The hardest decisions was what to say to Clementine in the end...I wanted to tell her I'd miss her, but I didn't want to make what she had to do harder then it already was...I told her not to be afraid
God I know. I wanted to say I'd miss her so much but realized this was probably the last thing I'd ever say to her so I thought it was more important to try instil some confidence in her, so she'll be able to go on without Lee.
Hardest decision for me was letting Lilly back in the R.V. I'm the bleeding heart pansy type, and I was basically trying to save everyone I could, but man... I really just wanted to leave her to die after what she did. I let her back in at the last second, rationalizing we could use her as walker bait or something. Considering what she does afterwards, I regret letting her back in. She may have gone crazier and killed everyone.
Other tough decisions: Shooting the girl in the street. I tried shooting a zombie only for Kenny to tell me to knock it off. I shot her, felt horrible, reloaded, watched her get bit again, ended up shooting her all over again. Felt horrible all over again.
Not killing Danny St. John was hard, especially when he's calling you a coward and that you can't do it. I fucking wanted to shoot him right after he shot Jolene. It was really tempting to skewer the sick little fuck, but I realized that me killing him was what he wanted. It's how he justified his own horrible actions. ("This is how the world works now.") Fuck that, he could rot in that trap and realize what monster he really was.
Bringing Clem to Crawford. It basically came down to the idea that if we fail in Crawford, we'd probably not make it back, and then Clementine would be alone in a house with a dying Omid with no idea what to do next. Basically I felt it was worth the risk because if this didn't work she'd probably be as good as dead anyways. In retrospect, I also realized that leaving Clem alone while someone is stalking her and telling her she's got her parents and KNOWS WHERE SHE IS was also probably a bad idea. So I actually feel more confident in that decision in repeat playthroughs than the first time I did it.
She told me "I can do it Lee...I can" sort of psyching herself up for it...I don't remember if that was after i told her not to be afraid though...I thought it would help her remember that i told her "don't be afraid" after she clammed up at the train station...I thought it would help her pull the trigger:(
Okay, I pulled Ben up so in the Kenny & Ben death scene it was the choice to either agree with Kenny and leave, or disagree and stay with him. I didn't know if agreeing with him would be like, a negative for him because it seems like that if you say "Okay" you don't really care about him. I'm not sure why, it wasn't that big of a choice but I really wanted to be with Kenny til the end.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the talk with Vernon, to me it was the hardest choice. The whole time it was taken for granted that Clem should be with you but him saying just made me think if I really was the right choice for her.
Ben was up there too, I hated how his actions had so little thought behind them but in the end I couldn't let him die the first time. I wanted him to succeed, to grow a little so had to give him that chance no matter the cost and the reward was that argument with Kenny. Holy shit did that hit hard...and make me thankful I saved his life.
As for easiest - the St. Johns brothers, killed them both and would do it again in a heartbeat, you don't change being a cannibal. If you left even one of them alive you have to live with the fact that someone else will die because of your actions. The certainty that no one else will ever be eaten by them gave me comfort. So if the zombie apoc ever happens don't be a cannibal unless you want me to butcher you as horrifyingly as I can.
I found the Larry situation difficult because it was the first time there was no right choice and doing the right thing would sever all of my ties with those who were still civil with me
Larry in the meat locker. As much of a dick that Larry might be, he is still a survivor. I find it hard that Kenny didn't even try to save him. I also didn't want Clem to remember me that way, pulling this poor girl off of her dad only to watch him be brutally murdered.
On the other hand, Larry tried to kill Lee over nothing, and he said that he'd do it all again. Not only is Larry is a drag on the group because of his heart conditions, he is not to be trusted. As for Lilly, I would feel a bit of remorse for killing the only thing she had left in the world. But, she ends up killing a character that was completely innocent, and one that I liked. Even if you show her mercy by letting her back on, she still leaves you for dead. I don't want to have his blood on my hands, but it would also be easier if Kenny wasn't such a dick, since he is loyal as in he does stay until the end. I don't believe in killing people that can be saved, but I don't know, he's just going to die either way, right?
There were many very hard decisions to make, especially playing thru it my first time. For me it was trying to be a good friend to Kenny, trying to side with him for the most part, but he had some wild ass ideas and well for the most part h was the backwoods Florida ignorant guy. But he was the first peer you got to be friends with. So I felt an obligation to him since then. But he isn't very smart, so it was like reasoning with an idiot.
Secondly it was trying to put Clem first before anything else, which I did 90% o the time but as always it had fall back, i.e hurting her feeling, lying to her etc.
