you sure that there will be an episode between the first and the second season? Oh... I don't like that. Really this makes no sense because we already know that
you sure that there will be an episode between the first and the second season? Oh... I don't like that. Really this makes no sense because we already know that
almost everyone in the group are dead
We got the hint that there would be "more walking dead" before the second season and are all wildly jumping to conclusions.
We have no idea what it would actually contain yet, who it may focus on, or even when it would be set
you sure that there will be an episode between the first and the second season? Oh... I don't like that. Really this makes no sense because we already know that
almost everyone in the group are dead
Well that's kind of the point. To allow the gamers a look at the series when things weren't going to shit, and where you could get a little extra time with certain characters, get to learn of their personality, and learn of their stories while being able to have a chance to say goodbye before time rips them away again.
Or something to do with Omid and Christa before meeting Lee and the others.
Or the group at the drugstore before/in-between saving Lee.
The three month intermission between episodes 1 and 2, and the initial meeting of Mark.
The inside story of Crawford.
The story of the Stranger. Maybe his son.
A side-story of Lilly after she leaves, allowing her character to meet up/be set up for next season.
The story of Chuck before finding him on the train.
The story of the cancer-patients.
Or something in that nature. I think that'd be quite interesting.
maybe they'll do the same as ea/bioware masseffect 3 'dlc'
and just make a movie for free that ties stuff up ?
no gameplay at all.... if it's short update like say 10 mins of cut scenes
if it's like a normal episode 2-3 hours then don't use qte's just have the simple movement on rails stuff with dialogue options and mayeb add some 'remember this' moments too
Hopefully it will come before Fables.Aye,Telltale shouldn't turn into TWD company,but should honestly,put the entire focus on TWD.TWD was,and will be for a long time,their best game,not some no-name comics like Fables or King's Quest,barely anyone heard off (no offense TTG. ). :P
Could not say it any better.My thoughts are the same.
Well that's kind of the point. To allow the gamers a look at the series when things weren't going to shit, and where you could get a little extra time with certain characters, get to learn of their personality, and learn of their stories while being able to have a chance to say goodbye before time rips them away again.
I agree, it'd be a great way to revisit your favorite characters on last time, maybe tell them some things we didn't get to say in the five episodes we got before. Flirt with Carley some more, hang out with Kenny, call Lilly a bitch again.
It could be a little like that scene from the end of the second Godfather movie where it flashes back to an earlier time when everyone was still alive and how they related to each other then, before things changed for Michael.
I think I'll just repost what I said about this in another thread.
I'd actually just like to play in the missing months between Episode one and two. After the emotional ride that was the first season I think it'd be very cathartic to temporarily return to, in retrospect, a happier time. Let you interact with all your favorite characters one more time.
Instead of any kind of arcing story the episode could be devoted to shorter little stories of things that happened in between, get a chance to maybe say things you wished you had the chance to say before everyone was dead. Give each character a tiny bit of time in the spotlight, show where Mark came from and finally get to know him a little better.
Despite the time frame it'd actually serve as a nice little epilogue where you get to see everyone one last time. Think of it as some sugar to help the medicine that was the ending of the season go down.
I agree, it'd be a great way to revisit your favorite characters on last time, maybe tell them some things we didn't get to say in the five episodes we got before. Flirt with Carley some more, hang out with Kenny, call Lilly a bitch again.
It could be a little like that scene from the end of the second Godfather movie where it flashes back to an earlier time when everyone was still alive and how they related to each other then, before things changed for Michael.
I think I'll just repost what I said about this in another thread.
I'd actually just like to play in the missing months between Episode one and two. After the emotional ride that was the first season I think it'd be very cathartic to temporarily return to, in retrospect, a happier time. Let you interact with all your favorite characters one more time.
Instead of any kind of arcing story the episode could be devoted to shorter little stories of things that happened in between, get a chance to maybe say things you wished you had the chance to say before everyone was dead. Give each character a tiny bit of time in the spotlight, show where Mark came from and finally get to know him a little better.
