Your Most Shocking Video Game Moments

Well after watching some top 10/15 videos on Youtube i seen a top 15 shocking video game moments list by RabbidLuigi (Who is a great Youtuber and i really enjoy his videos) and after watching the video and enjoying it i thought it would be cool if we had a thread where we can discuss our favorite plot twists, or shocking moments in games so have fun :)

If anyone wants to see RabbidLuigi's video here's the link:


  • edited February 2013
    I'm sorry, but I simply cannot let such a mangling of the English language take place in the thread title.

    As for most shocking... the twist of KotOR was pretty good, and I'm stunned it wasn't in RabbidLuigi's video.
  • edited February 2013
    Metal Gear Rising is pretty shocking so far. (In a good way).
  • edited February 2013
    For me, it just HAS to be Jade Empire.

    II never saw that twist coming, yet when I looked back over it, it made total sense.
    (some of the best writing in a videogame)
  • edited February 2013
    1.) Final Fantasy VI.

    With the World in Ruin, all Celes' friends missing, and her and Cid living alone on an island with no other signs of humanity, Cid passes away, dead from unhealthy food that YOU FED HIM not knowing the difference between healthy fish and unhealthy ones. Without sustenance he passes away. Celes climbs to the height of the nearest cliff, echoes of the opera she sang with Locke, her love, ringing in her ears, she attempts to throw herself off the cliff and commit suicide.

    2.) Secret of Mana II.

    You've fought the entire game to defeat the Empire, only to have the Mana Beast arise to destroy the Floating Fortress. The Mana Tree dead, all of Mana sustained in the fortress and the Beast, it's up to you to end both of them so the world isn't obliterated. What you fail to take into account is that the Spriteling you've fought alongside since the beginning of the game is composed of Mana. With the restoration of the Mana cycle, essentially a reboot of the world's process, all Mana returns to its source for a time. This means none in the world and, since Spritelings exist only on the power of Mana in the physical world, he vanishes from existence. The final scene is of him staring into the night sky from the Mana world, separated from his friends but, perhaps, returned to his own people. No assurances is given.

    3.) Chrono Trigger

    With the Underwater Palace creating a dimensional rift, a gateway opens that allows the interplanetary being, Lavos, to rear its head in our world. Your friends, and temporary ally Magus, assault the being to prevent it fully emerging. Crono runs up to the creature to fend it off. The hero, your playable character, is evaporated in a burst of light. The game provides no guarantee of getting him back and can be completed without him, leaving Marle heartbroken throughout the rest of the game.

    3.) Final Fantasy VII

    Midway into the game, the romance lead for Cloud vanishes from the team. Guiding them telepathically to the site of the Ancient Ones, beings that communicate with the Planet and live in harmony, you arrive at the Ancient City. With the planet being threatened by an oncoming Meteor, Sephiroth and Jenova, you find her praying at the city's center. As you approach her, Sephiroth descends from the skies and runs her through with his blade, killing her halfway into the game. There is no way to get her back, a shock for gamers at the time that left many people scrambling for a way to do so.

    4.) Bioshock

    After a long and excruciating search to find Andrew Ryan, the developer of the Underwater City of Rapture, you finally arrive at his abode at the city's heart. Here you find that your gamelong ally and guide, Atlas, is actually the criminal Frank Fontaine. He's been using you to get to Andrew Ryan, who he has been warring with for control of the city. That's not really the shocking part though. What's shocking is that to the end, Andrew Ryan decides to go out on his own terms, and uses the hypnotic trigger placed on you to order you to kill him, using a golf club to bludgeon him to death.

