Rank the Best story of 400 days from best to worst.

Hey guys ,
Just curious as to what you all thought was your favourite and less favourite story from best to worst , mine is :
1: Wyatt
2: Vince:
3: Russell
4: Bonnie
5: Shel
I just liked the scene in Wyatts story , the chase , the suspense and the fog is an amazing surrounding , very well put together.
The Bus with Vince's story was well put as well , something different and Vince is without a doubt the best character out of the 5 .
Russell's for some reason was funny to me , I think Nate's character is pretty well done and while it is crazy it's funny at the same time.
Bonnies was pretty suspenseful , the cornfield chase was pretty intense and the whole affair thing really is well put , it's interesting to note how many people lied instead of telling the truth about killing Dee by mistake .
I didn't really like Shels story , I don't know it just didn't click to me , dull and Becca seems like a Clementine rip off . It didn't have that one thing in it like the others did that made you enjoy it .
Just curious as to what you all thought was your favourite and less favourite story from best to worst , mine is :
1: Wyatt
2: Vince:
3: Russell
4: Bonnie
5: Shel
I just liked the scene in Wyatts story , the chase , the suspense and the fog is an amazing surrounding , very well put together.
The Bus with Vince's story was well put as well , something different and Vince is without a doubt the best character out of the 5 .
Russell's for some reason was funny to me , I think Nate's character is pretty well done and while it is crazy it's funny at the same time.
Bonnies was pretty suspenseful , the cornfield chase was pretty intense and the whole affair thing really is well put , it's interesting to note how many people lied instead of telling the truth about killing Dee by mistake .
I didn't really like Shels story , I don't know it just didn't click to me , dull and Becca seems like a Clementine rip off . It didn't have that one thing in it like the others did that made you enjoy it .
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2. Russell
3. Bonnie
4. Shel
5. Wyatt
2. Shel
3. Russell
4. Wyatt
5. Bonnie
3.) Russel
4.) Wyatt
5.) Bonnie
2.) Russel
3.) Shel
4.) Bonnie
5.) Wyatt (I liked it but it was really short)
2 - Wyatt. The suspense and the duo's wit was the compelling part of this story. Sadly, I'd forgotten I mad music OFF the last time I played. I played the first three episodes in silence.
(Tie)3 - Shel. I love Shel and Russel because these two stories have suspense while questioning, "What is still right in this world?"
(Tie)3 - Russel.
4 - Bonnie. Don't get me wrong. This was a great story, I just liked the other ones better.
1. Shel. I find her story to be realistic in terms of what you are willing to do to protect your group versus keeping your humanity.
2. Russell: I like the suspense in this story. I knew Nate was fishy and wanted to see how it played out throughout this story.
3. Vince: Good story. Fuck Wall Street. However, I didn't click too much with the big choice. As a renegade Commander Shepard from Mass Effect would say: "You're a criminal. I have no problems shooting criminals."
4. Wyatt: I love the suspense near the end, especially with the argument on who wants to go out. I'm just not a big fan of potheads so I didn't relate to the two.
5. Bonnie: The end was an awesome WTF moment.
Shel > Russell > Wyatt > Bonnie > Vince
Vince's was too short for me to enjoy it nearly as much as the others. Also, since I initially didn't hit Dee because I recognized her silhouette, I was annoyed that it was a But Thou Must scenario and I had to kill her.
Wyatt's was good, and I really liked the dynamic between him and Eddie. I liked Russell's more, though, as the decisions felt more serious somehow. It felt more like a payoff to have stood up to Nate at the end for me (even though I had liked him as a character.)
And Shel's just felt the most like Season 1, along with the decisions being very real. It really felt like my decisions made an impact, especially with the time skip and realizing that my letting the guy go had gotten Boyd killed.
2. Tie between Russell and Vince. Again, the interactions with Danny and Justin were pretty good. It seemed like they had a bit of a "Three Musketeers" thing going before everything went to hell, and it was suspenseful when the cops abandoned the gang and walkers came on the bus. I decided to shoot Danny because it was his idea, and it didn't seem fair to make Justin go through something like that when he obviously didn't want to.
