You shot Justin?

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
What shocked me really when I completed 400 days was the result saying 30% shot Danny. I know that he was kind of more like a person that stood up... true, but still he was a rapist. Justin pulled just a pyramid scheme. Also, just waving the gun a bit back and fourth led me to see that Danny seemed understanding when I pointed the gun at him. He saw why I had to shoot him instead of Justin. I have to admit that I though the guy I was shooting at first was the one I would free. And from what I understand by the ending dialogs. If you shoot Justin, Danny would still be dead for some other reason. If you shoot Danny, Justin is trying to find a save haven. Justin may actually play a role in season 2, while Danny won't. You know that Glenn used to steal cars, right? And he can lock-pick cars. So in a way, if you consider Justin bad, then Glenn is bad too. They where both stealing from others.


  • edited July 2013
    I don't understand it either. Even if he wasn't a rapist, I would have shot him. Mainly to avoid the awkwardness involved with stepping over Justin to the exit.
  • edited July 2013
    Danny seemed to be a bigger team-player while Justin seemed like someone who'd leave you behind first chance he gets, which he does later on.
  • edited July 2013
    Danny seemed braver (when he stopped the chubby cop from waving the gun around) and physically stronger than Justin so I didn't shoot him.
  • edited July 2013
    Huh,Just like The Darkness II "Frank or Eddie"
  • edited July 2013
    That1Guy wrote: »
    Danny seemed to be a bigger team-player while Justin seemed like someone who'd leave you behind first chance he gets, which he does later on.

  • edited July 2013
    To me, both their crimes were putting themselves above the majority. I don't want either of them in a ZA, so for me, avoiding the awkwardness is the way forwards.
  • edited July 2013
    Well... Danny proves to continue his bad stuff while Justin just goes of to find a safe haven. May actually turn out that Justin already is part of Tavia's group for what we know. That means if we decide to leave him alive.

    Beside... if people think Justin is bad... then Vince is worse. Murder goes above stealing anyway. Unless self defense, though. So then just pick Danny and get Vince excluded from joining the group too.

    Most have to mention that. However, don't forget that Lee was heading for prison also because of murder.
  • edited July 2013
    Justin stole money from people and doesn't feel any guilt or care about them, he's a douche-bag. Danny is a rapist who has a false sense of love for his victim, he's crazy and will most likely rape again and in a ZA with almost no more rules, he will have plenty of chances.

    Justin is the safer bet.
  • edited July 2013
    Yertos wrote: »
    Justin stole money from people and doesn't feel any guilt or care about them, he's a douche-bag. Danny is a rapist who has a false sense of love for his victim, he's crazy and will most likely rape again and in a ZA with almost no more rules, he will have plenty of chances.

    Justin is the safer bet.

    I don't think he loved the girl he raped. He probably just cheated on his girlfriend, who he says he loves, with her.
  • edited July 2013
    Yertos wrote: »
    Justin stole money from people and doesn't feel any guilt or care about them, he's a douche-bag. Danny is a rapist who has a false sense of love for his victim, he's crazy and will most likely rape again and in a ZA with almost no more rules, he will have plenty of chances.

    Justin is the safer bet.

    Hard to see what you mean by that. You choose to shoot one and leave with the other. Safer to shoot Justin or leave with him?
  • edited July 2013
    That1Guy wrote: »
    I don't think he loved the girl he raped. He probably just cheated on his girlfriend, who he says he loves, with her.

    After Danny said he misses her and she won't even speak to him or see him Justin says he probably ruined her life. I just assumed in Danny's mind he considered his victim his girlfriend. Could be wrong though.
    Arawanach wrote: »
    Hard to see what you mean by that. You choose to shoot one and leave with the other. Safer to shoot Justin or leave with him?

    Safer to leave with him.
  • edited July 2013
    Arawanach wrote: »
    Well... Danny proves to continue his bad stuff while Justin just goes of to find a safe haven. May actually turn out that Justin already is part of Tavia's group for what we know. That means if we decide to leave him alive.

