Killing Vernon would probably be the easiest decision I'd have to make in the next game if the choice appears. He screwed over Lee's group in the last episode so there's no way I'd let him live any longer than the game forces him on you...partly for revenge and partly because I don't want to wait for him to screw over the new group.
The plan to take the boat was based on cold pragmatism, but it's worth remembering that Vernon was the only one of his group who wasn't against helping Lee out of the sewers and offering medical aid before he even knew about them actually having a boat.
Vernon's decision to take the boat while I was out searching for Clementine with the rest of the group was really shocking to me. He helped me get back to the mansion when I fled into the sewers and he also treated Omid. He didn't owe me any reason to do those things. The trip to Crawford was mutually beneficial to both Lee and Vernon's group.
The horde we brought with us to Savannah put Vernon in a tight spot though and I can understand why he planned to steal the boat. With Brie gone, his group was down to just four people. That leaves an extra space for the boat. I'm sure that's why he offered Lee to take Clementine. I told him I'd think about it and my Lee never got into any heated words with him. I still think Vernon is a good guy, I believe he felt bad about abandoning us in Savannah. The apocalypse seems to slowly tear away at your humanity and force you to become pragmatic. Even he's aware of it and I'm sure it upsets him, you get a sense of that when he talks about Brie's death.
So given all that, I don't think I'd have it in me kill him personally. I'd possibly abandon him if we were in danger, I don't know. I can be merciful to people like Ben, who never meant to hurt anyone, despite his stupid decisions. However, Vernon knew damn well that he was sentencing us to death by taking that boat, not even warning us of the approaching horde. That's hard to forgive. This whole post is mute if it turns out the main character of Season 2 is somebody who never experienced this betrayal from Vernon though. For that reason, I almost feel like it's better that they don't have him appear at all.
Also to the people saying he only did it for 'his group' yes you've just made the pro-kill Vernon argument easier to handle. He did it for 'his group' so I'm going to kill him for 'my group' and if you say "What if we play as Clementine, she never knew Vernon did this." It's called dramatic irony- I still want Vernon dead.
Also to the people saying he only did it for 'his group' yes you've just made the pro-kill Vernon argument easier to handle. He did it for 'his group' so I'm going to kill him for 'my group' and if you say "What if we play as Clementine, she never knew Vernon did this." It's called dramatic irony- I still want Vernon dead.
Ditto, though I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up dead anyway. He has what, four people, two of which need constant care (and could croak and thus reanimate at any time). Hell, it'd be a miracle if they even got the boat to the water (of course, they somehow overwhelm and beat the crap out of an armed group of relatively young folk that can potentially equal them in numbers, damned cancer magic).
Also to the people saying he only did it for 'his group' yes you've just made the pro-kill Vernon argument easier to handle. He did it for 'his group' so I'm going to kill him for 'my group' and if you say "What if we play as Clementine, she never knew Vernon did this." It's called dramatic irony- I still want Vernon dead.
Saying you'd be willing to pragmatically rob or abandon him as karma is one thing, but killing Vernon for revenge's sake isn't really doing anything for your group.
I doubt that we'll see his group again, but I'd have to see the circumstances involved before making any decisions if we did.
His cancer magic sounds a lot more useful than Lee's invisible wall magic. Maybe Vernon was the one making invisible walls and caused Lee to get bit! I sense a conspiracy...
I'm betting he made it out onto the water just before the herd hit the riverfront and got away. Then he screwed something up, or maybe Ben had touched the boat earlier while he and Kenny were working on it, thus ensuring its destruction. Either way, due to user error or the Ben Effect, Vernon gets stranded on land again. If we find him in Season 2, the others would probably be dead and it will be Vernon alone and in need of help. Seeing as the circumstance in Savannah were a tad desperate, I'll wait to see what he does if we see him again.
Regardless of what he does, I'd like to give him a good punch to the gut for what he put Lee and co. through after he stranded them in that dead city.
Saying you'd be willing to pragmatically rob or abandon him as karma is one thing, but killing Vernon for revenge's sake isn't really doing anything for your group.