Despite the time frame it'd actually serve as a nice little epilogue where you get to see everyone one last time. Think of it as some sugar to help the medicine that was the ending of the season go down.
While i'd certainly not turn away any of the other ideas, i cant deny that despite the fact it would be pretty irrelevant plot wise heading into the future and i can understand why others want a loose end tying up episode, this idea would make me the happiest.
While i'd certainly not turn away any of the other ideas, i cant deny that despite the fact it would be pretty irrelevant plot wise heading into the future and i can understand why others want a loose end tying up episode, this idea would make me the happiest.
DLCs tend to be irrelevant in the long run anyway; sort of like tie-ins to a big comic book event. Depending on what the story is and who we get to play, I'll give it a look.
as someone else said going back in 'game time' could affect our choices in the actuall game, of course that would for some be good to go back and change some of the choices but as most of us know the choices for most characters don't do anything as they either hate you or love you or they die/run away..
so i say whats the point in flashbacks ?
you can't go back and flirt with carley in ep1.5 as she doesn't know you/lee yet... and she would think your being creepy or trying to trick her..
regardless of what ttg do there will be some people who get all but hurt about their choice cos they wanted the other thing...
as someone else said going back in 'game time' could affect our choices in the actuall game, of course that would for some be good to go back and change some of the choices but as most of us know the choices for most characters don't do anything as they either hate you or love you or they die/run away..
so i say whats the point in flashbacks ?
you can't go back and flirt with carley in ep1.5 as she doesn't know you/lee yet... and she would think your being creepy or trying to trick her..
regardless of what ttg do there will be some people who get all but hurt about their choice cos they wanted the other thing...
I cant really see which decision would be massively influenced, most of them are reacting to future events, with people you wouldn't have met yet or "morals vs survival" based rather than another "Doug or Carley" type moment that could change completely.
The only decision i could think of that would possibly change is who i fed, but that whole thing was a little stupid anyway given that Lee would have known who was fed yesterday and day before etc, Maybe i'd be more inclined to try and save Larry if he softens towards you in any 1.5, but that doesn't seem likely.
As for why? Its a big empty space in the timeline of Lee's post-apocalypse life, Meeting Mark, the indulgence of being able to talk the the characters we miss again. Not a lot of space for major plot points without spoiling the future but it would be fun.
Its just my preferred option though, i can see why others want something more in the "set up for season two" style, People will be annoyed but at the end of the day getting more TWD is enough to get me excited regardless of if it would be my personal choice, I haven't seen any bad ideas in this thread. (except a Lilly themed one since i hate her )
Its just my preferred option though, i can see why others want something more in the "set up for season two" style, People will be annoyed but at the end of the day getting more TWD is enough to get me excited regardless of if it would be my personal choice, I haven't seen any bad ideas in this thread. (except a Lilly themed one since i hate her )
Its just my preferred option though, i can see why others want something more in the "set up for season two" style, People will be annoyed but at the end of the day getting more TWD is enough to get me excited regardless of if it would be my personal choice, I haven't seen any bad ideas in this thread. (except a Lilly themed one since i hate her)
I don't know, I'd probably enjoy the game over screens for that, a lot.
The whole thing would be a bit short for me, first order of business, wander over to the walkers by the side of the road, die, turn off the game and declare it to be canon
The whole thing would be a bit short for me, first order of business, wander over to the walkers by the side of the road, die, turn off the game and declare it to be canon
The whole thing would be a bit short for me, first order of business, wander over to the walkers by the side of the road, die, turn off the game and declare it to be canon
Satisfying doubtlessly, but short.
You think too small. I'd probably seek out every way to die like I seek out different dialogue options now. I'd make it like some kind of personal Hell for Lilly to endure. She'd keep coming back to life just to meet another horrible demise moments later. We could well be getting an expansion to tide us over until season 2. What do you think the expansion will be about? I think it may be about the 3 months in between the end of episode 1 and the beginning of episode 2 where the group go to the army base and find Mark. Someone had a thread about this very idea awhile ago.