(...) put Clem first before anything else, which I did 90% o the time but as always it had fall back, i.e hurting her feeling, lying to her etc.
yeah I know, like the scene where you're digging up that rotten dog, and you tell her to stay back, because you don't want her to see more shit than she allready has seen, but she takes it, as if she annoyes you, and that hurts her feelings. I was like: :eek: fuck I didn't mean it THAT way...!
but I never lied to her, only made her false hopes about her parents, I told her I was a convicted murderer at the first chance the game gave me, thinking it might be the last one, because: if I want her to trust me with her life, so I should trust her with my past (at least)
... only made her false hopes about her parents, I told her I was a convicted murderer at the first chance the game gave me, thinking it might be the last one, because: if I want her to trust me with her life, so I should trust her with my past (at least)
that is what i thought as well. that i would just have to make one initial lie to her abou her parent to get her trust. but i think everyone almost did the same thing when the opportunities presented themselves throughout the game, the rather give her something to keep fighting for. i think most people would agree telling a 8-9 yr old her parent are dead would be the worse thing you could probably do!
Hardest decision for me was to either take Clementine with me to a very hostile Crawford or to leave her alone in the house.
While playing the game I didn't know it wouldn't matter at the end, so I waited right up until the very last second. I worried about it more then anything else, because I knew if I made the wrong choice Clem could of got hurt/died. Something I would NEVER forgive myself.
Hardest decision for me was to either take Clementine with me to a very hostile Crawford or to leave her alone in the house.
While playing the game I didn't know it wouldn't matter at the end, so I waited right up until the very last second. I worried about it more then anything else, because I knew if I made the wrong choice Clem could of got hurt/died. Something I would NEVER forgive myself.
Well don't leave us in suspense, did you take Clem with you or not? :eek:
Well don't leave us in suspense, did you take Clem with you or not? :eek:
I took her with me.
My mindset was based on these:
1. I would feel safer looking after her myself (With my group) then leaving her alone with a injured person.
2. She reminded me how I made a promise that we will always be together :<
3. She was actually really usefull for getting into hard to reach places, sooo you never know.
4. She earned my trust by that point in the game to be mature enough and not to screw up our "Ninja attack".
So I went with yes, but damn was I worried.....
Edit: Oh and when Lee left her with Ben in that classroom... *Facepalm* If I had any control in that I would of never let it happen. I would NEVER...EVER trust Ben with her after how he ran away instead of protecting her. That is something I won't ever forget, he put her life in risk, he was dead for me after that moment.
To be honest, taking supplies from the station wagon at the end of Episode Two, even before I could even begin to know the significance of it. I ultimately decided upon taking it because I felt it was important to demonstrate to Clementine that you can't be 100% sure you're in the right all of the time if you want to survive. And upon playing Episode Five, I was really kicking myself for choosing it, but I don't think I'd change what I did. Because that was my choice, I fucked up, Lee fucked up, and that's one of the things that's great about it, even if I didn't mean to do it, I still did it. And I believe that Lee and myself should have to deal with that.
The immediate reaction with Lily after she shot Carley was a close second simply because I was in too much shock to even react. I literally couldn't quite figure out how to react to that and barely even noticed the options. So Kenny made the choice to leave her and it felt very real that Lee would be taken out of the equation in his state of disbelief.
Third would be bringing Clementine to Crawford, but I finally decided that if she was to survive in this world, she'd have to learn from first-hand experience what its like to find yourself in a tough spot.
when Clem asked: "you are leaving me with him?"
and Lee answered: "I'm leaving him with you"
I think he meant it, you left Clementine to watch out for Ben's ass :cool:
1. Asking Clementine to shoot me (Lee)
2. Chopping my arm off (Christa sawing Lee's arm)
3. Deciding between Carley and Doug (chose Carley - because she was a girl in danger)
Never mind.
Anyway, deciding to leave Lee in the end was the hardest for me. It was the ONE decision I had to pause the time on....
And then I cried a god damn river.
Choosing whether to steal from the station wagon or not. We were desperate and hungry so I chose to take the supplies on my first playthrough and Clementine didn't like that, and the Stranger also hated my guts.
Anyways, I chose not to take the supplies on my 2nd playthrough, but it doesn't matter anyways, he'll still find reasons to hate me and blame everything on me for whatever happened to his family.
Also handing out rations, I wanted to feed all the adults because they need the energy more than the kids since they are the one guarding the place and keeping it safe for everyone, but Clementine is my priority and I fed her, Duck, Kenny, and then Lilly said I was playing favorites so I fed her Dad. Couldn't please everybody.
God I know. I wanted to say I'd miss her so much but realized this was probably the last thing I'd ever say to her so I thought it was more important to try instil some confidence in her, so she'll be able to go on without Lee.
Hardest decision for me was letting Lilly back in the R.V. I'm the bleeding heart pansy type, and I was basically trying to save everyone I could, but man... I really just wanted to leave her to die after what she did. I let her back in at the last second, rationalizing we could use her as walker bait or something. Considering what she does afterwards, I regret letting her back in. She may have gone crazier and killed everyone.
Other tough decisions: Shooting the girl in the street. I tried shooting a zombie only for Kenny to tell me to knock it off. I shot her, felt horrible, reloaded, watched her get bit again, ended up shooting her all over again. Felt horrible all over again.
