When The new episodes of the walking dead the game comes out?
Hi there i just really want to know when the walking dead 6,7,8,9,10 episodes comes out hope you help bye !
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can't be too sure about that
Fables and King's Quest are both TBD
Fables is going to be Telltale's next game. That's pretty much confirmed.
King's Quest's status is a little dubious. Maybe The Walking Dead's popularity has caused Season 2 to get bumped higher on Telltale's priority list, or maybe it's not even happening at all. Nevertheless, we're definitely at least getting Fables before Season 2.
Telltale wouldn't really dare. :P
In theory yes, but given the sure amount of popularity this game got, I'm pretty sure just about every video game site ever will jump on any news Walking Dead gets and people are going to remember real quick.
Best they take their time and not screw up season 2 instead of rushing it and failing.
And this is why I haven't been posting much lately.
TWD was great, but I really hope Telltale doesn't permanently end up as "The Walking Dead Company." They've done other games too, you know. Some of which I'd even call better than The Walking Dead.
season 2 is in the works and they are working on the story now
links on their fb page / my fb pages links in my sig