Favorite Quotes from 202

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
Flint, "You don't want to get inside Flint Paper's world, I've seen things."
Max, "He means naked ladies."
Flint, "Stay in drugs, Don't do school.. "


  • edited January 2008
    Oooh, fun. I never tried talking to Flint while
    being a kid.
  • edited January 2008
    "Scientists say that those accidents were caused by explosive outbursts of methane gas."

    "Speaking of which..."

    "Max, don't!"

    "What, Sam? I was only going to point out that many phenomena long believed to have had paranormal causes, have actually turned out to be far more mundane in origin. Only one phenomena's tremendous power has managed to baffle scientists and defy rational explanation"

    "And what's that?"

    *Max farts*

    Definitely the best fart joke of all time.
  • edited January 2008
    I would have to agree with you. Though I do think that right after he stops and you think he is done he lets out one more bust would have been even funnier.
  • edited January 2008
    Alternatively, if Max stared at them, and shortly after Sam and Bosco both reacted to the smell, that'd be pretty funny. That idea was 'borrowed' from Sean Of The Dead.

    "I'm sorry Sean."
    "I'm sorry, Sean."
    "... AUGH!"
  • edited January 2008
    My favorite from Sam. "What Paris Hilton is to celebrity blogs Max is to Ancient Prophecies of the Apocalypse."

    The fart scene one was a fave of mine too. There was another one, but forget it atm. Think it was something w/ the COPS.
  • edited January 2008
    My favourite COPS quote would have to be:


    I also like Bosco's quote about the different shapes. The one about the blue dodacahedron making the portal go to it's mom's basement and draw out dungeon maps was particularly funny, especially as I've just started getting into Dungeons and Dragons. XD
  • edited January 2008
    try to talk to the cops in the teaser... that and the exchange about blowing your mind was hilarious as well

    most of my favorite quotes are from the office

    Sam: Hello, id like to report an explosion
    Sam: no, we havn't decided where yet...

    Answering machine: hello mr. max this is the blood bank, while we appreiciate for your generous donation, we prefer if people only donate their own blood...

    Sam: we are borrowing this from santas workshop till he gets back
    Max: when do you think he will get out of hell?
    Sam: probably right after it freezes over

    sam and max trying to freak out bosco is priceless as well...

    Sam: know anything about easter island
    Bosco: who told you to ask me that
    Max: oh just some guy in a black suit and sunglasses... Sam: he seemed to know a lot about you, bosco
  • edited January 2008
    ChazFox wrote: »
    I also like Bosco's quote about the different shapes. The one about the blue dodacahedron making the portal go to it's mom's basement and draw out dungeon maps was particularly funny, especially as I've just started getting into Dungeons and Dragons. XD

    Think that might have been the other quote I found funny.

    Also: was reminded of another one. When you try to talk to the COPS while sybil is being chased:

    Arcade Machine: GEEZ, LADY! CALM DOWN!
  • edited January 2008
    Sybil: I can't believe you would do this to me on my birthday!
    Mexican: Did someone say... "birthday"?

    Hilariously awkward timing there. Can't wait to see how they're going to top it.
  • edited January 2008
    Sam: Where'd you get all the femurs?
    Baby Glenn Miller: That's my horn section. Even in death they can't seem to hit the high notes.

    /trumpet jokes make me happy.
  • edited January 2008
    Sam: "Bomb be gone the new way for getting rid of bombs"
    Max: "Finnaly i have 10 nuces and i don't know what to do with them because the secratarys won't let me use them!"
    Sam: "why what were you going to blow up?"
    Max: "Congress"

    That was hilarius!

    I also liked this: Max: "Oh No Sam Acnient prophoceys can mean only two thing: Tudial Back stories and Work we don't get paid for!"
  • edited January 2008
    "We Hate Bagpipes!!!"
  • edited January 2008
    "Snake! Snaaaaake!"

    I absolutely lost it there.
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    Sam: "Bomb be gone the new way for getting rid of bombs"
    Max: "Finnaly i have 10 nuces and i don't know what to do with them because congress won't let me use them!"
    Sam: "why what were you going to blow up?"
    Max: "Congress"
    you missed the punchline lol
  • edited January 2008
    I like the religous interpritation the Rana Kao guardians had based on the "this little piggie" nursery rhyme. :D
  • edited January 2008
    Sam: I'd hoped that after getting a punching bag for the office, Max would stop hitting me all the time.
    Max: But that's how I show affection.
    Sam: Well, could you stop loving me so much before 6 a.m?
    Max: No way, Sam! I could never stop loving you.

