Larry wasn't stupid. He knew how desperate the situation was in the world. Lee was a younger, physically fit man in a group that definitely needed him. Larry was just essentially marking his territory, for lack of better phrasing. He wanted Lee to know that he didn't like him, he knew who he was and if he did anything to step out of line in Larry's eyes or put Lilly or Clem in danger, Larry would expose him or come after him personally.
He may have seen it as an opportunity to use Lee if the chance ever came, or even use him as walker bait in the future if need be.
I think he didn't tell anyone because he's not truly an evil man. He's sort of a hardass and a bit full of himself, sure...but in the end he's just trying to protect his daughter. Knowing that there is a man who committed murder before the apocalypse close to you at all times is a decent enough reason to at least be cautious(the extra hostility is probably his natural self).
Perhaps he kept it secret to use as blackmail, but it's obvious he didn't care for Lee and did not want him in the group, regardless of his capabilities. He says this himself in episode 2. "Ah, stuff all that. We'd be fine without you."
Probably because Larry didn't know how the group would respond to that news. There's no guarantee the others would turn on Lee and considering how "popular" Larry was with everyone else it's quite possible it may have backfired and turned people against him. That's probably why he tried to kill Lee when he did, he saw an opportunity to get rid of him while most of the group was distracted.
The fact that Larry tried to kill Lee is probably another reason he was keeping it to himself. I doubt Lee wouldn't throw that back at Larry if he outed him and Clementine saw it happen so it wouldn't be just Lee's word against Larry. Depending on how Lee's acted that may actually make Larry look like a bigger risk to the group if he's willing to make such snap decisions.
"Hey, I'm not the bad guy. This guy (who risked his life to get pills that saved my life and may have done similar heroic actions for the rest of you) is a murderer. So I had to murder him first, just like when Duck was bitten..."
Lilly would obviously take Larry's side but that's about it. I doubt Clementine would approve of kicking Lee out of the group and she's pretty good at guilt tripping people. (She manages to changes Christa's mind about Ben in Crawford.) Kenny would probably depend on how you treated him, but with Katjaa and Duck around it's doubtful he act to rashly and if Lee had sided with him he probably come to Lee's defense against Larry, the same guy who wanted to throw Kenny's son out. Both Carley and Doug end up owing their life to Lee and in Carley's case she already knew about Lee's past.
Holding onto Lee's secret gave Larry a bit of leverage over Lee, which he probably figured would keep Lee in line. He spills the beans it takes that advantage away and what happens to Lee depends on the group and there's no guarantee the group would side with Larry over Lee, especially considering the way Larry has acted to everyone.
Larry wasn't stupid. He knew how desperate the situation was in the world. Lee was a younger, physically fit man in a group that definitely needed him. Larry was just essentially marking his territory, for lack of better phrasing. He wanted Lee to know that he didn't like him, he knew who he was and if he did anything to step out of line in Larry's eyes or put Lilly or Clem in danger, Larry would expose him or come after him personally.
He may have seen it as an opportunity to use Lee if the chance ever came, or even use him as walker bait in the future if need be.
If Larry thought that the group needed Lee, why did he try to kill Lee at the drug store?
I think he didn't tell anyone because he's not truly an evil man. He's sort of a hardass and a bit full of himself, sure...but in the end he's just trying to protect his daughter. Knowing that there is a man who committed murder before the apocalypse close to you at all times is a decent enough reason to at least be cautious(the extra hostility is probably his natural self).
Perhaps he kept it secret to use as blackmail, but it's obvious he didn't care for Lee and did not want him in the group, regardless of his capabilities. He says this himself in episode 2. "Ah, stuff all that. We'd be fine without you."
Of course, there's also the fact that Larry can actually be the guy who ends up saving Lee from the pickup walker, depending upon the circumstances.
I think he probably kept quiet about it for the same reason Carley did in Ep. 1; the group didn't need additional problems and drama. Larry was just more direct/aggressive about how he phrased it than Carley was... even though they basically said the same thing on the matter.