The time frame between episode 1 and 2 is the one I'm most interested in. We get to find Mark, explore the air force base. And this will give Lilly an interesting role to since she worked there.
We'll also get a chance to see the rest of the original group again before moving on to season 2.
No point in Flashbacks.Choices have been made.Hopefully we take off from clem and lee in the store-fill in what happens between the store and clem being alone in the field.Maybe deaths of omid and crista(One can only hope).Kennys survival or seeing him die.Cancer survivors boat failure.Anything but going over where we know the outcome in the end aka crawford-airforce base.
You don't know the outcome on the base. People could have escaped that eventually join the group later.
Or crawford. You don't know if everyone died. Anna Correa could have escaped. The people who were doing the searches could have escaped with others and started their own groups throughout Atlanta. For all you know, it could have been the start of the saviors/hilltop/alexandria. It'd be pretty cool if that was the start.
the most able bodied men would of gone out and ransacked any army base nearby...
if any one did survive with mark at the army base.. surely they would of joined the group by now ? after all he was in the 'commisary'
and for anna well she probably has escaped as no sign of her while we where in crawford, but i suspect she got shot at the gates and dumped on the pile.
I heard that only 1 character from Season 1 will be in Season 2. Willing to bet that its most likely to be Clementine.
Which means I think that the expansion episode will be Omid and Christa centric and their failure to find Clementine and their deaths (?).
I've heard this, too... though i also heard that Season 2 will be released in March so take it with a grain of salt i guess.
I wonder if the decision of who crosses the sign first in episode 5 will be a deciding factor in Omid & Christa's fate. If Lee goes first(which most people choose) then they're stranded on the building with nowhere to go. If Omid & Christa go first then they make it across the building safely.
the most able bodied men would of gone out and ransacked any army base nearby...
if any one did survive with mark at the army base.. surely they would of joined the group by now ? after all he was in the 'commisary'
and for anna well she probably has escaped as no sign of her while we where in crawford, but i suspect she got shot at the gates and dumped on the pile.
At the army base it was overrun by the time Lee and crew got there. Mark was trapped inside the commisary. That's why he said he's glad they came, or he'd of been food. Soldiers could have escaped though, which would explain why the group gained a lot of food but so few weapons.
Anna was the start of the outbreak in crawford, that is how the walkers overran the place. However, you don't see Anna anywhere in there, so she probably escaped. Others could have fled to, and considering Crawford was a large population, many could have made it out. They could have been the start of many of the colonies throughout the comics.
Woodbury != Crawford
Crawford is done for, and is not near Woodbury's location. They are not the same, except for their rules and guidelines. Maybe some people went to Woodbury after Crawford, but that is about it.
Have they [telltale] said this is only going to be a short one off DLC?
We don't even actually have official conformation from telltale of anything. Just one writer letting slip in an interview that there would be something to tide us over to season 2.
Have they [telltale] said this is only going to be a short one off DLC?
Considering how much work it took for them to make the 5 episodes for the first season(and that this is supposedly something to keep us patient for season 2) it doesn't seem too likely that they would focus on making something as large or longer than the first season.
Woodbury != Crawford
Crawford is done for, and is not near Woodbury's location. They are not the same, except for their rules and guidelines. Maybe some people went to Woodbury after Crawford, but that is about it.
just cos i don't post every single flippin detail on something don't assume i don't know and tell me k ?
that was my point ?!
You just have to get used to it. I can't count how many times my posts have been misinterpreted, and how many different nonsensical things I was perceived as saying.
More Walking Dead is currently in production at Telltale Games, but it isn't the second season of its episodic series.
During an interview on IGN's Up at Noon, writer Gary Whitta teased more Walking Dead from Telltale sooner than later. “You won’t have to wait for season two to play more Walking Dead,” he claimed.
