Characters you Hate



  • edited July 2013
    I am just going to say this now self defensive is NOT MURDER, not at all, this is so dumb and so stupid I have to say if saying dumb things make a drop of water fall on the ground, then there is a tidal wave of stupidity coming.
  • edited July 2013
    Is anyone believe this guy is for real, because I think he is just saying random stuff to piss us off.
  • edited July 2013
    Is this becoming a George Zimmerman style conversation? Lol :D
  • edited July 2013
    I am going to say this right now, you are giving answers only Lilly her self would say, answers that make no since have little meaning and are beyond ridicules, Lilly never forgave Kenny at all, she did not think she was betraying us because she was a dumb bitch that now makes woman with black hair look dumb. There was a choice, suck it up and die like with some honor but she could not, she has no spine or heart. How many times do I have to say this, if Ben had said he did it he would have been shot right on the spot without Lilly giving any shits. Larry might having been coming back, you do not know if he was dead or not, so stop yelling bloody murder every time someone brings up the meat locker. Clementine had to shoot Campman, Lee would have died if she did not, and that was in a act of self defensive and was done at the last moment, nothing Lilly did was like Clementine shooting Campman, nothing at all. Try this on for size, if you let Lilly back into the RV and you made sure Larry did not come back do you know what she does, she says she wish she had shot Lee and Carley and not just Carley, does that even sound sane to you, I am starting to think you are some kind of troll that wants to get us Kenny fans worked up by saying stupid stuff, and if you are not for the love of god stop acting like you are a troll or a blind Lilly puppet.

    I never said she was sane and never said I liked her...
    I have dealt with family with serious depression and the point is as far as they are concerned what they are doing is reasoned, proven and makes sense...
    In her head she had proof that Carley was the traitor and this meant that she was justified in killing her...
    I am not comparing Lilly to Clem just proving some of your words wrong
    Everything I have said is reasoned and based on Logic
    Lilly killed Carley because she 'knew' she was the traitor
    Lilly let Kenny remain and stayed and gave him second chance which is just as (if not more) forgiving than Kenny ever was
    Lilly does not deserve the hate she got because of her being mentally unstable after Kenny murdered Larry
  • edited July 2013
    You act like she is sane and it sounds like you like her if you are going to argue in her defense. Well I am sorry if that stuff has happened to you but it is still not a excuse today or in the Apocalypse to kill because you are depressed. There still is no justification for killing Carley, you can say there is until you get shit faced but there is no reason. You were comparing Clementine killing is self defensive to Lilly murdering Carley, and it did not prove what I said wrong, and if that is not what you meant then do not say that. Trust me, everything you are saying has NO reason or logic at all, you have so many things in common with Lilly why not join her. She could have gone after Kenny if Lee had done nothing, and I said before she tells you she would have killed Lee and Kenny after Carley, that is not forgiveness, it's being slow on the draw. Don't you even dare say Lilly does not deserve the hate she gets, I believe she deserves all the hate plus more, how many times do I have to say this to get it through your Lilly loving skull, being depressed does not equal it's okay to murder people, and she should have got over it like everyone else, it's her own fault they stayed when they should have left, it a way Duck and Katjaa is Lilly's fault to a extent. This conversation is going no were fast, I think you should stop saying Lilly propaganda and get your head into reality, all of what you say has no meaning at all.
  • edited July 2013
    And yes this has already become a George Zimmerman style conversation.
  • edited July 2013
    And yes this has already become a George Zimmerman style conversation.

    Lol :D
  • edited July 2013
    You obviously have misinterpreted what I have said so I'd like to try and make myself clear
    1. Depression is extremely complicated and does not run on logic when someone suffers the difference between proof and what you think is proof becomes clouded to the point she knows Carley is the traitor and that she believes if she does not kill her the group is in danger
    2. My point about Clem was simply a reply to your comment about Clem and had nothing to do with Lilly
    Do you understand what I meant now?
  • edited July 2013
    I know that Depression messes with you but in a modern day court trial that would not help her at all and she would be found guilty pretty damn fast, your sentences were so small I could not understand what you are trying to say, make them larger.
  • edited July 2013
    In order to stay reasoned and logical I attempted a cause and effect style simply countering every point you made with a logical retort whilst you interpreted it as if it was one big point

    Here is a question if Carley was the traitor who stole supplies for no other reason than Greed would you mind if Lilly had shot her?
  • edited July 2013
    Still no, I would have been beyond disappointed in her since I trusted her just as much as Clementine and Kenny but put her to death, no, I would hear her side of the story and why she did it, by the end I might have trusted her less but I would not kill her at all, same for Ben or who else would have taken the supplies.
  • edited July 2013
    Still no, I would have been beyond disappointed in her since I trusted her just as much as Clementine and Kenny but put her to death, no, I would hear her side of the story and why she did it, by the end I might have trusted her less but I would not kill her at all, same for Ben or who else would have taken the supplies.