Of course, there's also the fact that Larry can actually be the guy who ends up saving Lee from the pickup walker, depending upon the circumstances.
I think he probably kept quiet about it for the same reason Carley did in Ep. 1; the group didn't need additional problems and drama. Larry was just more direct/aggressive about how he phrased it than Carley was... even though they basically said the same thing on the matter.
Larry punches you no matter what. Kenny will pick you up regardless of how much of a dick you were to him (he will either call you a good friend, or an asshole).
When I finished Episode 1 for the first time, I was worried that Larry would try to use Lee's past against him with the whole group, just like how Lilly does after you decide to abandon her or not. He also threatened to do it in the meat locker.
Probably because Larry didn't know how the group would respond to that news. There's no guarantee the others would turn on Lee and considering how "popular" Larry was with everyone else it's quite possible it may have backfired and turned people against him. That's probably why he tried to kill Lee when he did, he saw an opportunity to get rid of him while most of the group was distracted.
The fact that Larry tried to kill Lee is probably another reason he was keeping it to himself. I doubt Lee wouldn't throw that back at Larry if he outed him and Clementine saw it happen so it wouldn't be just Lee's word against Larry. Depending on how Lee's acted that may actually make Larry look like a bigger risk to the group if he's willing to make such snap decisions.
"Hey, I'm not the bad guy. This guy (who risked his life to get pills that saved my life and may have done similar heroic actions for the rest of you) is a murderer. So I had to murder him first, just like when Duck was bitten..."
Lilly would obviously take Larry's side but that's about it. I doubt Clementine would approve of kicking Lee out of the group and she's pretty good at guilt tripping people. (She manages to changes Christa's mind about Ben in Crawford.) Kenny would probably depend on how you treated him, but with Katjaa and Duck around it's doubtful he act to rashly and if Lee had sided with him he probably come to Lee's defense against Larry, the same guy who wanted to throw Kenny's son out. Both Carley and Doug end up owing their life to Lee and in Carley's case she already knew about Lee's past.
Holding onto Lee's secret gave Larry a bit of leverage over Lee, which he probably figured would keep Lee in line. He spills the beans it takes that advantage away and what happens to Lee depends on the group and there's no guarantee the group would side with Larry over Lee, especially considering the way Larry has acted to everyone.
I could actually picture Larry saying something like that if things worked out differently in Episode 2 and he survived. Since I've been Kenny's pal and agreed with Carley about telling my past to others, they'd both come to my defense against Larry. Clementine too. Maybe Ben, but I don't know. I could also picture Lee saying, "Seems like it does pay off to have people you can trust by your side and not be a total dipshit to everybody, now does it, Larry?"
Of course, there's also the fact that Larry can actually be the guy who ends up saving Lee from the pickup walker, depending upon the circumstances.
I think he probably kept quiet about it for the same reason Carley did in Ep. 1; the group didn't need additional problems and drama. Larry was just more direct/aggressive about how he phrased it than Carley was... even though they basically said the same thing on the matter.
I think he helps Lee mostly to save face. It would put him in a fairly bad light in everyone's eyes if he just stood there and refused to assist, even if he disliked him. He probably punched Lee in the drugstore because he and Lee were the only ones left inside at the time, and no one could know what he did.
I think he helps Lee mostly to save face. It would put him in a fairly bad light in everyone's eyes if he just stood there and refused to assist, even if he disliked him. He probably punched Lee in the drugstore because he and Lee were the only ones left inside at the time, and no one could know what he did.
Clem saw it. That's why she shouted "no" after he hit Lee. Wonder why she didn't say anything to anyone else...
Was he wanting to blackmail Lee in the future or something?
He did blackmail him. Larry has compromising information that he could use to manipulate Lee. Telling everyone immediately would be forfeiting a great position to be in.
He did blackmail him. Larry has compromising information that he could use to manipulate Lee. Telling everyone immediately would be forfeiting a great position to be in.
