Walking Dead is nominated for Game of the Year

Spike TV’s 2012 Video Game Awards has announced that The Walking Dead is on the list of nominees for Game of the Year! Good job, Telltale!


  • edited November 2012
    Everyone vote!
  • edited November 2012
    I voted! TTG all the way!
  • edited November 2012
    Where it's probably going to get stomped by the three triple-A title titles it's up against. I honestly have no idea why they put it (and Journey for that matter) for game of the year. It's a good game yes, but even with the pull of the TV show fans, I just don't think it's going to happen.

    The places where it stands a MUCH better chance of winning is best adapted and downloadable game.
  • edited November 2012
    Link to a place to vote? Too lazy to google lol
  • edited November 2012
    i hope it dosent win due to the episode 4 download issue, why would people vote for a game that dosent work?
  • edited November 2012
    Whats the link to vote?
  • edited November 2012
    yeah wheres the link so i vote it a big fat zero (and all my friends)
  • edited November 2012
    Panzer89 wrote: »
    The places where it stands a MUCH better chance of winning is best adapted and downloadable game.

    really???? lol there are a ton of people who cant download it so i cant see that myself :eek:
  • edited November 2012
    GAZZAD wrote: »
    i hope it dosent win due to the episode 4 download issue, why would people vote for a game that dosent work?

    Sorry it's not working for you, I'd be upset too.
    Not enough to mention it in every post I make, and shit all over the game's success though!

    They released a fix for your problem, if it didn't work you should continue working with the staff instead of being rude.
  • edited November 2012
    ...Wow, saying that you hope it doesn't deserve to win because of some issues. -__-
    Hope the game wins. Great job for making such a great game, Telltale.
  • edited November 2012
    if it was working i would be there with you, the fix dosent work im afraid and im not the only one, im not a fanboy and dont get all emotional over a videogame like some i read on here, so dont vote just because its fashionable, i vote on the basis of the QOS i recieve from a company and the product it delivers, therefore no i dont think it should come anywhere near the top?! notihing rude about it?? more annoyance of being ripped off and ignored. if anyone is rude it is the game developer not me, for just that reason
  • edited November 2012
    Dildor wrote: »
    game's success


    i dont see it as a success that many people still cant download episode 4, thats my opinion, deal with it.
  • edited November 2012
    Fine, then deal with my opinion too.
    GAZZAD wrote: »
    i dont see it as a success that many people still cant download episode 4, thats my opinion, deal with it.

    You are in a tiny minority experiencing this problem, so don't act like we are all having this issue.
    GAZZAD wrote: »
    if it was working i would be there with you, the fix dosent work im afraid and im not the only one, im not a fanboy so dont vote just because its fashionable, i vote on the basis of the QOS i recieve from a company and the product it delivers, therefore no i dont think it should come anywhere near the top?! notihing rude about it??

    That's how you judge what deserves to be game of the year?
    You clearly don't have any sort of criteria for voting game of the year, because it's apparent from your older post you've never done that before. (There is no giving a game a 0, you just vote for it, or one of the other games.)

    If you won't stop posting crap, at least stop double posting it.
  • edited November 2012
    Dildor wrote: »
    Fine, then deal with my opinion too.

    You are in a tiny minority experiencing this problem, so don't act like we are all having this issue.

    That's how you judge what deserves to be game of the year?
    You clearly don't have any sort of criteria for voting game of the year, because it's apparent from your older post you've never done that before. (There is no giving a game a 0, you just vote for it, or one of the other games.)

    If you won't stop posting crap, at least stop double posting it.

    no your correct dildo, i dont vote many games. i am humbled by you immense experience in voting for games, i should imagine it will take you very far in your life, all the best now.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2012
    What is going on here exactly?

    Dildor, how would you know about how many people have experienced DL problems?

    Gazzad, there was a patch supposedly fixing the DL problems. Have you tried reinstalling the game, because that worked for me?

    In any case, stop pestering each other. If someone wants to vote the game down because of bugs he's experiencing, I don't see why this shouldn't be a valid thing to do. But just trying to rile up people with six posts of the same possibly off topic content and with three posts in a row, that's just wrong and it won't continue.

  • edited November 2012
    You're right.
    Sorry Gaz, I do hope you get your game up and working.
  • edited November 2012
    it won't continue.

    oh the irony..a bit like my game lol!!

    but yeah i wont be posting here again, its obvious if you have a gripe your going to get slammed down by the fanboys. i was patient enough to wait a month then fired up my game to see if it was fixed and it wasnt and i havent got the time too reinstall and start again, that isnt a solution for me, so back on topic, I really hope it dosent win the top spot so that telltale can perhaps learn from it and provide games that work in the future, and if not then at least keep people informed and provide patches that work, i would be out on my ear if i acted in this way in my job..

  • edited November 2012
    GAZZAD wrote: »
    oh the irony..a bit like my game lol!!

    but yeah i wont be posting here again, its obvious if you have a gripe your going to get slammed down by the fanboys.

    Says the person who did their best to slam down every positive post in this thread.

    More on topic I actually voted a few days ago, they've certainly got an odd mix of games there.
  • edited November 2012
    I've voted to all categories for Telltale's The Walking Dead! Telltale deserves it!

    Good luck!
  • edited November 2012
    Telltale are nominated for several things, even studio of the year! Everyone vote:
  • edited November 2012
    Spike TV isn't the only one.

