Molly was the one character where Telltale stumbled

edited February 2013 in The Walking Dead
Overall I loved TWD and most of the characters in it. In fact I'd go so far as to say that The Walking Dead is one of the most memorable games I've ever played.

But I think Telltale stumbled a bit with Molly. The great thing about all the other characters in TWD is that they are entirely believable. They seem like real people just caught up in extraordinary circumstances. The one exception to that is Molly.

The ninja acrobatics and the ability to apparently vanish killed immersion a bit. They should have toned that down a bit and made her bad@ssery a bit more grounded in reality. No acrobatics that a real person couldn't pull off, no Houdini disappearing acts, and no using a claw hammer like a superhero grappling hook.


  • edited December 2012
    I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the volume of awesomeness that Molly has.
    edited December 2012
    Apparently you've never heard of parkour.
  • edited December 2012
    Parkour is like gymnastics, it is rehearsed.
  • edited December 2012
    Yeah, the developers said in a Playing Dead episode that they would have to use characters like Molly "sparingly." Molly was just a character that would open up to the players more.
  • edited December 2012
    I agree. She seemed really out of place.
  • edited December 2012
    A bit random too
  • edited December 2012
    To be fair, Molly did get attacked by the walkers in the Crawford school after Ben let the group of them in, and she couldn't fight them off alone.
  • edited December 2012
    who knows, maybe she was gymnist/acrobatics/stunt person Before all this happened. She never revealed what she did before all this. just sayin
  • edited December 2012
    I'm inclined to agree - the disappearing acts in particular seemed silly to me (great job covering my flank Kenny). Typically you should try to pick a skill-set and stick with it - high-flying acrobatics and stealth tend to be mutually exclusive except in action movies.

    It was one of the neat things about Lee, he earned his badassery by failing hard to begin with. The dude was a complete putz that sucked hard when we first got control of him in Episode 1... he fell down what, atleast half a dozen times in that episode alone? Hell, it was even lampshaded in Episode 5 "Okay Lee, now is not the time to fall on your face". He didn't really come into his own until Episode 4 in the bell tower.
  • edited December 2012
    Umm, that "disappearing" act is only used once, and it is very possible for her to have gotten the upper hand on Lee, considering the placement and perspective of the stand. She probably heard Lee talking, and might have developed a bit of precognition due to the Walkers.

    And so, she's in a little more in shape than the rest of the cast. That doesn't make her unrealistic, it just makes her an alternative.
    who knows, maybe she was gymnist/acrobatics/stunt person Before all this happened. She never revealed what she did before all this. just sayin

    Exactly. Not everyone in the zombie apocalypse is going to be just a "normal" person.
    Scaeva wrote: »
    Parkour is like gymnastics, it is rehearsed.

    Rehearsed is just another word for "practice."
  • edited December 2012
    I don't see anything wrong with her. Those "acrobatics" can indeed be done by real people. Maybe the part where she did it with a car battery in her backpack was a bit odd, but when you see that just remember Lee and that blowtorch in his back pocket.

    I think any hints of her being a step above everyone else faltered when she has to be saved by either Lee or Clementine.
  • edited December 2012

    Rehearsed is just another word for "practice."

    Hehehe... I think you've won this round.
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Hehehe... I think you've won this round.

    Hey, it's the truth.
  • edited December 2012
    I love her, I just didn't like how she was able to lift up Lee and how she was able to bring Dr. Logan all the way down to the alley o .o
  • edited December 2012
    ^I did find it weird how Kenny never manages to lift Lee off the ground yet a girl could easily.
  • edited December 2012
    I decided she had done parkour for a couple of years before the apocalypse, so her tricks were already easy for her. I liked her because she was different from everyone else.
  • edited December 2012
    Wait so the zombie apocalypse is believable but this Molly character gives you pause?
  • edited December 2012
    holeydonut wrote: »
    Wait so the zombie apocalypse is believable but this Molly character gives you pause?

    Yeah, I me~

    OH! Wait, we are in a a walking dead forum!
  • edited December 2012
    So, Molly is unrealistic but Michonne with her katana isn't? :confused:
  • edited December 2012
    Ctn04132 wrote: »
    So, Molly is unrealistic but Michonne with her katana isn't? :confused:

    She was given a backstory. I don't remember it but she did. I, like others, think she did parkour before the apocalypse.
  • edited December 2012
    That1Guy wrote: »
    She was given a backstory. I don't remember it but she did. I, like others, think she did parkour before the apocalypse.

    that's true, I knew Molly had a backstory since I asked her about the tape in the locker. But what I find funny is that people can't seem to accept the fact that in a post apocalyptic world, an fit, athletic woman who has parkour skills can exist, while no one seems to be in the least bit fazed about a lawyer turned samurai
  • edited December 2012
    There's many unrealistic characters in the comic book series. The obvious one being Michonne.
  • edited December 2012
    it's extreme survival of the fittest, it is more likely that people with applicable skills will survive the ZA, its actually more weird that most of the people that should survive because of their talents and skills (eg. military, martialartists, survival experts/explorers) are all dead or not in the walking dead
  • edited December 2012
    All she seems like to me is the cliche "girls can do anything boys can" model
  • edited December 2012

    Rehearsed is just another word for "practice."

