Season "extra" discussion, speculation & news
New Up at Noon is up guys with Gary Whitta. .
Apparently,we will have more info on the SXSW GEEK stage,but we might also get something between Season 1 and 2,to ease (or worsen) our Season 2 wait.DLC maybe?
So whats your though on all of this?
Apparently,we will have more info on the SXSW GEEK stage,but we might also get something between Season 1 and 2,to ease (or worsen) our Season 2 wait.DLC maybe?
So whats your though on all of this?

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oh yeaaaaaah
Hopefully. But when will it come out? It sucks.
Like the sound of that
I'm glad Telltale's made something that's seen so much success, but I really hope they don't end up becoming "The Walking Dead Company." I know I'll probably get crucified for saying this with what the forum population is like these days, but as much as I liked it it wasn't even their best game.
I(the whole community in fact :P) would love that.Just to tie up some loose ends.
Hopefully it will come before Fables.Aye,Telltale shouldn't turn into TWD company,but should honestly,put the entire focus on TWD.TWD was,and will be for a long time,their best game,not some no-name comics like Fables or King's Quest,barely anyone heard off (no offense TTG.
I wouldn't mind. Never heard of telltale before this game.
I hear ya there man. Now that I've gotten a taste of Telltale's the walking dead, I just want more. More and more blood :P I'm walkerfied!
He said season 2 is a long way off (which I expected), but I wish I knew how long that might be. One year, two years, or longer?
yes it would please the fans to bring doug/carley back
but i feel it's best if they are giving us info on christa and omid if they are in season 2 or at least some idea what happened and maybe a bit more info on the mystery couple clem spots on the hill.
heck even some walkers turn up ?
kenny actually is alive maybe injured ?
or just to really f things up..we find out clem is actually a incephlapod alien in a child like cyborg body intent on world domination ?
That little tease about a bit more in-between season 1 and 2 is exciting if indeed we do end up getting anything (chickens before they hatch and all that). A chapter 1.5 would be a dream, since that first half of the season before Lilly shot Carley and Duck & Kat's deaths were the most interesting for me in terms of the characters and the group dynamic. I just want to see more damn it
Still pointless to speculate (not that that's going to stop me) maybe all you Kenny fans can dream its the epic tale of his escape from Savannah. Omid and Christa would be a bit boring. I still ended the game with them still feeling a bit like strangers to me, had only started warming to them right at the end.
I don't think we can really "dream" about it until we know for sure whether he's in the episode Gary Whitta described or not. I also kinda doubt that whatever situation Kenny's going to be in if/when we find him again, it's going to be "epic". :rolleyes:
Dreams tend to be unlikely at best, that's why they're dreams rather than expectations.
And i assure you the use of the word "epic" was only partially serious.
I take it you don't think much of the idea of Kenny being the PC, then?
I think he's dead tbh, painful as it his it feels to me like his story has come to a natural feeling conclusion.
Even if he lives I doubt someone who quite possibly hated you in season one could ever be the PC, though i would enjoy playing as Kenny myself it would be a pretty bold and divisive move from telltale. I think the PC will be someone we've never met, that's the most logical solution.
I doubt they will become "The Walking Dead" Company, but this will be their franchise game and most of their resources will be towards this game (Only if Season 2 succeed's though, they cannot mess it up or all this will be forgotten). It's the right decision and the reward would be huge.
TellTale hit a "Jackpot" with this game. This was absolutely huge... I actually don't remember a GOTY before this one where so many people agreed on a game. In fact they made history at the VGA's by winning that award away form the triple A titles. Nobody expected that to happen, and I was amazed when they did.
If TellTale plays their hands right, this game could transform their entire company. The same way that Half-Life made valve, the same way that GTA 3 made Rockstar, the same way that CoD 4 made Activision, the same way that Minecraft got so huge. Every company needs a start from somewhere, and this was the biggest/most hyped game of the entire year. When you get something like this, you have to take the opportunity.
Now, I'm not saying TWD will become the next Half-Life/GTA/CoD because it won't. But this can easily become the next Assassins Creed, the next Bioshock, the next Mass Effect, etc. Titles that sell millions without a question. Can't blame them for putting all their time into the next season. They have to do it.
Also I disagree and think this was their best game. But this is all opinion.
Gary, your awesome.
Also hints at possible DLC? Seemed unlikely but he clearly said we don't have to wait till Season 2 to play new TWD!
And I quote:
Gary Whitta, Telltale's story consultant for The Walking Dead and writer of season one's fourth episode, recently discussed the future of the series with IGN. According to him, a second season won't be coming for a while, but something else is already on the horizon. "I can tell you what you already know," he began, "which is season two is coming. There's not much to say because it really is very early in the process ... it's a way off. But, knowing that it's a way off, and knowing that people are hungry for more Walking Dead ... there may very well be more Walking Dead from Telltale before season two. We may have a little something extra for you between season one and two."
Thought this was interesting.
like imagine if this scene was added in later as DLC, it would change the whole thing
Or even Molly, Vernon..
That would be great..
As for my predictions on what this DLC will contain, I think that we will see how Clementine got to the hill in the countryside, and what happened to Christa and Omid, based upon our last words to them in Episode 5. "Clementine will remember this" appearing as we give her our last words of advice also fits in with that idea, so the DLC will look at our saves and go "oh, you told Clem to go to the train, that's where we will be heading in your game" or "you picked 'go find a group' she'll be with a new group now". The possibilities are endless, but that's just my idea. As for the Kenny idea, I s'pose it would be nice to get absolute confirmation on whether he is alive or dead (and I would love it if he survived; even though I think he's a jerk, he's still my favorite character), however I don't think we would play him, we might just run into him or see him in a cutscene either alive or as a walker.
im making playthroughs of this game, please check it out
I'm inclined to think Clementine might be the PC for the upcoming DLC. Playing as a little girl wouldn't hold up well for an entire season, but for a smaller episode that bridges what happened between Clem leaving Lee behind in the jewellery store and spotting the two figures out in that field, it makes a lot more sense.
Or they want to show us how Clem escape from Savannah? Or something about those two strangers in the far?
It would make complete sense for this segment to bridge the gap between the first and second series. Playing as Clementine would also make sense, given that it's her navigating to the grassy field and the only other characters who could be left are Kenny and Omid/Christa. Not sure where this'll go, i.e. whether it'll be a chapter long enough to get Clem to the area and reveal the fates of the series one characters but not reveal the figures on the hill, or whether it'll get to them, reveal them and stop there. Personally, I'd see it more as the conclusion of the first series, but with enough left for there still to be some cliffhanger for fans of the first before the second.
As has been said, it would be logical for the second season to start fresh, or at least have resolved the fates of all the characters from series one, tying up any loose ends. I think it's a good move, because as well as getting more WD, it means they'll have more time to really perfect the sequel (hopefully addressing the choice issue to at least some extent with playable alternatives) without overly impatient fans breathing down their necks.
Yeah,there will be an episode between the first and the second season.
Btw, IGN-Confirmed,we are waiting for official news from Telltale.