Molly in season 2
Here's a question that I don't think that has been asked yet until now; Do you want to see Molly in season 2 and be around longer or no?
As for me, I'm hoping that she returns and stays in the group longer than just one episode. True, she may not be much of a team player, but I think being around Lee and his group helped changed that (if Lee was sympathetic about her sister and she was saved at Crawford)
As for me, I'm hoping that she returns and stays in the group longer than just one episode. True, she may not be much of a team player, but I think being around Lee and his group helped changed that (if Lee was sympathetic about her sister and she was saved at Crawford)
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She will probably be in season 2 in some way, but I don't know for how long.
She seems like a one-off kind of character anyway, at least to me.
Either way, I see her as more of a loner character, and one who went be around for more than an episode or so, if she appears at all.
Personally, I say keep the ambiguity and leave her out.
to me molly was a mess up and a joke.
she is nothing even close to max
She could be Max's daughter in another setting.
i beat her ass every single time even though she seen me
I beat That ass
Man, Molly is just fucking awesome. She's so awesome that I've seen people say that her awesomeness transcends her reality and is unrealistic because of that. That's right, she's unrealistically awesome. She's also commonly compared to Michonne!
we riot
I really don't find her all that unrealistic when compared to much of what else happens. She's badass but hardly invulnerable and her gymnastics is mostly limited to climbing things and jumping great distances. It's not like she's doing backflips and twirls while she does these things. She's tough but gets overwhlemed in Crawford and Lee can kick her ass if your fast enough, she also seems to lose a lot of edge in small closed in spaces like the garage and the bell tower where her agility doesn't provide much of an advantage.
Lee does pretty as much badass stuff as Molly. He kills tons of walkers, jumps off a bridge onto a moving train, jumps from the belltower to the hospital, will cut off his own fucking arm if he has too, rampages through a crowd of walkers to get to the Marsh House after climbing down the side of a building. And he's a college professor, for all we know, Molly may have been practicing martial arts or parkour before the outbreak. Combine that with the fact she lived in Crawford for a while and she probably learned a lot about surviving.
As for the unlimited strength and agility thing. Meh, I really chalk that up to it being fiction, where characters are always just well enough to do what needs to be done. Even in episode two where everyone is starving and Kenny is complaining about nearly blacking out on his way to the St. Johns he and everyone else are quick to spring into action. Kenny even gets shot and mostly walks it off. If you saved Carley and sided with Lilly, Andy gets shot fucking twice and is still okay. Omid busts his leg bad enough to where he has a severe limp and gets an infection that basically immobilizes him, but a nap and a quick antibiotic later and he's back to near full strength as he jumps to rooftops or smashes holes in walls.
I can understand why Molly pushes some people's suspension of disbelief but, for me, she really didn't seem that much crazier than a lot of things that happened.
we falcon punched molly not lee or me we
Yeah, then Larry Falcon Punched both you and Lee.
And Molly doesn't? It takes two punches to knock her down and even then Lee still pulls a gun to be sure. Besides, I said not easily ambushed, I didn't say impossible to ambush. Even Max got ambushed and lost his
What is half of infinity?
Invading me... in Sen's Fortress... preposterous! Tarkus, you know what to do.
He is no mere knight... Be lucky that the mighty Tarkus is above such petty things as "grudges", else you might find yourself flipped off of a cliff with your chest caved-in and your shins and knee-caps dismembered.
I know this is fiction but seriously... It seems too unrealistic! Her character was portrayed as being a lone wolf who would prefer to go it alone and she didn't seem to keen to stay around Lee and the group for too long as she probably lives by the rule of teammates get you killed. So I think we have seen enough of her. To me she wasn't a very likeable character and I didn't get very emotionally attached either, her sisters storyline wasn't that great compared to others and I think the could have taken a little bit more time to go deeper with her.... However she was one of those people who keeps themselves to themselves and she didn't really want to open up about anything.
So, no I do not want to see Molly in season 2 she wasn't a very likeable character and I could see why not many other people would like to see her again, and I'm pretty sure that protagonist is out of the question as her stupid free running like style is too unreal for me, it would be like assassins creed... And I don't think that is what I would like to see, I didn't enjoy the bit where you have to jump off the building as it was as it seemed stupid and not really that ... Epic I suppose (if they were trying to make lee badass then it wasn't working)
Maybe I was bitter that I couldn't call her out for inadvertently killing Chuck. Maybe it was because she was so casual about planning to leave me for dead, or that she risked the whole group for a photograph.
Though my dislike was probably cemented when she snarkily smiled and said, "Nice group you got here." when Kenny was screaming about the death of his wife and child. Classy...
I was starving
I was needing medical help
I was falling apart with my friends
then this redninja comes in and makes everything we've done look easy.
i felt jaded by her and her presence mocked my struggles
made "lee" feel he may have been better alone.
NO Molly now....
No Molly ever!
she's prolly the only character i've seen that could raise clem and teach her the survivor skills needed when the ZA stuff gets bad...and it always gets bad.
every group falls, so giving clem the survival skills of molly and some much needed extra cardio
RULE NUMBER 1 CARDIO...lots and lots and lots
Wait, what? What game did you play? In my game Omid was jovial, and flippant. Not dumb nor worthless.
jovial and flippant is not the characteristics i want in my daughters ZA savior.
I wouldnt have said omid was a bad guy...just too eager and trustworthy...but who knows maybe he has a great sense of character and thats why he swiftly gravitated towards Lee
i'd trust my daughter to Molly or Michonne. they are the best equipped/prepared for survival and could best teach these lessons to our Clem.