Favorite Quotes, episode 204

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
Let's hear em...

Max: With all the general malice I have to get done in a day, I just don't have time for women.


  • edited March 2008
    Sam: Why are we here, Max?
    Max: Because we both failed our college entrance exams.
    Sam: I meant, why did the time machine bring us here. And, you didn't fail yours, you ate it.
    Max: Which resulted in a fail. A clear case of cultural bias.


    Sam: Let's get back to work.
    Max: Having a time machine means tons of billable hours.


    The "1780s" bit was a nice touch, as well.

    Edit: Got the quote wrong... oops.
  • edited March 2008
    Max: "This is not my beautiful house!"

    Flint: "Are you a bad enough president to save the dude?"

    Everything that Senile Sam says.

    Max: "It'll be our Colin Firth Day!"
    Mariachi: "Oh, you guys!"
  • edited March 2008
    Nobody ever spots the other awesome lyric joke...

    SAM: "Which mariachi are you?"
    CAPTAIN: "Oh, no soy mariachi. Soy capitan."
    MAX: "Soy capitan?"
    CAPTAIN: "Soy capitan."
  • edited March 2008
    Past Sam: I can't shoot my future self!
  • edited March 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Nobody ever spots the other awesome lyric joke...

    SAM: "Which mariachi are you?"
    CAPTAIN: "Oh, no soy mariachi. Soy capitan."
    MAX: "Soy capitan?"
    CAPTAIN: "Soy capitan."

    How did I miss that!? Hahahahaha, nice!
  • edited March 2008
    Mariachi: "Pedro"? Boy, you people from the past are backwards. You think just because I am mariachi with the big sombrero and mustache I'm some two dimensional cultural stereotype?
    Sam: You're right, I've been insensitive. We're Sam & Max, Freelance Police. What's your name?
    Mariachi: Hehe, I'm just kidding. My name really is Pedro.


    Sam: What a waste. What a senseless waste! [...] Spilt milk!
  • edited March 2008
    BANANG!,what else? :p

    Sam: It says "The code is in my head".
    Max: We better find it soon then. It must be getting lonely...

    Sam: I'll bet we can find Bosco's trail if we just repeat everything he did.
    Max: All right, foo'! I'll start by buying a convenience store and standing in it until the music turns me into a delusional maniac.
    Sam: And I'll start wearing tight fitting t-shirts. Ready? Go!

    Sam's comment about the towel in momma Bosco's toilet: Oh,the germs look so young! :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited March 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Nobody ever spots the other awesome lyric joke...

    SAM: "Which mariachi are you?"
    CAPTAIN: "Oh, no soy mariachi. Soy capitan."
    MAX: "Soy capitan?"
    CAPTAIN: "Soy capitan."

  • edited March 2008
    "Time Stream altered.... jackass..." :D It never gets old.

    Sam: We killed your dog.
    Superball: I'm surprised, sir.
    Max: You are?
    Superball: Yes, I'm surprised you tried that again. That one never works.

    ^took me a second to realize you guys were refferancing 201.

    Grandpa Stinky: I'd like to meet the man who has the guts to try and murder me!
    Max: Hi, I'm Max!
  • MelMel
    edited March 2008
    The one quote/joke that everyone is raving about - Banang. I have no idea what that means. No I haven't played 204 yet (heck, I haven't played 202 or 203 yet for that matter).

    What is banang referring to? :confused:
  • edited March 2008
    Banang is a fruit-filled beverage. It's in 202, and shows up again in 204. (Is it in 203? *shrug*)
  • edited March 2008
    Right at the start of the game, this cracked me up the most:

    "We're going to have to put all of our detective knowledge together to solve this case."
    *the three of them think for a moment, then pull out their guns and start blasting everything*

    God, that cracked me up.
  • edited March 2008
    I played through it again to see the rest of the Banang joke... my gods, that was fantastic! Major kudos to the animators!
  • edited March 2008
    I missed the Banang joke the first time, only clicked it once. That had me in stitches.

    Sam: It says "suck"
    Max: By the looks of this place, someone has been pushing the hell out of it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I played through it again to see the rest of the Banang joke... my gods, that was fantastic! Major kudos to the animators!

    Muaha that was Nick with my assistance.
  • edited March 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Nobody ever spots the other awesome lyric joke...

    SAM: "Which mariachi are you?"
    CAPTAIN: "Oh, no soy mariachi. Soy capitan."
    MAX: "Soy capitan?"
    CAPTAIN: "Soy capitan."
    I got that one. :D

  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Muaha that was Nick with my assistance.
    ..but it would have not worked without the proper voiceacting.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    ..but it would have not worked without the proper voiceacting.

    Oh, definitely. The only reason the other clicks are in there at all is because Nick was sitting at his desk busting up at the voice read. As written the line was already funny and weird, and then it got beaten up until it was dead.

    I don't know if I have a favorite quote from 204, but I though the whole
    Mariachi song
    was really awesome. It wasn't as spontaneous as the war song, just by nature, but I thought it was one of the most nice looking and well produced cutscenes in our games, and I thought it was awesome how, like a genuine classic musical number, it advanced the plot and had a bunch of mini stories going on in it amidst the song and dance. Also it managed to, for me, make the mariachis seem really creepy for a few minutes there. My hat is off to Daniel Herrera for the cutscene work, to Chuck for the writing, Jared for the song, and Dave Bogan and the animation team for all the insane stuff the mariachis do during the number.

    Also pretty much anything with the ship's computer in its various non-default moods, and anything with kid Sam & Max made my day.
  • edited March 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Max: "This is not my beautiful house!"

    Flint: "Are you a bad enough president to save the dude?"

    Everything that Senile Sam says.

