I think Kenny and Nate would be a great team up *whispers* "Like my awesome avatar picture that no one has commented on apart from Bio and WalkingDeadFan23 (what can I call you for short)..... Yet"
I think Kenny and Nate would be a great team up *whispers* "Like my awesome avatar picture that no one has commented on apart from Bio and WalkingDeadFan23 (what can I call you for short)..... Yet"
As much as I like both, I'm pretty sure they'd kill each other in a matter of seconds if they ever met lol.
This is not Nate news but this is for Team Kenny Always, and any Kenny fan, I was playing Minecraft and I thought of making a fort, and naming it Fort Everett, and having in be under the flag of Team Kenny, and I just finished it.
This is not Nate news but this is for Team Kenny Always, and any Kenny fan, I was playing Minecraft and I thought of making a fort, and naming it Fort Everett, and having in be under the flag of Team Kenny, and I just finished it.
I thought it was nice, the flag had a large black Stache in the center, with a Kenny hat on top facing in the direction of the Stache, I did the best I could and it turned out pretty good.
I thought it was nice, the flag had a large black Stache in the center, with a Kenny hat on top facing in the direction of the Stache, I did the best I could and it turned out pretty good.
This is not Nate news but this is for Team Kenny Always, and any Kenny fan, I was playing Minecraft and I thought of making a fort, and naming it Fort Everett, and having in be under the flag of Team Kenny, and I just finished it.
for me and Kenny fans, happy tears, happy sad face if that makes sense.
I thought it was nice, the flag had a large black Stache in the center, with a Kenny hat on top facing in the direction of the Stache, I did the best I could and it turned out pretty good.
I want to see it too, take your time TeamKennyAlways can wait for anything Kenny related.
Mister Owl, what would you rate that Slammin' walker? Lets find out! 1, 2, ,3 ,4, 5
I'm back.
I was been chinese-American manager not to speak.
Huh,It's badass.
Uh.......Doom Saber isn't in?
I have send PM.Please check out.:)
It won't let me respond
Ahahah oh how did he get banned?
Oh ok
But back on topic, What are more of your guys' thoughts on Nate?
As much as I like both, I'm pretty sure they'd kill each other in a matter of seconds if they ever met lol.
Awesome!!! Post it on here!!!
I want to see it too, take your time TeamKennyAlways can wait for anything Kenny related.
Agreed 100% Nate is the best character in the dlc.
I agree!
Triple combo!
How relatable? Strong six?
Relatable? If you say five I'm gonna flip!