Should Flint Paper smoke?

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
Now that we've got Flint in the new season, I think we should get to see him play up the hard-boiled film noir detective role to the hilt. And that includes the occasional cigarette.

C'mon, Telltale crew. Even ScrewUsArts was willing to tread here. Pretty please?


  • edited November 2007
    Does it matter? Traditionally Flint Paper only makes very brief cameo appearances at the start of a storyline, typically while he's busy fighting. Even if he does smoke you wouldn't expect to see him smoke under those circumstances -in fact, if you did, you'd probably conclude that he smokes a lot more than just occasionally.
  • edited November 2007
    I think it would add to the atmosphere a lot having him smoke (and maybe have him do some film noir voice-overs at a certain point...), but regarding what's going on in the movie industry right now about movies with people smoking in it, I fear that won't happen - as ridiculous as that is. I remember Lucky Luke getting his cigarette switched for a twig at a certain point in his comics, as if kid's ever felt like smoking just because Lucky Luke did... :rolleyes:
  • edited November 2007
    YES. Simple YES.
    If it's gritty and realistic, like smoking which a bunch of people do anyway, put it in the game.
  • edited November 2007
    The question, though, first should be... does Flint Paper smoke?

    Because if he doesn't, you shouldn't put it in the game just because it's "Gritty and realistic."

    Character consistency is more important.

    PS. "gritty" is such a meaningless buzzword. Learn to use real words, please.
  • edited November 2007
  • edited November 2007
    I can imagine him smokin at the opening. I mean, if Sam and Max doesn't fix that hole in their wall (which I think they won't to make Flint accessable without adding a new screen between the outside streets and S&M's office,) I can picture Flint smoking after beating up a crook as if he enjoys beatin ppl up like sex. I can also see him put out his smokes by rubbing it on some criminal's head.
  • edited November 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    The question, though, first should be... does Flint Paper smoke?

    Because if he doesn't, you shouldn't put it in the game just because it's "Gritty and realistic."

    Character consistency is more important.

    PS. "gritty" is such a meaningless buzzword. Learn to use real words, please.

    The ad the original poster posted seems to indicate that he does.
  • edited November 2007
    BTW, is it me or does Flint seems to be drawn differently between the ad of the cancelled S&M game, the comics, and the telltale S&M season 2?
  • MelMel
    edited November 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    PS. "gritty" is such a meaningless buzzword. Learn to use real words, please.

    I would like to see your vocabulary police badge please. ;)

    It's interesting that for all of the hullabaloo about smoking in movies, there's a TV show on AMC (it's a movie channel here in the US) called Mad Men that takes place in the 60's and everyone is smoking on there (many more people smoked then). It's not out of the question but I guess it's a matter of what Flint will be doing, like Harald said.

    Although, when I was in vet school, we went down to a slaughterhouse and the guy who was doing the exsanguinations was covered in blood (all over his apron, blood spatters on his face, his gloved hands were all bloody) and he had a lit cigarette dangling from his mouth. So I guess anything is possible. :D
  • edited November 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    BTW, is it me or does Flint seems to be drawn differently between the ad of the cancelled S&M game, the comics, and the telltale S&M season 2?

    He was. In the two sketchbooks, you can see his redesigns for both the cancelled games and, surprisingly, season 1.
  • edited November 2007
    I believe he would smoke yeah.. hope we get to see more flint in the the design and voicework
  • edited November 2007
    It amazes how much of a big deal you guys always make about Flint Paper. Soon enough, you'll be asking for his own spin-off adventure gaming series!
  • edited November 2007
    From what I know of Flint, both from this game and the first five minutes of Sam & Max Hit The Road, smoking fits him. It's not out of character.

    Would it change my perceptions of him to see him smoke in the next game instead of beating the crap out of some schmuck? No.

    Would it change my perceptions of him to see him not smoke in the next game? No.

    In the end, he's a character who smokes, even if you don't ever see him do it. Might as well.

    And as a note, I'm preturbed by the fact someone threw in realism as an reason he should in regards to a Sam & Max game.
  • edited November 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    PS. "gritty" is such a meaningless buzzword. Learn to use real words, please.

    Something or someone ticked you off today?

    And as a note, I'm preturbed by the fact someone threw in realism as an reason he should in regards to a Sam & Max game.

    Well, that's why the games are so funny in the first place, because it's altered reality. What I always loved about Sam & Max was that it was set in New York, but it had a lot more entertaining rats, the main characters were not human at all and the sarcasm that was pretty consistent throughout Sam & Max's merchandising was relatable. I mean, it's not like it's a completely made-up world, with all the political and pop culture referrences. Right?

    I just like seeing stuff like dirt, holes in the walls with Paper Flint in them, peeled-off wallpapers, trash and rats running around in the series. It very much sets the tone of what I consider to be Sam & Max.

    EDIT: And smoking does seem like something Paper Flint would do.
  • edited November 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    if Sam and Max doesn't fix that hole in their wall

    What do you mean "if". They never bothered to cover up the bullet holes from the 1st episode of season one. Do you they they would fix a hole in their wall? Especially since it allows them to seee their beloved Flint Paper more often? :D
  • edited November 2007
    Kefky wrote: »
    It amazes how much of a big deal you guys always make about Flint Paper. Soon enough, you'll be asking for his own spin-off adventure gaming series!