    Max: "It'll be our Colin Firth Day!"
    Mariachi: "Oh, you guys!"

    Aw, man, I was totally gonna post all of this! *shakes fist*

    I was also cracking up at everything Past Sam, and I had to go back and see the Banang thing after seeing all the posts about it. That had me in stitches! :D
  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Oh, definitely. The only reason the other clicks are in there at all is because Nick was sitting at his desk busting up at the voice read. As written the line was already funny and weird, and then it got beaten up until it was dead.

    I don't know if I have a favorite quote from 204, but I though the whole
    Mariachi song
    was really awesome.

    Watching the VAs (I can't remember their names at the moment) recording the Banang gag must have been pure hilarity. :p

    Also, I agree about the
    Mariachi song
    . That's one hell of a way to explain everything. :D

    It must have been pretty hard to sing, too. (Switching tempos 3 or 4 times, switching back and forth from spanish to english)
  • edited March 2008
    Mariachi song
    was good, it definitely looked more polished than the war song. Unfortunately I could make out a lot of the song so I missed a lot of the explanation, and unlike the war song the game didn't autosave just before so I couldn't go back and watch it again with subtitles. But never mind, I picked most of it up afterwards anyway.
  • edited March 2008
    wait...i thought it autosaved every time you got back to the ship...? It shouldn't have been too long between that and going to the adjacent room...
  • edited March 2008
    I'm at work right now, but if someone could post all of the things Sam wants to patent (when talking to Superball 2008), that'd be great. All of those had me in stitches.
  • edited March 2008
    Sam : Where we're going, we don't need... coats.

    Great Back to the Future reference :)
  • edited March 2008
    Sam: Steel piñatas? People of the future are kinda missing the point.

    Max: This must be just what Thomas Edison felt like.
    Sam: Minus the stealing and time travel, of course.
    Max: Oh, Sam, you're so naive.
  • edited March 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Nobody ever spots the other awesome lyric joke...
    SAM: "Which mariachi are you?"
    CAPTAIN: "Oh, no soy mariachi. Soy capitan."
    MAX: "Soy capitan?"
    CAPTAIN: "Soy capitan."
    I liked that one too! :D (Shouldn't it be "Yo no soy mariachi", though?)

    La Bamba, Glenn Miller... do you guys listen to any music made after the invention of the electric guitar?
  • edited March 2008
    It might be there... I paraphrased from memory :)
  • edited March 2008
    I'm not a sailor! I'm not a sailor! I'm captain! I'm captain! I'm captain!

    True lyrical genius... :p
  • edited March 2008
    Sam: What do you think a Time Card to The Beginning of Time would look like?
    Max: Uh, I dunno, I'm drawing a blank.

    LOL So obvious, and still so funny.
  • edited March 2008
    The aforementioned patent ideas:

    "It's for a baby carriage that rocks itself, using a motor powered by angry bees."
    "It's a formula for cat litter that explodes when it comes into contact with urine."
    "It's a perpetual motion engine driven by racial tension." <-- (my favorite)
    "Colostomy bags made of bubble wrap. As much fun to pop as they are to wear!"
  • edited March 2008
    My fav is the Stinky and Max line quoted near the beginning of this topic. I sure if the game was recording my response time for picking things to say for some reason
    (like to use for the past Sam on the ship joke)
    , then that moment would have caused me to have a 3 minute delay or something. I was laughing that hard!
  • jmmjmm
    edited March 2008
    Superball: "Look for the Telltale signs: All communists are double-jointed in their necks and elbows"... wtf? :D

    Future Outside the Window guy: "Get a laser gun you neanderthals"
  • edited March 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    Superball: "Look for the Telltale signs: All communists are double-jointed in their necks and elbows"... wtf? :D

    It's a joke about anti-communist propaganda, which was prevalent in America in the mid-twentieth century. For further reading, consult your local library. *cue Wishbone theme song* :p
  • edited March 2008
    Boscow: Moo.
    Sam: What was that?
    Boscow: I said, “Moo,” fool!

    Suggestive AI: Mmmmm....time stream altered.

    Max: I think it all goes back to that time we were...
    Max: No flashback? Hmm, OK. It's been ever since junior high.
  • KlnKln
    edited March 2008
    Present Sam (trying to convince 1980's Sam to stop being a nerd): You'll get a great car, a big gun...

    1980's Sam : Will I get as fat as you?

    Pr. Sam *draws gun*

    AI : Temporal Anomaly detected

    Pr. Sam (while drawing back) : you got lucky, punk!

    He was about to shoot himself XD

    And also :
    (I don't remember what was Sam talking about, but it was about how Max was not interested in girls)

    Max: I never realised you cared so much about me, Sam...

    AI : Temporal anomaly de...

    Sam : Shut up!

    I don't know why, but I was sure this kind of joke would come out one day or another.
  • edited March 2008
    Are these quotes? Anyway i really liked:

    1) T.H.E.M. & Bosco (in the 204 trailer): "We are not amused. Ahhh, can't talk, gotta go..."
    2) Old Sam "I can't use these two things together." (Although did he really say "two" like Commander Boston Low? I can't remember exactly...)
    3) The Mariachi boss when commenting on how he'll die: "?" (Can't remember what he said but it made me laugh out loud.)
  • edited March 2008
    Can't believe nobody mention Old Sam gasping for air but still able to complete one of his long-winded OMG sentences.
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    I can't put the finger on why, but that suggestive AI voice really gave me Frank-N-Furter vibes...
  • edited March 2008
    mre wrote: »
    I can't put the finger on why, but that suggestive AI voice really gave me Frank-N-Furter vibes...

    Hm, the AI voices reminded me more of HAL.
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