For Russell, I liked the way Nate was crazy. The scene where he rolled down the window and the music picked up was really well done. And immediately after you know you can't trust him, you get into a shootout with Nate being the only person you can count on. Then he actually demonstrates he CAN be trusted when he means it, and I started to like him even though he was a whackjob. Then he goes straight to insane again inside, which actually seemed pretty in-character for him to pull a 180 from dependable to crazy like that.
3. Shel. Finding out what happened to the Cancer Survivors was nice, and her story might have been rated higher if they had played a more active role in the episode. They just seemed to be "there", and I really didn't like Becca at all. She was stupid, and wouldn't have survived without Shel and the group protecting her with the way she likes to leave the safety of the camp, even when the group had been ATTACKED and one of them had died.
$. Bonnie. I'm not saying that it was bad, but it just didn't click with me like the others. The scene going through the field was good, especially since I had played Shel's chapter first and recognized Stephanie and Roman from her chapter. I don'tknow what it was, I just didn't like it as much as the other stories. It was surprising, though, to see that most people lied about Dee when confronted by Leland. I told the truth.
1) Shel
2) Bonnie
3) Russel
4) Wyatt
5) Vince
1. Russell. Despite the fact that I have nothing in common with him, I found him to be the most relatable. I could imagine myself in his shoes, seeing the truck coming down the road and not knowing whether to hide or not.
Having grown up with scary stories designed to deter me from hitch-hiking, I just got the creeps from Nate from the get go. He's this wildcard... You don't know exactly what he's capable of, but you suspect the worst, even when he's laughing and joking about girls.
2. Shel. It had more depth than the others. Roman could easily have been a Governor-esque crazy-pants... But he actually comes off as fairly rational. He is just coldly determined to survive, no matter what the cost. Brutal, but not cruel.
3. Vince. It's a shame this story was so short, because Vince seems very likeable.
4. Bonnie. It had some great tension, and an awesome "what have I done?!" moment. Dee was a total bitch, even when lying in a field with her head caved in.
5. Wyatt. Plodding through the fog was quite tense! But the pothead duo schtick wasn't something I find all that entertaining.
2. Bonnie
3. Wyatt
4. Russell
5. Vince (way too short)
2.Bonnie was also very interesting and romancing wise
3.Vince i liked the prison bus
4.Wyatt nothing that interesting but it had some cool dialogue
5.Russell not bad, i enjoyed it a lot also, but didn't enjoy as much as i hoped
Same here! I felt she was way too much of a brat.
I must say it's actually hard to rate them. Part of what makes them hard to rate is the way it goes in and out doesn't make you perhaps feel as much for the individual characters but at the same time it's what I think makes the short stories work. Being in the moment and playing as I felt that person was is an interesting experience especially when you don't have the full story there to guide you.
I like Bonnie's story most because it's uncomfortable, especially the way it kinda caught me off guard. I think it's probably why I lied, secretly I was hoping that Bonnie would be forced to strangle Dee to death because Dee was making too much noise.
With Shel I liked how Becca was, reminded me of Molly and I must admit that I did at first think it was some Molly type situation between Becca and Roman which would explain so much and be very unpleasant to think about.
I think the story with Russel was well written; I was always somewhere between liking Nate and hating him.
Vince as a character was awesome but for me it was kinda obvious where his story was going for me which didn't make the way it ended anything special. I did the like the dialog between the three of them though.
I'm torn with Wyatt's story only because it's probably the most easily relatable. Everyone has friends they'd stick to even though they probably did something stupid. The chatter between them is the highlight though I think the way it ended on my first run is what probably made me not like the story as much, perhaps it's cause the ending of it is what would most likely happen which is kinda sad.
Both of the major decisions were super difficult to make. I felt sort of responsible for Stephanie's fate and figured, well, if she's got to die, maybe Shel should be the one to handle it. They're friends, after all, and maybe they would get a chance to talk?
