumps him. I heard that squishy noise when walkers die, and saw a bit of blood fly when Lee got tackled. I knew right then that Lee had been bitten.
But maybe there could have been a more realistic scenario for Lee to get infected (after everything hes survived to get done in by a random dumbster zombie) but it really doesnt take away from the story for me. This is The Walking Dead, where characters die meaningless, insignificant deaths all the time. It just shows that the zombie threat is always present, waiting for you to let your guard down before pouncing.
I feel like this episode was firing on all cylinders.
I, myself, checked the trashcan before grabbing the walkie-talkie, cause saw it was set like a trap... almost like someone did it on purpose!
cheap scare= enemy jumps out of the blue.
Basically how I saw it; especially after the second trip to the Motor Pool where Lee's apparently in a neck brace and doesn't notice the walker standing around to his left... so to change it up, the next "stealth" walker is a walker that's lying down to our right.
Note, as a hobby, I actually do deal with things that can potentially kill by biting (in my case, venomous snakes) so I have some experience in this regard. I never let my guard down around potential cover sites, don't stick my hands somewhere unless I can see that it's safe from a distance, and when lifting stuff like rocks I always pull it towards myself so it can basically serve as a shield in the event there's something underneath. These are all basic, common sense rules and I'd expect that survivors would follow them (or ones like them) when the number of things with lethal bites has drastically increased - no sticking your hands in places where you haven't determined safety.
How about the freight station, where two walkers just suddenly appear next to him?
I can't even blame Lee for that one, there was literally nowhere for the walkers to hide, even if they were completely silent and motionless for some reason.
I had the same thought. Checking out a trash pile next to that walkie talkie was just too obvious.
But even if you were careful you couldn't save Lee. Same old story.
That one too, ditto for the third hiding in the barred area Clem goes now that I think about it; I suppose the excuse could be made that it's dark - but it wouldn't explain why the Walkers wouldn't attack (or try to, in the case of the one behind the barred area) as soon as Lee and Clem entered, and instead just happened to wait until I was unarmed.
Ditto. I didn't even see that the garbage heap was clickable, the hotspot never showed up. I just tried to check by going to the left side of the street, but got blocked by the invisible wall. After that, I kinda knew that Lee was literally being railroaded to death.
Hehe yeah. I was like "Suuure... hidden trashpile next to the walkie? No way there is no walker in that pile. Lee, go check it out carefully!"
Lee's execution of my plan was rather... lackluster.
If Lee was running and panicking, I'd have felt a little better about it. Who loses a kid and takes a leisurely stroll around?
And this is why it was so incredibly frustrating. Railroading the main character to death is just beyond lame.
I didn't expect TTG to be that dull.
I think they should have left the marker off the trash can, that's the only reason I knew I was about to be attacked.
I guess it shows how you can die for the most stupid reason on TWD.
I wonder if walkie talkie guy set it as a trap for Lee? for some reason he wants Lee to die a slow and painful death.
At first I thought he wanted Clementine but after episode 4 I firmly believe his true target is Lee.
omg me too!
i agree, it felt very forced and cheap.
The same person who has walkers a couple feet behind him and takes a leisurely stroll away from them.
First,Lee has searched the whole house and asked everybody about Clem
Second,he has to go to the front yard,only to find the Clem's hat
Third,reasonably he just went out to search for her
Fourth,considering Clem's body size,(I)he choose to check that rubbish bin first
Fifth,the zombie hiding there was sleep then
Sixth,annoyed be Lee's movements,it just jump up and attacked him
Seventh,got scratched
now dont say "the walking dead is the wrong game for you" because its a great game so far... and just because its based! on the comics doesnt mean that you cant have something of a positiv ending!
i really hope, that this "bite" was just a scratch from the walker which doesnt cause an infection!
Well, lucky for you, Clem's the main character in this game, so all will be well.
OT: This hiding zombie sh*t that Romero popularized is utter garage.
They're decaying goddamn corpses, Lee should have smelled something.
Yes it was near a trash heap, but guess what, after 3 months any compostables in the trash would have ended up salted jerkey due to weather and the salt in the air. The zombie would have still stank enough to be noticeable.
People walk up on walkers and get bitten all the time in the comics. I think the smell of the dead is just always in the air.