Does "The Walking Dead: 400 Days" have an official release date?
It's known that it's coming out sometime during the summer but is it possible to know something more specific?
I'm really excited for this new episode.
I'm really excited for this new episode.
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That's awesome, I can't wait to play it, although when I finish it I'll be like "I want moar!!".
that's 'early july'
This is one of the games that I don't mind supporting digitally (I prefer physical games) because it's a masterpiece of a game!
10th would be early to mid, so hopefully THIS week, like right now, right this second!
What they're waiting for right now is for Sony and Microsoft to put their OK stamps on the product and we're set to go. But unless those stamps aren't on the episode, they just could not announce a fixed date like Robert up there hopes.
Don't get your hopes up too high that everything works out 100% peachy and as estimated. As for the idea that it still might come out tomorrow or on Wednesday, errr, you might at least want to take that champagne out of the fridge again. Early next week is still a good guess - but a guess it is.
Exactly! We're not keeping it a secret to torture you or anything... although that DOES kinda sound like fun...
We'll let you guys know as soon as we can, promise!
Only if you need the space for beer or something.
(That's not a hint, I just like having that stuff in the fridge!)
lol i DEMAND that puzzlebox tell us more right noa or we all start a rumour that he is gay or something! XD
yeah i can confirm via a previous post puzzle is of woman folk persuasion plus i did see the live twitch feeds
Excuse me while i apply deoderant
[everyone puts the champagne back in the fridge]
"Ruairi46 will remember that"
=0 Beer will make you fat.
First platforms hit this week!
"NNOOOOOO I'V GOT TO WAIT TIL THE 10TH, Fuck it! *Downs vodka* " -And thats how Tomi021 went insain.