But ultimately, I knew that things were going to end poorly for Stephanie no matter what I did. And it's a better decision for Becca if Shel gets her the hell out of that miserable, dead-end, totalitarian camp then to stick around and wait for things to get worse.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Shel and Becca's relationship play out in Season 2.
2. Bonnie - This was awesome. The twist that the guy she's flirting with at the beginning is married is brilliant, and it's cool that the choices are either to feel guilty and want to ward off his advances or further the wedge between him and his wife. The fact that the end throws both of those other characters out the window is a bit lame, though. I was looking forward to seeing the situation play out further instead of abruptly ending.
3. Vince - It's cool to play out a conversation that happens in sort of a "pre-apocalypse" scenario (until the apocalypse intrudes, that is). I think Vince is a really interesting character. The fact that shooting off Danny's foot means that Vince won't join Tavia's party is super frustrating, though. He may be a convicted rapist, but he acts so much more empathetically than Justin, who seems kind of two-faced.
4. Wyatt - This was fun. Wyatt and Eddie are both kind of dumb slobs, but they're also pretty likable comic-relief characters. Unfortunately, almost nothing happens in the episode and it ends up being kind of dull.
5. Russell - This entire thing was just a bummer. Russell's not a bad character, but Nate was completely awful, irritating, and insane, and having to spend the mini-episode with him was a drag. Not to mention the ending feels anti-climactic as hell.
I loved the fight Leland and his wife got into, and was really thrilled by the hunting scene. Great work in such a short amount of time!
2. Shel
Actually a boring "episode" as such, but the choices displayed made it stand out in my opinion.
3. Wyatt
I liked the way Eddie was played against the player. I refused to play, or to discuss, as it would have been my real life choice as well. It really played a trick on my mind there.
4. Russell
Liked him, glad he's no Ben. Still he didn't want to join in the end... should I have been more of a psycho?
5. Vince
Vince is a really cool dude, still that episode was the least compelling to me. Lots of talking, but no immersion to the game. Also I didn't get why the chain would give way if you shoot someones leg off, or why the backdoor of a prison bus could suddenly be opened from the inside.
All in all, a great episode though... I'm curious as to what we actually decided...
2. Bonnie
3. Shel
4. Russell
5. Wyatt
2. Vince. Had a lot of good dialogue and the most difficult choice of any of the stories.
3. Russell. Was entertaining for the most part, but didn't feel like anything special.
4. Shel. Had some good parts, but felt a little too much like a stereotypical "We can't lose our humanity" morality tale.
5. Wyatt. I didn't really feel any connection to the characters and not much interesting really happened in this one.
2. Shel. Two hard choices.
3. Bonnie. I feel really sad for her.
4. Wyatt. I think Eddie is the protagonist rather than Wyatt..
5. Vince. It just reminds me of episode one; nothing fresh.
2.) Russell
3.) Vince
4.) Bonnie
5.) Wyatt
I thought this one was very well done despite being so short. Very character driven.
To be honest, I liked the idea of a "Broken" person getting their crap together after the end of the world. And the hiding in the corn rows part was pretty cool.
I liked the way this one was dialogue driven and then a zombie duck shoot. Shame Wyatt was a weaker character than his friend.
I'm not sure why, but I'm kinda neutral on this episode. I did like how it tied into Season 1. Not sure I'm believing how bloodthirsty Ca... I mean Becca is.
I'm not sure why, but the only thing I really liked about this episode is Crazy Nate.
You didnt Like dead Darley? ( doug/carly)
I did not feel Telltale is trying to make decisions matter YET AGAIN!
In the Shel episode,I decided to stay at the camp and not drive off, why would Shel and Becca leave? At the end of all the episodes, they were with the others. So let me ask this, why we making decisions if Telltale is just going to force our decisions against us?
PLEASE TELLTALE stop doing this!!
I give the game a solid 8/10
but I really have two issues. One as described above.
2nd Walking and moving around in the Shel episode was just brutal. Not only that, who wants to move around when not being able to see ahead of you, or it feeling like a very cheap game with the movement.