    That's a good idea :D Max gets a lot of love and Flint is crazier than him, so why shouldn't he be a revered character in the Sam & Max universe?
  • edited November 2007
    Dedlok wrote: »
    What do you mean "if". They never bothered to cover up the bullet holes from the 1st episode of season one. Do you they they would fix a hole in their wall? Especially since it allows them to seee their beloved Flint Paper more often? :D

    I did say I doubt they will fix it especially it allows the gamers to talk to Flint w/o adding a new scene inside the office, thus preventing more "lag" time between the office and the streets, wiseguy. Well, if you want to argue with the word, "if", if because Sam and Max can easily cover up the wall with a pin up poster or put up a grandfather clock.
  • edited November 2007
    It wouldn't be half bad if there was a hallway outside the office as a screen you go through to get out. That would make for more excuses to show Flint cleaning out last week's criminals out of his office...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    I don't think we'll see a hallway in season two. Doom Saber is right - the hole in the wall is a great way to get a glimpse into Flint's office without having to make people walk down the hall every time they want to get back and forth between the DeSoto and the office (a pretty common trip to take, which people already said took too long in season one).
  • edited November 2007
    Anyway, back on topic. Most characters in Grim Fandango smoked. Granted, they were already dead and didn't have lungs to get cancer or emphysema in, but that's irrelevant. I can just see Flint Paper beating up a guy using a 2x4 with nails in the end, while smoking a huge Cuban cigar in one side of his mouth. And it's not like smoking hasn't been used before in adventure games. Space Quest 4 had a neat puzzle involving a cigar.

    Reminder to self - don't try and make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about at 1:30am.
  • edited November 2007
    You've spoken like a true Sam & Max fan.
  • edited November 2007
    He's an adult, so I guess that's his decision.
  • edited November 2007
    Smoking is unhealthy its bad for you, so thus no one would do it with a sound mind...
    and since Flint is completely opposite of well a sound mind he should be smoking, perhaps even injecting heroin...nah just joking.

    To be honest, id like to see Flint smoke not only would it add to his character it would also make the game a bit less childish, which would be a good thing. He could take a drag on a cigarette in between beating crooks, or while talking to Sam and Max.
  • edited November 2007
    I wish that when you speak to flint in the game, sam or max or both would poke their heads in through the hole in the wall to see flint's entire office. that way we could see piles of unshaven criminals lying in the corner, him smoking etc.
  • edited November 2007
    ...and that when you look inside, it looks almost exactly like Sam and Max's office.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    flint invited me over recently. his place wasn't so great... it kinda smelled like grandma and cool whip...
  • edited November 2007
    and you got out without a proper beating? impressive.

    i don't think flint should smoke or rather needs to, though. when appearing in the comics he is usually busy working on some suspects or whoever those guys are. it would probably suit him to smoke a cigarette or maybe take a drink in breaks, but sam and max usually don't see him long enough to know. correct me if i'm wrong, since i'm despereatly waiting for the "surfin' the highway" reprint to get some more insight on the comics..
  • edited November 2007
    He only appears for two shorts times.
  • edited November 2007
    He only appears twice?! Period?! How they hell did he create a fan base within the Sam & Max fan base?

    Answer? He's just that AWESOME!
  • edited November 2007
    Well, he has three appearances, if you include htr..right?
  • edited November 2007
    4 if you include Freelance Police, lol

    Edit: The Flint Paper Mural

    I have lots of time to kill...
  • edited November 2007
    I think Flint looks better in 201 than the freelance police game! :)
  • edited November 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    Well, he has three appearances, if you include htr..right?

    He doesn't technically "appear" in HTR, any more than Bosco does.
  • edited November 2007
    He at least has lines.
  • edited November 2007
    It's like saying Indiana Jones doesn't appear in the Indiana Jones novels because you don't see or hear Harrison Ford when you read.
  • edited November 2007
    No, having Flint smoke sends a bad message to kids.
  • edited November 2007
    and so random gunfire and massive beatings doesn't.. what about when Max smoked in the mall just to look cool hah
  • edited November 2007
    No, having Flint smoke sends a bad message to kids.

    I guess Flint smoking sends a bad message to kids while things like having the ghost of Xmas present mention something about drugs, having characters in the game make some sexual jokes in several episodes, and having Max say "Bast****," punching the fictional president in the head, and thinking of using Jimmy's pelt as a fashion accessary is okay for kids. :D

    Seriously though, this game'smain target is teens and not kids, which is apparent in the game's content. If Max is able to go cuss and be Max-like, I don't see why Flint can't smoke and can't be Flint-like.
  • edited November 2007
    Flint-like? You mean able to strike a spark when it hits another rock?
  • edited November 2007
    Yeah, in a way. I mean, I am sure he can grind or rub his knuckles on a crook's noggin to create sparks to light his cigar.
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