    Beside... if people think Justin is bad... then Vince is worse. Murder goes above stealing anyway. Unless self defense, though. So then just pick Danny and get Vince excluded from joining the group too.

    Most have to mention that. However, don't forget that Lee was heading for prison also because of murder.
    I don't think Lee planned to kill the senator though. I think he lost his temper and killed him during a struggle. I don't remember hearing a gun shot when Lee had his nightmare about the incident whilst sleeping in the barn. I think the sound of broken glass was the sound of them brawling. The fact that he even has nightmares about it says something about how he felt about it where as Vince has the option to brag about being inside for killing someone. So I think with Lee it was a mistake and with Vince it was intentional. Hence why Lee wasn't in an orange jumpsuit going to a maximum security prison, shackled up like Vince but was just being escorted in a police car with handcuffs to a normal jail.
  • edited July 2013
    Yertos wrote: »
    Justin stole money from people and doesn't feel any guilt or care about them, he's a douche-bag. Danny is a rapist who has a false sense of love for his victim, he's crazy and will most likely rape again and in a ZA with almost no more rules, he will have plenty of chances.

    Justin is the safer bet.
    I agree. That's why I shot the rapist so he wouldn't be in the same world as Clementine or any of the other female characters I would grow to care about throughout the series.
  • edited July 2013
    Well, was the prison from the comics a maximum security or not, because I am not sure.
  • edited July 2013
    The first time, I died. I spent too long trying to find another way out, instead of shooting either of them. o.e Second time I chose Danny, because he was standing up to the guard and wanting to help the other prisoner. Third time I chose Justin, because he seemed to take time to think before doing something, and because(using outside knowledge, I'm afraid) Danny was guilty, going by russell's reaction to him, and he ends up dead anyway. He probably asked some zombie for help again.
  • edited July 2013
    I shot Danny and was happy as hell to. You don't build a group around a convicted kiddie rapist.

    Justin? I didn't have any angst when I learned he wasn't with the group anymore. But I'll take a conman over a rapist.
  • edited July 2013
    Well, was the prison from the comics a maximum security or not, because I am not sure.

    It's max security. Of the prison survivors the one who had the "smallest" crime was Axel who was an armed robber. The other survivors were murders, and the guy with glasses with a serial killer who hated and killed women. He's also the one the cop bringing Lee to jail talks about with the whole "Mama I didn't do it. Mama it's all a big mistake!"

    The prison survivors in the comics are:

    Dexter: Convicted Murder
    Andrew: Drug dealer conviction. (I'm not sure about it but that's what it says.)
    Axel: Armed Robery
    Thomas Richards: Serial killer. Claimed he was in jail for "tax fraud", but that was proved false after he killed Hershel's youngest twin daughters.
  • edited July 2013
    I knew who the prisoners were, so if it is also a maximum security prison, then why is Lee not on that bus and instead in the back of a police car?
  • edited July 2013
    I knew who the prisoners were, so if it is also a maximum security prison, then why is Lee not on that bus and instead in the back of a police car?

    My guess and it's a cop out. Storyline reasons. Maybe he is being "transported to the bus that transports him to the prison".

    Maybe since his case is famous you can argue he is getting a single ride there for his own protection? That would be a decent excuse, but I still think the real reason is so they could have him be in a car crash. :p
  • edited July 2013
    Were Vince etc. being transferred? And Lee was being taken to prison after trial or something? I don't know about these
  • edited July 2013
    How many times do I need to say this? We do not know the complete circumstances for Danny. And we never will. The game implies he's either dead because left him (dead for sure), or MIA, likely KIA, because of something else.

    Either way, the game doesn't give enough clues to if he really did it or not. In fact, that's why Telltale did it - to make us save him or not. Justin is an asshole who merely stole a lot of money, but has never physically hurt anybody, but he he's a jerk and is selfish, while Danny is selfless but is accused of something very wrong, and you, as Vinc, clearly murdered someone. Who should be that should have left behind? Vince? Danny? Justin?

