Taking all of Kenny's bullshit emotionally paid off for me

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
I did another playthrough were I would always choose the lines that support Kenny, his family, his plans, etc. Helped duck, stood up to Lilly and Larry, fed his family and left Lilly behind like he asked. Gave him the courage to help his son move on which helped him do the same to the boy in the attic.

At the very end when no one else would come with me; the speech he gave me about how I always had his back even when he wasn't sure he was right, how I've been a true friend and that Clem and I are family to him and he'd stay with us to the very end pulled my heart strings. He even gave Christa and Omid the boat if we're not back by nightfall, his entire plan and reason to come here and he gives it up for Clem and I. He's a true friend if you can just understand the guy and forgive his bigger problems.


  • edited October 2012
    Yertos wrote: »
    I did another playthrough were I would always choose the lines that support Kenny, his family, his plans, etc. Helped duck, stood up to Lilly and Larry, fed his family and left Lilly behind like he asked. Gave him the courage to help his son move on which helped him do the same to the boy in the attic.

    At the very end when no one else would come with me; the speech he gave me about how I always had his back even when he wasn't sure he was right, how I've been a true friend and that Clem and I are family to him and he'd stay with us to the very end pulled my heart strings. He even gave Christa and Omid the boat if we're not back by nightfall, his entire plan and reason to come here and he gives it up for Clem and I. He's a true friend if you can just understand the guy and forgive his bigger problems.

    Ok, now when I help him all the way, but refuse to murder an elderly man for him, and am then told that I am only in this for myself and that he could care less what happens to us, despite me agreeing with him on nearly everything, but that scenario(I also didn't murder Ben), then I can say screw him! :)
  • edited October 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Ok, now when I help him all the way, but refuse to murder an elderly man for him, and am then told that I am only in this for myself and that he could care less what happens to us, despite me agreeing with him on nearly everything, but that scenario(I also didn't murder Ben), then I can say screw him! :)

    The dude's nothing but a piece of shit. I refuse to kill a woman's dad just to keep our friendship. The way you hold back Lilly and just force her to watch.... Jesus, it's just so awful.
  • edited October 2012
    Taking care of Larry there is the biggest move to him, he fully believes Larry is about to come back and could kill him, Clem, and you. Doubt he cared about Lilly as much :P but he was in a very emotional state with his family being taken away from him by cannibals. Gotta understand he wasn't thinking clearly and because of that if you don't side with him he feels like you just betrayed him and his family. Bad reason I know but at least I get why he's mad. And I believe you can still get him and not kill Larry, you just need to make sure to be 100% pro Kenny the rest of the two chapters.
  • edited October 2012
    Yertos wrote: »
    I did another playthrough were I would always choose the lines that support Kenny, his family, his plans, etc. Helped duck, stood up to Lilly and Larry, fed his family and left Lilly behind like he asked. Gave him the courage to help his son move on which helped him do the same to the boy in the attic.

    At the very end when no one else would come with me; the speech he gave me about how I always had his back even when he wasn't sure he was right, how I've been a true friend and that Clem and I are family to him and he'd stay with us to the very end pulled my heart strings. He even gave Christa and Omid the boat if we're not back by nightfall, his entire plan and reason to come here and he gives it up for Clem and I. He's a true friend if you can just understand the guy and forgive his bigger problems.

    I know man. That's exactly how my canon play is. It just got harder and harder to support him from the start of 3 (I thought taking Larry out was the right thing to do), and then when he lost his family I was instantly by his side again. Poor guy is a really great friend if you back him up, and with his family gone that line really hit home for me when he said Clem and I were like family to him. Really the only thing I truly disagree with is letting Ben die, but I still understand why he wants me to do that. I don't blame him so much as I blame the apocalypse.
  • edited October 2012
    I helped Kenny most of the time except for 1 or 2 instances, and he didn't stand by me at the end of Ep. 4. I'm still wondering why. Maybe I should try playing it again, because I might need him in a tough situation later on.
  • edited October 2012
    Toasty wrote: »
    I helped Kenny most of the time except for 1 or 2 instances, and he didn't stand by me at the end of Ep. 4. I'm still wondering why. Maybe I should try playing it again, because I might need him in a tough situation later on.

