This is the first episode I am waiting on to be released since I only started playing after ep 4 was already out so I'd like to know from those of you who've been through the wait for like 3 and 4, did telltale announce the release date first or just release it and how did you find out? Also, I'd kind of seen a lot of speculation that it has to come out a wednesday or something but why is that?
This is the first episode I am waiting on to be released since I only started playing after ep 4 was already out so I'd like to know from those of you who've been through the wait for like 3 and 4, did telltale announce the release date first or just release it and how did you find out? Also, I'd kind of seen a lot of speculation that it has to come out a wednesday or something but why is that?
Games come out on the PSN on Tuesday.
Games come out on the 360 on Wednesday.
It usually comes out on Tuesdays for PSN, then Wednesday for PC/360.
These are pretty much 90% set in stone as exceptions have only been made a few times in the history of ever.
Telltale usually gives a heads up of a day or two.
Usually a week or two if it's the first episode or a big game launch. (Jurassic Park/The Walking Dead Ep. 1)
I think they want to release the final Episode on Consoles and iOS at the same time and because of that, we have to wait longer than the last episodes.
Games come out on the PSN on Tuesday.
Games come out on the 360 on Wednesday.
It usually comes out on Tuesdays for PSN, then Wednesday for PC/360.
These are pretty much 90% set in stone as exceptions have only been made a few times in the history of ever.
Telltale usually gives a heads up of a day or two.
Usually a week or two if it's the first episode or a big game launch. (Jurassic Park/The Walking Dead Ep. 1)
Ah - thanks for the info. I'm kind of hoping for this point that they'll announce the release date this week and it won't be til the week after Thanksgiving. Even though it's a long wait it'd be most convenient for me, tehe
The game they finished it weeks ago. They even said they "submitted it for certification" no doubt they want come as close to dec as possible so they can cash in. No other way to explain it.
Thanks... can't wait.
Now I know which day I shall go dark on. There's no way I'm sticking around these forums or facebook on the 20th, through fear of reading spoilers, which would be devastating. It's a shame that the release date isn't simultaneous, as you will always run the risk of reading something you wish you hadn't. Why is it that NA PSN get it one day earlier? is it because that's when they update the store?
YES!! Now I can stop compulsively checking out the facebook page and forums every hour!
And everyone, even iOS and PSN EU, gets it on the same day. I wonder if thatñs why it took them so long to announce a release date, so everyone would get it at the same time.
1 - I don't want to see Lee turn and/or have anything happen to Clementine.
2 - I don't want it to end. I want to keep going. Once this comes out, there will be a much longer - I assume - wait for Season 2.
stop there is no PLAN lol:p
Sorry, I just wanted to sound sinister.
or be good at mustache twirling;)
I keep checking back here obsessively @_@
Games come out on the PSN on Tuesday.
Games come out on the 360 on Wednesday.
It usually comes out on Tuesdays for PSN, then Wednesday for PC/360.
These are pretty much 90% set in stone as exceptions have only been made a few times in the history of ever.
Telltale usually gives a heads up of a day or two.
Usually a week or two if it's the first episode or a big game launch. (Jurassic Park/The Walking Dead Ep. 1)
Ah - thanks for the info. I'm kind of hoping for this point that they'll announce the release date this week and it won't be til the week after Thanksgiving. Even though it's a long wait it'd be most convenient for me, tehe
And then I enter and get nothing. Feels batman. I probably did the same to someone else now, apologies.
I feel much the same.
And what does 'feels batman' mean? It's a phrase I think I'd like to use more, if I knew its meaning.
Jep... That person was me... Dam now I did it to.
That would be me as well, good sir.
Most likely on friday or monday.
Yes we do:)
Hahaha, yeah really!
Now I know which day I shall go dark on. There's no way I'm sticking around these forums or facebook on the 20th, through fear of reading spoilers, which would be devastating. It's a shame that the release date isn't simultaneous, as you will always run the risk of reading something you wish you hadn't. Why is it that NA PSN get it one day earlier? is it because that's when they update the store?
I'm just happy I can stop checking the forums every few hours, every day now.
And everyone, even iOS and PSN EU, gets it on the same day. I wonder if thatñs why it took them so long to announce a release date, so everyone would get it at the same time.
1 - I don't want to see Lee turn and/or have anything happen to Clementine.
2 - I don't want it to end. I want to keep going. Once this comes out, there will be a much longer - I assume - wait for Season 2.
That being said, WooHoo! 100th post!! Yea, me!
get drunk and sleep in as much as possible time will fly by
ps i was spot on