Well, he missed many a great opportunity. Three months pass and not once does he use that information as a significant blackmail opportunity, other than "don't go near my daughter or get anyone hurt". Though i suppose that's all he may have wanted.
Larry wanted to save it for when he needed it and if he simply told everyone straight away the group are more likely to have sided with Lee
Kenny and Katjaa owe Lee for his help and Doug would understand and Carley already knew
He already told Lilly so telling everyone else may have simply cause more trouble for himself
An asshole to society's standards, but that's what you have to do if you want to survive. You risked lives bringing someone who might have been bit into the pharmacy. You could have had a mental disorder that made you happy when you murder people and that's why the senator was murdered. Had you not been snooping around in the St. John's business he would have food in his belly and not locked in a meat locker.
Because of today's technology its unnecessary to be such an asshole. But when you have it all taken it away being selfish is the only way to live.
An asshole to society's standards, but that's what you have to do if you want to survive. You risked lives bringing someone who might have been bit into the pharmacy. You could have had a mental disorder that made you happy when you murder people and that's why the senator was murdered. Had you not been snooping around in the St. John's business he would have food in his belly and not locked in a meat locker.
Because of today's technology its unnecessary to be such an asshole. But when you have it all taken it away being selfish is the only way to live.
No, Larry was just an asshole. He always goes out of his way to make people feel bad. That has nothing to do with survival, he's literally just a huge asshole.
Larry was a brute. A brute with a few good intentions, but a brute nonetheless. He knew the group needed Lee, and kicking him out would have only made him twice as unpopular, to the point where someone else (Kenny probably) would confront Larry, resulting in one of them getting killed.
Larry needed an excuse to get rid of Lee, and chances are he was biding his time until such an excuse emerged. You can bet if Larry had still been around when Lee was bitten, he would have unloaded both barrels of a shotgun into Lee's head without even hesitating.
Lilly herself basically says Larry was like that before the apocalypse even began. "It's just his way." He treats everyone like garbage not because he hopes they'll off themselves(and have less numbers for protection, less efficient supply gathering, watchmen, etc.) but because that's his personality. It's how he was before the apocalypse and how he was afterward. Additionally with his heart condition, it seems unlikely he would put more work on himself by getting rid of survivors when they could be doing work for him.
He already attempted to murder Lee. Why bother going to such an effort to emotionally exterminate someone when he has already attempted to kill them outright? We've seen that he is a powerhouse, and potentially the strongest of all the survivors. He could easily kill anyone he didn't want, either through direct confrontation or at night while they sleep.
Larry is not the kind of guy to go to such lengths to get rid of others when he can just brute force his way to victory.
There's no doubt Lilly loved her father, and even confessed at one point that he was "bitter and hateful," but it's also hard to deny she had a habit of turning a blind eye to Larry's worst vices. Not once did Lilly own up to the fact that Larry deliberately knocked Lee out cold at one point to be eaten alive, and it's clear from Carley/Doug's death beside the RV that she inherited her father's mean streak.
An asshole to society's standards, but that's what you have to do if you want to survive. You risked lives bringing someone who might have been bit into the pharmacy. You could have had a mental disorder that made you happy when you murder people and that's why the senator was murdered. Had you not been snooping around in the St. John's business he would have food in his belly and not locked in a meat locker.
Because of today's technology its unnecessary to be such an asshole. But when you have it all taken it away being selfish is the only way to live.
Except Lee proved his worth by getting the meds to save his stupid ass.... so it wasn't even pragmatism, it was spite.
I was watching a documentary on the USAF's SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance plane yesterday, and pilots trying to join the program are tested by psychologists to determine if they have the ability to get along with others for long periods of time.
My first thought: Larry would fail the selection test.
Everyone was already pretty uneasy with Larry in the first place, if Larry had chose to reveal who Lee really was then just maybe everyone would stick by Larry? Who knows. Although I don't think Larry was a bad guy at all, the world had turned to crap and he was just looking out for his daughter and Clementine.
