Please don't kill Lee.
Ok so I just finished episode 4, loved it, so tense and amazing.
This video game has to be one of my favorite games ever. Sure the gameplay isn't anything groundbreaking, but I love point and click adventure games.
The story is just incredible, in my honest opinion this should have been the story for the actual TV series.
The voice acting, perfect.
Character development, just stunning.
The way the game brings out emotions in the players is just fantastic. I mean in episode 4 when you found that child walked in the attic....geez....tugged the old heart strings you know!
Anyway, I've grown quite attached to the characters, more so then any other game I've ever played. I simply love Lee, Clem and Kenny, but I know deep down that one will die.
The relationship between Clem and Lee is just so incredibly sweet that I really don't want to see either of them die. If one has to die, I guess I'd rather see Kenny selflessly sacrifice himself to save Lee and Clem. Sort of a "My families gone, but you could still have one Lee, Run!!". Thats how I see it.
I know with what happened to Lee at the end of episode 4 probably means he won't make it...but...I dunno him?
Anyway thats just my opinions, feel free to share your thoughts.
P.S: Carley!!!!!...................
This video game has to be one of my favorite games ever. Sure the gameplay isn't anything groundbreaking, but I love point and click adventure games.
The story is just incredible, in my honest opinion this should have been the story for the actual TV series.
The voice acting, perfect.
Character development, just stunning.
The way the game brings out emotions in the players is just fantastic. I mean in episode 4 when you found that child walked in the attic....geez....tugged the old heart strings you know!
Anyway, I've grown quite attached to the characters, more so then any other game I've ever played. I simply love Lee, Clem and Kenny, but I know deep down that one will die.
The relationship between Clem and Lee is just so incredibly sweet that I really don't want to see either of them die. If one has to die, I guess I'd rather see Kenny selflessly sacrifice himself to save Lee and Clem. Sort of a "My families gone, but you could still have one Lee, Run!!". Thats how I see it.
I know with what happened to Lee at the end of episode 4 probably means he won't make it...but...I dunno him?

Anyway thats just my opinions, feel free to share your thoughts.
P.S: Carley!!!!!...................

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Still I think episode 5 will be a mixture of who you have in your group and then challenges/puzzles
Maybe having Kenny will allow him to distract geeks
And either if you have a big group or are very quick and good at puzzles you will save Clem and if you don't you will permanently die
Ps. Doug
Lee surviving wouldn't make the game fantasy.
Also remember they are making a story intended to pull in peoples emotions, a big cliffhanger ending with Lee just surviving would have everyone jumping to buy Season 2 when its out.
So think about it that way.
Doesn't have to be all Doom and Gloom.
PLEASE!Don't kill Lee.
We know it's a realistic game.We know it's supposed to have lots of emotional scenes and that people can die there.
But PLEASE!You've killed so many other characters that it's dramatic enough already.
Katjaa,Duck,Carley....and so many others.
Please do NOT let Lee die.Think about it: He's the only incredibly liked video-game BLACK character in ages!He's one of the best gaming characters of the last few years.
Please you CANNOT let either Lee nor Clementine die!We went with you Telltale,we accepted the fact that you killed lots of other good characters but do not make us all disappointed in the end of the first season!
Lee is a very lovable not just likeable,character.
Yes yes blah blah its meant to be realistic but come on...
Lee is awesome...
Yeah, he is pretty awesome.
The 5 stages of grief
Bargaining <--- where you currently are
Acceptance <--- where you need to be if you want to have a chance at saving Clem!
Pretty sure Murtaugh survived the Lethal Weapon series. Or are we just labeling Telltale as racist with no evidence whatsoever?
Let's remove an arm, and crush a spine on his way to Zombie-dom
Oh, wow, that's just evil. I support this.
This is why biting Lee at the end of episode 4 was a good idea. It gives people time to work through grief while waiting for episode 5.
Imagine playing the episodes back to back and being in shock the whole time. Playing them with breaks is the way to go.
The only way they can have lee "survive" is to have him go M.I.A or AWOL
Imagine if that was real, such a funny little way to save Lee.
I went straight from denial and anger to acceptance, although I hovered in the "anger" zone for about an hour or two after I finished Ep 4.:mad:
Everything is cool now, so is the life in a video game filled with zombies right?
I also noticed alot of people arguing that how Lee got bit was wrong and shouldn't have happened but complacency is a real bitch and kills people all the time, I figured that is what happened to Lee. He had Clem on his mind and got complacent, not focusing on what was behind the dumpster/cardboard.
So I don't think it's likely that the wound was caused by anything else.
Radioman slaps a collar on Lee, crushes his knees, shoots him to turn him and uses him a zombie guard dog.
That was a JOKE of course.
Although, come to think of it, with such a shot of adrenaline, it's actually not even that likely that he would have felt the zombie bite. In the game as well, it's presented as more of a 'discovery'.
I've got a theory
The "ZOMBIE" virus is in the air,
the bite doesn't kill you, Its the air.
You haf an open wound and die
not entirely true but it's something
if all the evidence you've got is 1 movie series out of several decades of cinema and video games. you've already proven my point.
im not saying TTG is racist, they're just following the normal hollywood social cues.
Well if they did that, they'd know that
A. Lee cannot survive a zombie bite
B. Writing it off as NOT a zombie bite is just poor writing.
And? This is the walking dead! The comic that decided to wipe off half the cast in ONE issue. The comic that celebrated issue 100 by having the fan favorite be beaten to death with a baseball. Why should it give mercy now?
...So? Just because he is likable(or black for that matter) does not give him a free pass.
Exactly. How would they disappoint us? By sparing Lee after writing up such a dramatic moment. THAT is disappointing, having Lee die is not disappointing at all.
And again.... so?
Isn't the joke usually that the black guy is the FIRST to die? Lee's survived longer than almost everyone else we've met, and has proven to be the most resourceful of the group (aside from maybe Clementine).