It has to release on a Tuesday/Wednesday. I don't know why there are so many different voting options...
PSN seems to get almost all the episodes first.
So it's tomorrow, the 20th, or the 27th.
I vote for the 20th.
It has to release on a Tuesday/Wednesday. I don't know why there are so many different voting options...
PSN seems to get almost all the episodes first.
So it's tomorrow, the 20th, or the 27th.
I vote for the 20th.
Now if it doesn't you know it's so your fault right??:p You better be hoping that it comes out by the 16th lol j/k....We want it by Wednesday. So hop to it!!
Any day during the Thanksgiving week would be awesome, I'm sitting my girl down to play through all of the current episodes, would be a great time for it to drop.
Any day during the Thanksgiving week would be awesome, I'm sitting my girl down to play through all of the current episodes, would be a great time for it to drop.
For ep3, we had no idea when it was coming out, all we knew was that it was soon. I woke up on Tuesday and there was an announcement confirming it for Tuesday for ps3 and Wednesday for 360. Ep4 was confirmed 1 day before.
Because ep5 has been kept so secretive, it will be either tomorrow or next Tuesday.
Maybe i'm wrong but aren't they supposed to release the next Playing Dead before the release of Episode 5? it usually goes in a specific order: Acollades,Stats, and Playing Dead.
I was considering one thing. In the last twitter message we got, TTG did say Very soon... not Very very soon.
History says that;
Very soon = about a week (give and take)
Very very soon = after this weekend or something like that.
VERY VERY soon = proberly first thing tomorrow or even later today:)
So maybe we have to wait onto next week:(
What do you thing of my TTG barometer?
I like it, mostly because it confirms my prediction of Nov 21.:D
Although I wouldn't be entirely displeased if it was released earlier.
All of these twitter posts from folks who get to play it early are not helping anything! :mad:
I think it will be next week. They'll probably wait until mid to late this week to announce that it will be released next week. Already preparing for that punch to the kidneys...
Well, no, but she is halfway across the country attending school and I can rarely see her.
Not trying to make a big case outta myself, just wishful thinking out loud.
Ah. Sorry. I just have a friend, who is a girl, who have an american boyfriend, and he is a huge fan of TWD. So I was just wondering, if you were him:)
All of these twitter posts from folks who get to play it early are not helping anything! :mad:
I think it will be next week. They'll probably wait until mid to late this week to announce that it will be released next week. Already preparing for that punch to the kidneys...
Indeed it is frustrating to read about all the people, who gets to play in advance. But at least we still have one episode left. They don't:)
A couple of people on Twitter are saying the release date is tomorrow -- do a search for Walking Dead No Time Left. It means absolutely nothing, but they seem pretty certain for whatever reason.
What's up ladies?! I'm growing more and more anxious to get my fix! TWD:TG has been posting on facebook for the last few days, saying that they will soon have release date info on episode 5! But we all know how long "soon" is in Tall Tale Game terms, haha. I so can't wait to play it! Perhaps they'll drop the release dates this weekend and release it early next week? ./crossfingers ./hopeful!
A couple of people on Twitter are saying the release date is tomorrow -- do a search for Walking Dead No Time Left. It means absolutely nothing, but they seem pretty certain for whatever reason.
They have been posting on their facebook since like, Friday, so I am hoping for release date info by atleast this weekend, but that would be so awesome if they released dates tomorrow and those dates were this weekend!
The long, torturous wait...gaaaah. I'm so excited but I'm scared that ep 5 will come out on a really inconvenient day for me. If it comes out next week I don't know what I'll do because I've been playing with a friend at school and we go home for thanksgiving so I'd have to wait til we get back and somehow avoid spoilers and I'm not sure I could do it.
In who's world? These days most people are lucky if they don't have to work Thanksgiving Day. Much less the day before or the day after.