Larry was a father. He loves his daughter. He wasn't lost his humanity. If he revealed Lee's past to the group. Then, they could kick Lee. And Lee and Clementine could be alone.(I'm sure Clementine wants to go with him) That's why he didn't reveal Lee's past to the group. He knew this day could come.
Lilly herself basically says Larry was like that before the apocalypse even began. "It's just his way." He treats everyone like garbage not because he hopes they'll off themselves(and have less numbers for protection, less efficient supply gathering, watchmen, etc.) but because that's his personality. It's how he was before the apocalypse and how he was afterward. Additionally with his heart condition, it seems unlikely he would put more work on himself by getting rid of survivors when they could be doing work for him.
Actually, I think Lilly basically says that Larry became an ass as a result of the apocalypse. The whole spiel about how he was hardened because he already lost everything else, etc. We do see signs that there's an actual human being under there at times; most notably, his interactions with Brenda. Likewise, as I've mentioned elsewhere, when Kenny advocates potentially taking the Dairy by force, it's Larry that balks at the idea on the basis that the St. Johns are "good people" (he's a sucky judge of character, so there is that).
He certainly wasn't adverse to work, either... he was the one who dragged what were presumably the bodies of Lee's parents out of the drug store office.
Making people feel bad leads to thoughts of murder
Thoughts of murder leads to murder
Murder leads to a dead Larry.
Larry is literally one of the biggest assholes in a game I've ever seen. He's so evil that his subtitle text is RED.
Could not agree more! :cool: I don't know why anyone would prefer to take Larrys side because there is a difference in protecting your family and being a completely massive evil asshole!
The way I see it: Larry just used his knowledge as a precaution in case Lee does something dangerous to him or his daughter. The whole reason for "hatred" is that Larry knew who Lee was before the apocalypse - a convicted killer, so naturally, he thought Lee was dangerous.
I don't think that Larry wanted to blackmail Lee - he didn't even tell Lilly about Lee's past while he had a chance to do so without any possible backfire. He just said that "there's something to this guy".
He was an asshole, but not a bad person - that's how I see him. He wasn't the smartest type, but he did his best to protect Lilly and himself. I don't think that his actions or decisions were wise and acceptable, but that's what he thought was best.
He was always pragmatic, I can even understand some of his reasoning behind throwing Duck out in the drugstore. Emotions and morals aside, they knew nothing about the zombies or about how it all works, so potentially, I would've also been cautious about a person cowered in blood that was in a close contact with zombies before coming to me. Kid or not, it potentially could be dangerous, it could harm the group or a person I care for. It's just that he presented this in a total jackass kind of way that made it look horrible.
In my playthrough, I tried to be nice to him, I tried to understand his intentions. He actually tried to help me with that zombie in a pickup truck, while he could easily stay aside and watch me die.
When Mark told Larry that I said that Larry just cares for Lilly and does everything to protect her, he was out of words. Which means that he couldn't really bring himself to say something really bad to me after hearing my real thoughts about him, which means that he wasn't a bad guy after all.
Of course, I tried to help him out in a meat locker. If things were different, I'm sure that my Lee could've changed Larry's attitude to "neutral" afterwards.
It is obvious that developers tried to make him look like a completely negative character, hence the red font and all the stuff, but he really wasn't so bad. For a "negative" character he surprisingly never harmed anyone other than verbally.
Now if we look at Ben, that's a complete opposite - he is not an asshole towards people, he doesn't hate you, yet he's responsible directly or indirectly for how many deaths in your group?
There you go. I chose Larry over Ben anytime, at least Larry can be useful for something other than whining
Of course, I tried to help him out in a meat locker. If things were different, I'm sure that my Lee could've changed Larry's attitude to "neutral" afterwards.
Yeah, because he was so grateful the first time Lee saved his life, he only tried to kill him as thanks.
You're deluding yourself if you ever think Larry would ever be less of an asshole to anyone in the group. He yells at Lee for poking around the St. Johns, then yells at him for "dragging his feet". Same thing in episode one. He gives this big speech about how a single walker will make more and kill us all if any get into the store, then he yells at Carley for shooting a walker that was in the store. There was no pleasing the man.