    That's the point of the scene. We have limited information, limited time, and we have to go with your gut and eomtions. If there was hard evidence, we already been told that hard evidence. Justin clearly admits what he did (and he does not care). We see Vince kill someone. We never clearly understand the circumstances of what Danny did. What did he do, exactly? What is he accused or convicted of, exactly? It's not clear. And that's the whole point. We don't know. We will NEVER know, because Danny's dead or MIA (but MIA in the sense where you think he's KIA) whether you save him or not. With Justin, we don't know what his status is, but it indicates he left when he as still alive and not in duress, so...

    And I saved Justin, too. Not because I liked Justin or had something against Danny. I wanted Vince to join the new group, that's all.
  • edited July 2013
    It's more then likely a plot device, but if I had to pick I would say he was to famous to be a group of prisoners.
  • edited July 2013
    How many times do I need to say this? We do not know the complete circumstances for Danny. And we never will. The game implies he's either dead because left him (dead for sure), or MIA, likely KIA, because of something else.

    Honestly I don't give a damn if you think he is innocent or not. The man is a convicted child rapist. You don't build a group around a man like that. Even the possibility that it's true is enough to leave him behind for me. I shot him happily and would have in real life. Better now that we have that taken care of? Or do you want to keep up the public defender angel anytime anyone says they don't understand why you wouldn't shoot Danny?
  • edited July 2013
    Danny is dead either way. You can see him as a zombie in Russell's part; if you escaped with him, Russell says it was good he was dead before Shel and Becca showed up, for reasons, in Tavia's part.
  • edited July 2013
    Honestly I don't give a damn if you think he is innocent or not. The man is a convicted child rapist. You don't build a group around a man like that. Even the possibility that it's true is enough to leave him behind for me. I shot him happily and would have in real life. Better now that we have that taken care of? Or do you want to keep up the public defender angel anytime anyone says they don't understand why you wouldn't shoot Danny?
    You forget, I SHOT DANNY. I admit it, I SHOT HIM. But not for the reasons you stated; I don't think he's innocent. I'm saying we don't know if he is for a fact or not. And nothing you say is hard evidence. THAT'S MY POINT. You are taking a bunch of "probably's" and "maybe's" and assume it's "definitely".

    My point is we don't if he's innocent or guilty. Personally, I think he's done something, but the story behind is more complicated than that. And that's my point. You are assuming something to be absolutely true when, in fact, the story may go further than that, but the game never gives us chance to explore what happened. You know why Telltale did that? To give it AMBIGUITY. They intended AMBIGUITY where you see DEFINITIVENESS.

    That's my point. You are wrong on your definitiviness, even if you may have reasons for your position. Your position is way too-hard-line. If you said, "He probably did something bad, and I felt it was the less worse option" instead of saying "he definitely did it, and I felt I enjoyed killing him", I wouldn't argue with you. But as it stands, the problem with your position is the degree of the position, not the position itself. My point is, you don't know for sure, but you are assuming you know for sure, even if you really don't. You might have a good assumption, like you are 80% sure, but there's no way from information the game gives that you could be a 100% or even 99% sure of what he exactly did.

    Short: If you were said you were 80% sure, I wouldn't argue with you. But what you are implying is, you are 100% or 99% sure, which you can't be, because Telltale intended to give some ambiguity in the evidence.

    We are 100% sure Vince killed someone. We see it.
    We are pretty sure Justin did it, becaues he admits it.
    But with Danny? That's a different story. We don't get enough details to know if he did or not. He may be guilty. He may not be. We don't know. We just don't know. And saying you know 100% sure he did is kind of missing the point of the ambiguity of situation.
    Danny is dead either way. You can see him as a zombie in Russell's part; if you escaped with him, Russell says it was good he was dead before Shel and Becca showed up, for reasons, in Tavia's part.