    Nah man, stay with your choices. That's when the game truly shines.
  • edited October 2012
    I thought it was more emotional that everyone was there for Lee, and I didn't have to take Kenny's bull. He does contradict himself though. How can I be looking out for only myself, when he agrees I was there for his family, or whatever. Hey I'll let it slide.
  • edited October 2012
    I didn't agree with that sob all the time, but I had his back alot and did more to protect his family and the group then he ever did, and he tells me he won't help me find Clementin because I was selfish and never thought of anyone but myself? I told him to go f**** himself and if they would have gave me the option I would have knocked him on his ass. The guy was an ungrateful prick.
  • edited October 2012
    What do you guys expect? Loyalty is a two way street.
    Kenny is just misunderstood. He's prolly the most compassionate character in the whole series.
  • edited October 2012
    I felt it was weird that I hadn't really supported Kenny, and he gave me his spill about Loyalty. I seriously think my game corrupted or something because it was pretty random. I think the whole Kenny thing is pretty buggy, but eh I dunno how games work so it may just function that way.
  • edited October 2012
    LokiHavok wrote: »
    What do you guys expect? Loyalty is a two way street.
    Kenny is just misunderstood. He's prolly the most compassionate character in the whole series.

    Nah, I've been friends with him and the only thing we really had a disagreement about was Larry, everything between us was cool. I helped him emotionally after his family died and I tried to be a good friend.

    Clementine gets kidnapped, "Hey you never looked out for my family, screw finding that little girl D:<"

    If he can still be angry over something like that after you had been a good friend to him, then he can go screw himself.

    "What has she done for me" about Molly I think

    He's the kinda of friend who keeps track of what you've done for him only.
  • edited October 2012
    Actually I DID kill Larry. The only time I disagreed with him was Ben. And apparently that makes me a selfish dick.

    So I stand by my "Fuck that guy" response.
  • edited October 2012
    How did you guys react to him about Duck being bit? Did you constantly bring it up and kept telling him he has to deal with it? It's true but it hurts him to hear it from you over and over. Fighting him on the train will not help one bit haha. And if you choose Katjaa or Kenny to shoot Duck, Katjaa will go out there alone and as she's walking away you can put your hand on Kenny's shoulder and it says at the top "Kenny won't forget your compassion" or something like that.

    I don't think it's all just the stat screen choices that matter, those are the big players but a lot of the little dialogue and and the way you handle yourself also plays a role.
  • edited October 2012
    He was a dick to me just cuz I didn't kill an unconscious man in front of his daughter.

  • edited October 2012
    Kenny is coming with me in EP5, but he didn't want to at first. When I asked him he said something like "If it was my family would you help me?" Which is odd because I have helped his family several times. I saved Duck on the farm, I fed him every time I had food, I let him be Robin to my Batman, and I put him out of his misery when Kenny couldn't.

    The only time I wasn't with his family was in EP1 when I told him to try and reason with Larry. Later in the conversation I sided with Kenny, but he takes that "try and reason with him" choice as me siding with Larry.

    I like Kenny, but he gets annoying at times. It seems like his idea of friendship is someone who blindly follows you and agrees with 100% of the decisions you make. Anyone who doesn't side with him on everything he says and does isn't a friend.
  • edited October 2012
    All those conversation points points where it says "Kenny won't forget that" or Kenny noticed your loyalty" or the like probably mean something too you know. It's not JUST the stat screens at the end of each episode, although those are major parts. The conversations with him really DO matter.
  • edited October 2012
    I had his back at all times, except with Larry and he acted like a little bitch about how I "never did anything for him" - Kenny is a tool.
  • edited October 2012
    Rock114 wrote: »
    All those conversation points points where it says "Kenny won't forget that" or Kenny noticed your loyalty" or the like probably mean something too you know. It's not JUST the stat screens at the end of each episode, although those are major parts. The conversations with him really DO matter.

    This. You can't just pick Duck, side with Kenny, steal food and kill Larry to get him to stay with you, what you say to him outside major choices DO count.
  • edited October 2012
    Rock114 wrote: »
    All those conversation points points where it says "Kenny won't forget that" or Kenny noticed your loyalty" or the like probably mean something too you know. It's not JUST the stat screens at the end of each episode, although those are major parts. The conversations with him really DO matter.

    That makes sense, but he told me he didn't know if I'd help his family which I did do several times. I was nice to Kenny for most of the game and he still didn't want to come at first. I've only done one playthrough, but it seems like you have to constantly agree with him on everything he says and does in order for him to want to help you.
  • edited October 2012
    That makes sense, but he told me he didn't know if I'd help his family which I did do several times. I was nice to Kenny for most of the game and he still didn't want to come at first. I've only done one playthrough, but it seems like you have to constantly agree with him on everything he says and does in order for him to want to help you.

    It just takes four magic words to get him to come with you if he seems to be on the fence about it. He joined me without question, but if he doesn't outright hate you you can still get him to come. It's weird how they track this stuff and how they implement it.
  • edited October 2012
    Here's what I've done for Kenny
    Saved his boy from walkers.
    Was going to beat Larry up.
    Feed Duck every time I could.
    Was against staying put at the motel in.
    Saved Duck and Katjaa from walkers.
    Talked him into stopping the train, told him we were buddies.

