Well...if you had asked me 10 minutes ago, I could've said I had not been affected.
I just tried to load episode five on 360, and I was greeted by the opening cutscene of episode one! I backed out to the main menu, and sure enough, my save file now indicates that I'm on episode one.
I honestly don't know what to say...I'm so pissed off and upset. I was so psyched to finish up the series this morning before I go away for Thanksgiving. Now I'm faced with the prospect of waiting until next week to start over from the beginning (hoping along the way that I don't encounter this issue again).
EDIT: It appears the crisis may be averted. Even though it appeared as though all of my choices were lost, I jumped into episode five and everything appears to still be in order. After I got through the opening of episode five, I exited back to the main menu, and the stats screens appear to now be showing my choices.
Wow! That was a bigger than any scare I've experienced actually playing the game.
I haven't been affected but I feel bad for those who have and would be angered if it happened to me.
I'm playing on a Windows PC via Steam and it hasn't happened for me. But of course it would be annoying to either have to replay it all or apply some manual work-around for THE core feature of such an episodic game.
I don't know how TT deals with this, but maybe it would help if those who experience it post more info on what system they use in what configuration to find any similarities.
30 minutes into episode five and bam game crashes and back to episode 1. Just gonna youtube episode 5 now because I made some specific choices that will be removed.
you don't have to worry guys. I installed the game as I had formatted the pc recently and then copy pasted my back up files I had before formatting and when I entered the game it showed to episode 5(GET) without any saves. Then I just re-copied the back-up and all the saves were there. The only issue I have now is the same that of episode 4. connection lost :S
I've experienced both my choices being randomised and losing my progress on the 360, both highly annoyed me but Telltale's near silence on the issue was perhaps the worst thing.
I thought my save file was ok (I had to rescue it after the Xbox 360 controller bug), but something happened in episode 5 which made it clear not all my decisions imported correctly.
I'm going to replay the whole thing, hopefully I'll end up with a save file fit to import into season 2.
ruined it for me. got the saved data corruption error, lost all my games. i now have no motivation to play, and i will not purchase season 2 until they confirm that this will NEVER happen again.
It's ruined it, Here's my problem, I start up The Walking Dead via steam and click on 'play' it then shows me my list of saves, However, I clicked on 'play' in episode 5 and it came with the pop-up "If you choose to skip the last episode all your choices will be made automatically", so I figure I just didn't fully finish Episode 4 so I click on continue, finish the small bit left (Though I'm sure I had finished it before) and get returned to the menu, I then click on 'play' and it shoots all the way to Episode 5... except now it says "Coming Soon" where it said "Play" before, I click on the "Coming Soon" button and the list of episodes pops up saying each episode is installed... Except for Episode 5! regardless of the fact that moments before (Before I finished replaying the last of episode 4) that same list stated that ALL 5 Episode were installed.
Seriously, Don't Telltale have QA testers? or is their QA team simply staffed by lemmings?
Well this game has actually been more of a pain in the ass than anything. I am a huge fan of the comic books and shows so when i first heard about a Walking Dead adventure game i was completely overwhelmed with excitement. It is an amazing game but it is inexcusable that Ive had my saves erased due to corruption twice now. I played through two times and lost everything when the second episode came out and had to replay. Then as the end of the fourth episode was drawing near the same shit happened. So now if i wanna see what happens at the end i have to play through 8 hours of stuff that Ive already had to start over twice, and i do multiple playthroughs so its even more than that. Some may think thats not a problem but it is when my desire to play through everything again is completely hindered by the fact that on multiple playthroughs this game becoms extremely boring. It's like reading a book getting to the last 20 pages then starting over 6 times in a row. I didnt pay 20 bucks to keep having everything erased and then have the people at telltale say "hey just start at the 5th episode it randomly generates your choices." I didn't pay 20 bucks to have the game craft the story for me. If its supposed to be a personal experience then even suggesting this is just a slap in the face. There isnt even the option of say starting at episode 5 and selecting some of the bigger decisions from a list so you dont have to play through 8 hours just to see what happens in the final 2. All in all just pissed by the lack of answers and the seemingly "oh well our bad" attitude at tell tale.
this happened to me on episode 4...all of my saves lost on the PS3. Sorry to hear that this happened to you guys on this episode. Way to get your shit together TT. If you guys had any integrity you refund your customers money.
I'm really glad I decided to wait until all five episodes were out before I start my playthrough. Now I get to spend one entire glorious weekend playing from start to finish :cool:
I'm really glad I decided to wait until all five episodes were out before I start my playthrough. Now I get to spend one entire glorious weekend playing from start to finish :cool:
why would you post that in this thread? good luck with that by the way....hopefully by the time you get to episode five it doesn't delete all your saves
Yea seems like they would somehow be good enough at their jobs to not let 3 out of the 5 episodes released completely fuck up your game. Since day 1 they have been horrible at keeping the fans posted not only about release dates but also save corruptions details. At the end of the day seems like making a quality well running game came 2nd to taking 20 bucks from millions of people.
