Taking all of Kenny's bullshit emotionally paid off for me



  • edited October 2012
    Acadias wrote: »

    3 months of us looking out for each other, and he throws it away.

    Nailed it.

    Screw Kenny.
  • edited October 2012
    Acadias wrote: »
    Nah, I've been friends with him and the only thing we really had a disagreement about was Larry, everything between us was cool. I helped him emotionally after his family died and I tried to be a good friend.

    Clementine gets kidnapped, "Hey you never looked out for my family, screw finding that little girl D:<"

    If he can still be angry over something like that after you had been a good friend to him, then he can go screw himself.

    "What has she done for me" about Molly I think

    He's the kinda of friend who keeps track of what you've done for him only.

    I did kinda the same options as you, disagreed with him about Larry, I even beat him in the train. At first he would not help, but I easily convinced him otherwise. This option did not appeared for you?
  • edited October 2012
    kenny is awesome like a bro
  • edited October 2012
    I did kinda the same options as you, disagreed with him about Larry, I even beat him in the train. At first he would not help, but I easily convinced him otherwise. This option did not appeared for you?

    Nope I asked him as a friend please come with me, I'm not going to rewind so he can come. My Kenny used me :c
  • edited October 2012
    Acadias wrote: »
    Nope I asked him as a friend please come with me, I'm not going to rewind so he can come. My Kenny used me :c

    You was pretty selfish. The guy was mentally unstable for a while (obsessed with the boat), understandably so. Would not hurt to convince him.
  • edited October 2012
    You was pretty selfish. The guy was mentally unstable for a while (obsessed with the boat), understandably so. Would not hurt to convince him.

    For a while? I'm his best friend and I still think he's mentally unstable. Has been ever since the clearing, and the only reason he seems cool now is because we have a boat. If anything happened to the boat, he'd probably commit suicide.
  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012
    LOL... it's even funnier because he looks wasted. lol
  • edited October 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Let's see...

    -Doesn't move to help you when the St Johns are about to kill you
    -Doesn't move to help you when you're trapped under a door
    -Whine's constantly about not staying on your knees for him
    -Doesn't really "help" unless Kat presses the issue.

    - Drops you twice when pulling you up. I am absolutely sure he's doing it on purpose. Even Molly pulls you up without much effort.

    Gary Whitta, are you a Lilly supporter? :D
  • edited October 2012
    I still dont understand why kenny didnt immediately want to help me. I sided with him EVERY time except for leaving ben, and he says i am selfish. I still got him to come with me, but why? Oh well. we are still buds. :)
  • edited October 2012
    YamiRaziel wrote: »
    - Drops you twice when pulling you up. I am absolutely sure he's doing it on purpose. Even Molly pulls you up without much effort.

    Gary Whitta, are you a Lilly supporter? :D

    Because god forbid being shot hampers your ability to do physical activities.
  • edited October 2012
    Bralef wrote: »
    If you help kill Larry, Kenny is the one to save you when you attack Danny, and he also helps you out when the door falls on you. Lilly also fails to help you when Andy's trying to fry your face, but you get out of there on your own.

    Oh so the ticket to having Kenny's friendship is to murder an old man. Well that's perfectly reasonable!

    Also, Lilly doesn't help you after she watches you murder her father! I wouldn't help the guy either! Kenny however was just acting like a baby.

    Can we just blame Lilly for killing Carley/Doug, please? Yeah, you can go back and say "Well, if this character hadn't done X, then Lilly wouldn't have done this", but if that's the case, then I blame everything on that cop in the beginning of the game. What it boils down to is, Lilly shot and killed someone, regardless of input from the rest of the group, because she was suspicious that someone had stolen supplies (or because Carley called her a bitch).

    Oh yeah, in the end it is Lilly's fault, BUT Lilly wouldn't have became the emotional wreck that she was if Kenny didn't kill her father. Some would argue it IS his fault as Lilly was clearly mentally unstable after the incident.(We could also blame the guy who gave the paranoid chick the gun, which was either herself or Kenny since no one else seemed to have a stance on the role.)
  • edited October 2012
    I actually didn't have Kenny's back about 45% of the time in game... I tried to save Shaun instead of Duck, disagreed about killing Larry, disagreed with his plan to leave the inn and search for a boat, told him me and Clem were going our own way, voted for Ben and saved Ben's life. He still came with me in the end. Something about me always being there for his wife and kid... which was what really mattered. Then when I asked Ben to go with us, Kenny was all "wtf im not goin' if he is" and I was all "STFU KENNY" and he did........ so in the end I got to take both Kenny and Ben to look for Clem.
  • edited October 2012
    After failing to gain Kenny's loyalty in my first playthrough, I played through the game all over again. In it, I barely sided with him much, only thing I sided with him completely on was when I told him to kick Larry's ass when Larry wanted to throw Duck out of the pharmacy back in ep 1. Other than that? I didn't shoot the bitten girl in ep the beginning of ep 3. (I didnt save duck on the farm and I refused to kill Larry).