    After all that, he tells me pretty much to fuck off, all because I saved Ben and didn't want to kill Larry.

    Yeah, I'm the jerk O:
  • edited October 2012
    Rock114 wrote: »
    It just takes four magic words to get him to come with you if he seems to be on the fence about it. He joined me without question, but if he doesn't outright hate you you can still get him to come. It's weird how they track this stuff and how they implement it.

    I was able to talk him into coming with me, but after everything that's happened I was hoping he'd just come without question. I didn't have to talk anyone else into coming along (everyone is coming with me), but the guy who's been there from the beginning and who's family I helped numerous times was skeptical.
  • edited October 2012
    I was able to talk him into coming with me, but after everything that's happened I was hoping he'd just come without question. I didn't have to talk anyone else into coming along (everyone is coming with me), but the guy who's been there from the beginning and who's family I helped numerous times was skeptical.

    Yeah it's crazy, I can count all the times I've saved his family, then when its his turn to help me save Clementine. :mad:

    I told him I was a friend, which I thought we were. Kenny has just been using me :c
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, that's pretty messed up...

    Get Omid some meds and then he and Christa practically force themselves into the group....

    Treat Ben like an adult and he's there with you.

    Help Kenny more than anyone else and he punks out on you..... W - T - F
  • edited October 2012
    Acadias wrote: »
    After all that, he tells me pretty much to fuck off, all because I saved Ben and didn't want to kill Larry.

    Kenny likely believes to the very core of his being that if Larry had not been "killed" he would have rose up to kill all of them. Thus leaving his family to the St. Johns. If I had such a core belief as that. I'd be a bit pissed off as well. No matter how long ago it was.

    I'd see it as someone trying to interfere with me being able to protect and look after my family. And ere'body knows dats wot Kenny is all 'bout.
  • edited October 2012
    The hints were always there,Kenny's a user not a giver...
  • edited October 2012
    Considering I sided with/agreed with Kenny in every dialoge option that wasn't about murdering people he didn't like and he still was against me, I'm going to continue with "screw him" sure if you had his back 100% of the way he's with you, but when 99% of the way isn't enough, that's a sign that person deserves to die.
  • edited October 2012
    kenny was right about killing lillys dad, being trapped in a room with that massive zombie it was a 50/50 if he was dead or not and with clemantine in the the room i couldnt take that chance i agrred with kenny he had to die, and beyond that he was harming the group also so that 50/50 chance made it a 60/40 i should kill him, the only thing i kinda disagreed on was not taking the mercy shot on the woman in the street, she was terrified anjd already bitten i had to put her out of her misery not be eaten alive. kenny is a good guy and he joined me with the rest of the group in the end, he knows what is needed to be done, that means alot in this zombie apocalypse
  • edited October 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Considering I sided with/agreed with Kenny in every dialoge option that wasn't about murdering people he didn't like and he still was against me, I'm going to continue with "screw him" sure if you had his back 100% of the way he's with you, but when 99% of the way isn't enough, that's a sign that person deserves to die.


    There's something very wrong with Kenny.

    Looking back, it was obvious he didn't want to help Lee/Clem at Hershal's farm... if not for Kat, he might have left them. Despite the fact he offered the ride initially.

    I don't know if he deserves to die though, but he definitely deserves to walk alone.
  • edited October 2012
    That's a bit of a stretch:
    *He gave you a ride to Macon
    *Invited you on to "his" boat.
    *Saved your life when LARRY knocked yo ass out
    *Looked into the cannibal St. Johns situation
    *Saved the group by killing pre-zombie Larry
    *Saved yo ass again in the drugstore
    *Fixed the RV and shit.
    etc etc

    Don't be fooled. Kenny is the seconday hero. And a true survivalist.
    Alot more than others have done.
  • edited October 2012
    Let's see...

    -Doesn't move to help you when the St Johns are about to kill you
    -Doesn't move to help you when you're trapped under a door
    -Whine's constantly about not staying on your knees for him
    -Doesn't really "help" unless Kat presses the issue.
  • edited October 2012
    Throwing away a friend because he disagrees with killing a father in front of his daughter or letting a boy drop to his death, is a very jerk ass move.

    A friend who's been there for you for everything, even saving your family's life
    that man is a true friend, and just because you two have a different views on how things should be handled, doesn't make him your enemy.

    Now when you really need Kenny after you two have been through thick and thin, he completely drops the ball, this isn't Lee asking him to kill a person this is Lee asking a friend to help him save a little girl.