I played the game on my desktop Mac, yeah? When I started up 3 save files, the game erased all of them and kept glitching with the saves. I had to then use my laptop to download Steam and play the rest of the episodes there.
I haven't played Ep 5 yet and I won't until these bugs are fixed. After having everything wiped during Ep 4, I'm extremely unhappy and not willing to replay everything again.
I haven't played Ep 5 yet and I won't until these bugs are fixed. After having everything wiped during Ep 4, I'm extremely unhappy and not willing to replay everything again.
thats a smart call...I've just read its been xbox users effect, but last time it happend for me was episode 4 on my second play through...so the glitch is out there.
Because I'm a lovely little hobbit like figure spreading love and joy wherever I go :rolleyes:
good luck with that by the way....hopefully by the time you get to episode five it doesn't delete all your saves
As all the trouble seems to stem from installing new episodes into an ongoing game I doubt I will and in any case I will be backing up my saves between episodes so if it does happen it won't inconvenience me for long.
Wow...yeah i didnt get any save issues upon loading, but maybe i did, because not a single person came with me when it showed what happened previously, where they all came. Its like it choose Opposite of what i chose? Like WTF? ME3 all over again...i have a save where i made the opposite choices of my good guy, im willing to bet it will do the same with this...but man this sucks.
Yeah, I'm with some of the other gamers... I had my data wiped during Episode 3 and I won't buy Episode 4 or Episode 5 until TTG confirms this has been fixed.
I know the majority of gamers haven't encountered this issue (as evidenced by a general lack of empathy towards those affected), so TTG became rather complacent in supporting a fix.
It's good to see they've stepped up their game (the support forum finally received a proper volume of representative activity during Episode 4). They also seem to be responding to their support email/tickets now.
My PC save files were screwed up by just about every episode release. Although this wasn't a game breaker for me it was very disappointing. The decision summary at the end of episode 5 had nearly every decision wrong, and the unkindest cut was seeing Clem wearing the hoodie at the end.
It's ruined it, Here's my problem, I start up The Walking Dead via steam and click on 'play' it then shows me my list of saves, However, I clicked on 'play' in episode 5 and it came with the pop-up "If you choose to skip the last episode all your choices will be made automatically", so I figure I just didn't fully finish Episode 4 so I click on continue, finish the small bit left (Though I'm sure I had finished it before) and get returned to the menu, I then click on 'play' and it shoots all the way to Episode 5... except now it says "Coming Soon" where it said "Play" before, I click on the "Coming Soon" button and the list of episodes pops up saying each episode is installed... Except for Episode 5! regardless of the fact that moments before (Before I finished replaying the last of episode 4) that same list stated that ALL 5 Episode were installed.
Seriously, Don't Telltale have QA testers? or is their QA team simply staffed by lemmings?
Exactly what happened to me on Steam. So frustrating. Will it be fixed? Is anyone from telltale reading these complaints? Should I just go ahead and play episode 5 letting it randomly generate the previous endings or should I wait so I can play my two files where I have played the game doing different things all along...
Had this bug happening on me several times today (just like Lurchibald described) and also before in episode 3 where I replayed a bit but then also found a possibilty to fix the bug by coping that prefs.prop. It was annoying, but only because I liked the game a lot.
I usually don't play games on the first day they come out and I don't remember any game I played to have problems that effected the gameplay as much as here. I just hope the budget for the next game will be bigger, so things can be tested and thought through better next time
I tried all the workarounds and none of them worked. I'm not gonna replay 4 episodes a third time to see how it ends, since it took me 8-9ish hours each time. How can Telltale expect people to care about their games when they themselves don't? Have a bit of pride in your work, this should be embarrassing for your company to invest time and effort into making a game and then dropping the ball so badly on things that should be no-brainers for people who call themselves professionals. This is the video game equivalent of completing a minor surgery but accidentally sewing up your wedding ring into the patient!
I found the thread early on about copying the Steam save files over and so on, and have gotten in the habit of doing so with each chapter. It still is very annoying that we've gone all the way through the series and this major bug that totally undermines the central mechanic of the game has gone unaddressed. It was also kind of jarring/sad that after one of the most masterful game endings I've ever played through, I was confronted with another broken generic stats page telling me what percentage of users picked "OPTION 1" or "OPTION 2" when confronted with "CHOICE 1." Seriously elementary stuff here, central to the game's main mechanic and theme, that was completely broken from the start and for some reason never, ever fixed. At least if it's a Steam-only thing, I assume the bug won't be in the boxed version, but considering the total absence of QA on this issue, I wouldn't be surprised if the bug made it onto shelves.
