I have some stuff to give and some stuff I need to be receiving. I'm on now and will be tomorrow morning (about 10 hours from this posting) so catch me as you find me.
I'll send everything out in about 12~14 hours so people don't realize who their Santa is
Sorry again... we lost internet for a few days and I can't STEAM from my phone.
You have until the 5th to send me stuff- get on it!
Two more hours until closing. Last gifts call! I have 5 things at least right now. I hope everyone had fun. Since my flight is earlier than I thought, I will have to send the last batch come morning. I will release the pairings for the Santa tomorrow night.
Would like to take time to thank Divisionten as always for doing the bulk of the work, and letting me at least kick things off, and doing a wonderful job with it.
Also still remain impressed in the quality of gifts this year! I've not really looked at the who-gave-what-to-whom list but I'm looking forward to examining it closer a bit later.
Edna and Harvey
Dawn of War Franchise Pack
Mass Effect Collection
The Witcher 2
EDIT: The person who was supposed to get Hamlet owns it. The person who sent it to me to gift should send me a PM and I'll send it back to you so you have it for another Santa
I will be posting the gifters-giftees in 12 hours or so. Let the guessing commence! Copy of Home is up for grabs for the first person to successfully guess their gifter.
I will be posting the gifters-giftees in 12 hours or so. Let the guessing commence! Copy of Home is up for grabs for the first person to successfully guess their gifter.
Then I'm utterly confused! :eek: I thought for sure the Germany and Fhqwhgads references plus the train simulator gift meant it was you. Maybe I've been intentionally mislead?
Then I'm utterly confused! :eek: I thought for sure the Germany and Fhqwhgads references plus the train simulator gift meant it was you. Maybe I've been intentionally mislead?
And you were SO SURE of who got your stuff too. Wrong track, buddy.
And you were SO SURE of who got your stuff too. Wrong track, buddy.
Yeah. Then I think might be you, since I've got both of you as friends on Steam. On the other hand, I guess anyone can see my friends list, since I've posted my wishlist here. I'm anything but sure anymore. It's someone very clever and generous at least.
Yeah. Then I think might be you, since I've got both of you as friends on Steam. On the other hand, I guess anyone can see my friends list, since I've posted my wishlist here. I'm anything but sure anymore. It's someone very clever and generous at least.
All right, all right, here's THE LIST: (the name directly above yours is the person who bought for you)
Darth Marsden
Giant Tope
back to
Darth Marsden
Also, it is unfortunate, but I had to bail someone out and buy games for two, and that person will be banned from subsequent Santas.
This was quite fun, as it always is. I hope to see you all again(minus whoever didn't get anything for theirs, although I think I know who it was) this summer.
I hope you brought appropriate copies of Back to the Future: The Game for everyone.
Yep! I sent out the following six while Telltale's site was down for maintenance:
They Bleed Pixels
Mass Effect Collection
Half Life
Hotline Miami
Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle, and Runaway: A Twist of Fate.
Thank you Secret Santa!
Me too.
Dark Souls
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Thanks Santa for the double dose of Batman!!!! I was JUST about to buy it for myself too.
I have some stuff to give and some stuff I need to be receiving. I'm on now and will be tomorrow morning (about 10 hours from this posting) so catch me as you find me.
I'll send everything out in about 12~14 hours so people don't realize who their Santa is
Sorry again... we lost internet for a few days and I can't STEAM from my phone.
You have until the 5th to send me stuff- get on it!
Thomas Was Alone
A Game of Dwarves
A Game of Dwarves, Ale Pack
Also, Hello Cthulu gave me Analogue A Hate Story for no apparent reason. Thanks mate!
Ketzer: I know you live in a region that has game restrictions- need anything before the sale ends? Willing to trade.
At least for now.
Also still remain impressed in the quality of gifts this year! I've not really looked at the who-gave-what-to-whom list but I'm looking forward to examining it closer a bit later.
Here's the last of the presents from Santa's bag!
Edna and Harvey
Dawn of War Franchise Pack
Mass Effect Collection
The Witcher 2
EDIT: The person who was supposed to get Hamlet owns it. The person who sent it to me to gift should send me a PM and I'll send it back to you so you have it for another Santa
So, what did everyone get, anyway? I got Hotline Miami and A Game of Dwarves.
Thanks secret santa! Thank you so much.
I am NOT your Secret Santa.
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Also nope.
Then I'm utterly confused! :eek: I thought for sure the Germany and Fhqwhgads references plus the train simulator gift meant it was you. Maybe I've been intentionally mislead?
I am 100% sure you have been.
It's all in the writing styles.
And you were SO SURE of who got your stuff too. Wrong track, buddy.
Actually, I was told to write your tags. So, awesome luck.
All right, all right, here's THE LIST: (the name directly above yours is the person who bought for you)
Darth Marsden
Giant Tope
back to
Darth Marsden
Also, it is unfortunate, but I had to bail someone out and buy games for two, and that person will be banned from subsequent Santas.