And at least when Ben whines, he doesn't give himself a heart attack and makes already terrible situations even worse. Larry being an asshole was literally the death of him.
Larry is literally one of the biggest assholes in a game I've ever seen. He's so evil that his subtitle text is RED.
I seriously laughed at that. Reminded me of learning of the four temperaments, and how red is hot tempered, violent etc. DUH! Why didn't any of us see this from the beginning? xD But yeah... Larry needed to die. Besides the fact Lilly was leaving, and she wouldn't without her dad... he was just a prick. If there had been an option to unload a shotgun cartridge into his face instead, that'd be awesome, cuz he's earned my death list after my first playthrough. If you wanna drop a salt lick on his head after, that'd just be an option :P
I don't think that Larry wanted to blackmail Lee - he didn't even tell Lilly about Lee's past while he had a chance to do so without any possible backfire. He just said that "there's something to this guy".
Uh... he does tell her, that is how she blabs it out to the entire group on the side of the road. Her father told her at the drugstore, and seeing how Lilly never talks of Lee almost being left to get eaten, I'd call Lilly as big an asshole as her father.
He was an asshole, but not a bad person - that's how I see him. He wasn't the smartest type, but he did his best to protect Lilly and himself. I don't think that his actions or decisions were wise and acceptable, but that's what he thought was best.
He only tried to protect Lilly and himself, that's the thing. But what did they REALLY do for the group besides boss everyone around and complain how they were stupid? And that was about the nicest insult. And yeah, well if I thought the best action was to put a bullet through his skull, I wouldn't win character of the year award for TWD. Maybe as being a complete dick, but not for being a good survivor. And just because you think it may be best, doesn't mean it is the best for everyone. If you only worry for yourself, then you should go survive by yourself. At least Lilly did that, after cold murder that was even worse than her father. Seriously, they both are nothing good.
Now if we look at Ben, that's a complete opposite - he is not an asshole towards people, he doesn't hate you, yet he's responsible directly or indirectly for how many deaths in your group?
There you go. I chose Larry over Ben anytime, at least Larry can be useful for something other than whining
Ben at least tries to help. Had Larry been there, Duck would have been shot in the head immediately, and Katjaa still would have committed suicide. Kenny would have gotten into a fight with Larry, with Lilly helping Larry and Carley helping Kenny. You would either be a mediator or on one side. You really think that is a better trade? That'd of brought the death toll of episode 3 from 4(Lilly left) to like 6-7 xD. Ben was useful, he was keeping everyone safe with the supplies. Who caused the shootout? Lilly, with "her itchy trigger finger". Right as a peace agreement was being made, she goes shooting them like she has the right. She was just lucky they were stupid and caught off guard. Lilly caused the Motel to be overrun, Lilly caused Duck's bite, Lilly caused Katjaa and Carley/Doug's death, and would have tried for Ben on Doug's side. And you'd want Larry with you? He'd probably blame you and shoot you for it. Ben was a screwup, we all know that, but his intentions were good and the blame on what happened could be called stupid or a lack of communication. Seriously, when Kenny asked Ben to find something to break the door down, when there were supposed to be tools there, shouldn't someone have told him "Hey Ben! Be careful, there are walkers out there. And BY THE WAY, stay away from the doors with the hatchet closing it, and whatever you do, don't take the hatchet." Ben was a good person, and tried to do the right thing. He just happened to have flaws that matched a "non-survivor during a zombie apocalypse". Unlike Zombieland, someone who is scared of so much can only make it so far. It wasn't his fault that Telltales wanted everyone to hate him. But his character is extremely realistic as to how someone would be during a zombie apocalypse. No? Larry had a heart attack per episode. At two you really shouldn't keep him along. HE is a detriment. I'd prefer a coward to a man who can't keep his cool, stop shouting, tried to kill me, and has heart attacks every episode. Oh, and also has a relationship with a woman who kills people secretly and eats them like meat. How could you pick someone who hates your guts like Larry over someone like Ben? Ben at least unintentionally kept the group alive for awhile. Had he not made a deal with the bandits, the entire group probably'd be dead, considering Kenny hadn't yet fixed the RV. But hey, that's my opinion, and your funeral friend
He may have seen it as an opportunity to use Lee if the chance ever came, or even use him as walker bait in the future if need be.
