I do think had she kept her mouth shut outside of the RV, Lilly wouldn't of shot her. It was a stupid mistake, one I can't blame her for. She was being wrongly accused of a horrible crime, and Ben was nearly sent into a panic attack. She cared for the kid, of course she was going to defend him when there was no evidence of him giving the bandits supplies other than his awkwardness.
Lilly was a ticking time bomb waiting to blow, and Carley definitely caused just that. Lilly, as much as I adored her character, lost what was left of her "goodness" (can't think of the word I want) after her dad was killed. After that point she was emotionally dead. Any desire to help others/keep herself together was gone.
It's Carley's fault Lilly shot her in the face? Well then.
She was dressed provocatively, that slut was asking for it!
Yeah, you people think about that for a second.
If you know of anyone that has ever gotten raped or molested... Was it their own fault for dressing or acting a certain way?
If you were to walk down the street and you stop to pick up something you dropped thus hindering the pathway for the guy in a dark hoodie behind you... and he fucking stabs you in the back of your throat! Was it your own fault?
You remember the children who got murdered by that guy in the US? Was it their own fault because they attended a class at a school that this guy didn't approve of?
I'm bringing out the big guns in this bitch. Illogical or not. I got this on lock
HAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA- Lily freakin' was paranoid as fuck and accused everyone, Carley was sticking up for herself and the group. Not to mention she went insane and killed Carley.
She wasn't. People call her not that intelligent, but I don't think so. To make realizations, voice out good opinions to the group isn't dumb. Although she called Lilly a damn bitch, she isn't a bitch. She just lost her cool with all the drama cus she wanted an end to it.
A person who KILLS is a bitch. Call me many names, hurt me physically (not seriously) (but not kill me) i wont kill someone. Someone who stands up for people, got peoples backs is good and admirable.
#TeamCarley #Burn at the Stake HAHAHA #ScrewLil'Lilly
Carley was simply stating the truth about Lilly, plus the tension was high, so it was bound to be said anyway. No one expected for that annoying woman to shoot her, I didn't.
As she was left on the road by herself, and there were walkers getting closer, I wonder if she got eaten. I'll find out, I suppose. :P
She wasn't. People call her not that intelligent, but I don't think so. To make realizations, voice out good opinions to the group isn't dumb. Although she called Lilly a damn bitch, she isn't a bitch. She just lost her cool with all the drama cus she wanted an end to it.
A person who KILLS is a bitch. Call me many names, hurt me physically (not seriously) (but not kill me) i wont kill someone. Someone who stands up for people, got peoples backs is good and admirable.
#TeamCarley #Burn at the Stake HAHAHA #ScrewLil'Lilly
Wow . So Carley is a bitch for defending herself against a insane woman ? WOW .
By that logic OP , Lee is the biggest douchebag for defending himself against the accusations of a insane man with a gun instead of being quiet and letting him insult him more . Kenny is a monster for defending his son against a man who wanted to throw him out .
Lilly started the fight , not Carley . She defended herself because Lilly was accusing her and Ben and would you honestly expect her to stay quiet and let Lilly accuse her and and kick her out of the group ?
I mean, she provoked the fuck out of Lilly. Yes, she was defending Ben and Lilly was going crazy, but if she had just shut the fuck up, Lee probably could've defused the situation (if you're defending Ben). Lee's been able to keep the peace (for the most part) between Kenny and Lilly, so at that critical moment, it was probably best for her to stay out of it. She knew Lilly lost her dad, she knew Lilly was the one holding the group together and therefore took all the pressures. If it wasn't for Lilly sniping, everyone would've been executed at the motel by the bandits.
Fuck Carley, God I miss Lilly.
She wasn't bitch. If only Ben would tell the truth in the RV. He was too scared. But my Lee wouldn't throw him out. Carley and Clementine would also defend kid.
....And now Cany0udance is offline...
I'm so alone.
Whom are thou?
Why are you talking like that?
Thy areth thou gentleman sideth.
...I'm a shrimp catcher.
Thou areth noth gentleman?
Why are you talking to me?
Thou areth lonely. Thou areth talk to thou self.
