While I think that Dave Fennoy (Lee) and Melissa Hutchinson (Clementine) delivered the best performances in general, the most powerful performance was dealt from Gavin Hammon (Kenny), when Kenny found out that Ben was indirectly responsible for Duck and Katjaa's death.
Lee´s "It´s Over!" always seemed a bit too hammy for me to be believable xD.
I voted for Lilly. Her voice acting in that scene was superb, probably what made it so hard and heart-wrenching. "Get back here and finish this, Lee!" was a close second.
Lee's "It's over!" line, and the way he says "No..." after he sees he's been bitten, as well as a few others were top notch, so I voted for him. I'd also vote for Kenny though, for his discussion with Kat after he stops the train in Episode 3, and when he finds out that Ben is responsible for his family's death in 4. Of course, Lilly had some great ones too, especially in the meat locker. This is an unfair poll, there are too many great VAs in this game!
I still Ben's voice acting is the best, especially in the scenes where he sees the herd of walkers or his life or death moment. Ben, Molly, Andy, and Kenny were the characters that immersed me in the game the most. But Ben won with "You have to go now!" when he wants you to leave him and save Clementine.
Hmm arguments can be made for Kenny (losing it with Ben) or Clem (everything) but personally I'd go with Lilly. The quality of her voice acting after shooting Carley (or Doug) when she admits that she has nothing left, saved her from being left on the side of the road. No-one else has elicited that level of pity from me.
And by the way, The Fall of the St John Diary was the hammiest, worst moment in the entire series.
"IT'S OVER!!!!!!" yelled Lee
(word options)
"i said ITS OVVEEERRRR!!!!!!!" yelled back Lee
that's the best dialogue in the entire game :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
this poll is a little bit unfair because some actors had much less lines than the others
True, but would you say that is an advantage or a disadvantage? The more lines an actor has, the greater the chance that she/he fucks up, don't you think?
I never really liked Chuck's line: "Ask not... bell tolls... etc. etc. etc." It felt out of place and real forced... I mean really, as though any human being in that situation wouldn't say "Hey guys, look!" or better yet, "Shit! Shit!!" I guess his line makes more sense in the trailer than it does in the episode.
I voted for Lee's line "It's Over!" and Andy St. John's line had a very close second, mostly because I think the dialogue exchange between them at the end of Episode 2 was brilliant... particularly when Lee leaves Andy to die and Andy just moans "Lee, Lee..." it had chilling effect on me.
Actually, I think Episode 2 had most of the best voice acting, and was the most cinematic of all the episodes. For instance when Lee tells everyone at the dinner table about Mark, the nervous chatter that follows is excellent.
Honorable Mention: Kenny when Lee talks him down to stop the train. His voice acting made me very sad. I couldn't be mad at him again after that.
this poll is a little bit unfair because some actors had much less lines than the others
Look at Chuck and Andy. They currently have eight votes. High for this poll, yet Andy only appeared in Episode 2, and Chuck in the end of 3, and beginning of 4.
Oh my god, I couldn't choose between Andy and Chuck. Andy's death was very emotional, and the first time I've felt pity for a psychopath. On the other hand, when I first saw chuck I thought I wouldn't like him(being a dirty hobo). But he really grew on me, and the Bell line was very epic.
its to hard to think of the best, so i tried to think of the worst and work backwards but i couldn't do that either.
In most games i turn on subtitle straight away because there is often a disconnect between how the person is delivering the lines and how the words work together in the context of the scene, but with TWD i could even miss a few words and still get the feeling of what they were saying (like in real life) the only reason i have recently turned subtitles on is because i always do and noticed they weren't on.
So i congratulate the actors for doing a great job, and also whoever it is that lets the actors know exactly how they are supposed to deliver the lines so they sound like they are in the same place in the game as me and not just some non-contextualised reading of lines.
I just wanted to say, Trevor Hoffman, if you're reading this, really well done for your first voice acting job (at least that's what I've read). You make Ben really believable. All the voice acting in this game is super inspiring.
Chuck's voice actor (Roger Jackson) is pretty awesome in general. He played the voice of Ghostface in the Scream series, and Abe Lincoln in Sam and Max!
