episode 4.... sexual themes???
what was with all the hype on this? the closest thing they got to a sexual situation was the abortion clinic place? or am i missing something?
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also if its like essential to the story then fine but i dont wanna be sittin half cocked for no reason lol
unless of course its designed to be a hentai game, then whatever
Couldnt say it better myself! same with movies lol
That made me chuckle.
okay the closest thing might be Anna and the weird doctor
and he was right.
and then they released it like it was a big deal. hell i didnt even see the 3rd tape til my 3rd play through and was like meh when i saw it
They didn't release it like it was a big deal. The fans on these forums made a big deal out of it. The rating was added in by ESRB because of the implied encounter between Molly and the doctor. In the end, sexual themes and sexual content are two completely different things.
Your allowed to see people decapitated, limbs severed, shots to the face, but a man pulling up his zipper is like HELLLL NOOOOOO Lets inform the esrb IMMEDIATELY -_-
Its like when watching a tv show and they bleep out a word. Does the bleep do anything? if anything it makes the word worst cuz sometimes you think its a worst word than they bleeped out. idk i think censorship in general just pisses me off.
oooooh a zipper, i pull mine up all the time, doesnt mean i fucked whoever was around me lol
See thats something i was expecting since the story's getting darker. didn't neccesarily want that to happen but it said sexual themes. Not close up of pants -_- Maybe if you could've still seen a bulge (thank god they didn't do that) but then it would've been worthy of the title
Yeah it's right up there with putting on my belt :eek: so naughty
lol it was kind of a joke
Did it?
Stop bumping these threads ken...