Anyone Kinda Resent How Popular Its Become?

edited May 2013 in The Walking Dead
I liked it in the beginning when episode 1 came out and the only people who knew about it were people in the know. those that played that first episode with no hype going in knew it was something special. but now that its won countless awards it just kinda leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

its reached this pantheonic level in gaming (at least in game narrative) that I feel the next iteration is going to be dumbed down to get the mass appeal (like the TV show)

it getting as popular as it is is not really a good thing IMO..


  • edited April 2013
    Not one bit! no popularity = no future seasons. So I am extremely happy so many people liked the first season.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    bogey_j wrote: »
    its reached this pantheonic level in gaming (at least in game narrative) that I feel the next iteration is going to be dumbed down to get the mass appeal (like the TV show)
    I wouldn't worry about the game's narrative getting dumbed down. The one thing that everyone can agree on is that Telltale has always been great at delivering fantastic stories. From Bone: Out from Boneville to The Walking Dead, that has always remained constant.
  • edited April 2013
    the game was hyped a fair bit before the awards if you happened to know where to look lol

    imo ep1 was awesome and the rest still good but they lacked the same feel, mainly cos of the violence that was done...i went in to this game after only watching the tv show...not read the not keen on black and white prefer colour..

    so my experience was tainted slightly by all the violence seemingly over top qte

    but the story and the look and of course ickle clem had me engaged throughout.
  • edited April 2013
    Look how many people joined the forums after December. All because of the success of the game.

    I'd say the game deserved all the praise it got.
  • edited April 2013
    the game was hyped a fair bit before the awards if you happened to know where to look lol

    imo ep1 was awesome and the rest still good but they lacked the same feel, mainly cos of the violence that was done...i went in to this game after only watching the tv show...not read the not keen on black and white prefer colour..

    so my experience was tainted slightly by all the violence seemingly over top qte

    but the story and the look and of course ickle clem had me engaged throughout.

    Funny, episode one was by far my least favorite.
  • edited April 2013
    bogey_j wrote: »
    I liked it in the beginning when episode 1 came out and the only people who knew about it were people in the know. those that played that first episode with no hype going in knew it was something special. but now that its won countless awards it just kinda leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

    its reached this pantheonic level in gaming (at least in game narrative) that I feel the next iteration is going to be dumbed down to get the mass appeal (like the TV show)

    it getting as popular as it is is not really a good thing IMO..

    It always gets dumbed down. Marketing assholes w/o soul analyze what people enjoy, which character developments people want to see etc. Then some not-so-talented writer writes for the specific scenarios created by the marketing assholes. Just look at how rehashed and boring everything is in Bilbo.

    So, my voting option, would be: It's just a side effect of a good product. Nothing can be done to avoid it.
  • edited April 2013
    If it weren't as popular as it is, i most likely wouldn't have heard of it(and afterward the comic). I would be deeply saddened if i never got to experience this game because it wasn't popular.
  • edited April 2013
    If it wasn't so popular, then there'dbe no Season 2. Something which I'm sure we can all agree would be a bad thing.
  • edited April 2013
    Don't see the problem for reasons stated above :\
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    It always gets dumbed down. Marketing assholes w/o soul analyze what people enjoy, which character developments people want to see etc. Then some not-so-talented writer writes for the specific scenarios created by the marketing assholes. Just look at how rehashed and boring everything is in Bilbo.

    So, my voting option, would be: It's just a side effect of a good product. Nothing can be done to avoid it.
    While I'm sure they'll take what the fans like into consideration (the majority of Sam & Max fans hated the Soda Poppers in Sam & Max Season One, so Telltale took that into consideration with the plot of Season Two), the one thing you don't have to worry about at Telltale is hack writers. As I said above, their story lines have always been top notch (their top priority is telling a good story, as evidenced by their name, which was picked because they tell tales).

    They aren't strangers to sequels either. All of their Sam & Max and CSI sequels vastly improved upon the narrative quality of their predecessors.
  • edited April 2013
    When people do a good job, they deserve recognition. TTG earned their GOTY awards and their popular following with this game. I look forward to more.