Perhaps he kept it secret to use as blackmail, but it's obvious he didn't care for Lee and did not want him in the group, regardless of his capabilities. He says this himself in episode 2. "Ah, stuff all that. We'd be fine without you."
The fact that Larry tried to kill Lee is probably another reason he was keeping it to himself. I doubt Lee wouldn't throw that back at Larry if he outed him and Clementine saw it happen so it wouldn't be just Lee's word against Larry. Depending on how Lee's acted that may actually make Larry look like a bigger risk to the group if he's willing to make such snap decisions.
"Hey, I'm not the bad guy. This guy (who risked his life to get pills that saved my life and may have done similar heroic actions for the rest of you) is a murderer. So I had to murder him first, just like when Duck was bitten..."
Lilly would obviously take Larry's side but that's about it. I doubt Clementine would approve of kicking Lee out of the group and she's pretty good at guilt tripping people. (She manages to changes Christa's mind about Ben in Crawford.) Kenny would probably depend on how you treated him, but with Katjaa and Duck around it's doubtful he act to rashly and if Lee had sided with him he probably come to Lee's defense against Larry, the same guy who wanted to throw Kenny's son out. Both Carley and Doug end up owing their life to Lee and in Carley's case she already knew about Lee's past.
Holding onto Lee's secret gave Larry a bit of leverage over Lee, which he probably figured would keep Lee in line. He spills the beans it takes that advantage away and what happens to Lee depends on the group and there's no guarantee the group would side with Larry over Lee, especially considering the way Larry has acted to everyone.
If Larry thought that the group needed Lee, why did he try to kill Lee at the drug store?
I don't believe those two things are compatible.
Of course, there's also the fact that Larry can actually be the guy who ends up saving Lee from the pickup walker, depending upon the circumstances.
I think he probably kept quiet about it for the same reason Carley did in Ep. 1; the group didn't need additional problems and drama. Larry was just more direct/aggressive about how he phrased it than Carley was... even though they basically said the same thing on the matter.
Larry punches you no matter what. Kenny will pick you up regardless of how much of a dick you were to him (he will either call you a good friend, or an asshole).
I could actually picture Larry saying something like that if things worked out differently in Episode 2 and he survived. Since I've been Kenny's pal and agreed with Carley about telling my past to others, they'd both come to my defense against Larry. Clementine too. Maybe Ben, but I don't know. I could also picture Lee saying, "Seems like it does pay off to have people you can trust by your side and not be a total dipshit to everybody, now does it, Larry?"
I think he helps Lee mostly to save face. It would put him in a fairly bad light in everyone's eyes if he just stood there and refused to assist, even if he disliked him. He probably punched Lee in the drugstore because he and Lee were the only ones left inside at the time, and no one could know what he did.
Clem saw it. That's why she shouted "no" after he hit Lee. Wonder why she didn't say anything to anyone else...
Maybe Lee told her not to.
He did blackmail him. Larry has compromising information that he could use to manipulate Lee. Telling everyone immediately would be forfeiting a great position to be in.
Well, he missed many a great opportunity. Three months pass and not once does he use that information as a significant blackmail opportunity, other than "don't go near my daughter or get anyone hurt". Though i suppose that's all he may have wanted.
Kenny and Katjaa owe Lee for his help and Doug would understand and Carley already knew
He already told Lilly so telling everyone else may have simply cause more trouble for himself
plain and simple.
An asshole to society's standards, but that's what you have to do if you want to survive. You risked lives bringing someone who might have been bit into the pharmacy. You could have had a mental disorder that made you happy when you murder people and that's why the senator was murdered. Had you not been snooping around in the St. John's business he would have food in his belly and not locked in a meat locker.