I am.
Thou areth.
I'm so lonely. I'm talking to myself.
Also, I suck at talking old England style. <
Yeah, I'm surprised, too.
He's usually almost always on.
Lets' just bunker in this thread until everyone comes back online.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <- Me
??? <- You (however you look like)
This game adapts to the choices you make
The story is tailored by how you play.
TELLTALE(bubbafights) Games
In association with
saw ediotion or somthing
???: "Hello, KENNY, I want to play a game..."
You awaken in a somewhat dark room. A TV sits somewhere in a corner, being the only source of light. You can't see anything, except the ceiling and floor. The back of your head is bleeding, and you feel fatigued. You lay on a cold floor. You look up at the TV.
[1] What the?
[2] Who the fuck are you?
[3] What game!?!
[4] ...
How about I just make a Kenny game like I did in that one SAW thread?
If someone is going to continue the SAW thread , i think the next victim of Jigsaw is going to be Lee , Clementine , Carley , Lilly or Larry .
I can imagine Larry .
Jigsaw: Hello Larry
1) Who the fuck are you ?
3) This isn't funny Lee .
4) ...
[KENNY]: ...
You decide not to say anything.
???: "...Uhm, ok. You will notice that there is a sink in the corner over there..."
*A light flickers on, revealing a basic sink with a mirror, and a sawblade*
???: "You will see a sawblade, but no ordinary sawblade. It holds the magic ability to cut off your mustache. I want you to cut your mustache off, or else you will die."
[2] FUCK NO!
[4] ...
If someone is going to continue the SAW thread , i think the next victim of Jigsaw is going to be Lee , Clementine , Carley , Lilly or Larry .
I can imagine Larry .
Jigsaw: Hello Larry
1) Who the fuck are you ?
3) This isn't funny Lee .
4) ...
[KENNY]: ...
You remain silent.
???: ...Well, you have 2 minutes to cut it off, or I will release a toxic gas from THAT container to your left.
*Another light flickers on, revealing a gas container*
???: May the game begin.
You walk over to the sink, picking up the sawblade...
[1] Fuck it. Cut it off.
[2] No. You leave it.
[3] Let time run out.
[4] ...?
I'm not Lee . I am your worse nightmare .
So Larry , do you want to play a game ?
1) Where is Lilly ?
2) Fuck you homo !
3) I don't play games with freaky puppets .
4) ......
[KENNY]: ...?
You question this. You don't believe it could cut your 'stache.
To prove it, you try to cut off your 'stache, resulting in the blade to break.
Suddenly, the toxious gas tank explodes. You can't break that blade.
I'm not Lee . I am your worse nightmare .
So Larry , do you want to play a game ?
1) Where is Lilly ?
2) Fuck you homo !
3) I don't play games with freaky puppets .
4) ......
Well to bad . You don't have a choice .
What you see right now is a nuclear bomb . You have one hour to disable it , one mistake and BOOM !
So Larry , do you accept my chalenge ?
1) Yes
2) No
4) .....
Lilly was a ticking time bomb waiting to blow, and Carley definitely caused just that. Lilly, as much as I adored her character, lost what was left of her "goodness" (can't think of the word I want) after her dad was killed. After that point she was emotionally dead. Any desire to help others/keep herself together was gone.
Yeah, you people think about that for a second.
If you know of anyone that has ever gotten raped or molested... Was it their own fault for dressing or acting a certain way?
If you were to walk down the street and you stop to pick up something you dropped thus hindering the pathway for the guy in a dark hoodie behind you... and he fucking stabs you in the back of your throat! Was it your own fault?
You remember the children who got murdered by that guy in the US? Was it their own fault because they attended a class at a school that this guy didn't approve of?
I'm bringing out the big guns in this bitch. Illogical or not. I got this on lock
She wasn't. People call her not that intelligent, but I don't think so. To make realizations, voice out good opinions to the group isn't dumb. Although she called Lilly a damn bitch, she isn't a bitch. She just lost her cool with all the drama cus she wanted an end to it.