I doubt that we'll see his group again, but I'd have to see the circumstances involved before making any decisions if we did.
Well, if he betrayed one group for his own benefit, odds are he'll do it again(should the opportunity arise). Eliminating Vernon will help your group because it prevents him from backstabbing you just like he did with Lee. A preemptive attack, if you will. It's not the best reason, but it's there.
Well, if he betrayed one group for his own benefit, odds are he'll do it again(should the opportunity arise). Eliminating Vernon will help your group because it prevents him from backstabbing you just like he did with Lee. A preemptive attack, if you will. It's not the best reason, but it's there.
He's also a doctor, arguably one of the most useful types of people you could meet in the apocalypse, and someone who was willing to offer aid at the risk of his own safety.
He didn't rob us for the sake of it, he's only a threat if he feels that he's choosing between our group's survival or his group's. Granted, that could play out in any number of ways, but another encounter with him could have vastly different results compared to what happened with Lee's group. Whether for better or worse.
He's also a doctor, arguably one of the most useful types of people you could meet in the apocalypse, and someone who was willing to offer aid at the risk of his own safety.
He didn't rob us for the sake of it, he's only a threat if he feels that he's choosing between our group's survival or his group's. Granted, that could play out in any number of ways, but another encounter with him could have vastly different results compared to what happened with Lee's group. Whether for better or worse.
I don't even like his group, Brie especially. God if anyone hates Ben and blames him for killing people, please be happy he at least got Brie killed. She was a f*cking b*tch and I can't tell you how good it was to kill her in Episode 5.
Anyway even if I encounter Vernon, unless he's ditched his group and he's sorry I may consider saving him. However still if he even lays a finger on Clementine, he's as good as dead and I say this because it's obvious he misses the feeling of being a father and would love to take care of Clementine.
Vernon caused a game over for me because I didn't take the gun away from him. He shot Lee almost point blank, right between the eyes. After that (when I played through for real) he stole our escape route. If I was Lee during Season 2, I'd probably kill him. But I won't be Lee, because Lee's gone, so this new protagonist would be different.
Course, there's a good chance they got out of Georgia and into the Gulf of Mexico and are starving to death, or dieing of exposure, or ended up on an island and got eaten by walkers there. I will say, though, if I see Vernon as a walker it would be satisfying to put that bullet in his brain.
If in Season 2 you had the choice whether or not to murder Vernon would you do it?
I would as he decided not to tell the group about the horde (indirectly causing Ben, Kenny, Lee's and possibly Christa, Omids and Mollys deaths). He stole the boat, and he was just a d*** in general even considering to kill Lee when they had just met.
But would you kill him or let him live?
I guess I should be upset with Vernon but I'm willing to let it go and just be as suspicious of him as anyone else I meet in season 2.
I never believed in Kenny's boat plan and resented having to search for a boat then find missing items for the boat all after I and Clem decided to ditch Kenny once we got to Savannah.
Also, it's difficult to stay mad at someone who gave Kenny a good beating . I just thought it was funny that Kenny got his ass beat by the geriatric squad.:D. Talk about adding insult to injury.
I wouldn't kill him; I don't hate Vernon. Hate is a strong word, ya know? There is a saying that you shouldn't hate anyone, for it is you who is pulling away.
For Lilly... I'll make an exception ^_^
LOL, anyway... Vernon could have been a lot worse. Considering you cause him the loss of one he had looked after like a daughter by your group's hands, and he doesn't blame you for it, I consider him quite the great person. He has his own group to look out for, and we did kinda bring in a horde of zombies to his doorstep. I doubt they will even be in season 2, because how were they going to get the boat into the water with THAT many zombies?
A bit of a thread necro here, but I have to mention something. Also, sorry if this has already been brought up elsewhere. While we don't know about season 2, some of the cancer patients will be in the 400 Days DLC.
This is an interview with a Telltale designer at E3 with clips from the game played over it at some points. At 1:41, pay attention to the group and you'll see some familiar faces. No Brie or Vernon, but the others are there.
