Favorite Quotes from 202



  • edited February 2008
    I liked the spoof on the childhood rhyme of "This little piggy..." when a parent plays with the child's toes. I'm referring to the sea chimps talking about what the feet do for them. I forget what the sea chimps say,...

    "The ways of the world are written in the toes!"
    "The first toe goes into the world in search of food, while the second toe watches over its people always."
    "One goes to market, one stays home..."
    "The third toe teaches us the bounty of nature, while the fourth teaches us the purity of the fast."
    "One has roast beef, one has none..."
    "And when the end time comes, the fifth toe will guide the people back to paradise!"
    "Whee, whee, whee! All the way home!"

    It was actually very well written to where I shared it with my World Religion teacher. He got a good laugh out of it.
  • edited February 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    "Snake! Snaaaaake!"

    I absolutely lost it there.
    Totally agree. I haven't even finished the game and this has made it my favourite episode ever so far!
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