    That all said, I sincerely hope TTG take BioWare as a cautionary tale and continue to treat their products with the love and care they deserve rather than as just another "cash in now that we have a large target audience" scheme. Fans can tell.
  • edited April 2013
    Are you kidding? When I first started this game, the only people I knew that played it was me and one friend of mine who recommended the game to me. Now I went online and found literally millions of people loving the game!
  • edited April 2013
    The only problem I have with it becoming popular is Telltale are beginning to look like they are going to focus on this instead of other games
    They are making another game after 1 year?
    It just makes me wonder if we ever will get our Sam and Max season 4...
  • edited April 2013
    I think the success is well deserved, and I really think developers who put effort into their games shall be rewarded for it, with money, and huge fanbases.
    So those, who throw crappy games, that have "rushed out!" written all over them, at us, see that there is another way, that money making isn't all, of course I know gaming industry is a business, I'm not that naive, but I see Telltale is not all about money, but they also have fun doing what they do, and we feel it in their games.
    That said, I'm not a huge Telltalegames fan, as I only played The Walking Dead, but I watched some lets plays of the other games, and I'll get them myself once I'll have more time.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    The only problem I have with it becoming popular is Telltale are beginning to look like they are going to focus on this instead of other games
    They are making another game after 1 year?
    It just makes me wonder if we ever will get our Sam and Max season 4...
    The Wolf Among Us is coming out before The Walking Dead Season Two (and so is Poker Night 2), so they aren't focusing on The Walking Dead over other games.

    A season coming only one year after the last isn't unprecedented for Telltale. Sam & Max: Season Two came out only one year after Sam & Max: Season One.

    Remember that Jurassic Park: The Game pushed the release dates of everything forward. The Wolf Among Us will finally release in the next few months, and that was originally scheduled for the beginning of 2012. Once that finally comes out, Telltale's 2011 announcements will be all accounted for, so they can get their projects back on schedule.

    Telltale's said that they have multiple unannounced projects in the works. Since Sam's appearance in Poker Night 2 shows that Telltale's still interested in the Sam & Max license, I wouldn't be surprised at all if one of the unannounced projects was Sam & Max: Season Four.
  • edited April 2013
    God , I hate you hipsters...
  • edited April 2013
    No. Liking something less because it's popular is just as dumb as liking something less because it's unpopular.
  • edited April 2013
    cod anyone ?
  • edited April 2013
    The fact that something like this did so well gives me hope for the gaming industry.
  • edited April 2013
    cod anyone ?

    i would really say that COD started to fail when they realised that multiplayer was the reason many people bought the game (not me i liked the single player) and that to most of it's fans it didn't matter how stupid the single player was because they were only interested in playing online where they get positive reinforcement for nearly every action they perform
  • edited April 2013
    It gets more name drops on gamer sites than World of Warcraft.
  • edited April 2013
    the to mains are black, it big its popular
  • edited April 2013
    So long as we don't get the attention of fans who demand another ending because the first one wasn't what they expected, then I don't mind it getting popular.

    Still, I hate expanded universe Walking Dead fans. Comic readers know that people die constantly and deal with it. The damn TV watchers keep screaming "Daryl Dixon forever!" like they're watching Friends or something. I remember everyone complaining about Carley.

    So maybe I resent some fans.
  • edited April 2013
    So long as we don't get the attention of fans who demand another ending because the first one wasn't what they expected, then I don't mind it getting popular.

    Still, I hate expanded universe Walking Dead fans. Comic readers know that people die constantly and deal with it. The damn TV watchers keep screaming "Daryl Dixon forever!" like they're watching Friends or something. I remember everyone complaining about Carley.

    So maybe I resent some fans.

    truth this guy speaks !
  • edited April 2013
    Yep, the last option fits your personality perfectly.

    You discredit the game because it's no longer considered an Indie product due to it's popularity.

    The cursed life you must live with... To begin to despise something when others begin enjoying it.

  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited April 2013
    Good for Telltale, finally getting more recognition for their work, but what I'm afraid of, is essentially this (may contain strong language):

    Not to mention, the new wave of popularity might reconstruct Telltale's way of game making to fit the new base, which might (might not) shit up the company we've loved for quite a bit now.

    But anyway, just speculations, time will tell.
  • edited April 2013
    I've absolutely no problem with the game being popular. Sometimes things are popular because they're good, and TWD:The Game is certainly that. It may not be to my tastes, but I'm not going to slam anyone for liking it.

    What I resent is the same thing that I ALWAYS resent - people acting so damned entitled.