What Vernon did was straght up selfish. The only thing that made him and his group different from the Save-Lots bandits was that they didn't bother to kill the people who were left to guard the boat. They KNEW that we were going to use it. That we were planning to do so in a day or two. They knowingly left a 9 year old child, her caretaker, and 2-3 other people to die in Savannah while they saved their own sick rear-ends. The fact that they didn;t even bother to tell us about the herd coming in makes it that much worse, especially since they stole it AFTER Vernon pretended to care about Clementine.
Stealing from the station wagon is totally differnt. Hell, nobody even knew it really WAS stealing. We all thought it was abandoned, and not only that, but it was either take the supplies or slowly die of starvation.
Well said bro, well said. I would kill Vernon if I ever caught sight of him. I would bunch him in the face and then in the stomach to wind him then I would sweep his legs from underneath him and then I would stab him in the chest several times and let his blood splatter on my clothes and then I'd plunge my hand into his chest, rip out his organs and then ram them down his throat and then let him reanimate so I killed him all over again. I have planned this out and I will make him suffer like Lee suffered and I will let him die like the piece of sh*t that he is. He is one of the reason Kenny and Ben died and the group could have been safe out on the water but he stole the boat meaning he deserves everything he gets. I hope he dies in the most painful way possible and when he begs me for mercy I will say "F*** you, you piece of sh*t!" And I will regret nothing I will feel no remorse because he deserves everything he gets. F*** you Vernon f*** you! I felt sorry for him when he told me about the cancer group because one of my family died of cancer. I trusted him, I didn't threaten or lie to him but he betrayed me! He will be nothing but a mangled bloody corpse by the time I'm finished with him.
Assuming we're seeing them after the boat stealing and not before of course. He could also have abandoned them.
Anyway would i kill Vernon? Not sure. I can understand some of his reasons for taking the boat (we did lead about 1000 walkers to his home...), but he's still basically left us to die. I suspect seeing members of his group in 400 days will clarify my opinion of him.
Holy sh*t. I just realised something that is quite scary, for the people who want to kill Vernon we're becoming what we despise. Think about it, we all at one point had a certain disliking for a certain Stranger on a 'walkie-talkie'.
But they set out to get us because we had stolen or been an accomplice in stealing the supplies from the station wagon. Something they needed. Now why weren't they at the station wagon? They were searching for Adam (Strangers Son) someone whom they care about.
Now let's get to the boat. We need the boat in order to get away from Savannah to survive. We needed it. We weren't at the boat because we were searching for Clementine someone who we care about.
However whilst the Stranger wanted revenge on Lee, it ended with his demise. So can our revenge on Vernon end in the same way? The point is we've become what we hate, we've pretty much become The Stranger. Wanting to blame our loss on other people and doing whatever we can to make sure they die.
Geez, I only just realised this and it's quite frightening but props to Telltale for this clever writing (If this was intentional, that is). I'm confused whether to kill Vernon now...
Holy sh*t. I just realised something that is quite scary, for the people who want to kill Vernon we're becoming what we despise. Think about it, we all at one point had a certain disliking for a certain Stranger on a 'walkie-talkie'.
But they set out to get us because we had stolen or been an accomplice in stealing the supplies from the station wagon. Something they needed. Now why weren't they at the station wagon? They were searching for Adam (Strangers Son) someone whom they care about.
Now let's get to the boat. We need the boat in order to get away from Savannah to survive. We needed it. We weren't at the boat because we were searching for Clementine someone who we care about.
However whilst the Stranger wanted revenge on Lee, it ended with his demise. So can our revenge on Vernon end in the same way? The point is we've become what we hate, we've pretty much become The Stranger. Wanting to blame our loss on other people and doing whatever we can to make sure they die.
Geez, I only just realised this and it's quite frightening but props to Telltale for this clever writing (If this was intentional, that is). I'm confused whether to kill Vernon now...
