Chariots of the Dogs - plot speculation!



  • edited February 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    no.. it would be even funnier if they did a "previously on sam and max..." but they show things that were never in any of the games... and fill it with random action garbage

    Narrator: Previously on sam and max...

    Flint: run!!
    Sam: Flint no!!!
    Max: that was awesome!!!
    *Another random explosion*
    Flint: Die beast!!!!
    Sam: hes alive!!!
    Sam: never mind...
    Max: look! the explosion missed the propane tank on that hot dog cart!
    Sam: Max no!
    (the smoke clears to reveal flint covered in soot and monster blood, and max gnawing on a hot dog)
    * A random woman screaming*
    *Tribal drumbs*

    Narrator: and now... the conclusion


    Narrator: im serious this time...

    *screeching tires*
    *Orgasmic Moan*

    Narrator: gee... last episode was amazing wasnt it?... lets watch that again

    Flint: Die!!!...

    I take it youve seen that family Guy episode then (the one where Brian leaves)?
  • edited February 2008
    As a side story: the bizarre love triangle between Sybil, Lincoln and
    Zombie Lincoln
  • edited February 2008
    The beaming up is an obvious set up for something. I'm real curious as to what they'll do since they were on the moon in the finale of season 1. It seems like going to space would kind of be the same thing.

    Perhaps they go to a cloud city or something, maybe make fun of star wars with their city. They could do a Greek Gods sort of thing too with a city in the sky, since 204 is doing a chariot sort of thing.
  • edited February 2008
    Ey has anyone else noticed the foreshadow that happened in 201 for 203?

    Santa: Ohoho Max! You and Sam will be dead soon enough!

    And then you die in 203! Just thought that was pretty tricky of them, planned or not.
  • edited February 2008
    Blehboy wrote: »
    Ey has anyone else noticed the foreshadow that happened in 201 for 203?
    Actually, there are several items in the previous episodes that talk about the subjects in the episodes to follow. Bosco talking about his scismograph detecting zombie uprisings and the moai head you can send as a Christmas gift.

    Makes me wonder if I missed something in 203 that talked about 204...
  • edited February 2008
    Good call Zeek!

    I completely forgot about the other two, although I recall them now. I'm trying to think of things that could have talked about 204, but I'm hitting a wall. Looks like I better head back and look a little closer :)
  • edited February 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Actually, there are several items in the previous episodes that talk about the subjects in the episodes to follow. Bosco talking about his scismograph detecting zombie uprisings and the moai head you can send as a Christmas gift.

    Makes me wonder if I missed something in 203 that talked about 204...
    You very well may have, but most foreshadowing that's properly done doesn't make itself apparent until you already know what it's foreshadowing.
  • edited February 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Actually, there are several items in the previous episodes that talk about the subjects in the episodes to follow. Bosco talking about his scismograph detecting zombie uprisings and the moai head you can send as a Christmas gift.

    Makes me wonder if I missed something in 203 that talked about 204...

    Another christmas gift was the pirahna foot bath related to the fountain of youth
  • edited February 2008
    In 203 Stinky says something about "dead" stinky being made into a god, maybe he'll come back in 204
  • edited February 2008
    Mooshiiii wrote: »
    In 203 Stinky says something about "dead" stinky being made into a god, maybe he'll come back in 204

    We kind of thought that from the dialouge in 202, which proved to not happen. I doubt we will see the REAL Stinky at all this season.

    But we did see the return of the rope sack! :D
  • edited February 2008
    wtf is the rope sack?
  • edited February 2008
    i was just about to ask the same thing
  • edited February 2008
    First used in Bone: The Great Cow Race, the rope sack is that bag-like thing with a rope texture on it wrapped around Stinky. It also featured in 101 and 103.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Weird to hear the forums talk about the rope sack, as that's a pretty inside joke among the team. I think it's talked about on the team commentary track for 103, when Leonard is tied up. Possibly also in 101 when Max is tied up.
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Weird to hear the forums talk about the rope sack, as that's a pretty inside joke among the team. I think it's talked about on the team commentary track for 103, when Leonard is tied up. Possibly also in 101 when Max is tied up.

    That's what you get for letting your inside joke out into the public. :D
  • edited February 2008
    *nods head in agreement*
  • edited February 2008
    Yeah we're well informed about the rope sack. Well....most of us anyway. :p
  • edited February 2008
    rope sack for the win!
    now, where were we?
  • edited February 2008
    um i think were talking about chocolate fudge cake, or was it talking about
    Sam & Max 204?
  • edited February 2008
    Iam the god of ep 204 the plot will be like in the tv ep ( like most episodes) where sam and max go to mount olympus and battle the great gods there and also brady culture will make an apearance.

    Nah just messin, but what if that did happen?
  • edited February 2008
    jaden551 wrote: »
    Iam the god of ep 204 the plot will be like in the tv ep ( like most episodes) where sam and max go to mount olympus and battle the great gods there and also brady culture will make an apearance.

