Halloween contest 2007



  • edited October 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Feel free... I think many of our winners last year were non-US folk. I know that at least one winner was Australian.

    And I can say for certain one winner was a New Zealander.
  • edited October 2007
    Oh yeah? Who was it?
  • edited October 2007
    Yay yay I would like to win here's my entry yay yay.


    http://www.bruandboegie.co.za - the kiffest comic in the WORLD!
  • edited October 2007
    Did you by any chance also enter that into the other competition where you had to draw a monkey/ape/whatever it was?
  • edited October 2007
    'fraid not, buddy. don't even know what you're talking about.
  • edited October 2007
    never entered that
  • edited October 2007
    my entry is finished. I wore it to the expo in London it was awesome. I need to upload my entry
  • edited October 2007
    Today when I was shopping, I saw a blue fedora in a Halloween store. Would have been nice to have found it a year ago. Blah.
  • edited October 2007
    I sent mine in. I hope they got it
  • edited October 2007
    Also sent mine...and i hope a link is enough...
  • edited October 2007
    My entry kinda fell through, so I gave up
  • edited October 2007
    I am so gonna win.
  • edited October 2007
    I spent a month on my entry

    to telltale if they are reading...do you think you could put on the site the entries you have so far please. Im worried you might have not got mine D8
  • edited October 2007
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    I spent a month on my entry

    to telltale if they are reading...do you think you could put on the site the entries you have so far please. Im worried you might have not got mine D8

    I don't think they should put up what they have so far... people could steal ideas!
  • edited October 2007
    Like you, perhaps. :p An automatic confirmation e-mail would have been nice, though. I occasionally get worried as well that it may have been blocked as spam or worse.
  • edited October 2007
    Harald B wrote: »
    Like you, perhaps. :p An automatic confirmation e-mail would have been nice, though. I occasionally get worried as well that it may have been blocked as spam or worse.

    Exactly! I'm sure some of the ideas will just be so tempting to steal.... ;)
  • edited October 2007
    They wouldn't have to list the entries... just the entrants.
  • edited October 2007
    I just worked hard on my entry Im just worried all that work is in vain because it didn't send or something. We have no way of knowing if its arrived D8 I think they should list the entrants and how many entrys they have submitted
  • edited October 2007
    Throw this contest next year too, and you will get an avsöme entry from me.
  • edited October 2007
    I think I'm just going to give up with this competition.
    I've got some semi-awesome ideas, I just don't have the skills to pull 'em off! :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    I just sent an email to everyone whose entry has been received.

    If you sent an entry and don't get an email, please resend.
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I just sent an email to everyone whose entry has been received.

    If you sent an entry and don't get an email, please resend.

    Thanks So much Emily 8D I really appreciate it :D
  • edited October 2007
    Thank you Emily for the notifications ^^
  • edited October 2007
    I sent mine on Saturday but haven't recieved a confirmation yet. Could you let me know if it got there alright?

    I know it sounds silly and you probably just haven't got around to sending a confirmation yet, but I wanted to be sure.
  • edited October 2007
    ya, I sent mine in at the last minuet, I hope it got there in time!
  • edited October 2007
    I didn't get a confirmation mail either, and the contest has been closed. Perhaps one more mail could be sent? Greatly appreciated.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    A large handful of entries rolled in over the weekend and this morning, and I don't know if we sent confirmations out yet. We got a lot of last minute entries, though, and you were probably one of them :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    DJ and Captain, we received yours. SamnMad, if you PM me and say what the entry was, I'll let you know if I got it.

    The large rush of entries at the end combined with the large attachment size of most of them made it too tough to respond to people individually. My email was choked up for much of the day yesterday. :o Next year we will have to figure out a better way to handle the attachments.
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    DJ and Captain, we received yours. SamnMad, if you PM me and say what the entry was, I'll let you know if I got it.

    The large rush of entries at the end combined with the large attachment size of most of them made it too tough to respond to people individually. My email was choked up for much of the day yesterday. :o Next year we will have to figure out a better way to handle the attachments.

    Ah, good. Now I'll know my failing is my own fault! :p

    As for next year, I don't know, but what if having a prize for three different categories? If each group sent to a different email, that could help sort it out.
  • edited October 2007
    Hopefully, by the time the next contest rolls around, I'll have finished my master plan of creating a flash-animated music video for Useful to Boot...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    djoftheweb wrote: »
    As for next year, I don't know, but what if having a prize for three different categories? If each group sent to a different email, that could help sort it out.

    So I could disappoint three separate groups of people for failing to send them confirmation emails when their entries came in. Sounds good. :eek:
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    For this contest I toyed with the idea of sneaking Max onto a city-sanctioned Berkeley mural I worked on, but the thought of possible legal ramifications made me weary and I decided to sit this one out :)
  • edited November 2007
    Aw, that would have been awesome :(
  • edited November 2007
    Holding my breath for tomorrow. ;)
  • edited November 2007
    Are they the results? I've lost track now.

    Good luck to everyone who has entered. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's masterpieces.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
  • edited November 2007
    You guys should get the Sam and Max voice actors to make fun of all the entries in character. Kind of like what they do over at Homestar Runner with halloween costumes.
  • edited November 2007
    I apologize if I sound impatient!

    Have the winners received the email for the Season 2 coupon yet? Ice Station Santa's out, and I feel like purchasing the game right now even if I'm a winner, cause I just can't wait to get my greasy little hands on it. PM me if my email address is needed. Thank you.

    EDIT: Got it! :)
  • edited November 2007
    Okay, I'm a little confused. I PM'ed Emily yesterday about this and she said she'd get right on it, but I never got an e-mail. I just assumed that there was some technical issue or something but now that I've read that one of my fellow winners has already got their coupon for S2:E1, I'm starting to worry.

    If it was already sent out to me, can you resend? I've not recieved anything yet. :(
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