Your dream HD collections
With all the HD game collections out there what would be yours?
Mine would be Ape Escape with Ape Escape P (Apes on the loose) Ape Escape 2 and Ape Escape 3. And a Shenmue Collection with 1 and 2.
Crap I forgot to add games to the title!
Mine would be Ape Escape with Ape Escape P (Apes on the loose) Ape Escape 2 and Ape Escape 3. And a Shenmue Collection with 1 and 2.
Crap I forgot to add games to the title!
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Also I hope the KH HD collection will be come out in the UK & US.
Isn't Bioshock already HD?
I'd definitely want Kingdom Hearts - especially if they include console versions of all the handheld games that have been spread out over every system known to man.
I know Metal Gear Solid already has an HD collection but I'd love to see one that includes Twin Snakes. I just can't bring myself to buy the collection when it starts at MGS2.
Also, an HD LucasArts adventure game collection. A guy can dream, right?
Yeah it should have Monkey Island 1-4 and S&M Hit The Road, Grim Fandango and the Indiana Jones games.
King's Quest
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
The Legend of Zelda
Link To The Past
Super Metroid
Goldeneye (the actual one Rare was working on not the crap re-imagining we got to replace it on the Wii and eventually the PS3 and 360)
Sam & Max Hit The Road would be pretty cool, I guess. As well as Loom. Maybe the Indy's. Maniac Mansion or DOTT. Yeah, all the LA games would be cool in HD. Certainly some Sierra games. Conquests of Camelot and Conquests of the Longbow were both great games and would be awesome in HD, I think.
Spyro (the PS1 games, not the others)
Ape Escape (I'm with coolsome, this'd be awesome)
Timesplitters (with online multiplayer - tell me that wouldn't be awesome)
That's all I got off the top of my head.
Also, some of the last gen Spider-man games. Especially Ultimate Spider-man (best Spidey game ever). The cell shaded design would look great in HD.