    I know, for months, many of us have been saying this was Game of the Year material, but with the likes of Assassin's Creed 3, Dishonored, Black Ops 2, Halo 4, Borderlands 2 and Mass Effect 3 all coming out this year, I don't think many of us really expected it to happen. It's so nice to be proven wrong.
  • edited November 2012
    I've mostly voted on TWD because TWD is really the only game i actually really like this year.
    Well TW2 and Dark Souls too but that doesn't count because both games were officially released in 2011.
  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    Voted in every catagory, but I was just being honest.
  • edited November 2012
    I've never been much of a fan of the whole "award" thing but this game deserves all the attention it can get.
  • edited November 2012
    DONT VOTE FOR THIS GAME!! why would you vote for a game that deletes ALL your saves and has no way of recovering them. esp a game that takes a LOT of time? if it hasnt happened to you, your lucky, but think of all the people it HAS happened to. Think that it hasnt happened to you yet, but the possibility is still out there, waiting to strike. dont be a prisoner of the moment, a game this good should NEVER be ruined by stupid GLITCHES that telltale's so-called "Experts" cant even fix
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2012

    people vote for the game when they loved it. That's all there is to know.

    Those who experienced a lot of bugs are unlikely to vote for it, so there probably is a definite approval bump in the "Game of the year" because of these people just as EA's Mass Effect 3 will have problems securing its usual fanbase because of factors like Origin & the game's ending.

    But those who experienced not many bugs in TWD can not 'unlike' the game for problems others experienced. That's just not how this works. I can not imagine that some bugs will NOT have repercussions on this vote; but you can't force them either. You really can't.
  • edited November 2012
    Hard to consider this game of the year worthy when people have been having their saves wiped out with 3 of the 5 episodes. 10 out of 10 for story but def not game of the year with all the bugs and game shattering glitches.
  • edited November 2012
    HAHA Wowww! Nominated for studio of the year too? Thats completely laughable considereing they can't fix anything in their own games and instead tell people who have poured hours into the game to just let it randomly generate your decisions. If there is a lazy and uncaring studio award they deserve it.
  • edited November 2012
    I voted. They were up for best actress for Clementine's actor and Lee's as well. I voted for all of TTG's nominations naturally.
  • edited November 2012
    Hard to consider this game of the year worthy when people have been having their saves wiped out with 3 of the 5 episodes. 10 out of 10 for story but def not game of the year with all the bugs and game shattering glitches.

    I concur, the story and creative process are a 10/10 for this game. The execution and support are wanting.
  • edited November 2012
    It deleted my savegame and I votet for it...Look at Bethesda, they are basically the kings of bugs and there games are still freaking awesome.
    Sure it sucked that I had to play everything again but, well...Shit happens ;)
  • edited November 2012
    It deleted my savegame and I votet for it...Look at Bethesda, they are basically the kings of bugs and there games are still freaking awesome.
    Sure it sucked that I had to play everything again but, well...Shit happens ;)

    IMO, if a large volume of Fallout3 or Skyrim characters had the save data wiped out 2/3 the way through the game, it would reflect very badly on Bethesda.

    The glitches that these games have pale in comparison to the glitches and game-breakers experienced by TTG's customers.
  • edited November 2012

    people vote for the game when they loved it. That's all there is to know.

    Those who experienced a lot of bugs are unlikely to vote for it, so there probably is a definite approval bump in the "Game of the year" because of these people just as EA's Mass Effect 3 will have problems securing its usual fanbase because of factors like Origin & the game's ending.

    But those who experienced not many bugs in TWD can not 'unlike' the game for problems others experienced. That's just not how this works. I can not imagine that some bugs will NOT have repercussions on this vote; but you can't force them either. You really can't.

    the game itself, i loved. no question it was an awesome game. its the fact that even after 4 episodes into it, they couldnt fix the same bug that was deleting peoples saves. 4 out of the 5 episodes... still nothing was fixed. out of any ps3 game ever, this is the first time ive ever seen it happen. im saying for season 2, you guys really need to step up your tech support. it sucks seeing all these people praise this game bc they didnt have to go thru what a good majority of PS3 users went thru. it feels like theres no point to finish the game if none of my choices are even saved. i understand im being a huge debbie downer, but it needs to be well-known. imagine playing ANY video game, and u get to the 2nd to last level, and everything is wiped out. i think that is a pretty damn big deal. and it didnt just happen in ep4, it was happening well before that.
  • edited November 2012
    From what I've gathered though, not a lot of people are actually voting for AC3 or Borderlands 2. I've mostly seen Journey and TWD as the people's choice, so I'm guessing it's really between those two.
  • edited November 2012
    I voted for The Walking Dead in every category except female voice actor. Femshep was just too good. That said, The Walking Dead is my favorite game ever. EVER!
  • edited November 2012
    This deserves our votes guys !
  • edited November 2012
    I have a strange feeling they will fuck up with season 2.
  • edited November 2012
    Now that's cost efficiency. Even becoming a nominee on a dramatically different budget. The bigger companies should take note and listen to what long-time gamers have been telling them for a long while.

    The shiniest graphics are not the be-all and end-all of great presentation. Not in gameplay, not even in cutscenes. They should dare to push more than the RAM in our machines. They should dare to try something besides instant gratification.

    For the first time in a while it's the player that's getting THEIR buttons pushed.
  • edited November 2012
    Panzer89 wrote: »
    Where it's probably going to get stomped by the three triple-A title titles it's up against. I honestly have no idea why they put it (and Journey for that matter) for game of the year. It's a good game yes, but even with the pull of the TV show fans, I just don't think it's going to happen.

    The places where it stands a MUCH better chance of winning is best adapted and downloadable game.

    This sucks but I agree. Against 3 hard hitting action packed games, the walking dead which is low on action but strong in story and emotional plots will not take home the gold. On the other hand it has a strong chance for best adapted and downloadable game if enough people vote who have played the game. Can only hope, would love to see Tellltale games get an award for there hard work on this game.
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