Four years have passed...

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
I'll never forgive LucasArts after what they did.

That game did not deserve to be cancelled. I think it's been long enough, don't you? Should we attempt to resurrect that project? (Once season 2 is over, of course.)


  • edited March 2008
    No real reason to try to resurrect it, to be honest. We've got more Sam & Max content now than we could have ever hoped for, with even more on the way.
  • edited March 2008
    I'm glad that they did drop it. We wouldn't have Telltale's episodic games, the extras that go with them, the new merch and prints, the Surfin' The Highway reprint, etc. And Lucasarts may have done another Monkey Island 4 to it... ;)
  • edited March 2008
    Why ponder on a dark past when there's a bright future to look forward to? :D

    [/poetic trance]
  • edited March 2008
    While episodic content is good, im stille one of those that will always like full games more, and at some point i do telltale can earn enough money to go for a full crazy game :) like Sam & Max Htr. that would simply be awesome.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    While episodic content is good, im stille one of those that will always like full games more, and at some point i do telltale can earn enough money to go for a full crazy game :) like Sam & Max Htr. that would simply be awesome.

    There's not a lot stopping us from making a "full crazy game." We did two of them -- CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder, and CSI: Hard Evidence (buy them today!). Though for some it may be hard to believe, going episodic is a choice that we made, and really enjoy. Our two upcoming series are also episodic. Even Freelance Police at LucasArts was -- to my knowledge -- going to be a series of five only vaguely-connected short cases which resolved in a 'series finale.' Does that mean that there will never be another "full" game from Telltale? Not necessarily, but I don't really know what to say besides that :P I think when you play Season Two back to back to back to back to back I suspect it will feel more like an ambling full single story than Season One did, so maybe that will be awesome for some people :)
  • edited March 2008
    I'm kinda hoping for a feature on the Bonus Disc that will allow for a whole season play-through. You know, instead of just selecting each episode after each other. But, if something awful were to happen like a full series finale, I want my full length, BIG budget game! :)

    P.S. Please don't let Sam & Max end. :)
  • edited March 2008
    I have to say im so happy they did decide to cancel it or else we wouldn't have the great series telltale do.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    I'm kinda hoping for a feature on the Bonus Disc that will allow for a whole season play-through. You know, instead of just selecting each episode after each other.

    Don't hold your breath. ;) That would require a lot of programming work for very little payoff. We considered it for the Season One disc and decided the programming resources were better spent on other things.
  • edited March 2008
    ahhh that was a bad day.. the last 2 years have been great for sam & max though!
  • edited March 2008
    give me more sam and max in the future. i really enjoy the episodic gaming format
  • edited March 2008
    Waitohooru wrote: »
    I'll never forgive LucasArts after what they did.
    you have to get over it. it is their loss.
    Jake wrote: »
    There's not a lot stopping us from making a "full crazy game." We did two of them -- CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder, and CSI: Hard Evidence (buy them today!).
    how shameless...:eek:...i still have the feeling that there will be a full scale sam&max game from telltale someday. some stories are simply to big for episodic gaming and eventually someone will have the idea for such a story...or maybe it already exists.
  • edited March 2008
    I still consider Freelance Police to be an existing Sam & Max game even though it may be lost forever. As sad as it was to see it go, it was kind of like taking one for the team. It had to happen it order to have what we do now. If the Sam & Max license was still in the hands of Lucasarts the game would have come and gone (which would be awesome) but after that it would probably be dead for many years afterwards. With Telltale we get a much better deal, even if we had to wait a bit longer. We get more consistancy and gaming and a company who really cares about it's fans.
    Live on!
  • edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    some stories are simply to big for episodic gaming and eventually someone will have the idea for such a story...or maybe it already exists.
    Somewhere in San Rafael, this may be all happening right now
    *cut to quick shots of the Desoto zooming past*
    Telltale Games and Steve Purcell the man who brought you Hit the Road now bring you an adventure unlike anything on your planet....
    STAR W-er...SAM AND MAX!
  • edited March 2008
    Steve said in a making of interview somewhere that if there was a chance to ever do a bigger Sam & Max story in some form he'd like to use "Plunge through space"
  • edited March 2008
    I totally disagree that there are stories that are 'too big' for an episodic format. :) In fact I think breaking larger stories into smaller pieces is a great way to keep things interesting- it keeps people on the edge of their seat for the next part!
  • edited March 2008
    I totally disagree that there are stories that are 'too big' for an episodic format. :) In fact I think breaking larger stories into smaller pieces is a great way to keep things interesting- it keeps people on the edge of their seat for the next part!

    Cliffhanger serials for the win!
  • edited March 2008
    tobar wrote: »
    Cliffhanger serials for the win!

    yeah then you will end up with how most tv series do, keep doing cliffhanger after cliffhanger and suddenly they shut it down, and have to do some weak shitty end, in one episode where you get all the loose ends answered. happened to far to many good tv series. .

    And some stories are best told as big, i for one could not see the fun amazing and crazy storie in Sam & Max Htr being told in smaller pieces. It was to great for that. all the great characters and all the fun places to go. that game will always hold a speciel place in my heart :)

    sometimes i wish i was very rich, because then i would order a firm to make me a Sam & Max game :) and by rich meaning something like Bill Gates hehe
  • edited March 2008
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    yeah then you will end up with how most tv series do, keep doing cliffhanger after cliffhanger and suddenly they shut it down, and have to do some weak shitty end, in one episode where you get all the loose ends answered. happened to far to many good tv series. .

