Season 2 = The Far Flung Future?

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
It seems strange in terms of continuity and how it would fit in with 400 Days, but I have a feeling season 2 could take place at least a couple of years, maybe even decades, into the future.

Admittedly, this video with Sean Vanaman, a key Walking Dead writer, and Peter Molyneux is my only source of evidence for this. Look at 1:08:50:

"Telltale's doing Season 2 of the Walking Dead...really some exciting, just sort of long future narrative stuff that I think is gonna be really cool."

"Who you are, and what you want and what you're doing and what happens to you I think is gonna be bonkers...something special." An older Clementine, perhaps?

Then at about the 1:18:00 mark, Molyneux is talking about what it would actually be like if 99% of the population disappeared and an apocalypse actually did happen. Then he asks "How long would it take nature to come back?"

To which Vanaman replies: "Those are the things -- Season 2 might be -- might be -- I think you should -- experience it....." He clearly can't talk about it but it seems that he could be hinting at nature retaking the world, obviously meaning it takes place far in the future. Though this might be too similar to The Last of Us (amazing game, btw.)

Anyway, that's all I've got. Not much to go on but it's coming from the lead writer and some of the stuff definitely seems to be hinting at Season 2 of The Walking Dead taking place far in the future, perhaps with an older Clementine as the protagonist. To me, that sounds pretty incredible.


  • edited July 2013
    No. The game is canon to the comics, and it cannot skip ahead of the current continuity. Roughly 2 years have passed in the comics, so if there's a time skip (which I highly doubt), it will not go past two years.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2013
    I must say, I concur with Zeruis. As much freedom as Telltale has in making their own TWD stories with their own characters, this idea infringes on the 'official' future of the franchise world. In essence, if they started a few years in the future, yet in essentially the same situation as Season 1 would mean that Telltale dictates to Kirkman that his world remain static. He wouldn't allow this, I'm afraid.

    We don't necessarily have to go that far into the future though. After all, we all know that humanity decreases in numbers rapidly. And we also know that the zombie population, after its initially certainly impressive rise, can only go downhill in the meantime. They aren't perfectly 'immortal', their heads are coveted trophies, they're so stupid that they regularly get themselves killed and lastly - they do not reproduce. So the described situation could be far nearer than Molyneux thinks. ;)
  • edited July 2013
    That and Kirkmen and Telltale do not have the best track record after road to Woodbury.
  • edited July 2013
    on the playing dead vid they hinted that season 2 is pretty close if not straight after the events of season 1 or some vid they did :P

    it would make sense to give us more deets on clem's solo path even if it is mostly a cut scene with qte moments then we take on a 400 days style arc different people need different things doing 'we do them all' allows for story changes and options getting to the end which hopefully will have some differences 2 or 3 would be fine with me
  • edited July 2013
    If it's right after season 2 then I would be a very happy man, if not I am still cool I just would prefer it be after Lee's untimely death.
  • edited July 2013
    another thing i'd like to see in season 2 is more chances to actually kill or at least deal with more of the bad guys instead of them just 'dying' or disapearing/getting lost off screen.

    like larry and the stranger.

    vernon was a prime candidate for revenge :P
  • edited July 2013
    Well it seems to late for Vernon but there are others who die under are hands.
  • edited July 2013
    our hands are a bit tied :P

    some of the rage we see on these forums towards certain enemy's / villians/ pain in the ass and all the death threats people throw out do sometimes go unresolved! so some of us a bit pent up..

    yes it would be a bit predictable and thus mixing it up is good keeps us guessing but sometimes those guys need an ass kickin who's with me ?
  • edited July 2013
    I got a feeling most of those death threats came from me, Lilly still needs to die, I don't care who or how just that it happens at some point in the Walking dead across any medium.
  • edited July 2013
    well guys I see it this way....TTG said that season 1 will affect 400 days and that 400 days will affect season 2. In my opinion it could be that clementine reunites with omid and christa or maybe the new chars in 400 days will find clementine and the story will continue from there...What do you say on this uptake ?
  • edited July 2013
    400 days is enough time for nature to start retaking the cities especially over a summer or possibly two summers (not quite sure on the timing) there is also evidence that certain animals have begun to adapt like the puppy in Shel's story
  • edited July 2013
    Making all 5 characters from 400 days go with Tavia is not really the "good ending" that some people would think.

    Maybe in Season 2, we'll be playing as a new character. Most of the characters who are still alive or has an "unknown" status from Season 1 and 400 days will play major roles and our character will be able to interact or at least see them.

    And no, I don't think Clementine, Tavia, or any of the 5 playable characters in 400 days will be playable.
  • edited July 2013
    Nuclear Power plants like few decades of no maintenance. Gives them plenty of time to do their meltdown.

    Point is, place story to few years from now and there would be bigger problems than bandits. Also most zombies would have already turned to useless junk.
  • edited July 2013
    Zeruis wrote: »
    No. The game is canon to the comics, and it cannot skip ahead of the current continuity. Roughly 2 years have passed in the comics, so if there's a time skip (which I highly doubt), it will not go past two years.

    You always seem to make sense when I read one of your post. Not bad.... for a Mundy. :p
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