    Nah just messin, but what if that did happen?

    Actually i am wondering when Brady Culture will reappear, trying to take revenge...
  • edited February 2008
    splash1 wrote: »
    um i think were talking about chocolate fudge cake, or was it talking about
    Sam & Max 204?
    Delicious cake.
    It will be available when testing is completed.
  • edited February 2008
    Does noone care that I am creator of sam and max?
    Lucas Arts stole it from me, But the guy you wre to control was everything else and sam and max would react and kill themselves but I only made a demo of the game then lost it...

    I smell spin off!
  • edited February 2008
    jaden551 wrote: »
    Does noone care that I am creator of sam and max?
    Lucas Arts stole it from me, But the guy you wre to control was everything else and sam and max would react and kill themselves but I only made a demo of the game then lost it...

    I smell spin off!
    I somehow doubt that you are Steve Purcell or Dave Purcell.
  • edited February 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I somehow doubt that you are Steve Purcell or Dave Purcell.

    Can`t you take a joke?
  • edited February 2008
    jaden551 wrote: »
    Can`t you take a joke?
    I couldn't tell you were joking. Odd grammar and spelling (no offense) often go hand in hand with things that should be jokes but aren't.
  • edited February 2008
    Like stupid attempts at sarcastic humor?

    *Goes back to lurking*
  • edited February 2008
    Mirko wrote: »
    Actually i am wondering when Brady Culture will reappear, trying to take revenge...

    Yeah... when will Bald Brady Culture come back? His Chia Pet incarnation in the office, while funny, is only good for sight gags.
  • edited February 2008
    Brady was just a loser who only got anything done because of those hypno-goggles. The only way he'll escape is if some shady mastermind smuggles a new toy into his jail to further his own agenda.
    The guy I'm wondering about is Chuckles. He was shown having survived the blast in a "tune in next week" kind of ending that absurdly enough was never resolved. What's up with that?
  • edited February 2008
    Chuckles didn't survive Episode 4, did he?
  • edited February 2008
    Hmm, just looked at that cutscene again and looks like I got it mixed up with the 103 ending. Still, he's nowhere near as vaporised as some people assume, just lying in the rubble. He could've survived a lot worse.
  • edited February 2008
    I agree that the title Chariot of the Gods makes it likely (hey, a guy can dream) that it'll be set on Mount Olympos in Greece. Would make for a fun setting, in my opinion :)
  • edited February 2008
    Also a joke could be sam and max get stuck in the middle of a colleseum and the people who own it send out a cougar un assembled (as seen in the list of presents in 201) and then they send out DOGS instead.
  • edited February 2008
    kadji-kun wrote: »
    Keep in mind, S&M still has to end up on a small piece of rock in the middle of molten lava at some point. Speculation will lead to the fact that S&M are underneath the earth (Personally, I thought that scene was going to be in 202.)

    Despite the speculation that THEM are aliens, you also think of what Flint said in 203. He can't find Bosco on earth's surface...bosco can still be underground.

    In addition to that, didn't Sam tell Flint that he and Max would help "dig him up" at the end of 203? Hmmm.

    So far this season has dealt with lots of weird supernatural stuff including but not limited to demons, the undead, and spirits. My guess is that in 204 they end up in Hell, the underworld, Robot Hell or something like that. It'll keep with the weird supernatural stuff theme and might also fill the "Sam and Max end up stranded in the middle of a cavernous expanse full of lava" quota.

    Although none of the above speculation takes into account all of the stuff that's been beamed up into the sky for no apparent reason. :/
  • edited February 2008
    In addition to that, didn't Sam tell Flint that he and Max would help "dig him up" at the end of 203? Hmmm.

    So far this season has dealt with lots of weird supernatural stuff including but not limited to demons, the undead, and spirits. My guess is that in 204 they end up in Hell, the underworld, Robot Hell or something like that. It'll keep with the weird supernatural stuff theme and might also fill the "Sam and Max end up stranded in the middle of a cavernous expanse full of lava" quota.

    Although none of the above speculation takes into account all of the stuff that's been beamed up into the sky for no apparent reason. :/
    Remember, android hell is a real place where you will be sent at the first sign of rebellion.
  • edited February 2008
    10 SIN.
    20 GOTO HELL.

    Some extra text. Cos otherwise it seems to not like all caps
  • edited February 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    10 SIN.
    20 GOTO HELL.

    Some extra text. Cos otherwise it seems to not like all caps
    10 IF SIN.
    20 GOTO HELL.
    Fixed. >_>
  • jmmjmm
    edited February 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    10 SIN.
    20 GOTO HELL.

    HELL is not a valid target for a GOTO operation.
  • edited February 2008
    10 Sin
    20 Goto Hell
    30 Lbl Hell
    40 Print "you Are In Android Hell"
  • edited February 2008

    "i SeE yOu"
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