    5.) Journey

    After a game long search to reach the mountain pinnacle you first spied from a distant desert, you collapse, dead, in the snows near its peaks. You are awoken moment later, only to realize the entire game has been a metaphor for life itself. Ups, downs, highs, lows, the joys, the sorrows, all rolled into a two hour experience. For the Journeyer, it is a moment of death saved by the Ancient Ancestors who awaken you and propel you to the final heights of the Mountain, saved, ready to enjoy a new life in a better place.
  • edited February 2013
    Well after watching some top 10/15 videos on Youtube i seen a top 15 shocking video game moments list by RabbidLuigi (Who is a great Youtuber and i really enjoy his videos) and after watching the video and enjoying it i thought it would be cool if we had a thread where we can discuss our favorite plot twists, or shocking moments in games so have fun :)

    If anyone wants to see RabbidLuigi's video here's the link:

    I find it shocking that your grammar and punctuation can be so bad. It has to be deliberate by this point. You've been around people who write correctly, even such people on these forums, long enough that you really must know what you're doing wrong there.

    If you write like that, you're never going to be able to get a job working in an office.
  • edited February 2013
    Hard to say what my most shocking moment was. I will say that Joker's death in Arkham City is definitely up there though, I was NOT expecting that. You could've heard a pin drop in my room while the end credits were rolling.
  • edited February 2013
    Portal. Knights of the Old Republic. Yeah, Jade Empire is up there. Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood.

    I can't really think of too many more that genuinely took me by surprise off the top of my head...
  • edited February 2013
    Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood (at the end)

    Final Fantasy VII (Aeris)

    Chrono Trigger (Crono at Lavos battle)

    Ace Combat 5 ("Chopper")

    Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Impa)

    StarCraft (Kerrigan)
  • edited February 2013
    Puzzle Agent, the first time you-know-what happens.
  • edited February 2013
    - The end of Half Life 2: Episode 2.
    Punched me right in the gut.

    - Seeing the T-Rex in the first tomb Raider as a kid/teenager. That beast gave me more than one heart attack.

    - Diablo 2: Fighting Diablo. Another heart-stopping moment for me as a kid/teenager.

    - Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood. That was a mean cliffhanger and I replayed it daily until Episode 5 was out.
  • edited February 2013
    Ooh, I just remembered another. The end of Legend of Grimrock. I swear my roommate was just laughing her head off as I kept swearing at the game. Not in frustration, just out of pure "Oh shit"-ness.
  • edited February 2013
    A lot of twists don't shock me, but I'll use DAISHI's format.

    1.) Harvester (Seriously gruesome, f'd up, and NSFW...don't watch if you want your sanity intact) One of the few times I've ever said "Good LORD, was that REALLY necessary?"

    What's wrong with her baby? (and the rest of the game)

    2.) Phantasmagoria (Graphic and NSFW)

    Regina's Death

    3.) Corpse Party (Graphic)

    End of Chapter 1 (and the rest of the game)

    4.) Spec Ops: The Line (Graphic and spoilers)


    5.) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    The Moon Descends

    6.) Conker's Bad Fur Day (NSFW)

    Sex With a Sunflower

    7.) Ecco the Dolphin

    The Beginning

    8.) Monkey Island: LeChuck's Revenge

    The Ending

    9.) Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth


    10.) Silent Hill 2

    Say Hello To Pyramid Head

    Chrono Trigger, Tales of MI, and KOTOR had great moments too, but I haven't beaten KOTOR, so I can't really COUNT that one yet.
  • edited February 2013
    Harvester is one of the craziest games ever created.
  • edited February 2013
    Oh geez, mine is post #13. That is appropriate.
  • edited February 2013
    This time when I was playing Diablo II and an Undead Stygian Doll popped out from my horde of skeletons and with one hit, knocked me down to half hitpoints.

    To this day, Comrade Mortis won't let me forget that scream.
  • edited February 2013
    This time when I was playing Diablo II and an Undead Stygian Doll popped out from my horde of skeletons and with one hit, knocked me down to half hitpoints.

    To this day, Comrade Mortis won't let me forget that scream.