Not killing Danny St. John was hard, especially when he's calling you a coward and that you can't do it. I fucking wanted to shoot him right after he shot Jolene. It was really tempting to skewer the sick little fuck, but I realized that me killing him was what he wanted. It's how he justified his own horrible actions. ("This is how the world works now.") Fuck that, he could rot in that trap and realize what monster he really was.
Bringing Clem to Crawford. It basically came down to the idea that if we fail in Crawford, we'd probably not make it back, and then Clementine would be alone in a house with a dying Omid with no idea what to do next. Basically I felt it was worth the risk because if this didn't work she'd probably be as good as dead anyways. In retrospect, I also realized that leaving Clem alone while someone is stalking her and telling her she's got her parents and KNOWS WHERE SHE IS was also probably a bad idea. So I actually feel more confident in that decision in repeat playthroughs than the first time I did it.
Ben was up there too, I hated how his actions had so little thought behind them but in the end I couldn't let him die the first time. I wanted him to succeed, to grow a little so had to give him that chance no matter the cost and the reward was that argument with Kenny. Holy shit did that hit hard...and make me thankful I saved his life.
As for easiest - the St. Johns brothers, killed them both and would do it again in a heartbeat, you don't change being a cannibal. If you left even one of them alive you have to live with the fact that someone else will die because of your actions. The certainty that no one else will ever be eaten by them gave me comfort. So if the zombie apoc ever happens don't be a cannibal unless you want me to butcher you as horrifyingly as I can.
On the other hand, Larry tried to kill Lee over nothing, and he said that he'd do it all again. Not only is Larry is a drag on the group because of his heart conditions, he is not to be trusted. As for Lilly, I would feel a bit of remorse for killing the only thing she had left in the world. But, she ends up killing a character that was completely innocent, and one that I liked. Even if you show her mercy by letting her back on, she still leaves you for dead. I don't want to have his blood on my hands, but it would also be easier if Kenny wasn't such a dick, since he is loyal as in he does stay until the end. I don't believe in killing people that can be saved, but I don't know, he's just going to die either way, right?
Secondly it was trying to put Clem first before anything else, which I did 90% o the time but as always it had fall back, i.e hurting her feeling, lying to her etc.
that pretty much sums it up.
yeah I know, like the scene where you're digging up that rotten dog, and you tell her to stay back, because you don't want her to see more shit than she allready has seen, but she takes it, as if she annoyes you, and that hurts her feelings. I was like: :eek: fuck I didn't mean it THAT way...!
but I never lied to her, only made her false hopes about her parents, I told her I was a convicted murderer at the first chance the game gave me, thinking it might be the last one, because: if I want her to trust me with her life, so I should trust her with my past (at least)
She doesn't say anything. Same thing if you answer with "You'll be okay."
that is what i thought as well. that i would just have to make one initial lie to her abou her parent to get her trust. but i think everyone almost did the same thing when the opportunities presented themselves throughout the game, the rather give her something to keep fighting for. i think most people would agree telling a 8-9 yr old her parent are dead would be the worse thing you could probably do!
While playing the game I didn't know it wouldn't matter at the end, so I waited right up until the very last second. I worried about it more then anything else, because I knew if I made the wrong choice Clem could of got hurt/died. Something I would NEVER forgive myself.
Well don't leave us in suspense, did you take Clem with you or not? :eek:
I took her with me.
My mindset was based on these:
1. I would feel safer looking after her myself (With my group) then leaving her alone with a injured person.
2. She reminded me how I made a promise that we will always be together :<
3. She was actually really usefull for getting into hard to reach places, sooo you never know.
4. She earned my trust by that point in the game to be mature enough and not to screw up our "Ninja attack".
So I went with yes, but damn was I worried.....
Edit: Oh and when Lee left her with Ben in that classroom... *Facepalm* If I had any control in that I would of never let it happen. I would NEVER... EVER trust Ben with her after how he ran away instead of protecting her. That is something I won't ever forget, he put her life in risk, he was dead for me after that moment.
The immediate reaction with Lily after she shot Carley was a close second simply because I was in too much shock to even react. I literally couldn't quite figure out how to react to that and barely even noticed the options. So Kenny made the choice to leave her and it felt very real that Lee would be taken out of the equation in his state of disbelief.
Third would be bringing Clementine to Crawford, but I finally decided that if she was to survive in this world, she'd have to learn from first-hand experience what its like to find yourself in a tough spot.
when Clem asked: "you are leaving me with him?"
and Lee answered: "I'm leaving him with you"
I think he meant it, you left Clementine to watch out for Ben's ass :cool:
Never mind.
Anyway, deciding to leave Lee in the end was the hardest for me. It was the ONE decision I had to pause the time on....
And then I cried a god damn river.
Anyways, I chose not to take the supplies on my 2nd playthrough, but it doesn't matter anyways, he'll still find reasons to hate me and blame everything on me for whatever happened to his family.
Also handing out rations, I wanted to feed all the adults because they need the energy more than the kids since they are the one guarding the place and keeping it safe for everyone, but Clementine is my priority and I fed her, Duck, Kenny, and then Lilly said I was playing favorites so I fed her Dad. Couldn't please everybody.