A person who KILLS is a bitch. Call me many names, hurt me physically (not seriously) (but not kill me) i wont kill someone. Someone who stands up for people, got peoples backs is good and admirable.
#TeamCarley #Burn at the Stake HAHAHA #ScrewLil'Lilly
As she was left on the road by herself, and there were walkers getting closer, I wonder if she got eaten. I'll find out, I suppose. :P
By that logic OP , Lee is the biggest douchebag for defending himself against the accusations of a insane man with a gun instead of being quiet and letting him insult him more . Kenny is a monster for defending his son against a man who wanted to throw him out .
Lilly started the fight , not Carley . She defended herself because Lilly was accusing her and Ben and would you honestly expect her to stay quiet and let Lilly accuse her and and kick her out of the group ?
........What? I had to.
Can I have some of that popcorn? I'm hunger.
Of course you can
That's pretty easy! Here, let me do it.
I hate Lilly for killing Carley.
She wasn't bitch. If only Ben would tell the truth in the RV. He was too scared. But my Lee wouldn't throw him out. Carley and Clementine would also defend kid.
|( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-|_|
Do you want some shrimp to go with that? :cool:
Here you go.
But really, are people still arguing?
no more explanation is needed
But, really, like 2/3 of all the people here or so just logged off suddenly.
It was so quiet... and dark.
And here I am, learning unicode characters.
I'm so alone.
Whom are thou?
Why are you talking like that?
Thy areth thou gentleman sideth.
...I'm a shrimp catcher.
Thou areth noth gentleman?
Why are you talking to me?
Thou areth lonely. Thou areth talk to thou self.
I am.
Thou areth.
I'm so lonely. I'm talking to myself.
Also, I suck at talking old England style.
Now we only need everyone else to log on...
He's usually almost always on.
Lets' just bunker in this thread until everyone comes back online.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <- Me
??? <- You (however you look like)
Maybe he is going to show up after a hour or so .
psychic is online
let's dance
This game adapts to the choices you make
The story is tailored by how you play.
TELLTALE(bubbafights) Games
In association with
saw ediotion or somthing
???: "Hello, KENNY, I want to play a game..."
You awaken in a somewhat dark room. A TV sits somewhere in a corner, being the only source of light. You can't see anything, except the ceiling and floor. The back of your head is bleeding, and you feel fatigued. You lay on a cold floor. You look up at the TV.
[1] What the?
[2] Who the fuck are you?
[3] What game!?!
[4] ...
If someone is going to continue the SAW thread , i think the next victim of Jigsaw is going to be Lee , Clementine , Carley , Lilly or Larry .
I can imagine Larry .
Jigsaw: Hello Larry
1) Who the fuck are you ?
3) This isn't funny Lee .
4) ...
[KENNY]: ...
You decide not to say anything.
???: "...Uhm, ok. You will notice that there is a sink in the corner over there..."
*A light flickers on, revealing a basic sink with a mirror, and a sawblade*
???: "You will see a sawblade, but no ordinary sawblade. It holds the magic ability to cut off your mustache. I want you to cut your mustache off, or else you will die."
[2] FUCK NO!
[4] ...
3) This isn't funny, Lee.
You remain silent.
???: ...Well, you have 2 minutes to cut it off, or I will release a toxic gas from THAT container to your left.
*Another light flickers on, revealing a gas container*
???: May the game begin.
You walk over to the sink, picking up the sawblade...
[1] Fuck it. Cut it off.
[2] No. You leave it.
[3] Let time run out.
[4] ...?
I'm not Lee . I am your worse nightmare .
So Larry , do you want to play a game ?
1) Where is Lilly ?
2) Fuck you homo !
3) I don't play games with freaky puppets .
4) ......
You question this. You don't believe it could cut your 'stache.
To prove it, you try to cut off your 'stache, resulting in the blade to break.
Suddenly, the toxious gas tank explodes. You can't break that blade.
DEAD [Continue]
3) I don't play games with freaky puppets.
Well to bad . You don't have a choice .
What you see right now is a nuclear bomb . You have one hour to disable it , one mistake and BOOM !
So Larry , do you accept my chalenge ?
1) Yes
2) No
4) .....