    Those are the worst and the only reason I never got my Paladin past level 92.:eek:
  • edited February 2013
    As has been mentioned several times, the twist in Knights of the Old republic was pretty big.

    But my most shocking moment in a video comes from Okamiden.
    The way you are forced to kill your small kid companion, not in a cutscene but actually forced to slice him in half with your stylus. That was just cruel and very touching.
  • edited February 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    As has been mentioned several times, the twist in Knights of the Old republic was pretty big.

    But my most shocking moment in a video comes from Okamiden.
    The way you are forced to kill your small kid companion, not in a cutscene but actually forced to slice him in half with your stylus. That was just cruel and very touching.

  • edited February 2013
    i like bjt in cod6 where white haus blows upp vary sad
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Headhunter: I've never had a game shock me with it's plot twist more than this one did:
    In the game, you're a bounty hunter in a dystopic future (that's made out to be a utopian future by seperating it's criminal element from the general population and letting them fend for themselves). You are trying to stop a mass murder plot. You discover that a scientist has put a synthetic virus (that is dormant until triggered) in a popular beverage, and, under the guise of charity has given the drink out to every portion around the world. Up to that point, news broadcasts in the game would tell you that the beverage had become more popular than water due to it's healthful properties, with some places going as far to install the beverage in water fountains due to the fact that it was practically free. Commercials would play throughout the game advertising the beverage. At first they seemed like a simple homage to the countless dystopian sci-fi movies that played mock-commercials throughout the movie. But, at the end, when you think you stopped the scientist, one of the commercials goes out on all television broadcasts in a different color then usual, and it's revealed the commercial was the trigger.
  • edited February 2013
    System Shock 2, no game has messed with my head like that one.
    The multiple layers, plot twists, atmosphere and of course the amazing voice acting made for shocking and above all, very enjoyable, video game moments.
  • edited February 2013
    Planescape: Torment, though it was more of a gradual thing than an 'oh shit' moment.
  • edited February 2013
    10.) Silent Hill 2

    Surprising because, being a figment of Harry's guilt, he had NO reason what so ever for being in this or any other subsequent SH game(other than fans liked him).
  • There’s a particular scene in Dead Space where a guy has all of his skin ripped off of his body and he’s trying to commit suicide by bashing his head against a pipe.
  • edited March 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    Headhunter: I've never had a game shock me with it's plot twist more than this one did:
    In the game, you're a bounty hunter in a dystopic future (that's made out to be a utopian future by seperating it's criminal element from the general population and letting them fend for themselves). You are trying to stop a mass murder plot. You discover that a scientist has put a synthetic virus (that is dormant until triggered) in a popular beverage, and, under the guise of charity has given the drink out to every portion around the world. Up to that point, news broadcasts in the game would tell you that the beverage had become more popular than water due to it's healthful properties, with some places going as far to install the beverage in water fountains due to the fact that it was practically free. Commercials would play throughout the game advertising the beverage. At first they seemed like a simple homage to the countless dystopian sci-fi movies that played mock-commercials throughout the movie. But, at the end, when you think you stopped the scientist, one of the commercials goes out on all television broadcasts in a different color then usual, and it's revealed the commercial was the trigger.