    Russell doesn't say he's dead. He implies he's missing, but missing in a way where he's unlikely to be alive. Still, I think he's probably dead, but it's not a given.
  • edited July 2013
    Except I don't think he's innocent. I'm saying we don't know if he is for a fact or not. And nothing you say is hard evidence. THAT'S MY POINT. You are taking a bunch of "probably's" and "maybe's" and assume it's "definitely".

    My point is we don't if he's innocent or guilty. Personally, I think he's done something, but the story behind is more complicated than that.

    I highly doubt the "story behind it" is going to come up again unless the girl he raped is a character in season 2. And honestly I don't care. He was CONVICTED. Under your argument we don't even know if Justin was actually convicted of the crime he claims. We DON'T KNOW we didn't see it. All we have is the fact Justin says he did what he did.

    We do know that Danny says he was convicted of raping a 15 year old girl. He just claims he didn't do it. I honestly don't give a damn, the highly probable chance that he raped a girl is enough. You don't start building a group around a man who was convicted for raping a child. And yes RAPING. He didn't just have sex with an underage girl or he wouldn't be going to a maximum security prison. They don't put level 1 sexual offenders with convicted murders.
    That's my point. You are wrong on your definitiviness, even if you may have reasons for your position. Your position is way too-hard-line. If you said, "He probably did something bad, and I felt it was the less worse option" instead of saying "he definitely did it, and I felt I enjoyed killing him", I wouldn't argue with you. But as it stands, the problem with your position is the degree of the position, not the position itself. My point is, you don't know for sure, but you are assuming you know for sure, even if you really don't. You might have a good assumption, like you are 80% sure, but there's no way from information the game gives that you could be a 100% or even 99% sure of what he exactly did.

    Cut me a damn break and cry me a river somewhere else. We don't know the story of any of the characters we meet up with just what they tell us. Danny told us he was convicted of raping a 15 year, he just claims he is innocent. And stop crying that my point is to "hard line" for you. You don't start setting up a group with a guy who was convicted of raping a kid. And as Russell hints at thank god Danny died before they meet up with the girls. Why? Well since we know Russell has already been around one unhinged psychopaths I'm sure he saw enough of Danny to know what kind of man he is around women.

    And honestly even if there is a slight chance he is innocent it doesn't matter. You don't take that chance in this world. A rapist is one of the worst possible kinds of people to have in a group. Even a convicted murder is a better person to build a group around so long as he can be controlled a bit. A man who has a heavy possibility of being a sexual predator? Well one won't be around me and mine if the shit hit the fan I can tell you that.

    And honestly if you disagree with my reasons that is your problem, and we are never going to agree on it.
  • edited July 2013
    I highly doubt the "story behind it" is going to come up again unless the girl he raped is a character in season 2. And honestly I don't care. He was CONVICTED. Under your argument we don't even know if Justin was actually convicted of the crime he claims. We DON'T KNOW we didn't see it. All we have is the fact Justin says he did what he did.

    We do know that Danny says he was convicted of raping a 15 year old girl. He just claims he didn't do it. I honestly don't give a damn, the highly probable chance that he raped a girl is enough. You don't start building a group around a man who was convicted for raping a child. And yes RAPING. He didn't just have sex with an underage girl or he wouldn't be going to a maximum security prison. They don't put level 1 sexual offenders with convicted murders.

    Cut me a damn break and cry me a river somewhere else. We don't know the story of any of the characters we meet up with just what they tell us. Danny told us he was convicted of raping a 15 year, he just claims he is innocent. And stop crying that my point is to "hard line" for you. You don't start setting up a group with a guy who was convicted of raping a kid. And as Russell hints at thank god Danny died before they meet up with the girls. Why? Well since we know Russell has already been around one unhinged psychopaths I'm sure he saw enough of Danny to know what kind of man he is around women.

    And honestly even if there is a slight chance he is innocent it doesn't matter. You don't take that chance in this world. A rapist is one of the worst possible kinds of people to have in a group. Even a convicted murder is a better person to build a group around so long as he can be controlled a bit. A man who has a heavy possibility of being a sexual predator? Well one won't be around me and mine if the shit hit the fan I can tell you that.