    Somehow doing both of those decisions was enough to get him to side with me in the end of ep 4. It may also have a bit to do with how i'd occasionally not attack him about his boat plan too much, dunno. (I shot duck, helped him shoot attic kid, and saved ben by the way).
  • edited October 2012
    I tried to be the voice of reason between kenny and lilly, never tried to take sides and make them see reason, there were times that I would agree one over the other, and I thought that would be enough, for kenny it wasnt. I picked the option where it said I needed him and he goes off sayin I never had his back, but when I did it again I picked the option saying clem was family, that shut kenny up, because he cant deny I was always lookin out for duck and katjaa when I could. Goin to the final episode with all 4 people!
  • edited October 2012

    100% on the spot XD
  • edited October 2012
    a true friend IS NOT someone who forces you to agree with him even if you know hes wrong
    a true friend is someone you WILL tell if you think hes wrong and have a respect for each others opinions
    Kenny has no respect for you, he just wants you as his slave, probably the same with Clementine
  • edited October 2012
    a true friend IS NOT someone who forces you to agree with him even if you know hes wrong
    a true friend is someone you WILL tell if you think hes wrong and have a respect for each others opinions
    Kenny has no respect for you, he just wants you as his slave, probably the same with Clementine

    Then why would he risk his life to go save her? Why would he risk his life for one of his "slaves" when he already has the means to escape the mainland? In my game I showed him the bite and he volunteered to go immediately. Aparently if Christa and Omid stay, he says for them to take the boat if he and Lee don't come back, and get out of Savannah or something to that effect. The boat he intended for his family to use. He's not a slavedriver, he's just an asshole sometimes.
  • edited October 2012
    Rock114 wrote: »
    Then why would he risk his life to go save her? Why would he risk his life for one of his "slaves" when he already has the means to escape the mainland? In my game I showed him the bite and he volunteered to go immediately. Aparently if Christa and Omid stay, he says for them to take the boat if he and Lee don't come back, and get out of Savannah or something to that effect. The boat he intended for his family to use. He's not a slavedriver, he's just an asshole sometimes.

    he knows your stupid enough at that point to sacrifice your life for him for all the wrong reasons
    he knows that you would die a long time before he would in a dangerous situation
  • edited December 2012
    Kenny is a dick.

    I'm glad some people realized it. I was on his side for a good portion of the game but when push came to shove he's a petty little prick.

    I was able to forgive some of his other little tantrums and crap... but i told him to go fuck himself when he wouldn't help Clementine and went on that not having his back speech...especially after all i did for his family.

    I killed Duck and the kid in the attic for him...kept his kid fed, stopped him on the train. Told him he could kick ben's ass later/voted him off the boat and then dropped Ben to go splat (Ben sucks too. that sniveling worthless worm)

    I didn't save Duck on the tractor, tried to reason with everyone in the pharmacy the first time, didn't want Larry killed until we knew he was dead, and shot the girl at the pharmacy. That's pretty much all the non pro kenny stuff i did...i also tried to pick the reasonable arguments at times between him and lilly although when lilly went batshit i sided more with him.

    I hated Ben the most throughout the game (and was soooo happy to drop him to his death) because he was the reason Carley, Kenny's wife/kid died. Not to mention leaving Clementine to die, getting everyone almost killed in Crawford and other countless worthless/blunders. However Kenny isn't too far down after being so petty despite you supporting him through a majority of the game
  • edited December 2012
    I supported him all the time,then i don't help him kill Larry and he is pissed of for the rest of the game...
  • edited December 2012
    Oh i love the hate kenny thread!

    Kenny had a taste for alcohol.

    In Episode 3 he shared a drink with Charles.
    In Episode 4 he drank the booze found on the table.
    In Episode 5 he found a bottle of booze in a box, while hiding up in the attic.

    ^ Kenny could have killed someone in a drunk rage

    Kenny was a supposedly poor hand-to-hand fighter.
    In Episode 1, at the end of the argument, Lee had four options, two of which ultimately mean siding with Kenny. One of them is, "Hit him, Kenny," which lead to Kenny delivering a punch in the face to Larry. Unfazed, Larry quickly returned a fist, knocking Kenny down to his knees in one blow. It was mentioned that Larry was by far the most physically strong member of the survivor group, so getting knocked down by Larry does not automatically mean Kenny was weak.
    In Episode 3, Kenny's methods of hand-to-hand combat with Lee were highly inefficient. Many of the majority who did fight him were seen to be successful in subduing him. This was likely made for game-play reasons however and is not necessarily an indicator for Kenny's martial prowess.
    This can also be backed up with Kenny's failed attempt to attack Molly in Episode 4, where he was seen running up to her after holding her at gunpoint, possibly attempting to attack or restrain her, but failed to do so when a kick to his legs caused him to fall over.

    ^ Being attacked by someone with a gun or something he would be SOOOO useless

    Kenny does not interact much with Clementine, and they are hardly ever seen together.

    ^ Clem h8r.

    He was the one who suggested we take the food? that resulted in lee being bitten and clems kidnapping...

  • edited December 2012
    Donut Funn wrote: »

    The dude's nothing but a piece of shit. I refuse to kill a woman's dad just to keep our friendship. The way you hold back Lilly and just force her to watch.... Jesus, it's just so awful.

    You can't murder a corpse. ;)
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