    That's so friggin cool.
  • edited March 2013
    KotOR's twist was pretty cool
  • edited April 2013
    Oh yeah. Sarah Kerrigan being abandoned to die at the hands of the Zerg.
  • edited April 2013
    Injustice: Gods Among Us had a couple of pretty good ones outside the highly obvious one at the beginning of the story.
    When Batman and the Insurgents of Earth V break into Stryker's Island to rescue the Batman of the primary Earth, Batman and Green Arrow are confronted by Catwoman and Nightwing. After Catwoman is defeated, it is revealed that the Regime's Nightwing isn't Dick Grayson, but Damian Wayne who took the mantle of Nightwing by force, after killing Dick. The next one was the death of Shazam at the hands of Superman. Superman had just decided to release Doomsday and his army upon Gotham and Metropolis in response to the Insurgency and Shazam spoke out against it, saying that Lois wouldn't want him to do it. Superman grabbed him by the throat and then froze Shazam's mouth shut before he could say, "Shazam," and then burned a pair of holes in his head with his heat vision. This was horrific in several ways. First off, Shazam is really Billy Batson, a young boy. He is also, essentially, a Superman fanboy. Superman murdered a child that looked up to him completely.
  • edited April 2013
    Yeah some Injustice moments were shocking.
  • Testament of Sherlock Holmes - The Death of Sherlock Holmes
  • edited April 2013
    Playing a good poker game by Telltale. I was really shocked.
  • edited April 2013
    I'm not easily shocked by games, so these are mostly games I played when I was much younger.

    Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest.


    Oh hey, it's that adorable caterpillar robot and OH GOD WHY IS IT EATING ME?!

    Zork Nemesis.
    EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME. I was expecting something like Return to Zork, but nooooooo, it had to get all grimdark on me.

    The pre-Broken Steel ending of Fallout 3.
    "Oh, the control room is super irradiated and will kill me if I go in there? That's fine, can you go punch the code in Fawlkes, since rads don't bother you? WAIT, WHAT? *reload with Charon as companion* Okay, Charon, you go punch the codes in, rads freaking heal you. OH THIS IS BULLSHIT." Basically, you have to either die and be a big goddamn hero or let Sarah 'Titwank' Lyons die. Even if you have companions that are immune to radiation and have no reason to not do it. Screw you Bethesda.

    Also, am I the only person who finds Phantasmagoria and Harvester hilarious? IMO, Harvester is way better because it's not taking itself seriously in the slightest, whereas Phantasmagoria is supposed to be this masterpiece (according to Roberta Williams, it's the game most representative of her career) but it's just... terrible.
  • edited April 2013
    Phantasmagoria is not terrible. (well okay maybe, for some strange people it is.)
  • edited April 2013
    It's hysterically insane. Good, bad... who cares when it's this nutty?
  • edited April 2013
    I just find it cheesy and awkward and not scary in the slightest. (plus it's aged terribly) I find the two Laura Bow games to be far more suspenseful/scary than Phantasmagoria, whereas Phantasmagoria just tries to gross you out with the murder scenes.

    ETA: Don's hysterical 'evil laughter' cracks me up every time. EVERY TIME.
  • edited April 2013
    Jen Kollic wrote: »
    The pre-Broken Steel ending of Fallout 3.
    "Oh, the control room is super irradiated and will kill me if I go in there? That's fine, can you go punch the code in Fawlkes, since rads don't bother you? WAIT, WHAT? *reload with Charon as companion* Okay, Charon, you go punch the codes in, rads freaking heal you. OH THIS IS BULLSHIT." Basically, you have to either die and be a big goddamn hero or let Sarah 'Titwank' Lyons die. Even if you have companions that are immune to radiation and have no reason to not do it. Screw you Bethesda.
    Fallout 3's ending is symptomatic of the game's larger overriding issues.
  • edited April 2013
    Not playing as Snake for the bulk of MGS2. Though not to brag but I didn't take it nearly as bad as a lot of the more angry members of the MGS community.
  • edited April 2013
    The ending of Mortis Ghost's OFF. It's one of those games that alludes to the twist almost from the very beginning, but very subtly and gradually over time. Totally changes how you see one of the main characters in hindsight.
  • edited April 2013
    Yeah some Injustice moments were shocking.

    Indeed. Great story, probably one of the best Justice League stories I've seen.
  • edited April 2013
    medacris wrote: »
    The ending of Mortis Ghost's OFF. It's one of those games that alludes to the twist almost from the very beginning, but very subtly and gradually over time. Totally changes how you see one of the main characters in hindsight.

    I just want to pipe in and say this is a great pick from a neat game.
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