    And honestly if you disagree with my reasons that is your problem, and we are never going to agree on it.

    That is really a wonderful reply!!!
  • edited July 2013
    It's max security. Of the prison survivors the one who had the "smallest" crime was Axel who was an armed robber. The other survivors were murders, and the guy with glasses with a serial killer who hated and killed women. He's also the one the cop bringing Lee to jail talks about with the whole "Mama I didn't do it. Mama it's all a big mistake!"

    The prison survivors in the bitch comic be:

    Dexter: Convicted Murder
    Andrew: Drug dealer conviction. (I'm not sure about it but that's what it says.)
    Axel: Armed Robery
    Thomas Richards: Serial killer. Claimed he was in jail for "tax fraud", but that was proved false after he fuck with tony moore Hershel's youngest twin daughters.


    Oh,fatherfucker the bitch comic
  • edited July 2013
    What is wrong with the comics? Sure they might not be good now but they used to be very good.
  • edited July 2013
    What is wrong with the comics? Sure they might not be good now but they used to be very good.

    I like the comics. I don't know why he changed my post. lol
  • edited July 2013
    Cut me a damn break and cry me a river somewhere else. We don't know the story of any of the characters we meet up with just what they tell us. Danny told us he was convicted of raping a 15 year, he just claims he is innocent. And stop crying that my point is to "hard line" for you. You don't start setting up a group with a guy who was convicted of raping a kid. And as Russell hints at thank god Danny died before they meet up with the girls. Why? Well since we know Russell has already been around one unhinged psychopaths I'm sure he saw enough of Danny to know what kind of man he is around women.

    And honestly even if there is a slight chance he is innocent it doesn't matter. You don't take that chance in this world. A rapist is one of the worst possible kinds of people to have in a group. Even a convicted murder is a better person to build a group around so long as he can be controlled a bit. A man who has a heavy possibility of being a sexual predator? Well one won't be around me and mine if the shit hit the fan I can tell you that.

    And honestly if you disagree with my reasons that is your problem, and we are never going to agree on it.
    My point is, your reasons could very lead to wrong judgments. Judgments that may lead you to situations adverse to your interests. In a world of uncertainity, one must be ready to do whatever is necessary to survive, even tolerating others who you would otherwise not tolerate.

    Also Russell is hardly a good judge of character. He trusts no one like Becca, and like Becca, can't judge good from bad, because they assume almost everything is bad. But at least with Russell, we understand why sees things that way. But that's another debate.

    The story provides for enough ambiguity, and It shocks me that you can't seem to accept that there is. What if he was innocent? What if the conviction was wrong? What if the game showed you he was an otherwise stand-up guy? What then? That's the point - we don't know everything. You shoot Danny because you need to or have to, not because you want to.

    Also, you are in the role of a convicted murderer, Vince, who's absolutely wrong in what he did. Why don't you shoot off your own leg? By your logic, Vince should have shot himself in the leg.
  • edited July 2013
    Also, you are in the role of a convicted murderer, Vince, who's absolutely wrong in what he did. Why don't you shoot off your own leg? By your logic, Vince should have shot himself in the leg.

    Pay attention I'm only going to say this one more damn time. I would kill Danny EVERY TIME in that situation.

    Why? He is a convicted rapist. That high odds that he is enough to end his life for me. I WILL NOT have a CONVICTED RAPIST around me BY CHOICE in a situation where the world has gone to hell. When you have a group there are a few types of people you don't want. Wife beaters, rapist, cannibals, basically anybody who will ruin the group because of their actions or beliefs. You can deal with a wife beater by proving yourself the alpha dog. They are worth the chance. A rapist? A man who has no problem raping any female around them? Isn't worth it. They are to destructive of a person, and would destroy the group dynamic to much. Now you aren't only dealing with the bandits and the walkers, your dealing with people in your own group who no longer feel safe with the individuals around them, and your group has been broken all because you wanted to be the public defender.