That's not how it is for me! I wanted nothing to do with the station wagon and its supplies, but one man and an 8 year old child can't do much to stop an entire group of armed survivors. It's also different than the boat, because Lee's group had absolutely no idea if the car was being used or if its occupants were even still alive. Vernon KNEW it was ours, and he knew we were planning to use it. In most scenarios he forcefully rips it from our hands. That is miles apart from the strangers car situation.
No sir, the hate for Vernon is totally justified. He consciously stole from other people, he willingly put those peoples lives in danger and he voluntarily left us to die a slow painful death after he used us.
That's not how it is for me! I wanted nothing to do with the station wagon and its supplies, but one man and an 8 year old child can't do much to stop an entire group of armed survivors. It's also different than the boat, because Lee's group had absolutely no idea if the car was being used or if its occupants were even still alive. Vernon KNEW it was ours, and he knew we were planning to use it. In most scenarios he forcefully rips it from our hands. That is miles apart from the strangers car situation.
No sir, the hate for Vernon is totally justified. He consciously stole from other people, he willingly put those peoples lives in danger and he voluntarily left us to die a slow painful death after he used us.
I really, really hate this guy.
That's not the point. The point is someone stole something from us, we want it back - We'll get revenge. It's almost the same, whilst I agree it's much more justified to get Vernon, you have to admit that chasing after him is a risk.
Only if I come across him will I kill him, but if the opportunity arises to chase after him, I'll let him go. The walkers can have him.
No, that IS the point. Stealing from the car, in that situation at the end of Episode 2, was either smart or morally ambiguous. Vernon stealing the boat was downright thievery. I told him the truth, helped get him the medicine he needed for his group as well as our own, and since it was LEE with the shotgun in that bell tower, and not Vernon, we've all saved his life, too. I even tried to console him over Brie's death. Then he stole the boat from us. He could have at least said something about the thousands of zombies we were about to face, but he didn't even give us so much as a "good luck" before he decided to screw us over. I'm not going to hunt him down or anything, but I'll be watching him very carefully if I ever see him again. The same goes for the others in his group.
No, that IS the point. Stealing from the car, in that situation at the end of Episode 2, was either smart or morally ambiguous. Vernon stealing the boat was downright thievery. I told him the truth, helped get him the medicine he needed for his group as well as our own, and since it was LEE with the shotgun in that bell tower, and not Vernon, we've all saved his life, too. I even tried to console him over Brie's death. Then he stole the boat from us. He could have at least said something about the thousands of zombies we were about to face, but he didn't even give us so much as a "good luck" before he decided to screw us over. I'm not going to hunt him down or anything, but I'll be watching him very carefully if I ever see him again. The same goes for the others in his group.
But think of it from different perspectives. From the Strangers perspective we STOLE his food, from our perspective we had the OPTION to steal that food. From our perspective, Vernon STOLE that boat. From his perspective he had the OPTION to steal that boat.
To be honest this doesn't change anything besides the fact I want to be careful and try not to be too dark during 400 Days and Season 2.
P.S Everyone if you have TWD (I guess you do) Go on it and update so you can get ready to get 400 Days.
But think of it from different perspectives. From the Strangers perspective we STOLE his food, from our perspective we had the OPTION to steal that food. From our perspective, Vernon STOLE that boat. From his perspective he had the OPTION to steal that boat.
To be honest this doesn't change anything besides the fact I want to be careful and try not to be too dark during 400 Days and Season 2.
P.S Everyone if you have TWD (I guess you do) Go on it and update so you can get ready to get 400 Days.
Yes, but the difference is Vernon had the knowledge that what he was taking was actively being used by someone else, our group did not have that benefit. We thought the car was abandoned, but Vernon knew the boat was being used. That's what makes it so bad.
I guess i wouldn't hunt him down, but if he's banging at my gates with walkers behind him, I'll just stare solemnly as he is devoured.
Yes, but the difference is Vernon had the knowledge that what he was taking was actively being used by someone else, our group did not have that benefit. We thought the car was abandoned, but Vernon knew the boat was being used. That's what makes it so bad.