    If you were rehearsing it, it would be in a particular location in a specific sequence. Not wherever you please. Learn your words and stop making forum accounts just to agree with you.
  • edited December 2012
    Ah, but it probably was "rehearsed".

    She had been surviving in that city, using the rooftops, for months......
  • edited December 2012
    Yea I think they went a bit over the top.

    I mean parkour is one thing but the way she was climbing on the roofs like a science-fiction ninja (before she dropped Dr. Logan) and later the insane jump back to the mainhall seemed a bit unbelievable even for an athletic who has mastered parkour.
    At the fighting scene shortly after Ben screwed up with the hatchet I was like 'cmon telltale...this is getting ridicilous'.

    So yea, I think they went a bit over the top with her. I hope they keep the characters in the next season more believable and don't have someone with semi-superpowers.

    her screentime was rather short though, so it didn't irk me too much.
  • edited December 2012
    Yes. I like believable persons. Persons that aren't just some kind of invincible parkouring killing machine.
  • edited December 2012
    Demopan wrote: »
    If you were rehearsing it, it would be in a particular location in a specific sequence. Not wherever you please. Learn your words and stop making forum accounts just to agree with you.

    Me, learn my words? Ok.



    Practice (a play, piece of music, or other work) for later public performance.
    Supervise (a performer or group) that is practicing in this way.

    Still not convinced? Let's look at Practice's definition.

    The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use.
    Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency.

    Practice is the keyword here. Also, this is my only account, so I don't know what kind of butthurt bullshit you're spewing or where it is even coming from. Believe whatever you want in that world of yours, but a fragile bubble can only be popped.
  • edited December 2012
  • edited December 2012
    Molly didn't do that much action, and what she did was believable.

    Go on to Youtube and you will see people do crazier parkour things than Molly!!
  • edited December 2012
    davieb1991 wrote: »
    Molly didn't do that much action, and what she did was believable.

    Go on to Youtube and you will see people do crazier parkour things than Molly!!

    yeah if you search "people are awesome" on you tube you can see how awesome people are
  • edited December 2012
    Seriously, what she did wasn't that hard. A person in good shape who works out regularly and does gymnastics could do that if they weren't scared. Especially with tools like Hilda.
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Ah, but it probably was "rehearsed".

    She had been surviving in that city, using the rooftops, for months......

    That's actually not really true. She was still a resident of Crawford up until about a week before the doctor was killed and Crawford presumably fell; you can tell by the dates given on the tapes. Logan was stabbed on the 83rd day of the outbreak, the last time he gave Molly medication for her sister was on the 76th day.

    Considering Crawford evidently collapsed from the inside, and the number of Walkers in the place and that everyone we encounter from Crawford is someone who didn't fit into their soceity (Vernon's group and Molly due to her sister) it's a good bet their people didn't spend a whole lot of time risking their asses outside the walls.
  • edited December 2012
    Seeing as people in crawford were expected to be some sort of zombie killing hit squad (as evidenced by their rather impressive barrier and vast exploration) I'd say the people inside did a bit more than play cards (like those fools in the comic) :D
  • edited December 2012
    Considering the nature and infamy the Crawford residence has with Molly and the Cancer Support Survivors, and you know all of that terror tactic mess outside surrounding the area, I'd say yeah, defiantly more than card games going on.

    As for how long Molly was there, I'd have to replay the game again but I was under the impression it wasn't terribly too long, but that still means she was surviving for a good while with just her sister no matter how you look at it.

    For more evidence of her being above average when it comes to survival, you really only need to hear these words; "In the end the dead always wins."

    I'll probably replay the episode (the game in general) and play for information's sake, and take note of it for anyone who would want the information.
  • edited December 2012
    Ctn04132 wrote: »
    So, Molly is unrealistic but Michonne with her katana isn't? :confused:

    Exactly. I just left it to the fact that it's Walking Dead, and some of the characters are a little..well..wacky.

    I also thought that Molley was hardened by her sisters death, and showing her being a badass kind of gave this perception of how much her sisters death affected her.
  • edited December 2012
    DatDude wrote: »
    I also thought that Molley was hardened by her sisters death, and showing her being a badass kind of gave this perception of how much her sisters death affected her.

    Throw in a little sexual exploitation and a zombie apocalypse... can't imagine why Molly would appear "badass". Evidently she's more physically able than the OP, but that doesn't make her unbelievable.
  • edited January 2013
    One part I never found believable was when kenny and lee went to ambush molly at the new stand. We had her in our line of sight during the approach, but by the time lee got up there, she vanished and was behind lee. Parkour or not it seems a bit far fetched.
  • edited January 2013
    I agree, she seemed really out of place in the otherwise realistic and dark world. Her parlour and stealth skills were unrealistic. Even if you were a parkour master, would you really risk a broken ankle from a fall just to save time? I would much prefer a character who had some actual weaknesses, instead of action girl.
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