    So cry me a river. If your a rapist and it's the end of the world whether your guilty or not isn't going to matter your life is going to be cheap. Rightfully so. We don't have time to create a jail and supply food and medicine to an individual who is nothing more then a PARASITE on the whole. YOU DON'T HAVE THAT LUXURY WHEN THE SHIT HIT'S THE FAN.

    So you can cry. You can argue. You can bring up Jesus if you want. I'm not hear to make you believe in any morality. I'm here to tell you in a survivalist situation a convicted murder who can be controlled is better to have in a group then a rapist. A rapist literally is the worst kind of person to have around besides a cannibal.

    If the shit hit the fan in real life, no known rapist would be around my friends and family. I'd kill them myself before bringing them near any woman whether they are a 14 year old girl or a 96 year old grandmother. I DO NOT CARE. YOU DO NOT WANT THAT KIND OF PERSON AROUND WHEN ALL YOU CAN TRUST IS THE FEW PEOPLE AROUND YOU. I shot Danny every time and would have in real life. You don't like it? TOUGH.

    I am not going to have this conversation with you again, so stop following me around with it and go play public defender somewhere else.
  • edited July 2013
    I am not going to have this conversation with you again, so stop following me around with it and go play public defender somewhere else.
    I'm not following you around, I merely want you temper your position. I don't care that you have that position itself - it's quite understandable. It's the extreme nature of it, especially the irrationality of it, that irks me.

    And even if you don't want to have this conversation, it doesn't matter. Everytime you bring this up, I might be there to counter you. You may not like it, but I am always willing to talk about it whether you want to or not.

    I'll offer you a deal, though. If you don't talk about this subject again, I won't respond against you. You know what I mean, right?
  • edited July 2013
    I'm not following you around, I merely want you temper your position.

    To damn bad. It's not happening. You want to follow me around like a stalker if I don't change my position on this issue?

    Your wrong on this position. And I am not going to change my mind on it, and you threatening to follow me around if I speak up on it again isn't going to stop me. So be my shadow if you want since I'm obviously living rent free in your mind right now. I AM NOT CHANGING MY MIND THOUGH, AND NOTHING YOU HAVE SAID HAS EVEN COME CLOSE TO MAKING ME EVEN CONSIDER CHANGING IT.

    Now save your waoh is society crap for someone who cares.
  • edited July 2013
    ...Can't we all just get along and agree rape is bad?
  • edited July 2013
    To damn bad. It's not happening. You want to follow me around like a stalker if I don't change my position on this issue?

    Your wrong on this position. And I am not going to change my mind on it, and you threatening to follow me around if I speak up on it again isn't going to stop me. So be my shadow if you want since I'm obviously living rent free in your mind right now. I AM NOT CHANGING MY MIND THOUGH, AND NOTHING YOU HAVE SAID HAS EVEN COME CLOSE TO MAKING ME EVEN CONSIDER CHANGING IT.

    Now save your waoh is society crap for someone who cares.
    I did shoot Justin, so my position is about the same as yours, just as not as extreme.

    I accept your terms to agree to debate this every time. I look forward to it, and I hope you do so as well, my good friend. :)
    Yertos wrote: »
    ...Can't we all just get along and agree rape is bad?

    The point of disagreement isn't whether rape is bad (it is), is whether there is enough evidence to prove Danny did it for 99% to 100% sure from the evidence the game provides.
  • edited July 2013
    Don't you think this is getting a little bit extreme?
  • edited July 2013
    Don't you think this is getting a little bit extreme?

    Lol, yeah. Guys, this is a video game forum...

    Rape is bad.
    Walking Dead is good.

    Now lets stop this shit
  • edited July 2013
    I feel like I'm in the game

    "You chose to stop argument"
  • edited July 2013
    *50 percent of forum members tried to stop argument.*
This discussion has been closed.