I guess i wouldn't hunt him down, but if he's banging at my gates with walkers behind him, I'll just stare solemnly as he is devoured.
I can imagine that, is it odd I smiled evilly as I did? Probably. God this game is making me dark, I love it.
These writers need to write a Walking Dead novel of some sort.
No; Vernon was only doing whatever it took for him and his people to survive. He's not much different than my Lee was.
depends what sort of Lee you have,but comparing Lee and Vernon ,Lee isn't all out for himself,before anyone including himself its that Clem is safe,he has remorse,he might be a convict but he has a good heart,will do the best for the group,isn't 2 faced Vernon on the other hand tries to come across like some modern day saint,or because hes a doctor people treat him with respect first without really knowing his character,he is devious,deceitful,cunning,smart,and both strong and weak ,Kenny had this guy down from first impressions
Vernon gave me a lecture on honesty and blamed me for Brie's death, and it turns out they only went with me 'cos they were planning on stealing the boat. Yeah, I think I'd probably off him if I had the chance.
I thought I would at the time, now I don't think I would. He wasn't a bad person, just desperate and greedy. Say Vernon found the boat I can completely see Kenny wanting to steal it first. Omid might be against it but Christa seems like she'd hate herself for doing it but would agree, she did say if the roles were reversed she's not sure they'd do any different.
I thought I would at the time, now I don't think I would. He wasn't a bad person, just desperate and greedy. Say Vernon found the boat I can completely see Kenny wanting to steal it first. Omid might be against it but Christa seems like she'd hate herself for doing it but would agree, she did say if the roles were reversed she's not sure they'd do any different.
True enough. I really don't get why some people want to outright MURDER the guy. He was just looking out for his own group and to be honest, Lee's group kinda had it coming.
Thanks to them leading all the walkers to Savannah, Vernon loses his one safe haven, and the life of a close group member. Seriously, what was he supposed to do? Give a happy wave to Lee and co. from the docks as the horde floods the city?
Also, something that I recently found out that really made me respect Vernon; if you decide to be a complete dick to his group, threaten them, lie to them etc. and you can't give Vernon a reason to help you, he'll say something like " wouldn't happen to have any sick folk in your group?" Lee tells him about Omid and Vernon agrees to help Lee get back to the mansion just so he can help an injured man.
Remember, this is AFTER Lee threatens to kill them and lies about having meds or whatever. Not to mention, Vernon has no way of knowing if Lee is just lying about having an injured group member , but he still agrees to help a psycho, murderous stranger on the off chance that there's an injured man somewhere that he could help. Another stranger, I should add.
Vernon was definitely desperate. Not all that greedy though.
I guess that makes me a monster then...with a smile.. :rolleyes:
The horde we brought with us to Savannah put Vernon in a tight spot though and I can understand why he planned to steal the boat. With Brie gone, his group was down to just four people. That leaves an extra space for the boat. I'm sure that's why he offered Lee to take Clementine. I told him I'd think about it and my Lee never got into any heated words with him. I still think Vernon is a good guy, I believe he felt bad about abandoning us in Savannah. The apocalypse seems to slowly tear away at your humanity and force you to become pragmatic. Even he's aware of it and I'm sure it upsets him, you get a sense of that when he talks about Brie's death.
So given all that, I don't think I'd have it in me kill him personally. I'd possibly abandon him if we were in danger, I don't know. I can be merciful to people like Ben, who never meant to hurt anyone, despite his stupid decisions. However, Vernon knew damn well that he was sentencing us to death by taking that boat, not even warning us of the approaching horde. That's hard to forgive. This whole post is mute if it turns out the main character of Season 2 is somebody who never experienced this betrayal from Vernon though. For that reason, I almost feel like it's better that they don't have him appear at all.
Ditto, though I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up dead anyway. He has what, four people, two of which need constant care (and could croak and thus reanimate at any time). Hell, it'd be a miracle if they even got the boat to the water (of course, they somehow overwhelm and beat the crap out of an armed group of relatively young folk that can potentially equal them in numbers, damned cancer magic).