"I can tell you what you already know, which is season two is coming. There’s not much to say because it really is very early…it’s a way off," said Whitta. "But, knowing that it’s a way off, and knowing that people are hungry for more walking Dead…there may very well be more Walking Dead from Telltale before season two. We may have a little something extra for you between season one and two.” Whitta continued to tease that something is in the works right now “that will make the wait for season two slightly less agonizing.”
IGN has asked Telltale for further and official clarification, and will update this story with any additional information that comes in.
Can't wait for it to come out.
Sorry if this was already posted, but wanted to share with you all.
you sure that there will be an episode between the first and the second season? Oh... I don't like that. Really this makes no sense because we already know that
We got the hint that there would be "more walking dead" before the second season and are all wildly jumping to conclusions.
We have no idea what it would actually contain yet, who it may focus on, or even when it would be set
Well that's kind of the point. To allow the gamers a look at the series when things weren't going to shit, and where you could get a little extra time with certain characters, get to learn of their personality, and learn of their stories while being able to have a chance to say goodbye before time rips them away again.
Or something to do with Omid and Christa before meeting Lee and the others.
Or the group at the drugstore before/in-between saving Lee.
The three month intermission between episodes 1 and 2, and the initial meeting of Mark.
The inside story of Crawford.
The story of the Stranger. Maybe his son.
A side-story of Lilly after she leaves, allowing her character to meet up/be set up for next season.
The story of Chuck before finding him on the train.
The story of the cancer-patients.
Or something in that nature. I think that'd be quite interesting.
We can hope! And yeah, it could even start at the meadows if they wante to. I doubt that, since it is right where season left off, but who knows?
It's may be a short story about the people in the far. And THIS will make sense
and just make a movie for free that ties stuff up ?
no gameplay at all.... if it's short update like say 10 mins of cut scenes
if it's like a normal episode 2-3 hours then don't use qte's just have the simple movement on rails stuff with dialogue options and mayeb add some 'remember this' moments too
Could not say it any better.My thoughts are the same.
I agree, it'd be a great way to revisit your favorite characters on last time, maybe tell them some things we didn't get to say in the five episodes we got before. Flirt with Carley some more, hang out with Kenny, call Lilly a bitch again.
It could be a little like that scene from the end of the second Godfather movie where it flashes back to an earlier time when everyone was still alive and how they related to each other then, before things changed for Michael.
I think I'll just repost what I said about this in another thread.
I'd actually just like to play in the missing months between Episode one and two. After the emotional ride that was the first season I think it'd be very cathartic to temporarily return to, in retrospect, a happier time. Let you interact with all your favorite characters one more time.
Instead of any kind of arcing story the episode could be devoted to shorter little stories of things that happened in between, get a chance to maybe say things you wished you had the chance to say before everyone was dead. Give each character a tiny bit of time in the spotlight, show where Mark came from and finally get to know him a little better.
Despite the time frame it'd actually serve as a nice little epilogue where you get to see everyone one last time. Think of it as some sugar to help the medicine that was the ending of the season go down.
I really like your idea, Jaded!
While i'd certainly not turn away any of the other ideas, i cant deny that despite the fact it would be pretty irrelevant plot wise heading into the future and i can understand why others want a loose end tying up episode, this idea would make me the happiest.
DLCs tend to be irrelevant in the long run anyway; sort of like tie-ins to a big comic book event. Depending on what the story is and who we get to play, I'll give it a look.
so i say whats the point in flashbacks ?
you can't go back and flirt with carley in ep1.5 as she doesn't know you/lee yet... and she would think your being creepy or trying to trick her..
regardless of what ttg do there will be some people who get all but hurt about their choice cos they wanted the other thing...
I cant really see which decision would be massively influenced, most of them are reacting to future events, with people you wouldn't have met yet or "morals vs survival" based rather than another "Doug or Carley" type moment that could change completely.
The only decision i could think of that would possibly change is who i fed, but that whole thing was a little stupid anyway given that Lee would have known who was fed yesterday and day before etc, Maybe i'd be more inclined to try and save Larry if he softens towards you in any 1.5, but that doesn't seem likely.