Because of today's technology its unnecessary to be such an asshole. But when you have it all taken it away being selfish is the only way to live.
Making people feel bad leads to suicide
Suicide leads to more supplies to less people
which leads to survival.
Larry needed an excuse to get rid of Lee, and chances are he was biding his time until such an excuse emerged. You can bet if Larry had still been around when Lee was bitten, he would have unloaded both barrels of a shotgun into Lee's head without even hesitating.
Lilly herself basically says Larry was like that before the apocalypse even began. "It's just his way." He treats everyone like garbage not because he hopes they'll off themselves(and have less numbers for protection, less efficient supply gathering, watchmen, etc.) but because that's his personality. It's how he was before the apocalypse and how he was afterward. Additionally with his heart condition, it seems unlikely he would put more work on himself by getting rid of survivors when they could be doing work for him.
He already attempted to murder Lee. Why bother going to such an effort to emotionally exterminate someone when he has already attempted to kill them outright? We've seen that he is a powerhouse, and potentially the strongest of all the survivors. He could easily kill anyone he didn't want, either through direct confrontation or at night while they sleep.
Larry is not the kind of guy to go to such lengths to get rid of others when he can just brute force his way to victory.
Except Lee proved his worth by getting the meds to save his stupid ass.... so it wasn't even pragmatism, it was spite.
My first thought: Larry would fail the selection test.
Larry is literally one of the biggest assholes in a game I've ever seen. He's so evil that his subtitle text is RED.
Actually, I think Lilly basically says that Larry became an ass as a result of the apocalypse. The whole spiel about how he was hardened because he already lost everything else, etc. We do see signs that there's an actual human being under there at times; most notably, his interactions with Brenda. Likewise, as I've mentioned elsewhere, when Kenny advocates potentially taking the Dairy by force, it's Larry that balks at the idea on the basis that the St. Johns are "good people" (he's a sucky judge of character, so there is that).
He certainly wasn't adverse to work, either... he was the one who dragged what were presumably the bodies of Lee's parents out of the drug store office.
Could not agree more! :cool: I don't know why anyone would prefer to take Larrys side
I don't think that Larry wanted to blackmail Lee - he didn't even tell Lilly about Lee's past while he had a chance to do so without any possible backfire. He just said that "there's something to this guy".
He was an asshole, but not a bad person - that's how I see him. He wasn't the smartest type, but he did his best to protect Lilly and himself. I don't think that his actions or decisions were wise and acceptable, but that's what he thought was best.
He was always pragmatic, I can even understand some of his reasoning behind throwing Duck out in the drugstore. Emotions and morals aside, they knew nothing about the zombies or about how it all works, so potentially, I would've also been cautious about a person cowered in blood that was in a close contact with zombies before coming to me. Kid or not, it potentially could be dangerous, it could harm the group or a person I care for. It's just that he presented this in a total jackass kind of way that made it look horrible.
In my playthrough, I tried to be nice to him, I tried to understand his intentions. He actually tried to help me with that zombie in a pickup truck, while he could easily stay aside and watch me die.
When Mark told Larry that I said that Larry just cares for Lilly and does everything to protect her, he was out of words. Which means that he couldn't really bring himself to say something really bad to me after hearing my real thoughts about him, which means that he wasn't a bad guy after all.
Of course, I tried to help him out in a meat locker. If things were different, I'm sure that my Lee could've changed Larry's attitude to "neutral" afterwards.
It is obvious that developers tried to make him look like a completely negative character, hence the red font and all the stuff, but he really wasn't so bad. For a "negative" character he surprisingly never harmed anyone other than verbally.
Now if we look at Ben, that's a complete opposite - he is not an asshole towards people, he doesn't hate you, yet he's responsible directly or indirectly for how many deaths in your group?
There you go. I chose Larry over Ben anytime, at least Larry can be useful for something other than whining
Suicides involving the destruction of the brain don't lead to zombies.