Chuck's voice actor (Roger Jackson) is pretty awesome in general. He played the voice of Ghostface in the Scream series, and Abe Lincoln in Sam and Max!
i sort of forget he has such a cool voice, but it was a very important part of his character, i don't think his ideas or presence would have been accepted as much if he had a squeaky whiney voice
I voted for Lee because it is the singular best performance of the whole cast, but that is in no way a diss on the great acting from everyone in the ensemble. Just about everyone had great line delivery throughout and even if I am conflicted in how I feel about certain characters, the acting is always top notch for them. So bravo Telltale for picking a great cast!
According to the wiki, Cissy Jones (who played Katjaa) voiced Jolene and Brie too:eek:. My mind has been blown. Katjaa and Jolene are probably the furthest accents away from each other that I can think of.
I must say there is NOT a bad one in the bunch.. all the parts are really acted well.. BUT I am partial to Nicki Rapp.. the woman is such a sweetheart and I really dig her.. so she gets my vote.
When Molly is beating the shit out of that doctor zombie. Her dialogue there was as good as can possibly be done. The anger and hurt felt real.
"He ain't shit now!"
I voted for Lilly. Her voice acting in that scene was superb, probably what made it so hard and heart-wrenching. "Get back here and finish this, Lee!" was a close second.
Oh, and Kenny's voice acting on episode 4, when Ben tells him about Kat and Duck... that was pretty amazing as well.
And by the way, The Fall of the St John Diary was the hammiest, worst moment in the entire series.
Well, only if you left him there. In my first playthrough I shot him.
Honourable mention to No Hash man. He has a place in my heart.
"I got charm coming outta mah ass!"
(word options)
"i said ITS OVVEEERRRR!!!!!!!" yelled back Lee
that's the best dialogue in the entire game :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
This. Everyone had their moments where the voice acting was great, making it hard for me to choose.
I wasn't doing best lines. I was doing what I thought were the best examples to use.
...Dat soundtrack..
True, but would you say that is an advantage or a disadvantage? The more lines an actor has, the greater the chance that she/he fucks up, don't you think?
I voted for Lee's line "It's Over!" and Andy St. John's line had a very close second, mostly because I think the dialogue exchange between them at the end of Episode 2 was brilliant... particularly when Lee leaves Andy to die and Andy just moans "Lee, Lee..." it had chilling effect on me.
Actually, I think Episode 2 had most of the best voice acting, and was the most cinematic of all the episodes. For instance when Lee tells everyone at the dinner table about Mark, the nervous chatter that follows is excellent.
Honorable Mention: Kenny when Lee talks him down to stop the train. His voice acting made me very sad. I couldn't be mad at him again after that.
Look at Chuck and Andy. They currently have eight votes. High for this poll, yet Andy only appeared in Episode 2, and Chuck in the end of 3, and beginning of 4.
(ch1) You want to get violent you old fuck?! I'm not gonna let you lay a hand on him or ANYONE! IT'S ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE!!
Lee to Larry when he wanted to throw Duck out in the street.
(ch2) I said.. IT'S OOOOVER!!
To Andy St. John after you decide to not kill him.
(ch3) YOU.... are NOT coming with us!
To Lilly after... I still can't believe she did that =(
Really haven't picked a favorite line from ch4 though... still in shock over what happened at the end =(
In most games i turn on subtitle straight away because there is often a disconnect between how the person is delivering the lines and how the words work together in the context of the scene, but with TWD i could even miss a few words and still get the feeling of what they were saying (like in real life) the only reason i have recently turned subtitles on is because i always do and noticed they weren't on.
So i congratulate the actors for doing a great job, and also whoever it is that lets the actors know exactly how they are supposed to deliver the lines so they sound like they are in the same place in the game as me and not just some non-contextualised reading of lines.
for shame..
I just wanted to say, Trevor Hoffman, if you're reading this, really well done for your first voice acting job (at least that's what I've read). You make Ben really believable. All the voice acting in this game is super inspiring.
I just plan out loved this scene, possibly my favorite of the game along with the music.
i sort of forget he has such a cool voice, but it was a very important part of his character, i don't think his ideas or presence would have been accepted as much if he had a squeaky whiney voice
I would say his line when the twist came at the end was the best. That reaction of his was just spot-on. "No...no....no...oh, f**k"
"He ain't shit now!"
It sounded so eerie... So suspicious...