I am aware that many companies require their employees to report into work on Holidays. I've had to do so myself in the past few years, but many people I know are given the time off or are allowed to negotiate a way around it; hence where my impression came from. I only meant that it might be tricker then usual to release the episode next week because some companies do get the time off and Telltale has to work with several to get the episodes released across multiple platforms.
Episode 4 was released immediately after my video card got fried and i couldn't play it for days. I hope no other tragedy befalls me this time!
I feel like someone who hasn't drank water in a very long time and Telltale is giving me a tiny drop every time they tweet about episode 5. Just give me the whole bottle, please.
A couple of people on Twitter are saying the release date is tomorrow -- do a search for Walking Dead No Time Left. It means absolutely nothing, but they seem pretty certain for whatever reason.
Well, the TTG twitter make is sound like they will release it tomorrow, or the next day. But then again "soon" can mean many different times. I just hope it's this week. I think the game is already finished, they are just getting opinions from other people, possibly to build up the excitement for the gamers.
Well, the TTG twitter make is sound like they will release it tomorrow, or the next day. But then again "soon" can mean many different times. I just hope it's this week. I think the game is already finished, they are just getting opinions from other people, possibly to build up the excitement for the gamers.
They dont need to build any more excitement they just need to release the damn game so i can get my fix
PSN seems to get almost all the episodes first.
So it's tomorrow, the 20th, or the 27th.
I vote for the 20th.
Otherwise I couldn't be arsed to play anything...
not true one of them was released on a friday
PSN Updates on Tuesday
XBOX Updates on Wednesday
I don't see episode 5 launching on the PC first on a Friday.
I vote a Tuesday release.
episode 2 was released june 29th a friday for psn
They filmed another episode on Friday; there's a picture on Telltale's twitter as well as Whitta's I believe. That should be up any day now as well.
i think you mean playing dead not talking dead
Now if it doesn't you know it's so your fault right??:p You better be hoping that it comes out by the 16th lol j/k....We want it by Wednesday. So hop to it!!
Is your girlfriend from Denmark?
Because ep5 has been kept so secretive, it will be either tomorrow or next Tuesday.
I like it, mostly because it confirms my prediction of Nov 21.:D
Although I wouldn't be entirely displeased if it was released earlier.
Well, no, but she is halfway across the country attending school and I can rarely see her.
Not trying to make a big case outta myself, just wishful thinking out loud.
I think it will be next week. They'll probably wait until mid to late this week to announce that it will be released next week. Already preparing for that punch to the kidneys...
Ah. Sorry. I just have a friend, who is a girl, who have an american boyfriend, and he is a huge fan of TWD. So I was just wondering, if you were him:)
Indeed it is frustrating to read about all the people, who gets to play in advance. But at least we still have one episode left. They don't:)
In who's world? These days most people are lucky if they don't have to work Thanksgiving Day. Much less the day before or the day after.
But I need episode five
They have been posting on their facebook since like, Friday, so I am hoping for release date info by atleast this weekend, but that would be so awesome if they released dates tomorrow and those dates were this weekend!
Attachment not found.
just wish we could know if it'll be soon or next week. Here's hoping we find out today yippee.
I am aware that many companies require their employees to report into work on Holidays. I've had to do so myself in the past few years, but many people I know are given the time off or are allowed to negotiate a way around it; hence where my impression came from. I only meant that it might be tricker then usual to release the episode next week because some companies do get the time off and Telltale has to work with several to get the episodes released across multiple platforms.
An army of angry gamers can be worst than a hurd of roamers.
Just sayin' ...barricade your windows, TT staff.
You´ll probably be impatient about something else.
I feel like someone who hasn't drank water in a very long time and Telltale is giving me a tiny drop every time they tweet about episode 5. Just give me the whole bottle, please.
Well, the TTG twitter make is sound like they will release it tomorrow, or the next day. But then again "soon" can mean many different times. I just hope it's this week. I think the game is already finished, they are just getting opinions from other people, possibly to build up the excitement for the gamers.
They dont need to build any more excitement they just need to release the damn game so i can get my fix