And I can't wait to hear the updated version of the Moon level theme.
I hope the new one does the old one justice. For me it's one of the most memorable themes in video game history. And very emotional for various reasons.
You know, I was sitting on my computer enjoying the fact that I have my Wii back when suddenly this was announced and now...all I can thin about is "DUCK TALES! WOO-OO!" IT WILL NEVER LEAVE!!
I can't imagine it NOT doing well, so I'd guess it'll be a strong possibility. It IS Capcom, after all.
EDIT: Capcom's Senior-Vice President says pretty much the same thing:
As for the future, I'd like to not get ahead of ourselves. I'm thrilled at the fan response this morning but for the moment, we're going to stay focused on making this project a success. If it works, we can think about other opportunities later but let's not put the cart before the horse.
If I'd have remembered the lyrics I would have done so... but then they thoughtfully provided them, so I totally did. Best trailer I've seen in quite some time, I must say.
What would be really cool is a new DuckTales adventure game. Just not from Telltale, since they don't really make actual adventure games anymore.
I can imagine a DuckTales adventure game where you get to play several characters and switch back and forth whenever you want, sort of like how it is with Day of the Tentacle. There's so much potential for stories... time travel, Indiana Jones-style adventuring, mystery, etc.
Emulators don't necessarily mean piracy, especially for NES games. You can play the game through ConsoleClassix here for free.
The site works like a video game rental site (they have a certain amount of ROMs for any particular game (and the physical game to go with each ROM - each backed up by their own equipment), and whenever someone plays a particular game, that particular copy is no longer available). It's been tested by Nintendo once too - they got a cease and desist letter from Nintendo once, but like LucasArts with ScummVM, it was a simple misunderstanding. Once they explained what their service was all about, and how they strive to keep within legal boundries, Nintendo withdrew the C&D notice.
You can play all the NES, Atari 2600, and Colecovision games they have for free (as long as a copy is available), and other consoles (SNES, TG-16, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, N64, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, and more) for $5.99 a month or $59.99 a year. It's a great service, and it's a shame that they're not more widely known (since they use most of the money they get to buy new cartridges for the service).
I went to the PAX and I saw some of the gameplay. Boy, did they ever nail it. From what I have seen, it reminds me a lot of Wario Land shake it. Although, Wario had 2D backgrounds while in this Ducktales game there are CG backgrounds. And when it gets to the cut-scenes you hear voice acting while Wario land shake it had grumbling sounds(like Banjo-kazooie). Alan Young still has the 'Scrooge' in him to make Scrooge sound perfect. Does anyone know who is going to be voicing Gimzoduck in this game? I know his original voice actor passed away in 2005.
I can imagine a DuckTales adventure game where you get to play several characters and switch back and forth whenever you want, sort of like how it is with Day of the Tentacle. There's so much potential for stories... time travel, Indiana Jones-style adventuring, mystery, etc.
If Warren Spector still had Junction point, we might have gotten something like this. I know I'd love to see an adventure game of Ducktales happen since it suits the adventure game genre. Too bad Epic Mickey 2 didn't meet Disney's expectations to make it a reality.
I don't think Epic Mickey 2 met anyone's expectations.
Thats because Disney released Epic Mickey 2 around the same time Black Ops II came out. Whoever is in charge of the marketing on Disney is a complete idiot to do that. I still think that Disney wanted to kill off Junction point from the start :mad:
Thats because Disney released Epic Mickey 2 around the same time Black Ops II came out. Whoever is in charge of the marketing on Disney is a complete idiot to do that. I still think that Disney wanted to kill off Junction point from the start :mad:
It was a bad game. I loved the first one. Second one... gave me a sad.
Lets save the conversation on Epic Mickey 2 for a different topic and lets get back onto the topic of the remastered Ducktales game. Has Warren Spector commented on this yet?
Anyone hoping that Wayforward can remaster Ducktales II once this does well?
I'm always somewhat bothered at the idea of playing a remake if it's my first time playing the game. Part of the charm is those old graphics and music. In the case of the first Ducktales it doesn't apply since I've played the original, but I would prefer for example the original Ducktales 2 on Virtual Console to a remake.
I am now excited for this game
And I can't wait to hear the updated version of the Moon level theme.
Looks like one may have been already leaked by the Steam database, based on the achievement names.
I hope the new one does the old one justice. For me it's one of the most memorable themes in video game history. And very emotional for various reasons.
Then don't wait.
Epic Rock
Cello mix is the best thing ever.
EDIT: Capcom's Senior-Vice President says pretty much the same thing:
But yeah, I'm seriously going to get the game. Probably twice even, on Wii U and on PC.
That is amazing.
I can imagine a DuckTales adventure game where you get to play several characters and switch back and forth whenever you want, sort of like how it is with Day of the Tentacle. There's so much potential for stories... time travel, Indiana Jones-style adventuring, mystery, etc.
Actually, I don't think I've even seen an episode of the show. Should I go hide in the corner of shame?
No. Just get a NES emulator and play it.
The site works like a video game rental site (they have a certain amount of ROMs for any particular game (and the physical game to go with each ROM - each backed up by their own equipment), and whenever someone plays a particular game, that particular copy is no longer available). It's been tested by Nintendo once too - they got a cease and desist letter from Nintendo once, but like LucasArts with ScummVM, it was a simple misunderstanding. Once they explained what their service was all about, and how they strive to keep within legal boundries, Nintendo withdrew the C&D notice.
You can play all the NES, Atari 2600, and Colecovision games they have for free (as long as a copy is available), and other consoles (SNES, TG-16, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, N64, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, and more) for $5.99 a month or $59.99 a year. It's a great service, and it's a shame that they're not more widely known (since they use most of the money they get to buy new cartridges for the service).
If Warren Spector still had Junction point, we might have gotten something like this. I know I'd love to see an adventure game of Ducktales happen since it suits the adventure game genre. Too bad Epic Mickey 2 didn't meet Disney's expectations to make it a reality.
It was a bad game. I loved the first one. Second one... gave me a sad.
I'm always somewhat bothered at the idea of playing a remake if it's my first time playing the game. Part of the charm is those old graphics and music. In the case of the first Ducktales it doesn't apply since I've played the original, but I would prefer for example the original Ducktales 2 on Virtual Console to a remake.
Which it will. 'cause it's goddamn Ducktales.