To those of you who think PewDiePie is the best Let's player ever, He's really not. Being a good let's player means talking to your fans or a friend, telling a funny story while Playing. So if anything, Danny Mother Fucking Sexbang is the best Youtuber.
I don't think PewDiePie is the best lets player, but I think that he's a fun youtuber to watch for me. I'm not even sure if he can be called a lets player anymore if he doesn't do lets plays except some telltale games
To those of you who think PewDiePie is the best Let's player ever, He's really not. Being a good let's player means talking to your fans or … morea friend, telling a funny story while Playing. So if anything, Danny Mother Fucking Sexbang is the best Youtuber.
Yeah I did, I couldn't help seeing this as a WWE fan myself XD
Ah okay. My friend just shared this with me on Facebook today, so that's how I found it :P
To ruin your childhood:
OK, with links back, let's see if this works. I thought this video ought to be part of this thread.
The Telltale Games version of Super Mario Brothers.
There are probably more, but these are the funniest I can think of right now.
EDIT: Here's two more.
(This one is extremely funny)
Only watched three so far, nice taste.
That Minecraft one was to funny.
I know its kind a stuppid but its funny anyway :P
Short clip from #JonTronShow
To those of you who think PewDiePie is the best Let's player ever, He's really not. Being a good let's player means talking to your fans or a friend, telling a funny story while Playing. So if anything, Danny Mother Fucking Sexbang is the best Youtuber.
I don't think PewDiePie is the best lets player, but I think that he's a fun youtuber to watch for me. I'm not even sure if he can be called a lets player anymore if he doesn't do lets plays except some telltale games
I reckon this YouTuber is deserving of more credit. His channel is SAMTIME and I recommend it highly.
So true....