Saying you'd be willing to pragmatically rob or abandon him as karma is one thing, but killing Vernon for revenge's sake isn't really doing anything for your group.
I doubt that we'll see his group again, but I'd have to see the circumstances involved before making any decisions if we did.
I'm betting he made it out onto the water just before the herd hit the riverfront and got away. Then he screwed something up, or maybe Ben had touched the boat earlier while he and Kenny were working on it, thus ensuring its destruction. Either way, due to user error or the Ben Effect, Vernon gets stranded on land again. If we find him in Season 2, the others would probably be dead and it will be Vernon alone and in need of help. Seeing as the circumstance in Savannah were a tad desperate, I'll wait to see what he does if we see him again.
Regardless of what he does, I'd like to give him a good punch to the gut for what he put Lee and co. through after he stranded them in that dead city.
Well, if he betrayed one group for his own benefit, odds are he'll do it again(should the opportunity arise). Eliminating Vernon will help your group because it prevents him from backstabbing you just like he did with Lee. A preemptive attack, if you will. It's not the best reason, but it's there.
He's also a doctor, arguably one of the most useful types of people you could meet in the apocalypse, and someone who was willing to offer aid at the risk of his own safety.
He didn't rob us for the sake of it, he's only a threat if he feels that he's choosing between our group's survival or his group's. Granted, that could play out in any number of ways, but another encounter with him could have vastly different results compared to what happened with Lee's group. Whether for better or worse.
I don't even like his group, Brie especially. God if anyone hates Ben and blames him for killing people, please be happy he at least got Brie killed. She was a f*cking b*tch and I can't tell you how good it was to kill her in Episode 5.
Anyway even if I encounter Vernon, unless he's ditched his group and he's sorry I may consider saving him. However still if he even lays a finger on Clementine, he's as good as dead and I say this because it's obvious he misses the feeling of being a father and would love to take care of Clementine.
Karma, bitch.
Course, there's a good chance they got out of Georgia and into the Gulf of Mexico and are starving to death, or dieing of exposure, or ended up on an island and got eaten by walkers there. I will say, though, if I see Vernon as a walker it would be satisfying to put that bullet in his brain.
I guess I should be upset with Vernon but I'm willing to let it go and just be as suspicious of him as anyone else I meet in season 2.
I never believed in Kenny's boat plan and resented having to search for a boat then find missing items for the boat all after I and Clem decided to ditch Kenny once we got to Savannah.
Also, it's difficult to stay mad at someone who gave Kenny a good beating
A bit of a thread necro here, but I have to mention something. Also, sorry if this has already been brought up elsewhere. While we don't know about season 2, some of the cancer patients will be in the 400 Days DLC.
This is an interview with a Telltale designer at E3 with clips from the game played over it at some points. At 1:41, pay attention to the group and you'll see some familiar faces. No Brie or Vernon, but the others are there.
Well said bro, well said. I would kill Vernon if I ever caught sight of him. I would bunch him in the face and then in the stomach to wind him then I would sweep his legs from underneath him and then I would stab him in the chest several times and let his blood splatter on my clothes and then I'd plunge my hand into his chest, rip out his organs and then ram them down his throat and then let him reanimate so I killed him all over again. I have planned this out and I will make him suffer like Lee suffered and I will let him die like the piece of sh*t that he is. He is one of the reason Kenny and Ben died and the group could have been safe out on the water but he stole the boat meaning he deserves everything he gets. I hope he dies in the most painful way possible and when he begs me for mercy I will say "F*** you, you piece of sh*t!" And I will regret nothing I will feel no remorse because he deserves everything he gets. F*** you Vernon f*** you! I felt sorry for him when he told me about the cancer group because one of my family died of cancer. I trusted him, I didn't threaten or lie to him but he betrayed me! He will be nothing but a mangled bloody corpse by the time I'm finished with him.
True thoughts.
Assuming we're seeing them after the boat stealing and not before of course. He could also have abandoned them.