    Not everyone, mind - just the select few who ruin things for everyone. The people wining and complaining when an episode is delayed, those who spam other threads and news posts to demand their game NAOW!!!, those who bitch and moan about how the ending wasn't all flowers and rainbows and everyone skipping hand-in-hand into a perfect sunrise. THOSE people, the ones who need to die in a fire. I resent THEM.

    Otherwise, it's all cool with me. :)
  • edited April 2013

    Not everyone, mind - just the select few who ruin things for everyone. The people wining and complaining when an episode is delayed

    Episode 2...

    The Horror...
  • edited April 2013
    If you're really a fan of something, then why wouldn't you want it to be successful? I'm nothing but happy for Telltale, and I love the fact that so many other people will get to experience this awesome game.
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited April 2013
    If you're really a fan of something, then why wouldn't you want it to be successful? I'm nothing but happy for Telltale, and I love the fact that so many other people will get to experience this awesome game.

    Because amazing success has been well known for fucking things up that follow it and it's only natural to be worried about things like: will everything change over to a better or worse side?
  • edited April 2013
    bogey_j wrote: »
    its reached this pantheonic level in gaming (at least in game narrative) that I feel the next iteration is going to be dumbed down to get the mass appeal (like the TV show)

    If TellTale had a bigger overlord (like say... EA *pinky to mouth*) it probably would be dumbed down due to outside interference, but as long as TellTale self-publish using modernised distribution methods, I think it's one thing you don't have to worry about.

    If however, you ever hear about one of these giant publishers buying TellTale for 2.3 zillion dollars and read a statement by TellTale saying 'we are very excited about this merger, and with the financial resources of EA will be able to make bigger and better games than we ever imagined' don't believe a word, the ride is over.
  • edited April 2013
    If however, you ever hear about one of these giant publishers buying TellTale for 2.3 zillion dollars and read a statement by TellTale saying 'we are very excited about this merger, and with the financial resources of EA will be able to make bigger and better games than we ever imagined' don't believe a word, the ride is over.

    Yes, if you sell your company to EA, you sell your soul to EA. (EA may be replaced by Activision as well)
  • edited April 2013
    If however, you ever hear about one of these giant publishers buying TellTale for 2.3 zillion dollars and read a statement by TellTale saying 'we are very excited about this merger, and with the financial resources of EA will be able to make bigger and better games than we ever imagined' don't believe a word, the ride is over.

    True! True!

    I still miss the days of Westwood Studios and BioWare.
  • edited April 2013
    If however, you ever hear about one of these giant publishers buying TellTale for 2.3 zillion dollars and read a statement by TellTale saying 'we are very excited about this merger, and with the financial resources of EA will be able to make bigger and better games than we ever imagined' don't believe a word, the ride is over.

    Well, it's not as bad as being bought out by EA, One of people who works for TellTale did once say the company would be eager to be bought out by... DISNEY!
  • edited April 2013
    Well, it does explain the logo...
  • edited April 2013
    Well, it does explain the logo...

    exactly :P
  • edited April 2013
    With more people comes more fanatics. With more fanatics comes more whining. With more whining comes more board cataclysm. With more cataclysm comes less freedom for creators to work their magic.
  • edited April 2013
    I couldn't be more thrilled that the game has become as popular as it has. Not only does it absolutely deserve it because it's a brilliant game, but it also means that we get more Walking Dead goodness from TellTale and that can never be a bad thing.
  • edited April 2013
    With more people comes more fanatics. With more fanatics comes more whining. With more whining comes more board cataclysm. With more cataclysm comes less freedom for creators to work their magic.
    No matter the size of any fan base, there will always be an overtly abrasive faction that will never be satisfied with whatever's produced.
    Success on its own shouldn't be seen as something that limits the creators' potential, it's the thing that allows them to keep creating. We should be happy for them.
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited April 2013
    Mikejames wrote: »
    No matter the size of any fan base, there will always be an overtly abrasive faction that will never be satisfied with whatever's produced.
    Success on its own shouldn't be seen as something that limits the creators' potential, it's the thing that allows them to keep creating. We should be happy for them.

    It starts limiting them when the new "quantity over quality" or "IF DARYL DIES I'LL STOP WATCHING THE SHOW" or "IF IT TAKES A NECROMANCER TO BRING BACK CARLEY, I DON'T CARE, DO IT, TELLTALE" fans become such a big part of their income, that they couldn't deal or wouldn't wanna deal with such a hit to their losses.

    And The Walking Dead got A LOT of popularity.
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