Episode 5 trailer discussion
[highlight]MOD EDIT:
Don't panic, it's not released yet but it is about to.
I'm not opening this thread to discuss expectations by the latest trailer of WD which was announced to be released TODAY.
But I opened it, because I'm not watching it since there is so little time left for the episode itself. I want to play it without watching any scene.
So, I thought, maybe you can share your thoughts here when trailer hits. If there is an exact thread around here to discuss the trailer, I'm sure all players who don't want to know anything about the final episode -like me- will be safe by spoilers.
Pretty pretty pretty please don't talk under so many threads about the trailer
You can chat about any expectations before trailer is out, though.
Anyway, I'm not reading any of it
Don't panic, it's not released yet but it is about to.

I'm not opening this thread to discuss expectations by the latest trailer of WD which was announced to be released TODAY.
But I opened it, because I'm not watching it since there is so little time left for the episode itself. I want to play it without watching any scene.
So, I thought, maybe you can share your thoughts here when trailer hits. If there is an exact thread around here to discuss the trailer, I'm sure all players who don't want to know anything about the final episode -like me- will be safe by spoilers.
Pretty pretty pretty please don't talk under so many threads about the trailer

You can chat about any expectations before trailer is out, though.
Anyway, I'm not reading any of it

This discussion has been closed.
Episode 4's trailer wasn't too far off.
Don't stir me up, man.
(Today after saying this, I'm afraid I will receive many private messages from both this forum and from friends on other platforms which give major spoilers)
You'll see. Just be glad we only have a couple of days to pick it apart. Rather than a week like last time.
Okay duke, I'll have to figure out the whole episode without you....such discipline....where is that e5 trailer...
I want to watch it out of sheer curiosity, but I want the experience of playing without knowing anything as well...
Wonder how long it'll take on Wednesday until the game's ready to patch.
Hey, try to be brave man. You can do it, don't let your curiosity let you down! It's only two days
Thank you for the correction on thread name, admins.
And, here for those who are waiting TheWalkingDead SEASON FINALE TRAILER passionately, watch a FANMADE series recap ! It is very brilliant. Please go there and give some love!
Probably 1, maybe 2.
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh did telitale even announce the time?
Epic, Telltale. Also, 99.99% sure now that everybody will die now (before the trailer I was only 99.98% sure). It will still be epic.
i thing i just had a walking deadgasm
Have fun folks, and have a great discussion.
I'm out and will be back after I play myself
The trailer shows the entire group so I assume it is what happens if you bring everyone.
My imagination is going wild with the whole Christa thing, but it almost looked like a poison bombing to me? idk, too much adrenaline going through me to think clearly now.
What time does PSN usually release stuff? I have a feeling I'm going to be up allllllll night waiting for it.
There's no point, it comes out mid-afternoon, early evening usually.
Ep3 came out at 4:30, but ep4 came about 2 hours earlier, around 2:30. It all depends what time the store updates.
Christa - dies?
Kenny - Dies?
Ben - Dies?
Did anybody notices bens quivering lip like he was swarmmed...
or kenny just made him cry XD
Diana is black i think?
and i dont think so because they wouldnt of shownit in the the trailer
2 random couples just put there to make omid and christa
( consider suicide? )
OMG MUY 100th post AHHHHHHH!!!!! YAY WOOooooOoo a huge milestone for me
the post is about like my fave people in the game!!K!J!J
And shit, I hope people don't play hero like it appears Kenny was doing. I want people to live, goddammit
Well, its safe to guess what happened to them... unless...
Kanny is probs dead yayyy
but now who will i insult and tell to fuck themselfs.... BEN... come here for a moment...
I can't imagine what will happen in Episode 5.
And Damnit, Wednesday is when I have to go to school ( I'm having holiday till Thursday)
and I don't know if I will be able to play it without my parents making me go to places.
And I will have surgery on Friday.
Damnit Telltale, why do you choose the worst days to release episodes for me in my schedule!
things are going to get intense.
I think the part where kenny told you to get out, I think that was the bro kenny telling you to save clem and leave him to die.
a lot of movies and shows have this style:
at the ending or middle of the series or movie has this type of anger arguments and they get furious.
im afraid of the death
there will be 2 much