    Also I just noticed Lee and Me are interchangeable
  • edited October 2012
    LokiHavok wrote: »
    *He gave you a ride to Macon

    Because he got us kicked out of Hershal's farm when he got Shaun killed.
    *Invited you on to "his" boat.

    Because Clem is a friend of Duck.
    *Looked into the cannibal St. Johns situation

    Saying "Hey Lee, look into the St. Johns situation" followed by racist remarks isn't exactly "looking into the situation"
    *Saved the group by killing pre-zombie Larry

    POSSIBLY saved the group. At the same time it was equally possible he screwed the group over by murdering Larry which then caused Lilly to snap and murder Carly/Doug.
    *Saved yo ass again in the drugstore

    He never once saved me. In fact he left me to die.
    *Fixed the RV and shit.

    So HE and his family could leave the group and nothing more. Besides that, it broke down for me and DOUG had to fix it DURING the bandit raid.

    Yep, he was really helpful. Right up there with Carley :p
  • edited October 2012
    If you help kill Larry, Kenny is the one to save you when you attack Danny, and he also helps you out when the door falls on you. Lilly also fails to help you when Andy's trying to fry your face, but you get out of there on your own.

    I was with Kenny pretty much all the time (I was on-and-off when it came to resting or finding a boat, I think, but other than that...), and he came with me without a second thought. Heartwarming.
    POSSIBLY saved the group. At the same time it was equally possible he screwed the group over by murdering Larry which then caused Lilly to snap and murder Carly/Doug.

    Can we just blame Lilly for killing Carley/Doug, please? Yeah, you can go back and say "Well, if this character hadn't done X, then Lilly wouldn't have done this", but if that's the case, then I blame everything on that cop in the beginning of the game. What it boils down to is, Lilly shot and killed someone, regardless of input from the rest of the group, because she was suspicious that someone had stolen supplies (or because Carley called her a bitch).
  • edited October 2012
    Wow, so the price for Kenny's help is to murder Larry... good to know that's more important than saving Duck, feeding Duck, defending Duck... etc... etc....
  • edited October 2012
    Lilly doesn't help you if you hold her back while Kenny kills her father in front of her face.

    Kenny doesn't help you if you don't hold her back so he can kill Larry.

    Now you tell me which one is more reasonable?

    In my head I even forgive him for not helping me on the farm, I didn't hold a grudge against him for it
    My hate for Kenny is from him not helping me save Clementine, that's more hurtful then him not saving me.
    Leave me for dead alright, I can forgive you for doing it twice! Don't help me find Clementine from a crazy man? I hate you forever.
  • edited October 2012
    Acadias wrote: »
    Now you tell me which one is more reasonable?

    I didn't say which one was more reasonable, I was just saying that's what happens.

    However, in Kenny's mind, Larry is as good as turned. Was Larry really dead? We don't know (his moving mouth could be reanimation or breathing...Not that CPR could realistically help the guy at that point). But if Larry turns, then Kenny, Lilly, Lee and Clem are screwed, which means that Katjaa and Duck would be left to the St. Johns. In Kenny's mind, if you try and help Larry you're ready to let that happen.

    I'm not saying I agree with Kenny wholeheartedly, but I at least somewhat understand where he's coming from.
  • edited October 2012
    I can't call Kenny a friend anymore simple as that, he left me in my time in need.
    He left me to die twice and I still wanted to be his buddy, but not coming with me to save Clementine and having the nerve to tell me I was selfish, we are no longer bros :c

    There is no way to justify it at all either, Breaking Omid legs and the both still wanted to come. We only knew them for a day! Ben treat him kindly he will come, less then 2 weeks I've known him.

    Kenny the man I've been with for 3 months won't come

    3 months of us looking out for each other, and he throws it away.
  • edited October 2012
    I did another playthrough were I would always choose the lines that support Kenny, his family, his plans, etc. Helped duck, stood up to Lilly and Larry, fed his family and left Lilly behind like he asked. Gave him the courage to help his son move on which helped him do the same to the boy in the attic.

    At the very end when no one else would come with me; the speech he gave me about how I always had his back even when he wasn't sure he was right, how I've been a true friend and that Clem and I are family to him and he'd stay with us to the very end pulled my heart strings. He even gave Christa and Omid the boat if we're not back by nightfall, his entire plan and reason to come here and he gives it up for Clem and I. He's a true friend if you can just understand the guy and forgive his bigger problems.

    He wont say that if you tried to save larry, and it pissed me off because of all the help i gave him and his family..
  • edited October 2012
    Kenny and I are bros. I helped him and now he helps me. He's a good guy.
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