Which decision was the hardest to you?
We all had to decide certain things, like in the belltower, or in the drugstore, at the side of the road, meat locker, in the forest, in the hospital (...) and so on.
I would like to know which one was the most difficult for you to make?
For me it was the one in the belltower, i dropped him the first time, saved him the second and third time.
I won't make a poll since i would like to see reasons too
I would like to know which one was the most difficult for you to make?
For me it was the one in the belltower, i dropped him the first time, saved him the second and third time.
I won't make a poll since i would like to see reasons too

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I was basically hoping/looking for a chance to kill him, but then when it came it felt so harsh and i wasn't gaining anything by killing him. I paused the game for more thinking time i was so conflicted.
Eventually dropped him.
you made my day... i was gonna say that though
If I shot her, the walkers would've came after me and Kenny. If I left her, I could get inside the pharmacy undetected.
I was trying to decide what to do while aiming at her head, and just when the timer was about to go out, I chose to leave her.
But when it came down to it, I had a much tougher time clicking the abandon Ben option when Clem chimed in "We don't leave friends behind" or something along those lines. Damn you Clem! During my playthrough, I've decided Clem and Carley would be my moral compass. And since Clem obviously objected and I suspected Carley would've too even if she knew what a POS ben was, I decided to vote for keeping.
I had "just" given Clem a lecture on being good - I felt like such a hypocritical dick.
But pragmatism, what can ya do......
And the final one with clem I think.
So on one hand I found myself siding with Kenny in all of their little arguments. They get into another one and I find Kenny is pushing for they solution I was trying to avoid. I wanted to side with him because we were becoming very good friends, but... he was advocating killing a guy without trying to help him. I just couldn't do it, no matter how much I hated Larry and Lilly's sudden helplessness whenever he fell.
All subsequent play throughs though...
That one for me but i left her. Also about ben since he screws up so many times and the result is bad.
2. Chopping my arm off (Christa sawing Lee's arm)
3. Deciding between Carley and Doug (chose Carley - because she was a girl in danger
2- Leaving or bringing Lily (Even though she killed one of my favorite characters (Carley) I was always on her side and I wanted to forgive her, so I brought her along)
3- Showing the bite or not (I was afraid of being kicked out of the group or killed because of it, so I didn't show the bite)
About the third, it's optional whether or not to show it, but it is also about how honest a person can be with the ones that he/she is with. If they couldn't trust going with Lee because of the bite, I'd go alone looking for her.
It took me ages to decide. I decided that I would try to smooth things over with Larry, and Mark sounded hungrier than all the other adults. Those two choices didn't go so well. I also fed the two kids.
Most people have said the bell tower was a hard choice. I had stuck up for Ben the whole game, so it was an easy choice to save him.
A lot of my choices were also dependant on Clem - I sided with her about the car and keeping Ben with my group. However, I didn't notice she was right behind me when I pitchforked the first brother. For the end, I was going to tell Clem to walk away...then she said that she didn't want me to become a walker, so I figured she was brave enough to shoot me.
One hard choice was putting the woman out of her misery or letting her scream. I chose for the latter. The choice about leaving Lilly (as she had just killed Carly, who I thought was great) was also difficult. Later that episode, I wished I had left her.
1) Loyalty to Kenny or Lilly
2) Moral decesion. Can you kill him
3) Impact Whats it going to do to Clem and what will she think of you doing it
4) Fallout As Kenny says...
Clem made it hard for me. I didnt want to teach her murder is ok and I thought how much it could mess her up... Kenny being an ass didnt help
Same. I thought he deserved it and pitchforked him but Clem's cry almost scared the shit outta me, didn't notice she was behind me as well
While I'll admit I actually like Doug more than Carley, you can only choose to tell everyone about your past if you save her.
I thought that was kind of a bad call.
If you saved Doug, there still should have been an option to tell everyone, instead of having Lilly be the one to do it.
I can't think of a way it would make sense with Doug. And as for why Lee can't talk about it anyway well i don't think he likes talking about himself quite simply. How often does he discuss his past/family/ or any feelings without being prompted to by another character? Remember how evasive the game forces you to be with Clem at the start. He needed Carley to push him.
I actually think that either happening on not is a nice moment as the only real example of your choices causing something asymmetrical.
Whether to shoot the girl and who to feed were both given plenty of time as well, so they were the ones I struggled with as well.
I don't understand how people can like Doug more than Carly based on episode 1 when Carly has saved Lee's whole group in the opening minutes of arriving at Macon, she saves Lee or Clementine from the zombie in the toilet, she helps Lee clear out the zombies at the motor inn and kills another 8 or so zombies when the pharmacy gets over run. Where as Doug only has one conversation with Lee in the whole episode when Lee goes to get the keys and he puts Lee at risk during that sequence when he shouts out to Lee asking him if he's found the keys yet and he doesn't stand up for Lee when Larry is trying to convince the group to kick Lee and his group out of the pharmacy, in fact he is the only one in the group who says nothing either way. I can understand keeping him alive to see how different the story could play out but I don't understand how he could be favoured over Carly as a character based on one short scene shared with him.
Regarding us not having the option to tell the group about Lee's past if Doug is in our group makes sense since Lee didn't really establish a relationship/friendhip with Doug in episode 1 to build on for him to confide in him over the 3 months and Carly would have taken Lee's secret to the grave if killed in episode 1. Lee didn't even trust Doug to know how he knew the keys were with the trapped zombie, yet he told Lilly that he knew the owners of the pharmacy when Larry collapsed in the pharmacy and Lilly told him how Larry dragged the couple out of the office thinking they may have been bitten.
2. Whether or not to take the food from the car.
3. To let Ben fall or not. (The guy was a walking disaster who did nothing right but in the end I had a change of heart and saved him.)
you owe Shawn, but Duck is a little boy.
So yeah, when the choice came up, i just panicked. I liked Kenny, but i wanted to help Larry too so i just kind of stood there and JUST before the timer to make the decision ran out, i quickly started helping Lily.
The thing about that choice, is i liked both of the people by now but i wasn't sure who to side with. This was one of the decisions i spent as much time to think about as i could before i let my instinct choose.