Episode 5 early testers: twitter updates/reactions
Can't wait to see how season one ends!Eric Eckstein @EricEckstein Finished @telltalegames Walking Dead season and wow. Play it and be prepped to feel bad about everything.
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-An upcoming reaction from the Telltale Games twitter.
-Upcoming tweet from the special fans.
Hey now! Don't make them make us wait longer.
I have to admit, I was thinking this......
kinda expected a sad ending but i didnt want to be told its a sad ending before i actualy play it -_-
Yeah, it's actually getting quite annoying. The reactions have caused so much excitement, I kind of want to experience it now, instead of seeing lots of people enjoy it themselves.
Well, based on some of them... (one of them including FFFFUUU) I can safely assume Lee or someone important will die.
And aside from a bunch of people playing it, they keep saying it'll be out soon. That's not working very well, I was excited the first time they said it, but c'mon now...
That kind of thing doesnt generate hype, it generates irritation. I dont care what others thought of it who got to play it earlier, I want to play it myself. I love the game, but I dislike the way Telltale tries to advertise and the stalling with announcing things.
right that's like if they released ep 5 for xbox and no one else til some later date. Thats how I feel. Maybe they are trying to make us understand the IOS systems feelings that we reveal too much before it even releases for the IOS
yes sir I think even the patient fans will be angered
What is going to hold it up is the review and release process by the console manufacturers. That's out of Telltale's hands, and that process can often take a while. The good news is that it will almost certainly make it's November release schedule.
I'd be shocked if it didn't. Only thing is this: TT had their wrap party for the game yesterday, I believe, meaning that it's done and done. If the game hasn't already been submitted to Steam/Microsoft/whoever yet, we're looking at a minimum of a week before release (I think), max of two weeks.
And yeah, I'm glad the reviewers are pleased, but if any of them are fans of the game, they should know how frustrating those tweets must be to us.
Thank you for the clarification
I guess you are talking certification right? well They shouldn't even be talking about release dates if it's not yet submitted for the certification as they wouldn't know at that point. Bigger overall point is we have to search for info, so either be up front (I don't know when its being certified) or just stay silent(which they do sometimes just not now) til you know for certain its a locked release date.
YES! Yes you should!;)
You should definitely feel scared!
The Walking Dead is misery porn, being a good guy means nothing.
I think they're purposefully not going to release a trailer for it, because they don't want anything at all about episode five being spoiled, or even hinted at. They probably want us going in having no clue whatsoever about what's going to go down, except that it's not going to be good.
With the trailers you have a general idea of the situation, some hints at what might happen, etc. I think it would spoil the episode a little if they released a trailer(or worse, one of those in-game footage trailers), especially if the episode is full of intense moments.
I will,thank you for the advice.
what were they thinking with this.
Hey we dont have any trailors, info, hints, but these ppl love it. oh and it will be here on the ...... muahahahahaah like we would tell you. i mean soon..... not good enough? Okay VERY soon
The building of excitement was amazing for awhile, but now it just gets repetitive.