    That's more due to bad planning than anything. :)

    And I could see Hit the Road serialized- stumbling upon a new and more kitsch tourist trap with every episode!
  • edited March 2008
    I would like to read what the game was about, much like what Steve did in revealing some stuff about the cancelled space action S&M game.

    I love the idea of having a fake Sam and Max. Hopefully, TT recycles that idea in a future episode; Rather than the fakes being human imposters, I would love to see the cartoon versions of Sam and Max appearing in an ep as evil clones. the guy who did the voice of Max for season 1, episode 1 sounds just like the voice actor who did the cartoon Max. I wonder if any of the TT Sam and Max voice actors can pull off the voice of cartoon Sam.

    As some of you can tell, I want to see a cross over of the cartoon Sam and Max in the game; I don't think the idea is in copyright terriority because the voices would sound similar and they wouldn't have to have cartoon only characters appearing in the ep.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    As long as it was the Sam from that episode with the inter-dimensional wristwatch, where Sam ended up not being Freelance Police, but instead owning Sam's Discount Pet Wash. He seemed so content in that job.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Hee. That's actually the only episode I've seen.

    Someone emailed in last week that we should add Lorne - the friend for life to the games. I didn't know what to say to that, so I didn't write back. :o
  • edited March 2008
    Tsk, tsk Emily tsk, tsk.....

    Hey wait a second....Jake what did you do with that copy Brian sent you? *eyes Jake*
  • edited March 2008
    he probably sold it on ebay, like everyone else...just kidding, he's one of the good guys..
    I totally disagree that there are stories that are 'too big' for an episodic format. :)
    okay, but how about "to big for a single episode, but not big enough for a whole season" or something? serialized stories can of course become a lot more epic than a single piece of fiction, but if not done properly, like the tv stuff that was mentioned before, it may become boring at some point.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    tobar wrote: »
    Tsk, tsk Emily tsk, tsk.....

    Hey wait a second....Jake what did you do with that copy Brian sent you? *eyes Jake*

    Heh! It's hangin out on my DVD shelf.
  • edited March 2008
    I saw a group of people in youtube who said that the episodic series was not as good as SaM freelance police (which nobody ever played btw), and they made a petition to finish it. I've never seen any petition that ever worked, so i think that was pointless.

    I'm actually glad that freelance police has been cancelled. I think that if SaM FP had been released that time, nobody today would remember them as much. Everybody loves a comeback hero, especially if there are 2 of them.

    And is it true that the story was about the statue of liberty being stolen, put on the moon, and was turned into a casino? I've read about it somewhere...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Yeah, I have a copy of the DVD, just haven't had time to watch the whole thing yet.
  • edited March 2008
    Considering the "Friend for Life" episode was written by Steve, you could probably get away with that. Man, I'd love to see Lorne- THE FRIEND FOR LIIIFE!- again.... what tha hell? :D
  • edited March 2008
    He was in two of his own episodes also!
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    The real question is, who on these forums would best play the character...? :D
  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    As long as it was the Sam from that episode with the inter-dimensional wristwatch, where Sam ended up not being Freelance Police, but instead owning Sam's Discount Pet Wash. He seemed so content in that job.

    LOL I can see how that can work if you guys put it in a future episode. I mean, inter-dimensional Sam's motive could be running some sort of illegal pet kidnapping operation by going to the normal S&M world and kidnapping rats or people (which are extinct in his dimension) to sell for a profit at his world.
  • edited March 2008
    "It may be lost forever"? Did LucasArts erase the original code for that game? Because if they did... :mad:
  • edited March 2008
    no, they are probably keeping it in their wine cellar and wait until it has aged to perfection...
  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    As long as it was the Sam from that episode with the inter-dimensional wristwatch, where Sam ended up not being Freelance Police, but instead owning Sam's Discount Pet Wash. He seemed so content in that job.
    "A Glitch in Time"
  • edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    no, they are probably keeping it in their wine cellar and wait until it has aged to perfection...

    I'm pretty sure they were drinking something, and it ain't wine, my friend...
  • edited March 2008
    I’d really like a big game….
    But I love the episodes.
    Playing SaM Season one and two was like Christmas every month tom me!!!
    You know… always looking forward to it.
    And (unlike Christmas) satisfying every time!

    Btw. Are we ever going to see the Soda Poppers again?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Btw. Are we ever going to see the Soda Poppers again?

    Why? Are you a lover or a hater?
  • edited March 2008
    I like the Soda Poppers!
    They are kinda anoying, but in a funny way!
    You couls say I'm a lover, though that's a bit much!
    But I am definitely not a hater

    I like them, and I want to see them again
  • edited March 2008
    Seriously, I want to know whether or not LucasArts erased the original code for the cancelled game, and whether or not they still have the rights to it.

    I hope someone from Telltale sheds some light on the subject...
  • edited March 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Why? Are you a lover or a hater?

    Lover. One more vote for their resurrection! After all, someone has to lead the US after President Max' eventual impeachment...
  • jmmjmm
    edited March 2008
    THEM? Again?!!

    Using the words of a very wise person... KILL'EM KILL'EM KILL'EM!
This discussion has been closed.