Anyway would i kill Vernon? Not sure. I can understand some of his reasons for taking the boat (we did lead about 1000 walkers to his home...), but he's still basically left us to die. I suspect seeing members of his group in 400 days will clarify my opinion of him.
But they set out to get us because we had stolen or been an accomplice in stealing the supplies from the station wagon. Something they needed. Now why weren't they at the station wagon? They were searching for Adam (Strangers Son) someone whom they care about.
Now let's get to the boat. We need the boat in order to get away from Savannah to survive. We needed it. We weren't at the boat because we were searching for Clementine someone who we care about.
However whilst the Stranger wanted revenge on Lee, it ended with his demise. So can our revenge on Vernon end in the same way? The point is we've become what we hate, we've pretty much become The Stranger. Wanting to blame our loss on other people and doing whatever we can to make sure they die.
Geez, I only just realised this and it's quite frightening but props to Telltale for this clever writing (If this was intentional, that is). I'm confused whether to kill Vernon now...
That's not how it is for me! I wanted nothing to do with the station wagon and its supplies, but one man and an 8 year old child can't do much to stop an entire group of armed survivors. It's also different than the boat, because Lee's group had absolutely no idea if the car was being used or if its occupants were even still alive. Vernon KNEW it was ours, and he knew we were planning to use it. In most scenarios he forcefully rips it from our hands. That is miles apart from the strangers car situation.
No sir, the hate for Vernon is totally justified. He consciously stole from other people, he willingly put those peoples lives in danger and he voluntarily left us to die a slow painful death after he used us.
I really, really hate this guy.
That's not the point. The point is someone stole something from us, we want it back - We'll get revenge. It's almost the same, whilst I agree it's much more justified to get Vernon, you have to admit that chasing after him is a risk.
Only if I come across him will I kill him, but if the opportunity arises to chase after him, I'll let him go. The walkers can have him.
But think of it from different perspectives. From the Strangers perspective we STOLE his food, from our perspective we had the OPTION to steal that food. From our perspective, Vernon STOLE that boat. From his perspective he had the OPTION to steal that boat.
To be honest this doesn't change anything besides the fact I want to be careful and try not to be too dark during 400 Days and Season 2.
P.S Everyone if you have TWD (I guess you do) Go on it and update so you can get ready to get 400 Days.
Yes, but the difference is Vernon had the knowledge that what he was taking was actively being used by someone else, our group did not have that benefit. We thought the car was abandoned, but Vernon knew the boat was being used. That's what makes it so bad.
I guess i wouldn't hunt him down, but if he's banging at my gates with walkers behind him, I'll just stare solemnly as he is devoured.
I can imagine that, is it odd I smiled evilly as I did? Probably. God this game is making me dark, I love it.
These writers need to write a Walking Dead novel of some sort.
depends what sort of Lee you have,but comparing Lee and Vernon ,Lee isn't all out for himself,before anyone including himself its that Clem is safe,he has remorse,he might be a convict but he has a good heart,will do the best for the group,isn't 2 faced
True enough. I really don't get why some people want to outright MURDER the guy. He was just looking out for his own group and to be honest, Lee's group kinda had it coming.
Thanks to them leading all the walkers to Savannah, Vernon loses his one safe haven, and the life of a close group member. Seriously, what was he supposed to do? Give a happy wave to Lee and co. from the docks as the horde floods the city?
Also, something that I recently found out that really made me respect Vernon; if you decide to be a complete dick to his group, threaten them, lie to them etc. and you can't give Vernon a reason to help you, he'll say something like " wouldn't happen to have any sick folk in your group?" Lee tells him about Omid and Vernon agrees to help Lee get back to the mansion just so he can help an injured man.
Remember, this is AFTER Lee threatens to kill them and lies about having meds or whatever. Not to mention, Vernon has no way of knowing if Lee is just lying about having an injured group member , but he still agrees to help a psycho, murderous stranger on the off chance that there's an injured man somewhere that he could help. Another stranger, I should add.
Vernon was definitely desperate. Not all that greedy though.