    What I mean is if she had no justification is she was just a bandit in disguise

    I didn't kill Ben and wouldn't

    But could you understand if Carley was literally only a traitor and bandit?
  • edited July 2013
    No I would not understand why she of all people would do that, and even at that I would not kill her even if it was the optimal thing to do, I just could not do it after knowing her for that amount of time.
  • edited July 2013
    No I would not understand why she of all people would do that, and even at that I would not kill her even if it was the optimal thing to do, I just could not do it after knowing her for that amount of time.

    The difference between you and Lilly is she doesn't know Carley and all Carley is to her, is a bandit who is stealing supplies...
    She sees Carley as a leach that has to die and because of her depression she sees it as proof/fact...
  • edited July 2013
    The way she sees it is different then everybody in the group, there was no proof, no facts, nothing at all, she might as well started shooting everybody, that had more proof then just shooting Carley, I never forget or forgive Lilly at all, I will gladly die before I kneel before that Bitch.
  • edited July 2013
    The way she sees it is different then everybody in the group, there was no proof, no facts, nothing at all, she might as well started shooting everybody, that had more proof then just shooting Carley, I never forget or forgive Lilly at all, I will gladly die before I kneel before that Bitch.
    The way Carley acted was suspicious and Lilly created proof within her head
    I will stand by and say Kenny is the one who murdered Larry in a nothing less than brutal way...
    Kenny had no need to kill him he could have destroyed the brain after he had died if that was the case and if he had survived then the brain would be intact...
    Lilly was not well and as she said 'Do we need any more proof than this?' she knew Carley was the traitor and she knew she was just protecting the group...
    I dislike Lilly and she shouldn't have killed Carley but I stand by saying her paranoia is the true killer and the one who caused it is more to blame...
  • edited July 2013
    You want to blame paranoia is the killer and not Lilly the killer, okay, that makes a ton since, all your points are built on the foundation of if's and maybes, we don't know if Larry was dead or not, I believe he was dead but could you really take that risk? So you are saying if everyone said that Carley did not do it or tell her to back off she would have killed everyone, she would have killed Clementine for defending herself, that is totally not being nothing more then a asshole with a death wish and it is a ton of reason behind it. Someone back me up here, the amount of Lilly living is overwhelming me.
  • edited July 2013
    Well, judging by the argument between Bioshock Infinite WD and Hudomonkey and Master psychic about.... I have no idea what their arguing about, I can tell my threads starting to get out of hand. This has no reference to Lee's arm being hack off. What are you arguing about something about Lilly or something.
  • edited July 2013
    You want to blame paranoia is the killer and not Lilly the killer, okay, that makes a ton since, all your points are built on the foundation of if's and maybes, we don't know if Larry was dead or not, I believe he was dead but could you really take that risk? So you are saying if everyone said that Carley did not do it or tell her to back off she would have killed everyone, she would have killed Clementine for defending herself, that is totally not being nothing more then a asshole with a death wish and it is a ton of reason behind it. Someone back me up here, the amount of Lilly living is overwhelming me.

    All I say is you could wait until someone is actually dead before dropping a brick on his head...
    He may live or may not live but he was still alive...
    Lilly would have had a Dad that died of a heart attack instead of a Dad that was murdered and that would make a big difference...
  • edited July 2013
    Well, judging by the argument between Bioshock Infinite WD and Hudomonkey and Master psychic about.... I have no idea what their arguing about, I can tell my threads starting to get out of hand. This has non reference to Lee's arm being hack off. What are you arguing about something about Lilly or something.

    I have been trying to have a civil discussion and debate...
    We are having a disagreement about whether Lilly truly deserves the hate she has been given and I have been justifying her actions by blaming depression not Lilly herself
  • edited July 2013
    Well, judging by the argument between Bioshock Infinite WD and Hudomonkey and Master psychic about.... I have no idea what their arguing about, I can tell my threads starting to get out of hand. This has non reference to Lee's arm being hack off. What are you arguing about something about Lilly or something.

    Well we are arguing if what Lilly did was justified or not , but right now it turned into " who suffered the most " contest and speculations like if Carley was a bandit , if Larry lives etc .:D
  • edited July 2013
    It's a little out of hand to say the least, I try to be civil at least, and on topic how would you know when Larry was dead, when he rises up and kills all of us is when, by that time the salt lick would not have helped, you have to give credit to Kenny, he may have done it to fast but he could have saved us all if Larry was dead, and they can come back with in 3 minutes.
  • edited July 2013
    Oh so that's what your arguing about. Um I have no idea what to say or how to contribute so I'll just go.
  • edited July 2013
    It's a little out of hand to say the least, I try to be civil at least, and on topic how would you know when Larry was dead, when he rises up and kills all of us is when, by that time the salt lick would not have helped, you have to give credit to Kenny, he may have done it to fast but he could have saved us all if Larry was dead, and they can come back with in 3 minutes.