    (S&M as kids)
    Sam: My best friend Max has something very important to say to you.
    Max: Boobies!
    *Sam laughs*
    Grumpy Moai: What ever.

    Sam: Want a delicious sandwich?
    Lincoln: I can't. I'm going swimming later.
  • edited January 2008
    clicking on lost and found
    Sam: look its a completely playable beta of sam & max: freelance police
  • edited January 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    "Snake! Snaaaaake!"

    I absolutely lost it there.
    Is this a reference to Snake Plisskin (Escape from New York) or Metal Gear Solid?

  • edited January 2008
    Little Sam:
    (looking at Bosco's door)
    "No Kids Allowed."
    Little Max: Facist...
  • edited January 2008
    How they get baby needs then? :P
  • edited January 2008
    mcwizardry wrote: »
    Is this a reference to Snake Plisskin (Escape from New York) or Metal Gear Solid?


    Metal Gear Solid. Often when you fail a mission or die, one of your contacts will start yelling "Snake!? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!", thus causing epic lulz. :P
  • edited January 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    "Snake! Snaaaaake!"

    I absolutely lost it there.

    LOL that was so great XD that radio was awesome!
    -"we have come for you bosco!"
    "I knew it! I knew it!!"

    and also, the mexican part was awesome...
    -"did somebody say birthday!?"
    ...>dances and sings<
    max: "and again, I forgot to bring my video camera!"

    -"that's the second biggest bermuda triangle I have ever seen!"
    Guybrush lines always makes my day. XD

    but the best of the best, by the mighty feet...
    the sea monkeys talking to mr Spatula!!!
    -"and I shall also destroy the primitive creatures over there!"
    "we're not primitive! we have cellphone!"

    XDDD loool that was awesome... best SnM game so far.
  • edited January 2008
    I rather enjoyed it when Max
    became high priest and said 'All shall love me and despair', and I think Sam says something like 'There's no time for that.' I love how the writers turned a very dramatic moment from Lord of the Rings into something totally different when Max says the line.
  • edited January 2008
    Little Sam: What are you two doing?
    Little Max: Where you kissing?! Ewwww!!
    Little Sam: Sybil and Linclon sitting in the sand!
    Little Max: Sucking face cause he ain't got hands!
    Sybil: So, Abe, I think we should never have kids.
    Abe: Couldn't agree more.
  • edited January 2008
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Oooh, fun. I never tried talking to Flint while
    being a kid.

    Ah, drat. I got rid of Bosco first.

    My biggest laugh of the episode was also one when they were kids. You talk to Stinky after getting the sandwich and there's some exchange about their parents, and Sam says something like "I heard them laughing as they drove the car away."
  • edited January 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Little Sam: What are you two doing?
    Little Max: Where you kissing?! Ewwww!!
    Little Sam: Sybil and Linclon sitting in the sand!
    Little Max: Sucking face cause he ain't got hands!
    Sybil: So, Abe, I think we should never have kids.
    Abe: Couldn't agree more.

    HAHA! I missed that :D
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    SAM: I don't know how to tell you this, Max, but... I think this new so-called "Stinky" impostor murdered the real Stinky!
    MAX: Well, duh!
    SAM: We'll have to keep an eye on her.
    MAX: Want me to break your legs so you can convalesce in an apartment across the street, while I occasionally flit in wearing diaphanous gowns and discuss the case as a metaphor for our relationship?
    SAM: Hmmm... I'm trying to think of a much stronger word for "no."
  • edited January 2008
    Eater wrote: »
    you missed the punchline lol
    oh srry my mistake i kinda forgot! I also liked When Kid Sam talked to kid Max
    Kid Sam: "Bang! Your dead no call-backs"
    Kid Max: "Nu-uh i want a do over" (or something along that lines)
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    oh srry my mistake i kinda forgot! I also liked When Kid Sam talked to kid Max
    Kid Sam: Hey Max! Max! Max! Max! Max! Max! Max! Max!
    Kid Max: (annoyed) What?
    Kid Sam: Nothing...
    Kid Sam: What are we doing here again?
    Kid Max: I don't know. I'm bored.
    Kid Sam: Want to color? Or figure out how to make you high priest of the Ocean Chimps?
    Kid Max: Can't we do both?

    I found this one last night and my jaw hit the floor.
    Answering Machine: Hello, this is the blood bank for President Max. We appreciate your donation, but we preffer that people donate their own blood.
    Max: Great, now what am I going to do with the buckets of Sea Monster Blood?
    Sam: You could make a groutess Slip-n-Slide.
    Max: That's a great idea! I'll call it "The Birth Canal."