As for why? Its a big empty space in the timeline of Lee's post-apocalypse life, Meeting Mark, the indulgence of being able to talk the the characters we miss again. Not a lot of space for major plot points without spoiling the future but it would be fun.
Its just my preferred option though, i can see why others want something more in the "set up for season two" style, People will be annoyed but at the end of the day getting more TWD is enough to get me excited regardless of if it would be my personal choice, I haven't seen any bad ideas in this thread. (except a Lilly themed one since i hate her
Last sentence = understatement of the year.
I don't know, I'd probably enjoy the game over screens for that, a lot.
Might be enjoyable in the same way watching all the death scenes from Jurassic Park: The Game is enjoyable, except, you know, it'd be Lilly getting killed, every single time.
The whole thing would be a bit short for me, first order of business, wander over to the walkers by the side of the road, die, turn off the game and declare it to be canon
Satisfying doubtlessly, but short.
I'd pay for that :P
You think too small. I'd probably seek out every way to die like I seek out different dialogue options now. I'd make it like some kind of personal Hell for Lilly to endure. She'd keep coming back to life just to meet another horrible demise moments later.
he/she wants us to inform them of when the season 1.5 content is released or a date has been confirmed.
You deserve a medal!
We'll also get a chance to see the rest of the original group again before moving on to season 2.
It would be a good expansion to see the rise and fall
*nudge nudge*
Another full set of five episodes would probably a bit too much for DLC, i think. Unless they were all really short, maybe...
If you're referring to Season 2, previous Telltale seasonal branding alludes that the numbers will begin anew with 1-5. :cool:
Or crawford. You don't know if everyone died. Anna Correa could have escaped. The people who were doing the searches could have escaped with others and started their own groups throughout Atlanta. For all you know, it could have been the start of the saviors/hilltop/alexandria. It'd be pretty cool if that was the start.
the most able bodied men would of gone out and ransacked any army base nearby...
if any one did survive with mark at the army base.. surely they would of joined the group by now ? after all he was in the 'commisary'
and for anna well she probably has escaped as no sign of her while we where in crawford, but i suspect she got shot at the gates and dumped on the pile.
Which means I think that the expansion episode will be Omid and Christa centric and their failure to find Clementine and their deaths (?).
I've heard this, too... though i also heard that Season 2 will be released in March so take it with a grain of salt i guess.
I wonder if the decision of who crosses the sign first in episode 5 will be a deciding factor in Omid & Christa's fate. If Lee goes first(which most people choose) then they're stranded on the building with nowhere to go. If Omid & Christa go first then they make it across the building safely.
At the army base it was overrun by the time Lee and crew got there. Mark was trapped inside the commisary. That's why he said he's glad they came, or he'd of been food. Soldiers could have escaped though, which would explain why the group gained a lot of food but so few weapons.
Anna was the start of the outbreak in crawford, that is how the walkers overran the place. However, you don't see Anna anywhere in there, so she probably escaped. Others could have fled to, and considering Crawford was a large population, many could have made it out. They could have been the start of many of the colonies throughout the comics.
Woodbury != Crawford
Crawford is done for, and is not near Woodbury's location. They are not the same, except for their rules and guidelines. Maybe some people went to Woodbury after Crawford, but that is about it.
Have they [telltale] said this is only going to be a short one off DLC?
We don't even actually have official conformation from telltale of anything. Just one writer letting slip in an interview that there would be something to tide us over to season 2.
That sounds like a fairly small DLC to me.
Considering how much work it took for them to make the 5 episodes for the first season(and that this is supposedly something to keep us patient for season 2) it doesn't seem too likely that they would focus on making something as large or longer than the first season.
that was my point ?!
You just have to get used to it. I can't count how many times my posts have been misinterpreted, and how many different nonsensical things I was perceived as saying.
Can't wait for it to come out.
Sorry if this was already posted, but wanted to share with you all.