    I'm sorry but you haven't been civil...
    You have used insults calling me insane or stupid because my opinion differs to yours whilst I have stuck to the game and What if statements...
    You may have tried to be civil but you have come off very aggressive...
  • edited July 2013
    I think it's for best if we close this argument cause it looks like we are not going anywhere with this .
  • edited July 2013
    I was making a reference to Episode 2, that was all, I have started to just lose my mind, and it's not just that your opinions had differed, it's they make no comprehensive sense, this is all to similar to some old thread back a few months ago were someone who said it was Carley's own fault was destroyed by everyone, I think someone said that is like saying it was the rape victim's fault that it happened, I think that is a little extreme but it's only a notch down from that level of insanity, and for the record I do not like people who take Lilly's side, I just do not know how someone fools himself into believe she is right.
  • edited July 2013
    Yes we should agree to disagree as we all have the right to our opinions
    I do not hate Lilly because I will not blame a grieving woman who had her father brutally murdered in front of her eyes for making a mistake and shooting a woman making attacks on her and acting suspiciously and I do not see how someone can
  • edited July 2013
    I was making a reference to Episode 2, that was all, I have started to just lose my mind, and it's not just that your opinions had differed, it's they make no comprehensive sense, this is all to similar to some old thread back a few months ago were someone who said it was Carley's own fault was destroyed by everyone, I think someone said that is like saying it was the rape victim's fault that it happened, I think that is a little extreme but it's only a notch down from that level of insanity, and for the record I do not like people who take Lilly's side, I just do not know how someone fools himself into believe she is right.

    To be fair your arguments were very closed and were pretty incomprehensible too...
    (Also your argument also seem to resemble the rape victim's fault very well)

    And I don't see how anyone can agree with Kenny and justify his answers...

    We have the right to our opinions and as Lilly and Kenny won't turn up again we can agree to disagree and hopefully get along better in the future
  • edited July 2013
    I was making a reference to Episode 2, that was all, I have started to just lose my mind, and it's not just that your opinions had differed, it's they make no comprehensive sense, this is all to similar to some old thread back a few months ago were someone who said it was Carley's own fault was destroyed by everyone, I think someone said that is like saying it was the rape victim's fault that it happened, I think that is a little extreme but it's only a notch down from that level of insanity, and for the record I do not like people who take Lilly's side, I just do not know how someone fools himself into believe she is right.

    Oh that's the " Team Lilly to the end " thread you are talking about , i think the one who said that it's like the rape victim's fault is IceRyder , a member of the community who wanted to express his opinion on Lilly , his rant is at page 24 if you are wondering .
  • edited July 2013
    See we go again, have you thought for about one minute that Larry just maybe he was dead, I have thought he was alive at times but you don't, think about it for one moment, you are just like Campman, you get mad at me for abandoning Lilly on the side of the road even though she deserves it, Carley was not attacking Lilly, she was defending herself ageist insane accusations that did not happen, you make it sound like Carley tried to kill Lilly, at this rate you might just pull a Glock on me for no agreeing with you, and that would be just swell.
  • edited July 2013
    See we go again, have you thought for about one minute that Larry just maybe he was dead, I have thought he was alive at times but you don't, think about it for one moment, you are just like Campman, you get mad at me for abandoning Lilly on the side of the road even though she deserves it, Carley was not attacking Lilly, she was defending herself ageist insane accusations that did not happen, you make it sound like Carley tried to kill Lilly, at this rate you might just pull a Glock on me for no agreeing with you, and that would be just swell.

    Um... I said multiple times Larry may have died but there would be plenty of time to kill him once he was dead and at least then Kenny wouldn't be a murderer...
  • edited July 2013
    My God , i feel like we are acting like the characters in the game .
    I am Lee , Bioshock Infinite WD is Kenny and Hudomonkey is Lilly .
    It's like we are these characters in real life , it's just scary thinking about it . :D
  • edited July 2013
    Can I be Eddie?
  • edited July 2013
    I'm pretty sure I'm the dead dog :D
  • edited July 2013
    I did not think about it like that, I guess I am like Kenny more then I thought.
  • edited July 2013
    For the record episode 1&2 I was against Lilly and Larry all the way until Kenny wanted to kill...
    I only defend Lilly because I know how depression can cloud judgement to the point someone cannot truly be responsible for their actions...

    Lets just shake hands and make friends
    *holds out hand of friendship
  • edited July 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    For the record episode 1&2 I was against Lilly and Larry all the way until Kenny wanted to kill...
    I only defend Lilly because I know how depression can cloud judgement to the point someone cannot truly be responsible for their actions...

    Lets just shake hands and make friends
    *holds out hand of friendship

    * I shake my hands with Hudomonkey *
  • edited July 2013
    * I shake my hands with Hudomonkey *

    *Group Hug!* Too soon? Wait a second I wasn't even apart of this argument.
  • edited July 2013
    *Group Hug!* Too soon? Wait a second I wasn't even apart of this argument.

    You can have a group hug if you want *group hug*
  • edited July 2013
    Okay, I coming, just don't pull a gun on me okay, *shakes hand with Hudomonkey.*
This discussion has been closed.