Telltale Secret Santa 3: Spear of Destiny



  • edited January 2013
    So, what did everyone get, anyway?

    I got Train Simulator, Commander Keen the first two Secret Files games and Blue Toad Murder Files. Thank you, Giant Tope! :) I didn't expect to get near as much, but I was good all last year and totally deserved it. ;) And good job on deceiving me. I'm tempted to post the messages you wrote as they were very fun to read.

    I've played through the first Secret Files game and Blue Toad Murder Files so far. I don't know why I never played the Secret Files games before, but wanted to try it after it got some mentions on the best adventures of the last 10 years thread over at the Double Fine forums. The first one was good. Looking forward to the second one as well, but I've heard that the recent third installment isn't very good.

    I played the demo of BTMF during my parental leave from work about a year and a half ago, and have had it on my wishlist since, so it was cool to finally play through it. It's a typical British crime mystery with a fair share of Laytonesque puzzles and British humor. There's also a whodunnit at the end of each chapter. I didn't like all the puzzles, but overall it was an entertaining game.
    This was quite fun, as it always is.

    Agreed. And buying a few games for others make me feel less guilty about all the games I always end up buying for myself during the sales. Thanks for hosting this again Ribs and divisionten! :)
  • edited January 2013
    I got both the Arkham games from Picard. Granted, if I participate, my sender is unfortunately not a surprise, but the games certainly were. Looking forward to cracking into them along with Analogue, Recetrer (from my brother), AoE 3 (also from my bro), and FTL (Dashing's mom)
  • edited January 2013

    Here's the last of the presents from Santa's bag!

    Edna and Harvey
    Dawn of War Franchise Pack
    Mass Effect Collection
    The Witcher 2

    EDIT: The person who was supposed to get Hamlet owns it. The person who sent it to me to gift should send me a PM and I'll send it back to you so you have it for another Santa

    I got the ME Collection
  • edited January 2013
    Biggins, thank you so much for all those games! I really appreciate it.
  • edited January 2013
    Thanks fer The Witcher 2 and FTL, D10!
  • edited January 2013
    I will be destickying this thread tonight. Thank your Santas and see ya'll in July for another round!
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Thanks so much for the games flesk. :D
  • edited January 2013
    Thanks LoveToDo22. You're the Man (or the Woman).
  • edited January 2013
    I will be destickying this thread tonight. Thank your Santas and see ya'll in July for another round!

    Or June! Depends what Valve considers Summer this time around.

    I'll get to work coming up with a cheesy slogan...
  • edited January 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Thanks LoveToDo22. You're the Man (or the Woman).

    I'm a man, albeit gay. I guess ya could consider me as either.
  • edited January 2013
    Thanks for the games Jennifer (Penny Arcade trilogy and Knights of the Old Republic II).
  • edited January 2013
    Even though Der Ketzer gave his identity away early, thank you nonetheless! Seriously! You got me everything I could have ever wanted through steam and more outside of the Santa!

    Oh, and Flesk, go ahead! i dun care. i didn't realize that she'd actually forward those messages though haha
  • edited January 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    Thanks so much for the games flesk. :D

    My pleasure. :) I hope you enjoy Runaway 2 more than I did.
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Oh, and Flesk, go ahead! i dun care. i didn't realize that she'd actually forward those messages though haha
    Dear flesko,

    lots and lots of trains
    Dear flesko,

    retro space adventuretimes
    Dear fleskaro,

    i dont know what this game is idk is it german
    Dear fleskotopolis,

    here's the sequel to game
    Dear flesktopolis,

    everybody come on it's time to slam now it's time to push it to the limit everybody it's the slam jam everybody body hoop there it is hoop there it is hoop ther
    Q.U.B.E. wrote:
    Dear Fleskapalooza,

    cubes. cubes everywhere!!
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