In summary: Amazing, pivotal, boundary-busting game - game of the year contender, for sure - almost totally undermined by a bug that should have been addressed ages ago, and should have been pretty easy to address (I mean, all it was doing was reading files from a different directory than it was saving to - would it have been so hard to update the directory info?).
Even when "fixing" it by moving files, which I still have to do EVERY time before I boot up the game, it still gives me the occasional wrong choice recap/reference.
yeah i wasnt able to invest in it emotionally and personally because all my choices were gone..after about 3 times i didnt want to bother playing each episode over again so i just played the rest with random choices just for the story...but yeah it definitely hurt the game...the whole point was to get attached emotionally and i couldnt if it kept erasing =/
Question: why didn't telltale put in their game a splash screen telling gamers to make routine backup copies of save files? It's obvious their code is rubbish on all hardware types (except mobile). They should inform gamers that they should duplicate save files to another storage medium to ensure save states are not lost forever.
They released a patch (not cheap for PSN or XBoxLive)... they should have modified the splash screen to tell people that their game is unstable.
SPOILERS: In the final episode, talking to walkie-guy, every thing he said had happened to clem was the opposite of what I had done re: lying, cannabalism, and stealing from the car. SO DISAPPOINTING. -Playing on xbox.
I have had to fight with the game's save issues every time I load a game or complete a chapter.
When I finally lost a savegame when trying to start chapter 4 I gave up and haven't touched the game since. It's unacceptable and if it isn't fixed I'll never consider buying or recommending a Telltale title ever again.
The only thing it effected for me was my choices, thankfully I have the game on the PS3 as well as the PC. I just wish my saves on the laptop weren't broken.
I just tried to load episode five on 360, and I was greeted by the opening cutscene of episode one! I backed out to the main menu, and sure enough, my save file now indicates that I'm on episode one.
I honestly don't know what to say...I'm so pissed off and upset. I was so psyched to finish up the series this morning before I go away for Thanksgiving. Now I'm faced with the prospect of waiting until next week to start over from the beginning (hoping along the way that I don't encounter this issue again).
EDIT: It appears the crisis may be averted. Even though it appeared as though all of my choices were lost, I jumped into episode five and everything appears to still be in order. After I got through the opening of episode five, I exited back to the main menu, and the stats screens appear to now be showing my choices.
Wow! That was a bigger than any scare I've experienced actually playing the game.
I'm playing on a Windows PC via Steam and it hasn't happened for me. But of course it would be annoying to either have to replay it all or apply some manual work-around for THE core feature of such an episodic game.
I don't know how TT deals with this, but maybe it would help if those who experience it post more info on what system they use in what configuration to find any similarities.
Still episode 5 turned out to be very enjoyable.
I'm going to replay the whole thing, hopefully I'll end up with a save file fit to import into season 2.
Seriously, Don't Telltale have QA testers? or is their QA team simply staffed by lemmings?
why would you post that in this thread? good luck with that by the way....hopefully by the time you get to episode five it doesn't delete all your saves
thats a smart call...I've just read its been xbox users effect, but last time it happend for me was episode 4 on my second play through...so the glitch is out there.
Because I'm a lovely little hobbit like figure spreading love and joy wherever I go
As all the trouble seems to stem from installing new episodes into an ongoing game I doubt I will and in any case I will be backing up my saves between episodes so if it does happen it won't inconvenience me for long.
I know the majority of gamers haven't encountered this issue (as evidenced by a general lack of empathy towards those affected), so TTG became rather complacent in supporting a fix.
It's good to see they've stepped up their game (the support forum finally received a proper volume of representative activity during Episode 4). They also seem to be responding to their support email/tickets now.
explains how to avoid it
I had problems both before and after the "patch."
I'm actually surprised this has affected as many people as this poll shows. Hopefully this grabs telltale's attention.
Exactly what happened to me on Steam. So frustrating. Will it be fixed? Is anyone from telltale reading these complaints? Should I just go ahead and play episode 5 letting it randomly generate the previous endings or should I wait so I can play my two files where I have played the game doing different things all along...
I usually don't play games on the first day they come out and I don't remember any game I played to have problems that effected the gameplay as much as here. I just hope the budget for the next game will be bigger, so things can be tested and thought through better next time
PC user here, downloaded straight from Tell Tale, no Steam involved. (Bleh, hate those Steam/Origin/Uplay etc, avoid, avoid avoid!)
In summary: Amazing, pivotal, boundary-busting game - game of the year contender, for sure - almost totally undermined by a bug that should have been addressed ages ago, and should have been pretty easy to address (I mean, all it was doing was reading files from a different directory than it was saving to - would it have been so hard to update the directory info?).
They released a patch (not cheap for PSN or XBoxLive)... they should have modified the splash screen to tell people that their game is unstable.
When I finally lost a savegame when trying to start chapter 4 I gave up and haven't touched the game since. It's unacceptable and if it isn't fixed I'll never consider buying or recommending a Telltale title ever again.
It is actually possible on PC.