Would you kill Vernon?
If in Season 2 you had the choice whether or not to murder Vernon would you do it?
I would as he decided not to tell the group about the horde (indirectly causing Ben, Kenny, Lee's and possibly Christa, Omids and Mollys deaths). He stole the boat, and he was just a d*** in general even considering to kill Lee when they had just met.
But would you kill him or let him live?
I would as he decided not to tell the group about the horde (indirectly causing Ben, Kenny, Lee's and possibly Christa, Omids and Mollys deaths). He stole the boat, and he was just a d*** in general even considering to kill Lee when they had just met.
But would you kill him or let him live?
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But to come back to your question... for the fact, that he did not tell us about the horde - and there really was no good explanation for doing so - I would kill him. But not in front of Clem that is
It could also be strained if you tell someone else to kill him, because that's what I thought up some time ago.
To answer the question, Yes, I would kill him. What he did was just downright selfish, even if he was just looking out for his people. If Clementine does disapprove of it, then I would try to help her to understand why I did it.
Good question zev_zev, and DreadMagus' answer is basically my answer. I intend to do multiple playthroughs though, so I will definitely play an in-character run where I "don't know" Vernon.
That said, if TTG is good at one thing, is it makes you question your assumptions at decisive moments, such as Larry in the meat locker or Ben in Crawford.
So who knows? I might feel sorry at the last minute and not kill Vernon and his posse.
Now I don't have the heart to do it.
It's the same situation as with Lilly. The most people want to kill her, if they meet her again, and here is another question, you play the role of your character, or you are you? If you are not immersed in the atmosphere of the game entirely, it means that you are you, and you want to kill Vernon, or Lilly. But if you play the role of your character in the game, then why you need kill them, Vernon, or Lilly't do anything against new main character ?
Stealing from the station wagon is totally differnt. Hell, nobody even knew it really WAS stealing. We all thought it was abandoned, and not only that, but it was either take the supplies or slowly die of starvation.
Had I been Lee within the timeframe between the Kenny and Ben/Kenny and Christa incident and the hotel incident, then I would have given him a beating while telling him exactly what he has done to Lee's group due to his actions. Killing him, to me, would have meant that he wouldn't have to live with the guilt, and thus I would have accomplished nothing.
But if it's a fresh new character, it was not make any sense to the story, even if the character is meant to be some sort of a psychopath. Why would the new protagonist suddenly detest Vernon the moment they meet, and would be perfectly fine with any one character he or she meets? The new character wasn't in Lee's group, and thus shoudn't know anything and be emotionally affected at all by the boat theft.
At worst, he set us back to square 1; trying to find a safe place. Of course, I was against the boat idea the moment I heard it, so I wasn't exactly sad to see it go.
Agree ^^ that was epic, and they deserve it, like a Vernon.
The letter he left us said he didn't feel good about it. Doesn't mean he meant it but I honestly think he is very sorry, especially for Clem. Despite stealing the boat he was a decent man.
While a herd is following.
His decency depends on how you react when he wants to take Clementine. If you refuse, he says that Lee got what he deserved, and the only person he's sorry about is Clementine.
Yeah but he says that, because with his proposal he only meant well, and Lee outright raged and yelled at him, threatening to kill Vernon if he'd in his opinion "help" the girl by taking her from him. Even though I refused his offer too I can at some point understand why Vernon would hate Lee, because from what Vernon has seen she isn't safe with him and none the less he doesn't want to let her go with Vernon, who has quite a safe set-up. Doesn't make his reaction right, but at the very least it is understandable.
Of course with our own group left to die, his sympathies don't grant much reconciliation.
For Lilly... I'll make an exception ^_^
LOL, anyway... Vernon could have been a lot worse. Considering you cause him the loss of one he had looked after like a daughter by your group's hands, and he doesn't blame you for it, I consider him quite the great person. He has his own group to look out for, and we did kinda bring in a horde of zombies to his doorstep. I doubt they will even be in season 2, because how were they going to get the boat into the water with THAT many zombies?
I understand that as well, but no means no and he shouldn't have tried to push the issue after Lee declined the first time. Plus, after their food supply runs out in the underground bunker she would be more in danger of dying than she ever was with Lee. They have two patients who need constant care, they have low ammo/guns and Savannah has very little supplies left anywhere.