RE Katja, Chuck, the dead couple on the bed in episode V & cf. Duck, Lee.
Yeah, because he was so grateful the first time Lee saved his life, he only tried to kill him as thanks.
You're deluding yourself if you ever think Larry would ever be less of an asshole to anyone in the group. He yells at Lee for poking around the St. Johns, then yells at him for "dragging his feet". Same thing in episode one. He gives this big speech about how a single walker will make more and kill us all if any get into the store, then he yells at Carley for shooting a walker that was in the store. There was no pleasing the man.
And at least when Ben whines, he doesn't give himself a heart attack and makes already terrible situations even worse. Larry being an asshole was literally the death of him.
I seriously laughed at that. Reminded me of learning of the four temperaments, and how red is hot tempered, violent etc. DUH! Why didn't any of us see this from the beginning? xD But yeah... Larry needed to die. Besides the fact Lilly was leaving, and she wouldn't without her dad... he was just a prick. If there had been an option to unload a shotgun cartridge into his face instead, that'd be awesome, cuz he's earned my death list after my first playthrough. If you wanna drop a salt lick on his head after, that'd just be an option :P
Uh... he does tell her, that is how she blabs it out to the entire group on the side of the road. Her father told her at the drugstore, and seeing how Lilly never talks of Lee almost being left to get eaten, I'd call Lilly as big an asshole as her father.
He only tried to protect Lilly and himself, that's the thing. But what did they REALLY do for the group besides boss everyone around and complain how they were stupid? And that was about the nicest insult. And yeah, well if I thought the best action was to put a bullet through his skull, I wouldn't win character of the year award for TWD. Maybe as being a complete dick, but not for being a good survivor. And just because you think it may be best, doesn't mean it is the best for everyone. If you only worry for yourself, then you should go survive by yourself. At least Lilly did that, after cold murder that was even worse than her father. Seriously, they both are nothing good.
Ben at least tries to help. Had Larry been there, Duck would have been shot in the head immediately, and Katjaa still would have committed suicide. Kenny would have gotten into a fight with Larry, with Lilly helping Larry and Carley helping Kenny. You would either be a mediator or on one side. You really think that is a better trade? That'd of brought the death toll of episode 3 from 4(Lilly left) to like 6-7 xD. Ben was useful, he was keeping everyone safe with the supplies. Who caused the shootout? Lilly, with "her itchy trigger finger". Right as a peace agreement was being made, she goes shooting them like she has the right. She was just lucky they were stupid and caught off guard. Lilly caused the Motel to be overrun, Lilly caused Duck's bite, Lilly caused Katjaa and Carley/Doug's death, and would have tried for Ben on Doug's side. And you'd want Larry with you? He'd probably blame you and shoot you for it. Ben was a screwup, we all know that, but his intentions were good and the blame on what happened could be called stupid or a lack of communication. Seriously, when Kenny asked Ben to find something to break the door down, when there were supposed to be tools there, shouldn't someone have told him "Hey Ben! Be careful, there are walkers out there. And BY THE WAY, stay away from the doors with the hatchet closing it, and whatever you do, don't take the hatchet." Ben was a good person, and tried to do the right thing. He just happened to have flaws that matched a "non-survivor during a zombie apocalypse". Unlike Zombieland, someone who is scared of so much can only make it so far. It wasn't his fault that Telltales wanted everyone to hate him. But his character is extremely realistic as to how someone would be during a zombie apocalypse. No? Larry had a heart attack per episode. At two you really shouldn't keep him along. HE is a detriment. I'd prefer a coward to a man who can't keep his cool, stop shouting, tried to kill me, and has heart attacks every episode. Oh, and also has a relationship with a woman who kills people secretly and eats them like meat. How could you pick someone who hates your guts like Larry over someone like Ben? Ben at least unintentionally kept the group alive for awhile. Had he not made a deal with the bandits, the entire group probably'd be dead, considering Kenny hadn't yet fixed the RV. But hey, that's my opinion, and your funeral friend