I love the series but just some minor things to try and correct. Id expect season 2 to be much better then season 1 , but who knows. They rushing too quick?
As far as the question on this topic goes.
My answer:
1: Vince
2: Wyatt
3: Shel---had potential to be the best, but movement caused too much of a headache.
4: Russell
5: Bonnie ---Cornfield stuff was real akward to move. Also killing Dee was so stupid. First off, why would Dee attack ? I died the first time from her. Why the hell she hunting down people? Last I saw her she ran into the forrest at the top of the hill, how in the hell are they both down the hill in the heat of the action?? BIG QUESTIONS!!!!! Story just seemed thrown together!
2.Vince I liked it just to quick
3.Russell I just liked Nate
4.Wyatt I didn't like the two ideas of two pot heads
5.Bonnie and I could see the Bonnie shocker moment from a mile away
I'm sorry.... what?
In Russell's story, if you shoose to hide when Nate is pulling up, Russell lands next to either Carley or Doug's dead body, depending on who Lilly killed in Season 1. Of course, it actually looks like a dead body has been lying there for months, with rotting skin, eyes eaten out by insects, and maggots crawling in their skin.
I had Russel stand his ground..... guess he'll be hiding next game.
It really is worth making Russ look like a wuss just to see it lol, i got a little bit emo at that moment, took me back to my initial reaction the first time i saw carly get shot XD
and you also get an achivment/trophy
2. Vince
3. Shel
4. Wyatt
5. Bonnie
I liked all of the stories, but I liked some far more than others.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... that's how you get that one. Thanks!
^ I have the same rankings. Shel made me have the most emotions, which is tough in a scenario this short, and being so desensitized I appreciate that. Russell's was tons of fun, as was Wyatt's (his was also a little bit actual horror, walking through the fog and what not). Bonnie's was slightly annoying but still a good story, and finally Vince's was hard to relate to at all but still of course good.
2) Shel- good
3) Russel- decent
4) Wyatt- decentish
5) Bonnie- hate this one.
1. Russell (Great balance between conversation and action - Nate has now replaced Kenny as my favourite character).
2. Vince (I hate Rapists, Paedos, Molesters and the like... but I was shocked to see myself save Danny - I've never really questioned my own choices before, so that's something).
3. Wyatt (I f***ing love Stoner Flicks, man. But still - I feel like it was wasted potential).
4. Shel (Meh... I just wasn't attached to 'Becca - Its like Carl had a Sex-Change or something).
5. Bonnie (Shocking. But again, still - Wasted Potential).
2. Shel
3. Vince
4. Waytt
5. Bonnie
The last three were mostly ranked for creativity/ tension. They did a lot with a little but they were still really short.
Russell's and Shel's were a bit beefier and as a result, had heavier choices.
I feel that Vince's chapter got me into it the most it was kind of intense and I enjoyed that,then having to choose who's foot to shoot off was pretty interesting,I ended up shooting Danny the rapist's foot off since well,he was a rapist.
Wyatt's drops you right into the action with a car chase,then you get to learn more about the characters through their chat,and they joke around a bit as well which I liked,then having a game of rock paper scissors was fun too,I ended up getting abandoned trying to take the cop with me though because of Nate.
Shel's chapter felt very peaceful at the start,it introduced me to the new characters really well I felt,and it seemed,well nice.Until the part with the puppy,that made me extremely sad,but I'm glad it did because I feel like the Walking Dead is supposed to make me feel that way.
The reason Russell is 4th on this list is because I simply found that I never got to see that much of Russell's personality,though I did like the "reunion" easter egg.
Bonnie is last on this list because I felt her story was a little,bland you could say,I did enjoy it,but not as much as the others,sorry.
It's really interesting to see how so many people call Danny a rapist. All in all he seemed to have a relationship with a fifteen year old girl, which, in most of western europe is actually legal.
I'm not saying that I approve, 'cause a 15 year old just can't cope with a (lets say) 30 year old (and the other way around), but rape and doing something consensual is clearly a different thing in my mind.