    I think the rating for the season went from T to M with that joke alone.
  • edited January 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Answering Machine: Hello, this is the blood bank for President Max. We appreciate your donation, but we preffer that people donate their own blood.
    Max: Great, now what am I going to do with the buckets of Sea Monster Blood?
    Sam: You could make a groutess Slip-n-Slide.
    Max: That's a great idea! I'll call it "The Birth Canal."

    I think the rating for the season went from T to M with that joke alone.

    Haha, my jaw dropped at that one too. Also, when you look at the Weenie Jerky in Bosco's;
    Sam: "These weenies come pre-jerked."

    Crude, but not altogether unclever.
  • edited January 2008
    i like mini sams comment about noahs ark..
    Sam: Hey max, the islands got wood..
    Max: *Giggle*

    one of the conversations in stinkys is funny as well
    Sam: Do you have any money?
    Max: yeah, but ever since i shrunk i cant get to it anymore
    Sam: where do you... oh right, never mind
  • edited January 2008
    My favorite is line is one of Max's comments from the dialog tree with the grumpy Moai head:
    Max: Sam, are we going to have to dig this guy out of the ground to get the stick out of his butt?

    That one had me in stitches :)

    Other contenders for the favorite quote: the Great Fart Joke (I'm a sucker for a good bathroom joke, and the setup, misdirection, and delivery on that one was just perfect) and the lines with Stinky and young Sam and Max.
  • edited January 2008
    None of your buisness:"Bagpipe Destruction!!"
  • edited January 2008
    Polka-Dot? wrote: »
    None of your buisness:"Bagpipe Destruction!!"

    i liked that too
  • edited January 2008
    Not exactly a joke but a comment that tickles me right:
    Sibyl (seeing S&M as kids): What do ya say if we never ever have children?
    Lincoln: Couldn't agree more!
  • edited February 2008
    I like when you talked to that guy on the beging area on the radio.

    Guy on the radio:"is any one out there?"
    Sam: i can't remember the lines he said.
    Guy on the radio:"Bingo?"

    hilarius and very creative. i found this one last nite:
    Sam:"Hey Max do you want to read the second half of the 20 commandments?"
    Max:"Na i only suport extream dieties if i'm the diety."

    great spoof on the 10 commandments.
  • edited February 2008
    Polka-Dot? wrote: »
    i found this one last nite:
    Sam:"Hey Max do you want to read the second half of the 20 commandments?"
    Max:"Na i only suport extream dieties if i'm the diety."

    great spoof on the 10 commandments.
    That was clever. *suspitiusly*too clever.
  • edited February 2008
    Not as much of a quote as a funny part:

    As you're coming down the lava machine

    Sam: Oh look Max, I left the parking brake on the whole time!

    It's just great because otherwise they would have been able to make it on time.
  • edited February 2008
    It is definitely when Sam and Max are asking Bosco for what's in his store. Even though this is from 106 I was just cracking up so much after getting the same old no for every answer and then all of the sudden this happens.

    Sam: Do you have any...completed artificial personality disorder symptoms forms?
    Bosco: Mm-hm!
    Max: You do?!
    Sam: Wow that really would've come in handy earlier

    Sam: Do you have any...video of a chicken eating cow manure for laughs?
    Bosco: Mm-hm!
    Sam: What?? No way!

    Sam: Do you have any...global meatball sandwich positioning systems?
    Bosco: Mm-hm!
    Max: Oh! You gotta be kidding me!!

    Sam: Do you have any... 3 foot by 2 foot cue cards that say "Don't vote for me"?
    Bosco: Mm-hm!
    Max: Whaaaat?? I can't believe this!!

    Sam: Do you have any... instant win cheat codes for reality 2.0?
    Bosco: Mm-hm!
    Max: Ohhhh! Why didn't we ask beforeeee??

    Sam: Do you have any... Hugh Bliss tied up back there?
    Bosco: Nn-mh.
    Max: Aahhh?
    Sam: Hey, I was on a roll.
  • edited February 2008
    I liked the spoof on the childhood rhyme of "This little piggy..." when a parent plays with the child's toes. I'm referring to the sea chimps talking about what the feet do for them. I forget what the sea chimps say, but the poem goes much like this...

    This little piggy went to market.
    This little piggy stayed home.
    This little piggy had roast beef.
    This little piggy had none.
    And this little piggy went wee-wee-wee
    All the way home.

    That really made me chuckle. Keep up the good work Telltale!!
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