About the endings *SPOILER*
I would love to see lee @ season 2 and it may happpen.
In the endings we dont see him dying, so it could mean, that Clem didnt shoot him, lets say... She shooted in wall. And if u choosed to cut Lees arm, he survived.
If he didnt, he asked for Clem to look for something to cut it off.
I just wanted to get this in here, what do u think? Is it possible?!
P.S. Sory, for my bad english, im from Latvia
and im really, really BIG fan of TallTales TWD!
In the endings we dont see him dying, so it could mean, that Clem didnt shoot him, lets say... She shooted in wall. And if u choosed to cut Lees arm, he survived.
If he didnt, he asked for Clem to look for something to cut it off.
I just wanted to get this in here, what do u think? Is it possible?!
P.S. Sory, for my bad english, im from Latvia

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If you don't amputate, he'll die of the bite. It's 100% fatal.
If you do, I suppose there's a small (as in lottery winning small) chance he'd survive, but we know he lost a lot of blood. And he was too weak to move at the end.
He's dead. It's the only real option.
what i would think would be interesting if Lees wife is alive and she will take care of clementine
Which Lee didn't take. And again, the blood loss.
Unless there's a way to remove limbs that doesn't involve blood loss and shock and high risk of infection I'm unaware of. Human beings aren't made of LEGOs you know.
I also want to add, it was a bit late for him to cut his arm. It could have already spread further than expected, and the cutting only delayed the effect, but also exacerbated or created other problems (as you explained already).
Doesn't take long for your blood to do a whole circuit through your body.
You never know whats going to happen in "The Walking Dead"
I still hope there is some way / a little chance, that he did survive somehow....
I did not hear a gunshot.
I`m not a doctor but why didn`t Lee took antibiotics...i mean look...it worked for Omid even if there wasn`t an amputation but there was an open wound.
Because they didn't have any antibiotics ? Vernon left with everything, they were surrounded by zombies... They could have done it back to the house if they wouldn't have been attacked.
You'd also know that's only worked once total. And has failed EVERY other time
Hmm i could of sworn i heard one, maybe i was wrong. Or did you not get Clementine to shoot? Its assumed if she does not shoot he is left to reanimate. So either way he would be toast.
Refresh my memory. They tried it with Allen and Dale. I can't think of anyone else?
omid wasnt bitten
Right, iirc there's no confirmation it's a "virus" of any sort. It's more akin atm to human physiology.
In case of getting eaten...well...U die that way too so you turn. But the Walker bite doesn't infect a survivor and turn them.
Yes everyone is infected(they will turn no matter how they die unless the brain is squished to a pulp
It's the infection only Walker bites cause. The bite doesn't turn people, but it does kill them. It leaves a highly infected wound that makes the person very ill, but it's not the virus that does it. I don't think it's know for sure yet that when it does get treated properly, you wont die. Since never in the show/comics/games did they really have the means to treat a bite next to amputation. And even then to heal/fix the amputated limb will be hard.
Lee sacrificed his own needs to help Clem grow strong. I'm sad he died, but glad too, as the story couldn't have ended any other way. He was a hero, let him rest now.
Ah, that's right. Thanks
are you new to this? the bite is lethal. consider it independent of the infection. if you get bit by those bacteria ridden zombie teeth, you are going to die.
Actually, for an average man like Lee, his blood would be pumped through his body twice in a minute.
1) The virus doesn't kill you, the virus brings you back to life.
2) Sepsis from the filthy human mouth amplified by decaying flesh kills you. And then the virus brings you back to life.
That's it. Doesn't matter how many times a zombie bites you if you can stop the blood infection from killing you. But this is a world without antibiotics, listerine, and hand soap. Most people in the Civil War died from infection, not bullet wounds remember.
thank you for explaining it, because im tired of doing it.